Froggy Bottom Happy Hour

Time is relative
So It’s Happy Hour Everywhere.
So It’s Happy Hour Everywhere.
Newcomer and Lurkers
Come in and join the fun.
Come in and join the fun.
Rude, crude and lewd lanugage encouraged.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Just for Andi a beer.
Hey, I’ll take one of those!
Sure thing. Thanks for putting up the link. I was trying but I was going to fast and messed up.
well, sometime this dumb bachelor norwegian farmer spends anywhere from a 1/2 hr to an 1 before it dawns on him that a new cafe may be opened, and by the time I get there it has some 39-79 comments, ha.
So sometimes I’ll post the link in simpathy with others of the slow witted nature.
Don’t you hate to come into a new cafe that has some many new comments. Oh Omir, where are you?
Yeah, I’ve had it happen that by the time I got done 4ing the whole bunch the cafe had closed and moved on to the next one. And sometimes they move so fast I can’t for and comment both.
I’m beginning to think that Omir is practicing for a run for political office — big promises, no delivery. π
Now don’t give Omir a hard time. I’ve got faith.
LOL I know. I’m still amazed at some people who can jump back and forth with no effort.
Uff da!
(I am told this is among the little that survives of the Norwegian language in your area.)
Ask Andi has me looking english words up and now you add this. I can’t even go to Babel Fish to find it. π
It’s a short expression used when things are not going as planned or expected without using profanity.
I raced over to Babel so I could act really smug because I would have known what it meant. Babel let me down. Babel needs more languages on it.
That could come in really handy ask! Thanks! :~)
sheeet mahn, ya gotta be kidding me! I can take you to a couple of towns where the old timers are still talking Norske over coffee, yeah, their numbers are dwindling, but you should make a trip to ND sometime. B&B provided by NDD. Just bring your own drinks. Only rules are no cigarette smoking in the house, and no drinking diet sodas in the house either. Can’t stand watching folks trying to kill themselves off.
Let’s see, I can’t spell in Norske, so you’ll have to do with the phonetic, I have lefse in the refrigerator now. Normally have some Line Aqavit on hand. Ain’t had any lutefisk for a while, I eat it, but most use it to throw under the sheds to get rid of the skunks.
tusen tak, mana tak, houstongorda, cun do snuka Norsk?
dreetsac – what we call Bush I around here, naysaphon, which is some kind of swearword… (go to the devil? maybe. That’s all memory provides for now.
Maybe I’ll have to bring DTF with me – he seems to have a strong affinity for lutefisk.
tusen tak, mana tak, houstongorda, cun do snuka Norsk?
dreetsac – what we call Bush I around here, naysaphon, which is some kind of swearword… (go to the devil? maybe. That’s all memory provides for now.
Lot’s of good stuff here. A brief refresher:
tusen tak = tusen takk = thousand thanks (literally)
mana tak = mange takk = many thanks
houstongorda(?) = hvordan går det = how is it going?
cun do snuka Norsk = kan du snakke norsk = can you speak Norwegian?
dreetsak = drittsekk = shit bag (works well for your average politician)
naysaphon = ??? no clue
Lefse is a must, especially around Christmas time. My grandmother was a great lefse baker.
from the lady kittywampus(sp?) from my folks’ house in the old home town.
She used to make lefse and distribute to local stores until the health dept told her she needed to add a room for the inspector to hang his coat when he came to inspect her kitchen, ha!
She does a great “underground” business though. $3 per pack, 3 per pack.
The rest of the gang here is still searching the translators for Uff Da. I have to remember to tell that to my hometown friends, they’ll get a big bang out of that.
So when you coming for a visit. We have a BBQ scheduled for June 10th.
Great for you to have easy access to lefse. Is it the potato based or flour based (where you add butter, sugar and cinnamon between the layers)?
I’d love to visit you and ND. Truth is, I have not seen much of the US, apart from parts of the NE.
One problem though; my girlfriend’s ex-husband was from ND with lots of Norwegian background. You may be one of her ex-bil! π
I’ve never made lefse myself, but I’m fairly sure it’s potato based. My family only eats it with butter. But about half the lefse eaters will add white sugar, never heard of cinnamon being used.
First time I ran into pre-rolled lefse with sugar I thought it was sand in there, ha! So never have cared for the sugared ones.
Also around Christmas time we have exquisite flatbread. I told Ms NDD that Norwegians had invented it so that they could eat more butter. I had her believing it… for a short while, ha!
