In his latest piece on Slate, Christopher Hitchens assumes the “mantle of generalship,” and reflects on the war and how he would have won it, or something to that effect. Pure drivel. While you’re giggling to yourself about the newly anointed General Hitchens, have a gawk at General Tanqueray’s concluding paragraph.

Well, if everyone else is allowed to rewind the tape and replay it, so can I. We could have been living in a different world, and so could the people of Iraq, and I shall go on keeping score about this until the last phony pacifist has been strangled with the entrails of the last suicide-murderer.

A different world indeed. Lovely. Anyway, all of you phony pacifists out there should consider yourself warned and be on the lookout for a delusional, gin soaked opinion columnist bearing entrails. The life you save might just be your own. (via The Poor Man)