Whole Lotta Week to Go

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Yawn suppressors by the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Don’t know why but Tuesday seems more of an effort than Monday did.
Morning!!!! I saw the picture of the canyon wall last night and wanted to tell you how beautiful it was.
Thanks (from Jim who took the pic).
Congrats on the podcast and keep all that energy going through your long day!
Good Morning Folks!!!! Hope everyone is feeling well and has plans for a great Tuesday. Today will be a long day for me as I have a political meeting tonight after work. I will leave this morning at 6 am and get home around 10:30 pm tonight. LOL I am happy the Diva Dogs have a doggie door. LOL
In case anyone missed the announcement yesterday, I did my first pod cast. There will be more coming in the future.
I’m Mad as Hell & I’m not going to take it any more
Good Morning Andi and Refinish.
Good Morning FamilyMan!!! Well looks like I have to get ready to head out. Wanted to share a design I did this am.
Vote Black T-Shirt @ Doing My Part For The Left
Thanks and have a good day.
That’s a great design and an even better slogan.
Thank you!!!!! Just finished the shower routine and doing a fly by hi and later!!!
That’s wonderful!
That is FANTASTIC!!!!
Morning FM. More lawn work today?
Yep, but of course a little walk around the house first. π
Hi AndiF, Refinish, and FM!
It’s looking like a spring morning here. Finally.
Morning!!! Still to dark to tell here. LOL
BTW, nice T-shirt design you got there!
Thanks!!!! There will be even more coming. I think the muse has gottem me again. LOL
Morning CG. It’s looking like that here too. It’s just starting to turn light outside.
You are up EARLY! I slept in a little today…6:30.
Yes I was tired from doing the lawn yesterday, so I went right to sleep last night.
Thanks again for putting up that last cafe.
Morning CG. I’m not quite ready to call it springlike yet — there are still small pockets of last week’s snow left.
We lucked out and that snow never even came our way.
I guess you could say we were lucky since we were on vacaton when the snow came but since it was snowing in Utah too, it didn’t feel particularly lucky.
If this is what spring looks like, then I’ve been confusing my seasons for my entire life.
I have blue skies and at least 3 kinds of daffodils blooming outside my windows, so I’m calling it spring…what’ve you got?
We’ve got more snow forecast for the next couple of days, and big fat dark clouds hanging so low right now you can’t even see the mountains. ::sighs::
Bummer. I can hardly believe it’s almost the beginning of April, can you?
I’m sure you’ve told us already but I must’ve missed it…when is your big move?
My experience of time is always pretty elastic.
We were planning on doing this the first week of April, but we got a monkey wrench thrown into the works with our family member’s recent cancer diagnosis. Roomie had to fly back east on the 8th and is still there dealing with that very directly. My disability means packing up the house by myself is going more slowly than it otherwise would. As things stand now, we’re going to have to kinda do the move on the fly, in between chemo treatments, so we’re looking at sometime between the 2nd and 4th week of April, subject to change due to potential health emergencies.
If time is elastic to you – does that mean that you check your undies to see if it’s lunchtime? π
When you move down from 7100 ft to 800 ft, late season snows will get replaced with early season thunderstorms.
And freakin’ tornados.
Blue skies? Daffodils? I thought we lived in the same area.I’m sitting in a nasty gray cubicle looking out the window at a nasty gray sky and a traffic jam. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Well, except for the cubicle.
I’m actually about 45 minutes west of you…and there is sunshine headed your way, just give it another hour or so.
Sorry about that cubicle and the traffic…I’m sitting in a log cabin surrounded by trees.
way to rub it in π
Hey, I’m just wishing I had a pond like Family Man’s.
It’s going to be a bee-ewe-ti-ful day — we’re going into double digits! 12C(54F). I saw some guys wearing shorts last night and it was 9, so there’s going to be a lot of no-coats and shorts today. And! All the snow in the backyard/garden should melt over the next couple of days — it looks dreadful out there right now lol.
Andi — maybe you should post that photo for the day cafe. π
Good morning Olivia. Glad it’s starting to thaw out some for you. We had a little rain last night, so I’m not sure about the lawn today. At least that’s the excuse right now. π
Wishing you a snake-free day! π Unless you don’t particularly want to tackle your lawn – in which case, wishing you a suitable snake-like excuse to take it easy! Although w/ the rain it may be too soggy. π
Family Man, the lawn is far too dangerous for you to mow today. Just imagine if the tire got stuck in the mud, you got off the seat to have a look and try to push it out, your foot slipped and went underneath and was horribly amputated by the whirling blades.
Clearly you need to wait several days until it dries out.
You and Olivia almost have me talked out of it. Between snakes and mutilation I don’t know how I can’t stay in.
On the bright side, if you lost one of your feet you could stay in and nap more.
I’ve finally decided the best way to do the lawn is “Rent a Goat.” Don’t know if there are any stores around here for that. I’m pretty sure Home Depot or Lowes don’t carry that.
Your neighbors would appreciate that. But it’d sure save the environment and be a real time saver for you.
I like it. I just might have come up with that million dollar idea.
That goat!!!! LOL
Instead of a John Deere – you get a John Goat! π
Time to start the day. I just took George out and it’s sprinkling, so the lawn is out for today.
