I am Barry Welsh and I want to say thank you to all that voted in the Senator Russ Feingold Progressive Patriot PAC  National Contest.  I want to thank all that voted, even those that didn’t vote for our campaign, because there were great candidates there and it was an honor to be in that list, and I hope to serve with all of them beginning this January in the 110th United States Congress.  

So no matter who you voted for, Thank You, because your vote went to a great candidate.
For those that voted for our campaign, a big THANK YOU.  It was truly an honor to be nominated and the effort and votes landed us in 6th place and we will get a contribution of $600.00 from the Feingold Progressive Patriot Fund.   The funds, along with the exposure, and the nomination, are a boost to this effort.  Thank You all again.

Special Thanks to Dan Parker, Indiana State Party Chair, Fred Davis, Randolph County Chair, All the Labor groups, MaryScott O’Connor, and all those with blogs that promoted our campaign.  

Congratulations to Bill Winter from Colorado who won the contest, and is well deserving.  I do not feel bad at all losing to the next Congressman from Colorado’s 6th District.

In other campaign news, I was interviewed by Brian Naylor of NPR and hope to have an announcement soon, as to when that will air.  

The Campaign wants to do an event with Kos and Jerome promoting “Crashing the Gate” and the grassroots/netroots efforts of our campaign.   So if you have any pull, tell them to come to Muncie Indiana and we will draw from Indianapolis, Dayton Ohio, Ft Wayne, and all the colleges, from IU in Bloomington to Notre Dame in South Bend.    It will be a benefit to all concerned, and I can get my special edition autographed! (Smile)

Soon we will have video clips of speeches, with a new clip each week, and a complete audio file of one of our speeches.  

I keep telling a couple of the great people helping our campaign, that it is like juggling Chain Saws.   There are so many factions and schisms in the Democratic Party.  It takes all pieces in an area like I am in, but with all pieces, we win.  We have to have the established party, blended with new people energized to make a difference, we have to have the grassroots activists, and labor, we have to have online visibility and door to door accessibility.  If we can put all those together, you don’t need a million dollars to hire people to do things, you have enough people to do things.  Dollars don’t vote, people do.
Getting all together on one day for one purpose, possible, getting them to agree in the meantime, like juggling chainsaws.

We have some great people in the campaign and on the staff and contributing.  We have a growing list of volunteers and donors, and Thank you again, to all of YOU!  We are signing up interns, and we are gearing up for May 2nds primary, and November 7ths Revolution.  We are putting People Before Profits.  

But we do have to always raise money, and the first quarter reporting deadline is Friday, so if you can donate, Please visit The Website and donate through Act Blue, or send a check to the address shown on the site.

Unlike my opponent who expenses every bottle of water he buys, all of our funds go to advertising and marketing.  I even buy my own gas.  I run my campaign as I will serve in office, I will be responsible with the people’s money in the campaign and in office.    

That’s how it should be.  

People Before Profits.

Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Democratic Congressional Candidate