But we did avert a major earthquake along the fault here in SoCal. . .LOL!

Diane looked exactly as she said she looks, only better than her picture.  Trust me, you need to see the whole person to see how beautifully it all fits together.

Even though I have told you all, more than once, I do not look like that overly flattering picture of me that has been floating around the internet, no one wanted to believe me, not even Diane.  So she got the “up for 24 hours” very tired and bedraggled version of me crawling across the floor of the airport baggage area. . .because I could not walk any more million miles than I already had.

So I am older, not a movie star (or even close)in looks, bad damp weather all the way made my hair frizz up, and I was so pale that Diane got out the blushes and bronzers to bring me back to life.  LOL!

Diane can’t quit saying “Oh, that’s how you look when you say that. . .”  about a plethora of comments I apparently make repetitively.

We are having a grand time so far and I know it will only get better and then when we add the MeetUp folks to the mix it will be beyond belief.

This is the best part.  There does not seem to be anything unfamiliar about this meeting with Diane, if anything it is even more easy and just plain like it has been for ever more.

Wow!  What a great meeting this is.  Sort of makes me feel like I’ve finally done it all and have it all. . .I can move on happily anytime now.

Diane is puttering away and not quite walking on the ground. . .a bit floaty. . .but I promised her that.  He he he he!

And yes we are talking about all of you, and we are laughing, laughing, laughing.  She says dinner is ready, so off I go. . .What a treat for me, someone to not only keep company with during dinner but someone to fix it as well!!  Yep, I am spoiled.