It’s so nice out, Boo and I are blogging from my stoop. The trees are finally blossoming in the city. Spring is finally here.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Here too, at least for a few days.
I saw pink blossoms on some of the trees while I was out for my walk this afternoon…and a groundhog and a fox too.
About time we had some nice weather!
Yup, it’s definitely spring.
Speaking of springtime in Pennsylvania, for those who ignored or belittled my diary on the Steelers and Swann, note that Swann and Rendell are currently tied, and a reason given from the poll numbers is the immense popularity of the Steelers at the moment. More than half of PA name the Steelers as their favorite team, while the Eagles are in the teens.
This may not last once (or if) there is discussion on the issues etc. but as I foretold you, the Steelers and the Super Bowl have propelled Swann into a strong position. Plus this may not be a good year to be an incumbent in PA.
Great day here in the hinterlands as well! Cloudy now, but was gloriously sunny earlier and we finally broke the 60 degree mark for the first time in several months. Regular rains recently, and potentially violent ones forecast for tomorrow, are rousing the earth from its slumber and bulbs galore are bursting out of the ground… I can taste the anticipation of seeing all those we put in the ground last fall do their colorful thing soon… ahhh….
Sorry you’re sneezing, maneegee!
Pollen happens.
Is anyone else having a problem with these comments busting the margins? Or is it just little ol me? Boo, are you sure you can’t just sneak on a plane Friday…lol? I have a very special present for you honey!
Heh, if you can find me a dogsitter and the astronomical cost of an airplace ticket at this point…
If you start driving now….you could bring Boo…lol. Just wanted you to know that we really wish you were going to be here.
I am envious! Here the trees normally bloom around May 10th. or so. However we are supposed to get a one day preview tomorrow! High 65 or so!! Whoop-ee!
It’s 76 degrees and blue skies here. The dogwoods are blooming white and leaves are returning to the oak trees. The only problem – pine tree pollen. Yellow dust will be everwhere soon.
See this diary by darksyde. I don’t know the context, but apparently someone asked him for some qualifications (as in academic credentials) and he freaked. This thread is particularly strange IMO. Automatic bannings for asking a question? Not even for information that might tie the UID to a person, but just to discern general credentials?
*shakes head* Looks to me like a redux of the Redstate Blammings over disapproving of Domenech’s plagiarism all over again. Weird weird weird. Anyone have any insight as to what’s really going on?