CLICK TO ENLARGE Pat Robertson viewing controversial sulptor Daniel Edward’s latest piece showing Britney spears giving birth.
Brooklyn, NY (APE) – A controversial sculpture of a nude Britney Spears giving birth on a bearskin rug today was given approval by equally controversial conservative religious leader Pat Robertson. This sculpture displays a decidedly provocative pose of Spears with newborn son Sean Preston’s head emerging from the birth canal. The sculpture is entitled “Monument to Pro-Life: the Birth of Sean Preston”. Robertson, who was invited to a private viewing last night at the Capla Kesting Fine Art Gallery in Brooklyn, praised the pop star and sculptor Daniel Edwards for the pro life collaborative message. “I may not know much about art,” stated Robertson, “but I know what I like.”
The clay mockup, which is currently on display in the gallery, was cast in resin by the artist on Tuesday and will be on display starting April 7. The sculpture has become a touchstone of controversy between pro-life and pro-choice movements, with the gallery receiving over 3000 e-mails from around the world.
Extra security has been hired for the opening of the exhibit under threats from both the pro-life and pro-choice movements and more notably PETA. A spokesperson for PETA railed against the hypocrisy of a supposedly pro-life sculpture being displayed on a bearskin rug.
The artist Edwards smiled and refused to comment over whether the inclusion of the bearskin rug was intentional or merely an oversight.
Sean Preston’s first diaper reportedly showing an image of George Bush is currently on sale on eBay
Spears’s publicist, Leslie Sloan, refused to comment on the controversy. Spears, however, is rumored to be very excited and appreciative of Edward’s work, and disappointed with the overall controversy. Spears reportedly will be attempting to make amends with offended PETA and Pro-life supporters. It is rumored that over the next week she will be unveiling a line of autographed infant car seats with the proceeds to go for Pro-life organizations throughout the world. Also, she has placed for bid on eBay one of the first soiled diapers from six-month old Sean Preston which reportedly clearly shows an image of the president, George W. Bush.
Spear’s leopard skin patterned maternity bra will go on sale later this week
In an attempt to make amends with the sculpture’s inadvertent slight to PETA supporters, Spears will also be offering, over the next week on eBay, a used leopard patterned maternity bra. All proceeds again will be donated to PETA.
Oh my God, that is priceless!