Mark Warner started Forward Together PAC to help candidates in key races who share his common sense, future-focused, results-driven approach to politics that has worked in Virginia. Please come to the Forward Together web site and get involved.
Blog readers have known for a while that 2006 may be a once in a generation opportunity for Democrats to change the political map. Now it’s hitting the traditional media. This week TIME Magazine reported that “a startling realization has begun to take hold: if the elections were held today, top strategists of both parties say privately, the Republicans would probably lose the 15 seats they need to keep control of the House of Representatives and could come within a seat or two of losing the Senate as well.”
At Forward Together PAC, we’re working to help Democratic candidates capitalize on the opportunities presented. Governor Warner has been working on behalf of candidates like Francine Busby. Francine’s got a great track record of handling fiscal crisis and increasing access to public schools. She’s got the ability to reach out and draw strong support in a Republican-leaning district makes her exactly the kind of candidate that Forward Together is proud to support. Francine’s leading in the polls heading into a special election on April 11 but it’s likely the race will go to a run-off in June. Francine needs our help to pull off a win in this key race.
Next week, Governor Warner will be speaking at a fundraiser for Claire McCaskill’s U.S. Senate campaign in Missouri. As State Auditor, Claire revolutionized her office, making state government more accountable by uncovering millions of dollars in wasteful spending and exposing inefficient government practices. She also has an impressive record as a tough prosecutor who targeted domestic violence and created one of America’s first drug courts.
These are the kind of candidates we started Forward Together to support. The kind of candidates who can claim the center and expand our Democratic family by reaching out to disaffected Republicans and independents – the people who just don’t like what they’ve seen after years of Republican control.
We changed the map in Virginia and we think we can change the map all across the country. If we can do that, we can help make sure that America once again leads the world — not only with our military and economic might, but with American values and a focus on the future. Help us change the map, come to the Forward Together web site and get involved.
Hey, Tesas Nate. Are you related to Kansas Nate?
Afraid not BooMan, been posting as Texas Nate on Kos since 2003, this is my first time venturing into the brave new world of the Tribune.
I worked for Richard Morrison vs Tom DeLay in 2004, among others, and am now working for Forward Together PAC, Mark Warner, honorary chair.
My grandma was from Kansas but I don’t know any Nates up that way.
Keep up the good work.
And here is a link to KansasNate’s site: