
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee, tea, beer and wine.
Chips ‘n dip on the tables.
Chips ‘n dip on the tables.
Waxwings at every table.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Whew! I thought it said waxings at every table.
LOL! SN, you never fail to crack me up… if it’s not the wit, it’s those twisted sex manuals you read… hehe
I’m stubborn, cynical, and tactless but I’m not cruel.
Well it is almost summer; time to get into that terra cotta thong.
Damn, I could use a waxing.
The grand experiment — can I read a book and play on the internet?
What are you reading?
Labyrinth by Kate Mosse.
Wow, a heroin addict, anorexic, supermodel and now an author!
Nope, different person. The heroin stick person is Moss.
Thank you for being gentle with me, but I was kidding. 🙂
okay, stubborn, cynical, tactless, and literal-minded.
Now we’re even. Remember when I thought you were hurt that we made fun of your young gay man in the bubble bath?
Just another example of how well matched we are.
My book-reading experiment isn’t going too well. I’m not getting enough pages read between surfings.
Sure, why not?
There are books all over the place. I head for various story sites, both for research and for stories to tell my granddaughter when I decide it’s time to do something besides Perrault’s Cinderella. That particular version of Cinderella is her absolute favorite going-to-sleep story. It puts her out in about five paragraphs provided I don’t turn all the characters into giraffes, or sing it like an opera, or something else to get her riled up.
There’s also Project Gutenberg, and a number of authors are putting their work out on the Web, either as a supplement to a printed version or on a subscription basis (when I get enough money from chapter 1, I’ll release chapter 2 . . . ). For instance, over at craphound.com SF writer Cory Doctorow has all of his novels up on the site, such as Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Town featuring (I kid you not) the protagonist, who is the son of a mountain and a washing machine.
Personally, I wish there was a service that would let me read plays over the Net, if nothing else so I could explore (for instance) some of Kaufman and Hart’s lesser-known works without having to hunt them down.
Actually my experiment is to sit the novel I’m reading above the keyboard and read some pages and then go surf.
Do you like kelly link’s stories because you can get her first book on the net.
Just dropping in to say hello after a long day at the office. I’ll be heading home soon enough, but I thought I’d stop by the cafe first.
Hopefully everyone is doing fine, all things considered.
Howdy Omir!
I finally got home myself, and need to get dinner rustled up soon.
Had an idea today… I know some people here have a kind of book club going to discuss a common title they’re reading … think there would be any interest in a Foreign Film club? I’d be happy to host and moderate if folks thought it would be worthwhile. Might get you expanding your filmic horizon a bit.
Anyone else think that might be a workable idea for a regular (weekly or so) diary? I’ve found (and I keep getting told) that I have a need to take a break from politics 24/7/365 from time to time, and film is definitely one of my passions. And I do know a thing or two about it. hehe.
Gotta get my gardening diaries going too… the other passion…
Hmm. That’s certainly an interesting idea. I wouldn’t even limit it to foreign films. There are some US films made outside of the mainstream that are worthy of notice. I’m thinking for instance of John Sayles’ The Secret of Roan Inish, a tale about family and homecoming woven in with telling stories both ancient and modern. I don’t know whether it was made here, in Ireland or where, but it is refreshingly devoid of the trappings of Hollywood. All the reviews I can find of it are complimentary; the worst one I saw was from the Globe and Mail, which called it “a bauble, perhaps, but smartly mounted and sweetly offered — a Disney flick with brains.”
Disney should be making movies this good.
Anyway, let me know if you follow up on this.
Thx for reminding me of that one, Omir! I’ve admired Sayles for ages, since he always works completely independently… those are my kind of filmmakers. My areas of specialty are pretty much the foreign, independent and way OFF the beaten track kind of films.
We’ll see if anyone is interested enough, or I may just launch it anyway as a trial balloon, pimp it in the cafe and see what happens!
Time for me to check out for a bit and get something to eat. See all you froggies later!
Roan Inish, Local Hero, and Gregory’s Girl would make a wonderful weekend’s viewing.
Did you know there’s going to be a chihuly exhibition in Indianapolis? (That was primarily for Andi)
No, I didn’t know. Thanks.
