The AP is reporting this morning that White House Chief of Staff Andy Card has resigned.
Boy the Republicans must be scared due to the latest poll numbers on Bush. It is my opinion that they must have really put pressure on George because he is one loyal son of a bitch.
It will be interesting to see what unfolds from this announcement. Card is being replaced by Budget direction Josh Bolton. I sure don’t know anything about this guy. Do any of you? What’s Rove up to and if he is singing to Fitz is Card going to be another sacrificial lamb?
What in the world is going on in that WHite House? Is Andy the leaker?
I also suspect that Card’s resignation is related to the Plame case. The story broken by Rawstory on Sunday is now confirmed by TWN. Someone is talking.
Forbes was not too impressed by Josh Bolten last September regarding his stewardship as Director of OMB.
TWN, surmise Mom Bush maybe Spring Cleaning
But could be different day, a camouflage to the GOPs calling for fresh faces…..It’s gonna be same old -same old incompetence until Rove and Cheney departs. Now that would be a shake up for a fresh start.
No, I’m not holding my breath.
(cited in comment on front page)
I tend to agree with you. I think they know they have to throw us a bone. We won’t be seeing anymore resignations. But what do I know…lol?
Yes, I believe there has to be a connection to the Plame outing here. The two heads of state’s chif’s of staff both resign? So much for Bush/Cheney loyalty to their inner circle.
And you know and I know that replacing Thing 1 with Thing 224 isn’t going to make a bit of difference. His Nibs still hears what he wants to hear, sees what he wants to see, and believes what he wants to believe. In practical terms, this is going to have no effect whatever.
And somehow I doubt that people are going to believe that the administration is finally starting to care about them, tell the truth, and other little course corrections. People are starting to say, “Hey, where did this wool come from and who pulled it over my eyes?” There’s no worse opponent that someone who thought you told them the Truth, and then found out it was all lies. That’s true for boyfriends/girlfriends, that’s true for religions, and it’s true for politics.
I think you may be right Omir. The only thing I am keeping my fingers crossed for is that there will be another indictment coming our way. Anyone wonder if Rove thought he would be named CHief of staff?
By Dan Froomkin
WASHINGTON DC (WaPo) Oct. 12, 2005 — Chris Matthews kicked off his MSNBC show the other night with the question: “Is the CIA leak case shaking the very political foundations of the White House?”
Newsweek editor Howard Fineman’s response was in the affirmative: “Right now, my sense, in reporting this, Chris, is that the Bush family, political family, is at war with itself inside the White House. My sense is, it’s Andy Card, the chief of staff, and his people against Karl Rove, the brain.
New Orleans (MSNBC) Sept. 26, 2005 — White House advance men, who brought their own generators as backups, lit the square with hundreds of rock-concert high-voltage lamps. They draped camouflage nets from the trees to shield the scene–the Cathedral of St. Louis and an equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson–from surrounding streets. They barred the press and public; among the few allowed inside the gates were chief of staff Andy Card, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Card is the one that pressured the Senate reps to cave on the demand for wiretap investigation. He also had a hand in it from the start.
He was also involved in the email destruction if he didn’t advise the staff promptly to preserve evidence.
Excellent points Runi, as usual.
Hey, 😉 nice diary.
I just want us to get our country back.
I didn’t state the Card-Gonzales-Ashcroft evidence thing too well in that comment. Ashcroft had to notify the WH to preserve evidence when the Plame investigation started. He notified Gonzales who chose to notify only Card and also told Card that the official notification to all staff would be the next morning. This allowed a window of time to destroy incriminating evidence, such as email, and Card was essentially responsible for not telling any staff or officially telling everyone.
And speaking of resignations, Lyn Nofziger and Cap Weinberger pack their bags for the inferno on the same day.
Will we get the tri-fecta?
how much longer the warranty has to go on Cheney’s pacemaker…if the Republicans bite the big one in the midterms, I suspect Cheney will be resigning for “reasons of health”, making sure the Repubs can have a viable Presidential candidate for 2008 in the VP slot.
We need Bood on this — I’m imagining a shot of the Titanic sinking, with the rats deserting the sinking ship…I’m wondering if that NFL Commissioner’s job is looking better to Condi every day…
Replay of Cheney’s statement re: Scooter.
Guess he needs to return to private life to work on his defense against the very highly probable indictment rumored to be forthcoming from Fitzgerald’s investigation.
Looks like Rove won this round.
Makes one want to gag.
It always amazes me the people that so willingly fall on the sword for the King. I have been tied up with actual work all morning. Did anyone see the press announcement on this? I was wondering if a reason for this resignation was given.
from the MSNBC piece:
Card did not immediately disclose his plans. His resignation immediately prompted questions about whether he would return to Massachusetts to run for governor or perhaps challenge Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., who currently faces no major GOP challenge for re-election this fall, or Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., whom he helped defeat as the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee and who faces re-election in 2008.
Could be a sign that the Republicans are indeed running scared and trying to steal seats from the Democrats…of course, that’s assuming Card avoids indictment in the Plame case…
The system of American government was set up by starry-eyed naive idealists and is a sitting duck for the cynical corporate interests that naturally arise from rampant capitalism. Democracy = Socialism. Corporatocracy (i.e. Capitalism) = Fascism.
So what we are seeing here is a manifestation of degraded corporate scapegoating, and who know the ins and outs of what went into staging this meaningless resignation?
I think Card is just worn out and doesn’t want to be around when further ugliness happens related to all the scandals plaguing this corrupt regime.
But his departure and replacement by the odious Josh Bolten signals there is no substantive change involved, but rather a cosmetic job which they may think will signal something positive to congress and the public.
Clearly Bolten has proven to be capable of much more destruction than Card; (Card, after all, didn’t even wield as much power or influence as his own deputy Karl Rove.)