But we did avert a major earthquake along the fault here in SoCal. . .LOL!
Diane looked exactly as she said she looks, only better than her picture. Trust me, you need to see the whole person to see how beautifully it all fits together.
Even though I have told you all, more than once, I do not look like that overly flattering picture of me that has been floating around the internet, no one wanted to believe me, not even Diane. So she got the “up for 24 hours” very tired and bedraggled version of me crawling across the floor of the airport baggage area. . .because I could not walk any more million miles than I already had.
So I am older, not a movie star (or even close)in looks, bad damp weather all the way made my hair frizz up, and I was so pale that Diane got out the blushes and bronzers to bring me back to life. LOL!
Diane can’t quit saying “Oh, that’s how you look when you say that. . .” about a plethora of comments I apparently make repetitively.
We are having a grand time so far and I know it will only get better and then when we add the MeetUp folks to the mix it will be beyond belief.
This is the best part. There does not seem to be anything unfamiliar about this meeting with Diane, if anything it is even more easy and just plain like it has been for ever more.
Wow! What a great meeting this is. Sort of makes me feel like I’ve finally done it all and have it all. . .I can move on happily anytime now.
Diane is puttering away and not quite walking on the ground. . .a bit floaty. . .but I promised her that. He he he he!
And yes we are talking about all of you, and we are laughing, laughing, laughing. She says dinner is ready, so off I go. . .What a treat for me, someone to not only keep company with during dinner but someone to fix it as well!! Yep, I am spoiled.
Shirl, you made me laugh like an idiot reading this. I couldn’t be happier for you two.
PS…who are you talking about? I won’t tell.
Hi SN, we haven’t actually talked too much about you all just rememberances here and there, but well it’s only been a couple of hours…I will take a picture soon, had to put some blusher on Shirl, she was looking a tad washed out…
LOL… No doubt!
Yeah, we’ve just been remembering you all and different experiences we’ve had with this one or that one, nothing too juicy yet. . .we’re working our way up to the really good stuff.
That Ductape must be psychotic, er. . .psychic or something. We were just talking about his Hotness! (wink, wink)
Glad you got the giggles SN. . .we’ve had our share this afternoon.
I’m so happy for you both — I know how much you were looking forward to this moment! And it’s so wonderful to see it as it’s happening lol! Thank you for sharing with us. π
{{{{{{{{{{{{{shirl and diane}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Thanks Vida. . .wish you all were here too, but then we probably would never come back down to earth. And that’s not such a bad thing.
That was Thanks to Olivia. . .duh. . .that’s it I’m done.
I still love ya! π
Ottawa vs Sharks game… one day!! π
What two beautiful women!!!
Thankfully (in my case) beauty isn’t only skin deep or something like that!
Happy happy joy joy!
You know it. . .girl!
I feel like I’m witnessing a day in history that will always be remembered. π
I am so happy for both of you.
Yes, certainly a day in history! I am putting it in the Book of Shirl. . . Diane will have to fill you in on that one. She has kept me in stitches laughing for over a week now about The Book of Shirl.
And it some ways beyond the joking, it really is a day in history to be remembered. . .mark my words.
Hi everyone, Shirl is down for the night all snug as a bug and I just came out here to the office to write and then back to the TV…It’s pouring down rain here right now.
I am sure she will be online tomorrow. We took some other pics but they were tooooooo bad to post, Shirl said no. She needs some rest and then I will take some more.
Don’t tell “mom” Diane I am up and using the computer. . .heheheheh!
Aww you two! Just have fun dammit! You guys are getting me all choked up!
Damn it! we will have more fun than any two have a right to, but then, maybe we have earned it. . .yep, that’s it, it is our reward for living so damn long.
Hope that we can likewise meet you and others sometime,think this chokes you up, wait till that happens!!!
damn right you have earned it! Putting up with us reprobates all the time! π
I would be honored to meet everyone! Just gotta rob a rich man first! π
Looks like you two will have great fun, enjoy! Wish I could be at the meet-up.
Boran, I wish you could be here too. . .if you guys ever figure out what you are doing on the East Coast, date wise, I will try my best to be there too!
Thanks, I just put up another post. Hopefully this will get a good response.
And we would love to have you!
Love you both! This is so sweet. I’ll see you in Del Mar if only in spirit. Still not sure! (My Ex still hasn’t responded to inquiry re child care. <sigh> )
Wow! This is so cool. I am up in the middle of the night as you all can see by the time stamp. I cannot wait to see you two gals Friday. Is it really here already? My mind is in a swirl with things that still need to be done. Have fun sillies. See you in two days!
That is all so cool!
I am so looking forward to Friday…and the weekend…
Not that I’m packed or anything…that’s what last minutes are for! Now my brain really isn’t going to want to work for two more days!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t given packing a second thought. π
I did make progress(?) and got the laundry finished about 11:00 last night…! LOL
((((((((Manny))))))))…do you know when you will be getting in yet? Email me for directions. Two more days.
You guys are worried about packing? I am worried about cleaning my apartment and getting food in…jeesh! Can’t wait!!
Ack…Babaloo and I (and a couple of kids and maybe Library Lil) are still working out the finer details, but we will be there on Friday. My internet and email are thoroughly messed up right now and I have been trying all morning to get a message on this board. Aloha, can you please email me your address and telephone number? Since I am having some email problems, the best thing to do would be to send them to both of my addresses and hope that one works. They are lynx at zimpatent dot com and onyx at earthlink dot net. Thanks a million.
I’m taking Thursday off work to do the laundry and packing and all that good stuff. I can hardly wait to meet all of you and share many a laugh!
That’s great news. See you Friday. I am at work right now so will email you when I get home.