I was thinking about going up to see my Mom next weekend so this might work out nicely.
It’s at the Children’s Museum but it doesn’t open until June 3? A 500 square foot garden of glass.
Actually it’s there now. One of my fellow teachers took her kids to the exhibit at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum and told me about it today. Sounds cool for formerly hot glass.
Apparently part of it is there now and part opens June 4? I can’t tell from the ad that was in my NYTimes.
It’s open now but it’s just one HUGE piece.
wow, that’s some piece of glass.
Good evening everyone. 🙂
Good evening, Olivia! How are things in the polar north?
How ya doin’? (I’m feeling folksy)
All ya’ll been hangin round with Family Man too dang much!
Hello Olivia and Everyone in the pond tonight.
Right on cue.
What cha talking about? I’ve been hanging around with ya’ll too much. I’m raptly watching GG now.
They’ve totally emasculated you, FM. Step away from the TV.
Well it’s switching between that and something on sci-fi.
I guess that redeems you. Although now it’s between emasculated and a nerd.
If that my only two choices, then I’ll take a nap.
I’m just kidding, FM…don’t go!
You can insult me now. I’ll just wait here and take it.
Heck it would take more than that to make me go, and I would never insult you. You’re my pal. 🙂
That’s what separates us. You take the high road and I just go for the soft underbelly every time.
I just figure it balances things out. OMG a new GG!!! 🙂
Never mind. I just looked it up. I do feel old.
Did everyone read Shirl’s diary about meeting Diane? Too damn cute!
Things were great today weather wise SN — it was 12! Everyone was walking around w/out a coat — in fact, I didn’t wear a coat to work today, just a sweater. The snow is still in the yard, but it’s melting fast. The garden is a brown and mucky mess.
I had a late day getting home, and then blew off yoga — and then ate crap for dinner (hershey chocolate kisses) and then started taking some more pictures of the roses b/c they are opening more and smell so good when I get close to them. I got carried away (evidence). Now I’m watching a hockey game and American Idol. One of those really wonky days.
Again, luscious.
The sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow…. or some such song.
The new rose picture, I’m running out of things to say.
I saw that you did in fact get your lawn work done today — braving snakes and wetness.
Yes some what done. Hate to hear you’re having a wonky day. BTW what is wonky?
I posted in the wrong place. Never mind I looked it up.
Well, it means out of whack or out of order or awry. (Wordweb definition: “Turned or twisted toward one side”) You know, the a wonky day is the kind of day that ends w/ eating hershey chocolate kisses for dinner… 🙂 It’s not a bad thing per se — just not quite right or normal or expected. Does that make sense?
Absolutely. I had just never heard it before.
I ate crap tonight to (well not literally). Now I don’t feel so good 🙁 But I’m sure it will pass.
What did you have Mary?
leftover pizza and m&ms
Well, there shouldn’t be any problems with that unless you put the m&m’s on the pizza (especially if the pizza was cold).
I thought it was the perfect menu. Now I’m not so sure.
I can’t eat M&Ms or smarties (Cdn version) b/c the food colouring in the candy coating makes me sick (migraine inducing sick).
I’ve never had that problem, thank god. But I do hate it where any new food is always suspect.
I really don’t feel bad; I just feel like I SHOULD feel bad. 😉
I thought you might be feeling queezy from Gilmore Girls overdose.
:: sniff :: I love GG and I hardly ever get to see it. Right now I’m enjoying Michel’s acerbic wit.
Hah – Right now I’m watching Rory being elected editor.
“Nice spin! Take it to K street!”
Put me in my place I’ll tell ya.
great Paris line.
Who’s Paris?
Got to go. My brother and neice just got here. She won forth place at her school with a picture she took and she wants to show it to me.
Be back in a while.
no one to watch with …
I’m not watching now but I’ve seen it before so we can talk about it if you want. Or we can go pick out the red m&m’s to eat.
Logan IS Christopher (and WHAT did the actor playing Christopher do with his hair? NOT attractive.)
