
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Booze, beer and wine.
Salsa and chips on the tables.
Salsa and chips on the tables.
Warning: No-Geezer Zone
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
It’s all yours, kiddies.
whadaya ya mean kiddies? you ain’t that old.
Help. me.
Just ate a bowl of chocolate frosting. Damn, these evil hormones!
Well if you ate the whole thing I can’t help. Damn, why didn’t you save some for me?
It was all your damn talk about M&M’s what done it.
Do you want help licking out the bowl or resisting make a new one?
I left the rest to the kids to dip pretzel sticks in.
Now I just want to die. Blah.
I have some m&m’s left if you want them.
No, see you don’t understand. Now it’s salty’s turn.
I understand! (please don’t hurt me)
You only hurt the ones you love. And the ones who don’t understand premenstrual cravings.
Be careful Mary. Chocolate and hormones is a dangerous mix.
I’m glad you understand, FM. Or you’re placating me, but that’s okay too.
Oh I understand. You have me talked into a big bowl of ice cream before I go to bed.
You’re hormonal too? Color me skeptical.
It’s from watching GG.
I’ve got to stop watching that stuff.
Nope, but around pre-menstral women I always say I understand or any damn thing they want. It’s call self preservation.
You’re a very wise man. But there’s a thin line. For instance, you should never say something like ‘Oh, I don’t take you seriously when you get like this because I know you’re just premenstrual.’ That’s just asking for a punch in the head.
or lower
I would never say anything like that. I’ve been punched in the head and lower before. 🙁
really…and lower? Is there a story behind “and lower” we should know about?
dip salted pretzels intot eh chocolate that way you have the best of both worlds!!!!
Howdy folks!!!! Just got home form a long day!!!! I did treat myself to a new dragon tattoo between work and my meeting tonight LOL
Using your nifty dragon design?
no my design will be on my leg later this year.
Well I’d like a picture of this one but I’ll definitely be disappointed if you don’t take a picture when you have that dragon done.
I will once it is healed comepletely. and also a picture of my other one.
What a treat! HOw many do you have now?
this is my second tattoo but far from my last. LOL I know have a dragon on both arms. Later I will do the design with two dragons on my calf and then who knows from there. I plan to find a celtic knot design done as a traingle and have the back ground color as pink and the not design as rainbow colors.
so I’ve got an easy link to the latest… then I’ll have something to do while the rest of these yeah hooos are makin’ up their minds what color of M&Ms they’re going to eat next…
I wouldn’t call SN a yeah hoo, she’s liable to kill you. She has the strength of 20 women right now (from all that sugar).
but if the shoe fits…
not to mention the beginning of a big chocolate headache. I know that chocolate gives me a headache. Yet I eat it anyway. That equals, what exactly?…I mean besides stupidity.
addiction LOL
I’m not very quick 🙁
PS What’s “the latest” ( — see what I mean?)
I had a brief glimpse in the last FBC, then everybody jumped ship. I wanted to take a closer look at’m after I got over here. … so now that you’ve posted… I got my link, thanks.
I think I’ll send it to my desktop, then I’ll always have it handy.
So thanks!!
Duh! I am so not right tonight… 🙂 Must be all that bad hershey chocolate — it’s affecting my brain cells. I’m going to call it a night. See you all tomorrow — sleep well everyone … 🙂
good night Olivia
Good night, Andi.
I thought I’d beat you to it.
Preemptive good-nighting and all that.
sweet dreams!!!!!
I’m right behind you. Move a little faster or I’ll step on your heel.
Good night all.
Are you telling Andi good night or are you leaving — I don’t think you should leave in this mood, you might destroy the kitchen.
Well, it started out that I was telling Andi good night because I felt she was working up to it.
But then this sugar crash hit me and now I can’t keep my eyes open.
What a great diet tip for everyone. Eat about 5 lbs of chocolate frosting right before bed. I should just spread it directly onto my ass.
or Mr. Nature.
Mr. Nature, sigh, I think he might have to help me burn off some calories.
We’ll clean the kitchen together.
I knew the kitchen was in danger.
When I’m hormonal I become VERY truthful. It’s dangerous.
