A picture tells a thousand lies.

From the Howard Kaloogian for Congress website:

Downtown Baghdad

We took this photo of downtown Baghdad while we were in Iraq. 
Iraq (including Baghdad) is much more calm and stable than what many
people believe it to be.  But, each day the news media finds any
violence occurring in the country and screams and shouts about it – in
part because many journalists are opposed to the U.S. effort to fight

According to Kaloogian’s website, the above is a picture of downtown Baghdad. Sadly, the picture was likely taken in Turkey and not Baghdad. As you probably already guessed, Howard Kaloogian is a Republican running for congress. Old New York was once New Amsterdam. Why they changed it, I’m certain Howard Kaloogian can’t say.

To make matters all the more touching, Kaloogian is running in a special election to replace convicted felon Duke Cunningham in congress. San Diego seems to produce a very fine breed of Republican politician

More seriously, 2325 American soldiers and marines have died in Iraq, while another 16653 have been wounded, and this bastard dares to run this type of bullshit on his campaign website. God only knows how many Iraqi civilians are wounded or dead, and this bastard even thinks his weird ass fabrications are okay. When real people are really getting killed in a very real war, and you really want to be a part of the government, then you better be able to really talk about what’s really happening in that war in a very realistic way. Let’s get real. Fake photos ain’t going to cut it babe.

You want to run on the war Howard? Then why don’t you run on the fucking war? Not some candy land fantasy bullshit, featuring pictures of happy twenty somethings in Turkey. Take pride in the clusterfuck your party has created in Iraq. Run on that shit babe. Please, run on that shit.

Quit with the pretty talk and the pretty pictures. Real men don’t need pretty talk any damn way. If you like this war — if you think it’s a winner, show us the charred husks of corpses in the real Baghdad. Show us the aftemath of an IED explosion. Show us some video of American soldiers who suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome. Show us some Iraqi war orphans. Show us some American war orphans. Show us the work of the death squads, the suicide bombers and the beheaders. Tell us why the hell we’re there again. Talk to us about the weapons. We all want to hear about the weapons and the connections just one more time. You can trust me on that. We love that shit

Take pride in this shit war babe. Relish in the smoldering ruin our nation stands astride. No need for fake photos. No need at all. Claim this war as your own you nasty little pigfucker, but don’t you ever dare pretend that everything is even close to okay. More than just a few of us know better.