And don’t worry about assorted wrinkles — in the spouse’s family they’re known as “battle scars”, and Lawd knows us progressives have a lot of battles behind and before us!
Can’t wait to see everyone this weekend! Today will be running around packing day — just shluffed off one errand (financial transactions) on the spouse for while I’m gone, so I’ve just got some last minute stuff to pick up.
I’m flying in tomorrow afternoon — gives me a day to relax and enjoy some quiet time before the big events! π If I get even 3 hours sleep tonight, I’ll be doing good…
See you Friday! π
Wrinkles, who has wrinkles, lol…I guess I better get the phone numbers sent if you are coming tomorrow, if anyone that’s coming wants the list and I haven’t sent it, just zip me an email and I will get in out. Cali I am sending you the list now and when you get in and settled give us a call if you feel up to it.
Not sure exactly what time I’ll get in to the hotel…doing some research and (hold onto your hat, Leezy)…I AM TAKING PUBLIC TRANSIT!!! It’s not the most convenient route (going to take about 2 hours and 3 buses), but hell, I’m a transit rider/supporter up here so I’ve got to stay consistent. And heck, as long as I’ve got a good book and my iPod I’m good to go. π
San Diego Transit has an awesome website with a superb trip planner — our local agencies could take several hints.
I’ve only got one suitcase and my daypack…back in the day when we didn’t have a car, I would do the grocery shopping by bus and lug 7-8 plastic bags of food and essentials on transit — this’ll be a piece of cake. (Mmmmm, cake…I’m getting hungry! Time for lunch…)
Cali…give me a call when you get in. I have a full plate Thursday but will see you on Friday. Sorry I cannot pick you up but I have to work. Bet you’ll have tales to tell after that adventure!
a ride anyway — and I’m looking forward to the “grand adventure.” I’m figuring Friday day I’ll head back to downtown San Diego to pick up assorted transit information for the spouse…
Spouse wants me to show him how to operate the DVR (did I ever mention I’m the technology guru in this household? lol)…night folks…
Mornin all, Shirl and I are just getting up and going this morning and I feel like I have a hangover from too much talking and laughing….
So I hope everyone who said they are coming are really coming and Manee so glad you are still coming on Friday.
Aloha, Cali,Sallycat, can’t wait to meet you. I think we will take it kinda easy today as Shirl is pretty worn out I think, but of course she won’t say that…
More later….
It’s finally happened; you two have merged into one identity. I guess you can cancel Diane101 now. π
Ha ha ha ha ha, that was pretty funny Second N. I didn’t realize till after I posted that I was under Shirls log in. So I am not going to cancel diane101, she is still whole and viable….lol…that’s at least so far.
I am up and moving and at Diane’s insistence I have myself all beautified. Got to meet my God Daughter (Diane’s daughter Shanna) this morning. So far, I think we have soothed Diane’s fears that we would run out of things to talk about. . .hardly a possibility with me around, and that Diane can talk the fleas off a dog. I would be surprised if anyone else could get a word in edge-wise.
The weather is beautiful and perfect sunshine and blue skies. Delightful for the Idaho girl, although Diane thinks it has been a bit coolish.
This is the best idea we ever had and well worth the long wait, since we have been conjuring this visit up since about May of last year. Can’t wait to see the full 3D version of all of you that are able to make it to the MeetUp. . .we will all just be AWE-I-FIED!
East Coaster’s, this is fair warning. . .your turn is coming.
ROTFLOL! So now I guess the Vulcan Mind Meld is complete as I posted under Diane’s Log in. . .SN, that was the greatest comment ever, you are such a quick wit, Diane and I are still laughing over it. I am so glad that you came out of your shell and let us see what a character you are.
Mind meld or not, it’s truly delightful to see you two enjoying yourselves. Brings many smiles…
Enjoy the meet-up!
Thanks you, Dianestars, oh, I’m so confused now!
You’ll have to make a road trip east some day.
Count on it, Carnacki! I can’t wait to meet you and give you a great big hug! And then the rest of you crazy East Coasters. . .a hug fest for sure.
My dog lady has a new friend and I wish I could have gotten the one where lady was looking up adoringly at Shirl.
This is a better one of me than was taken last night, and gasp, I am wearing the same top….yikes…so far Shirl has not approved of posting or even keeping any of the pics I have taken of her except this one with her arm…
Kamakya I sent you phone list to your onyx email address.
So is everyone ready for Friday…
Aloha, how are you doing, see you soon…
Well I just did it again, posted under Shirl’s name, oh dear, will we ever get this right. BTW does anyone have a recorder that can be uploaded to the internet that they can bring along.
My opinion is when you find something comfortable and flattering, wear it until it disintegrates. Well, wash it of course.
Hanging in there hon. There are not enough hours in the day I tell ya! All is going well though, really.
You guys and gals have plenty of fun!!!! I’m a bit bummed out I can’t make it. Ok…. really bummed out. House not sold, school shit hitting the fan, and thankfully, I’m so busy with others with the anti-war movement.
But… I know I get to have you in my life every day and that there’ll be other opportunities to hook up. I know that with all my heart.
Hug AlohaLeezy for me and all of us. π
If only all 3000+ could gather. Maybe we need to atart working on a big gathering now for next year? Janet I know that you will be here in spirit. Yhanks so much for the hugs and all that you do.
We all need to meet in the middle of the country somewhere!
You are so right, Leezy! Maybe we can lay the ground work on the idea over the weekend.
And SN is right, we need to look for something middle of the country so we can be sort of equally accessable for the “masses.” Or however it works out. . .Heh.
Gettin closer now. . .and we are sooooooo excited!!!
Chicago maybe a good start?
Thanks for sharing this – it brought me many smiles.