I’ve been meaning to tell you maryb. I’ve never liked you.
Did I say that out loud? Oops, sorry. I guess I get mean too.
::sniff:: (bitch)
Oh good, subliminal mary is back!
Sublimating is good. If I was hormonal I would have said it out loud 🙂
Want to pull each other’s hair?
Hell yes. And scratching. Chick fights are so fun to watch, aren’t they?
If we could only find some mud …
Watch it, I think Family Man is still here and he had bypass surgery.
nah, he left. We were too much for him. Just the thought of a luscious chick fight in the mud set his heart thumping.
I think he had to go take another nap.
You’ll soon have me walkin’ around like Chester on Gunsmoke!
Hello, all! I can’t stand it any more! Have to de-lurk! Too much salt, sugar, hormones, and tattoos to resist!
Did I miss anything else?
Nope you’re pretty much there.
maryb was waiting for something to “pass” in the last FBC.. never did hear how that turned out.
hi gr, how are you? I haven’t seen you in a few days. watcha been up to?
Hi — I’m good, but real tired. Too little sleep, between work (which is pretty good these days), baseball (first game was last Sunday, and our Little League Red Sox actually scored a bunch of runs after realizing my fears about throwing and catching — a 16-16 tie in four innings), and normal other stuff. Tonight we’re in full panic mode trying to get our kids into summer programs. For those of you without kids, we’re way too late.
Hay Mary, I’ve got a bag of almond m&m’s. Neener neener neener.
I guess the neener neener means you aren’t going to share? I’ve already had plenty tonight thank you anyway. (Sheesh, I can’t believe I ever thought he was cute.)
Of course I’ll share, if you’re nice. 😉
No thank you, I’m not feeling very nice tonight.
Have it your way. I’ll just start eating my 5 lb bag. < obnoxious eating sounds >
Are you eating the yellow ones?
Yes, and the green ones too.
The green ones cause sterility
too bad 🙂
Well, here in the northeast, our green ones enhance virility. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
Is that so? But what do the yellow ones do?
They make you crave to sing old BeeGees songs, especially the falsetto portions.
a 5 pd. bag — you must be singing up a storm.
Stayin’ Alive? How deep is your love?
Did you dig the John Travolta disco leisure suit out of the back of your closet? If only I’d kept my disco dress with the handkerchief hem from the late 70’s.
Yes, I’m doing a Travolta strut straight into the bathroom where I will brush my teeth. Good night!
Anyway, g’night all! And Mary, I’ll bring some M&Ms just for you tomorrow night. 😉
gee thanks
Night all. It’s past my bedtime and I’m not brave enough to stay in the cafe tonight.
Night, FM, snuggle up with George.
Well, SN are you feeling better from all this fighting?
Mary, Mary, you know I love you, right? I mean as much as I can love someone I’ve never met and don’t really know anything about except a first name which might be fictitious and the fact that you eat M&Ms for dinner and have no problem entertaining several men late at night all by your lonesome.
So on that note, good night all.
uh, of course? I love you too. <3
Wonder if anyone named something exciting like Roxie every picked Mary to be her screen name?
You aren’t going off to cry now are you? (That’s what always happens to me after all the sugar and yelling.)
Yes, how did you know?
I am just really tired and obviously feeling like shit that I ate like a pig.
Night everyone. For real. Really.
You’ll feel better tomorrow (or the day after…)
Good night SN, see you tomorrow.
My daughter had an english teacher named Ginger Cherry.
I just wanted you to know I was kidding about never liking you. No subliminal lesbian stuff going on. 🙂
I understand 🙂
Ginger Cherry would make a great User name.
that Ginger Cherry would make a good porn star name…tells you where my mind is usually… 😉
Heading for bed — got to get up early to start packing for the trek down South… 🙂
You’d better be careful with that “no geezer” stuff. My kids are convinced that I am in the terminal stages of geriatric senility, and I have friends who long ago decided I was a child of the Sixties — the 1860s, that is — because I talked about my granddaughter so much.
So you never know when there might be a geezer right there next to you in the cafe.
Looks like you and me OMIR. Just in and not tired enough to call it.
How’s that 4-nikator comin?