The following I offer a Powerful Speach, given by David Cline President of Veterans For Peace, at the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange!
Below that is a Very Powerful Article, from the Guardian, who’s Reporters were Covering the ‘Walkin’ To New Orleans’ Veterans and Survivors March from Mobil to New Orleans ending on the 3rd Anniversary of the Illegal Iraq Invasion. I’ve placed below that a Flash Music Video of that Last Day, there were Video’s for each day of the March, you can visit the Veterans For Peace site, they have a page up with links to those and articles/reports.
And today, on NPR’s ‘Here and Now’ there was a discussion on Afganistan, it’s a Must Listen to, with an Article at Vanity Fair, a Must Read. The discussion was with the Author of the Article/Report.


First let me thank the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin for organizing this international conference and to the Agent Orange Vets from Korea, Australia, New Zealand and Canada who have traveled here to participate.
The US delegation I am leading is made up of Agent Orange vets Frank Corcoran, Joan Duffy, Ralph Steele Dan Shea.
I was an infantryman with the 25th Infantry Division in Cu Chi and Tay Ninh in 1967 and was wounded 3 times but do not suffer from dioxin related health conditions myself.
When I came back from the war, I had knowledge of the use of Agent Orange having seen sprayed areas and knew that they destroyed nature but had no knowledge of the negative effects these defoliants had on human beings.
I remember in 1969 a veteran I knew named Jeff Sharlett died of cancer at age 27 in the Miami, Florida Veterans Hospital and thinking it was strange that someone so young had cancer.
Over the years other friends of mine got sick or had deformed children or sometimes died. Mike Keegan and John Miffin who died and John and Rena Kopystenski who had several children with birth defects are among them. So this issue has always been personal to me.
In 1977, a woman who worked as a claims representative at the Chicago Veterans Administration named Maude DeVictor was the first person to really put two and two together when she witnessed the VA higher-ups denying veterans claims and covering up their health problems and the connections to dixon exposure.
The next year, 1978, a veteran name Paul Reutershan who was sick with cancer got on television and said “my government killed me in Vietnam and I didn’t even know it”. He began a lawsuit against the chemical companies who manufactured Agent Orange, Blue, White, Purple etc. but he never lived to see that lawsuit completed because he died within the year.
The reason that this lawsuit was started was because the VA was denying veterans claims for medical treatment and compensation and according to US law, citizens cannot sue the government for these type of claims.
From 1978-1984 the lawsuit continued and was eventually settled, although many veterans opposed the settlement for millions of dollars. Sadly many veterans got very little of that money since the army of lawyers who got involved got a good portion of it in legal fees.
I have been a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War since 1970 and that organization played a critical role in launching the movement for justice for Agent Orange vets, supporting Maude Devictor who became the godmother of the movement, recruiting veterans to joining the lawsuit and raising general public awareness of this issue.
But we always believed that while the chemical companies had responsibility and should be held liable, the primary responsibility lay with the US government which ordered and continued to use these poisons after they were becoming aware of the negative effects on people. Instead of changing course, they covered up the facts and kept using them until 1971. After that they gave their remaining supplies to the former Army of the Republic of Vietnam who continued to use them until 1975 when that regime ceased to exist.
In VVAW, our demand has always been Testing, Treatment and Compensation for Agent Orange Victims. We never thought the lawsuit against the chemical companies was the answer, but rather a way to continue putting pressure on the US government.
Finally progress was made on that front when in 1991, Congress passed the Agent Orange Act, acknowledging several conditions as being dioxin related for purposes of medical treatment and disability compensation. It also established a mechanism for the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine to review new studies and make recommendations to the Secretary of the Veterans Administration for expanding the recognized conditions.
Currently there are thirteen conditions acknowledged by the VA including two conditions among veterans children but over 27 conditions have been rejected since there was a finding by the IOM of not enough scientific research to indicate a connection to dioxin exposure.
So many veterans are still not being treated with any fairness. And how does someone give justice to all those who have died? The hidden casualties of the Vietnam War continue to grow but the struggle continues as well.
And today we need to talk about the other side of the coin, not just American, Korean, Australian, New Zealand and Canadian veterans but the people of Vietnam as well.
Remember also that these chemicals were also used in parts of Cambodia and Laos as well as along the DMZ in Korea and in Panama.
In the United States we began the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign to support the efforts of VAVA and join with concerned veterans and people in other countries to demand Justice for ALL Agent Orange Victims!
While the Campaign is sponsored by Veterans For Peace, it is made up of war veterans, Vietnamese-Americans, peace activists, environmentalists and other friends of Vietnam. We are supporting the international petition drive in support of the VAVA lawsuit and recently sponsored a 10 city speaking tour by 4 VAVA members.
We are also planning to encourage sympathetic representatives and senators to introduce legislation in Congress for the US government to step up to the plate and provide compensation and medical assistance, if not for political reasons, then fro moral and humanitarian purposes. It is time to really heal the wounds of that war, not to ignore them or let them fade into history.
Let me make on last point. This is a struggle to expose and end the use of chemical weapons by all nations but especially by my government. This is not just about something that happened over 30 years ago. Today the Bush administration has led our country and the world into another invasion and occupation, this time in Iraq and is now used Depleted Uranium that will in time poison US troops and Iraqi citizens. They have also used White Phosphorus bombs against whole cities like Fallujah.
It is time for humanity to demand an end to these weapons as part of our efforts to abolish war. That is what Veterans For Peace is pledged to work for. That will only come through the determined efforts of all of us, throughout the world.
The great American abolitionist Fredrick Douglass said:
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without the thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.
This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has and it never will”
With that as our watchword, lets make this conference a call to all the people of the world.

The following article, at Common Dreams, gives a description of where Dave gave the above speach.
Agent Orange Victims Gather to Seek Justice
Published on Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A view of the Ho Chi Minh Trail as it crosses the Rinh River near the village of Thanh Liem, in an undated photo. Vietnam War veterans from the United States, South Korea, Australia and Vietnam gathered on Tuesday to call for more help for the victims of the Agent Orange defoliant used by the U.S. military. REUTERS/File

‘Walkin’ To New Orleans’: “If you start looking at them as humans…….”

‘If you start looking at them as humans, then how are you gonna kill them?’

They are a publicity nightmare for the US military: an ever-growing number of veterans of the Iraq conflict who are campaigning against the war. To mark the third anniversary of the invasion this month, a group of them marched on Katrina-ravaged New Orleans. Inigo Gilmore and Teresa Smith joined them
Wednesday March 29, 2006
The Guardian

Inigo Gilmore and Teresa Smith’s film on the March to New Orleans is on Newsnight tonight at 10.30pm on BBC2

Anyone getting BBC2 Watch for this Documentary on ‘Walkin’ To New Orleans’!!
Walkin’ To New Orleans, Sunday March 19th 2006, 3rd Anniversary of the 2nd Iraq War, Flash Video Last Day Of March

Afghanistan: The Forgotten War; Must Listen To Report and Must Read Article

Soldier on patrol walks past two women in burkhas. (AP FILE)

Afghanistan: The Forgotten War
Story aired: Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Here & Now speaks with author Sebastian Junger about his story on “The Forgotten War,” published in this month’s Vanity Fair.

America’s Forgotten War
More than four years after the invasion of Afghanistan, 20,000 U.S. soldiers are still there, pitting their diplomatic skills–and massive airpower–against the Taliban’s terror tactics

And This:
Eighteen More Veterans Administration Medical Centers Are Under The Ax
By David Robert Crews
Mar 27, 2006, 16:55

“Never again shall one generation of veterans abandon another.”