See ya later.
The backyard pond this morning.
Wow, that’s your best photo yet. Beautiful framing.
Just back from my doctor’s appointment and this photo is a lovely antidote to the 35 minutes I spent sitting in his office waiting for my 7 minute appointment.
You get that gash on your leg looked at?
Nah, I get stuff nearly like that all the time in the woods from greenbriers — Jim calls it my ritual scarring. This was just another session in the eternal follow-up for my nasal surgery.
I have two words for you regarding your boo-boo: Necrotizing fasciitis.
Sorry, I got carried away after reading The Hypochondriac’s Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have at the bookstore the other day.
ha. When I have really bad day, I just look myself up in the Kaplan-Sadock or DSM-IV…you should try it, it’s fun. Then you can pick out your relatives and co-workers diagnoses too.
I remember paging through the pictures in a 1900 edition of “Diseases of the Skin” that my grandfather had. (He was a dentist, why the book?) There was a photo of a man with elephantitis (sp?) of the scrotum, and he was sitting on it like it was a big old pommel horse. I was horrified and fascinated.
I think there are old greek ladies you can find that will put that curse on a man if you so wish it…
Hmm, let me narrow down my choices first.
I just figured you were sublimating because Family Man wasn’t going to be mowing his lawn and finding a King Cobra.
That is really lovely Family Man. Any froggies hang out in the pond?
Good morning everyone. I see you all are up and at ’em today. andif, I have to agree with you on Tuesdays…I had to work late into the early morning hours..I did not get to bed until 0230 or there about. One of my cats just did not understand this and was hopping all around me in bed this morning and at around 0930, he just could not stand it any longer…he had to have me up and going to the routine. I got to tell you all, I am getting too old for these late hours…:o) My whole day is shot as I see it now..;o)
Am doing laundry and gonna try a little housework later on if I can manage it. Family man, I have to tell you, you have done a fine job with your pond picture. It looks so inviting.
Happy Tuesday..hugs
Good to see you! {{{Brenda}}}
I’m sometimes reminded of the title Stranger in a Strange Land when I come here. Good Afternoon, all!
In just 2 hours I leave to go to airport to pick up SHIRLEY OF THE STARS, just checked the flight status and everything looks like it will be ontime…
Yay! I’m really looking forward to seeing the pictures, Diane. You two have something special and the rest of us (well me at least) feel very happy and voyeuristic about it!
Thanks for your kind thoughts SN, you know you are one of the very special people to Shirl and I both, the butterfly that came out of the cocoon on Booman…love you and big hugs and will write onsite as soon as I can after she gets here..She’s gonna be tired, she was up since 2:00AM.
Geesch, these last two hours are going to be the hardest. We will be thinking of you all when we meet, be sure of that.
always right, are now to converge in the meatspace?
I think I warned once before, do not attempt to make spaghetti sauce.
And if you do, videotape it. Or at least post the “liveliest” exchanges, and let us know how the sauce turns out.
both always right, but I bow to Shirl as she has told me she knows everything and she is producing the ‘book of Shirl’, our little joke.
Not planing on making spagetti sauce, tooooo messy, but I have a full freezer and fridge stocked with all kinds of goodies, including eggplant parmigan and white pizza… I am afraid we might be putting on some pounds with all the food I have, although neither of us is a big eater, who knows what will happen.
Right now I am trying to imagine what she will look like and how ditzy we will get upon seeing each other…since she claims to be the foremost hugger in all the world, that too will be an experience I can’t wait to have, just hoping she doesn’t break any ribs.
Well I am just killing time and pacing the floor, waiting, waiting, waiting. BTW she’s in Vegas now waiting for her second flight.
and the rest of the crew this weekend!!! π
Even with the current crisis, spouse wants me to go on the trip — too late to cancel anyway. And knowing he’s going to be hanging around for the next 4-6 weeks, I need this time away more than ever! π
Woke up in the middle of the night with a killer headache; took me a couple of hours to get back to sleep after taking a couple of naproxen. That’s one reason I lingered in bed so long…he got up and spent the morning on the dang computer, which I’m NOT happy about. (Wonder if there’s any settings in OS X that would automatically shut down the computer at a certain time???) He’s finally in the shower — I’ve got a few things I need to pick up for the trip this weekend, then later we’ll concentrate on laundry, tomorrow is packing day. I’ll have one small suitcase to check, and bringing my daypack as carryon with all the essentials (medications, camera, computer — those are items I will NOT trust to the airlines; clothes are replaceable).
Still not a happy camper…but we’ll muddle through the crisis du jour… sigh
So glad you are still coming, weather looks to clear up by the weekend, still going to be cloudy with chance of rain…We are supposed to get the biggest part of the storm we are having right around when Shirl lands. I knew it but Shirl said, Oh no, it will be sunny….lol…
I am all set for the rest of the week now and the weekend, so I can sit back and enjoy this time…
See you on Friday and I will be emailing the list of cell numbers soon.
Time to wake up! Yeah, I’m talking to you Family Man! Nap time is over.
Anyone still awake?
Gearing up for another big afternoon/evening
I’m going to miss a hockey game!!!! ACKCKKKKK
over here.