Logan is much more of a creep than Christopher, maybe because he hasn’t had C’s failures. I want Logan to be gone. I never thought they could come up with a guy that would make me miss Jess.
But he has a GREAT apartment 🙂
Yeah, Rory needs to ditch him and she needs to go out with the “naked guy” that she was friends with in her dorm. He was nice. (In college I would never have gone out with him because I would have had a crush on Logan.)
Not me. I had a bad boy boyfriend in high school that cured me forever.
I like the top off-angle shot best.
How are you handling the return to work Andi?
With only a week off, going back isn’t much worse than after a weekend — the problem is I don’t want to go back after a weekend, either.
Did you have a gagillion emails?
A question — do you have a special way to organize your emails? Like how you organize actionable vs reference items etc. I need to overhaul my current set up at work.
I mostly organize my emails into folders for each customer. If I need to I create subfolders but usually I don’t. The email program I use has a good search feature so I don’t have any problems finding what I want. I use an outlining program called Inspiration to manage specific projects.
that was a great ending. Kelly Bishop deserves and emmy, why doesn’t she ever get one?
Because it’s the Gilmore Girls. 😉
OK, GG’s over. Somebody needs to entertain me now 🙂
Time for ej to show up?
He IS entertaining. But so are you.
I can’t match his youth joie de vivre, though.
I am suspicious that this is the prelude to an announcement that you are going to bed? (pout)
Talking about youthful joie de vivre does make for a nice segue to old geezerdom.
Think I should go open the overnight cafe?
Yeah, we’re over 100. Might as well.
I swear if it wasn’t for goggle I wouldn’t know what ya’ll are talking about sometimes. All these fancy words.
I thought you used babel fish for furren words?
That and google. I used Babel earlier for Andi’s French. Ya’ll forget I have problems with english. 🙂
Save me the trouble, FM. What the hell does it mean?
Joy of Life.
Thanks, dear.
I took French from 6th grade through my sophmore year in college. I have to use every now and again.
and very well I might say. 🙂
Did I miss the last of GG. Oh Geez! 😉
I can tell you are devastated. Poor you.
I know, now I’m lost and will have no way of knowing what’s going on. Oh well.
just watch the “previously on Gilmore Girls …” and you’ll be fine.
Damn now I don’t have an excuse.
Your very chipper tonight. All that napping must have worked. How were your sister and niece?
My brother and niece. They’re fine. They live about 2 1/2 hours away and are here for a couple of day. They’ve been out at the farm all day doing stuff out there.
Fun things or hard, work type things?
Hard work type things. My niece is only twelve but she loves to get out in the fields with her father and do work out there. Plus they’ve been doing some work on the farm house for my nephews wedding in April.
That wedding will be here before you know it. What’s the date again?
The last part of the month on the 29th. They’ll have the wedding in the family church, well one my grandparents help build, and the reception at the farm house. Besides the house will be a big tent with food, band, dance floor, etc.
So are you going to tell us about it? 🙂
Hi Olivia, I wasn’t sure were to answer. It’s just everybody has been getting together out at the farm getting it ready for the wedding. Making it look nice.
But didn’t you say, She won forth place at her school with a picture she took and she wants to show it to me. Did I miss something somewhere? 🙂
Did I miss something somewhere?
The story of my life in one sentence.
Me too Andi — especially when it comes to the cafe. I think it’s relate to dial up, you know processing so much slower than everyone else. Conversations are already finished by the time I get my first comment posted.
Yeah and I think I’m stick stuck at 300 baud. And on that note I’ll slowly go off to bead.
Good night, Olivia.
Olivia I’m sorry, I thought everyone had moved over to the other cafe.
She won forth place with a picture she took of the white house while on vacation in D.C. She bought it to show to me, but I already had downloaded all their pictures and had it. I still ohh and awwwed over it though.
Okay, I gots your purty new place all done up grand and such.
Home from the erranding — now we need to empty a laundry basket and get the stuff washing that I want to take on my trip (a few outfits and nightwear mainly — white load got done over the weekend). Had late lunch so not hungry for dinner yet — picked up a couple of frozen entrees for whenever we do get hungry.
Okay, time to get back to work…