A diary called The Democratic Spine by BooTribber “albert” was frontpaged here yesterday, about Alexander Cockburn’s column titled Why There’s No Strategy to End This War in The Nation magazine. A column about the DemRat bosses and how/why they do not attack BushCo full on.
And there were 19 comments. Mostly agreeing how sad it is that they are acting like that.
Some wishing for BETTER Dems.
Some saying that there ARE “better” Dems but they are not running for office.
But NONE looking more deeply into WHY these facts are so.
Here’s my take on the subject.
And my solution as well. If you can call a gamble a “solution”. But it’s all I’ve got.
A wing and a prayer.
Now or never.
Read on.
This was a very sad thread, to me.
It started with a list of of Dem movers and shakers, who to a MAN (and to a woman, too) have refused to go after Bush in public no matter WHAT kinds of opportunities and evidence have been presented to them. Even by members in good standing of their own party like John Conyers and Russ Feingold.
Then on to some wistful questioning of why the only members of the party who DO speak out are no longer in office.
I firmly believe that if the Democratic mainstream powers-that-be hadn’t cooperated in offing Howard Dean from contention in 2004, he would have mopped the floor with Bush and would now be the President of the United States.
And…on the evidence of his tenures as Governor of Vermont and Chairman of the DNC. he would have been a damned GOOD president, too. He’s a good politician AND he has a moral backbone.
What a combination THAT could have been!!! (Shoulda coulda woulda…)
The whole world would be different as a result.
But no…here the Dem bosses still stand, prevaricating their asses off as we hurtle towards a media enforced crypto-fascism that promises a war that will REALLY end all wars…as in the BIG KABOOM.
And here we all are, discussing why the Dems have no backbone.
They don’t have a backbone because they have been very nicely filleted by the corporate-run PermaGov, and there is not a DAMNED thing that you can do about it except start another party. Which in itself is a slim-to-none chance. But it’s the ONLY chance, as far as I can see.
PermaGov Strategy: Continue the policy of economic imperialism…around oil particularly…into the next decade and even further if possible.
PermaGov TACTICS (Tactics being the means by which strategic goals are reached): Maintain a state of unrest in the underdeveloped nations of the world. Especially in the oil-rich underdeveloped nations.
PermaGov problem: How to do this.
PermaGov solutions:
#1-BushCo/NeoCon. Go in and kick the shit out of them, then install another sham government and make extra money building back the infrastructure that was trashed during the shit kicking in the first place.
#2-If THAT doesn’t work…and it certainly looks like it has not…then withdraw to a safe distance and let them kick the shit out of each OTHER.
The “Let’s you and him fight” gambit.
But in order to do that…you have to replace the discredited BushCo/NeoCon admin with a kinder, gentler version.
Enter the candidates for ’08.
On BOTH sides.
Do you think that they will allow someone to run for office and possibly win (shudder) who is not TOTALLY in line with this program? Who has not PROVEN their loyalty to these forces for 8 or 10 or 20 years?
Perish the thought!!!
Get real, here.
So you may get a local Dem or two in office who really means what he or she says.
NATIONAL office?
POWERFUL office?
Ain’t happening.
BET on it.
Not unless…not unless you start a party that owes NOTHING to these forces.
Which, as I said before, is an almost impossible task.
I mean…hell, even well-meaning , thoughtful lefties like yourselves can’t see the woods for the trees.
How can this idea reach the people?
BUT…witness what is going on in California now. The Hispanic marches.
There are NEW “people” to be reached.
Reach `em!!!
Minorities, women, the young, the (out-of-work) working class.
Reach `em, and it can be done.
Do not….and:
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie.
Drove my Chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry.
And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’, “This’ll be the day that I die.
“This’ll be the day that I die.”
Our choice, now.
OUR choice.
Make it.
Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.-Frederick Douglass
How many years are we going to sit around and let ourselves be sold down the river?
THINK about it.
People will say “Oh, well…that NEVER works.”
Well…these are interesting times. Unlike any times that have ever been.
All you need to do is get the information OUT there.
There IS a “majority” here in America that does not want to be ruled by the corporate oligarchy.
A majority of minorities
And I do NOT mean “minorities” defined solely by skin color.
The dispossessed of EVERY race and class.
The out of work.
The OVERworked. (That’s a MAJORITY, really. We work way too hard for way too little reward here. Why? It all goes to the power structure. ALL of it. To war and to fraud. Bet on it. It is NOT like this elsewhere. In MANY elsewheres. YOU know…where people have healthcare and paid vacations? Where not EVERY family needs two breadwinners? Yup. There.)
The sexually minoritized.
As WELL as racial minorities.
Before it’s too late.
The official Dems are NOT going to do his, it is plain.
They will float another jive convention in ’08 and nominate another front-runner like Small K kerry.
And win or lose…WE will lose.
Eventually…as in the big KABOOM.
Bet on THAT, too.
It’s now or never.
Or never.
One more year and it’s too late to do this.
Now or never.
Wake up.
Let us pray.