As far as a exes, and so forth… we just would tell anyone you were coming. And when it gets down to the details, or anytime via email, I could give you town names in the vicinity.
Although I can’t guarantee word wouldn’t get out after the fact, as with only some 634,000 folks state wide, word can get around.
We usually have at least one name known in common when meeting any stranger originating, or having spent some years in the state.
not likely on the bil business. Two bros never married. Other one married once, still married.
Yo NDD…ya know this place?
They say it’s fabulous…
I’ve seen that photo before, but now i’m stuck trying to remember where? so ya caught me on that one.
Downtown Baghdad?
yeah, that’s it!!!!
It depends on if it’a repug relative view.
It’s “The Kegs Drive In” in Grand Forks, kind of an icon of back-road aficionados …and yeah, I know you’re in Fargo…but beings how ya been in ND a long time thought maybe you’d seen it…clik image.
must not be on my usual paths when I visit GF, I’ll ask a friend of mine if it’s still there.
May I have one too?
(Leaving for home now.)
Of course.
I’d like mine with a wedge of lime please.
Keep posting those pictures and you drink free.
Is there any wonder why people get sucked into preferring virtual life over real life.
No wonder what so ever. Just wish the virtual beer was real.
You’re right. It is a little like making love in a canoe.
for the non-pastel colored beer. I appreciate it.
Photo by JimF
You’re more than welcome.
Another beautiful picture. Between you and Jim, ya’ll should publish a book.
and great use of the reflection capabilities of the H2O.
The reward for hiking in snow and rain was that there was enough water around for Jim to get some nice reflection shots when the sun finally came out.
The pleasure you and Jim experience from your hiking is so reflected in these photos. They are wonderous and beautiful and we get to experience some of that pleasure by looking at your photos!
Hi Olivia. Off from work now?
Yes, yes I am.
How has your day gone — did you get some exercise chasing your nephew?
Plenty of that and George barking.
I could really use a nap.
I think Andi has given me a new name for a site if I ever open one. I like the sage part. π
We love sharing the photos because it’s a little having people we like come along with us on the hikes. And it makes me very happy to have you enjoy them because it’s a bit of a return for all the joy you’ve given me with your flowers.
If I had had my way, you and Jim would have worn helmets with cameras and mikes and it would have been beamed directly to us.
gee-orgious photo! wow! sums it up, in my opinion.
In the world of water photos, it’s the placid and scarce antidote your wild and raging ones.
How did you become a computer nerd instead of a poet? You and Wilderness Wench could collaborate on an anthology of nature poems.
That quite a compliment given WW’s talented wordsmithing.
BTW, I have a master’s in English and wrote poetry (mostly not good) for many years. The question I get asked IRL is how a liberal arts major became a computer nerd.
Andi I got a question for you……
As I said on another thread, That’ll Work.
Two different sides of the brain, no?
We should have a Froggy Bottom poetry slam. We’ll all drag out our old angsty teenage poems about unrequited love and thoughts of suicide….oh, that’s just me? Nevermind.
Not trying to be pushy — ok, I am. π
The days when I would get drunk enough to be willing to do that are long gone.
I’m tired after doing that Waas piece. But at least it promptly popped up on the Big Orange reclist. Are there any Tang Sandwiches available?
We have with mayo or not. Wheat or white?
i’ll take it on Wonder bread with marshmallow spread.
psst…Tang sandwiches are made on wonder bread, with marshmallow fluff and enough Tang to make it look like an orange sandstorm…
It depends…do you want a redneck margarita with that?
I really need to review the menu at Chez Cabin again…
I gotta know. What’s a redneck margarita?
Amazing article. I read the whole thing beginning to end over and over.
Hi MM, glad you made it over here.
Me too – Hi mm!! π
Thanks, guys. I fell asleep and just woke up in time for John. (Stewart.) Then watched KO who talked about baseball (‘riods) practically the whole time. Boring.
Yes, so did I. Over and over, trying to pull out of it a theme that didn’t become a non-fiction book.
Sometimes the diary format is pretty limiting, especially on the front-page where too much density leads to sterility.
Over at dKos I have something like 70 recommends already and about 15 comments.
But everyone should read the article. It’s amazing.
I went over there and gave you a recommend. Just cuz.

Thinking about partying with the other BooTribber’s…and still have 2 hours of meetings to go…aaaaacccckkk!
So drinks are poolside…although we need to dress warmer than usual per Diane101!
Lurking for a few…more later!
Now that’s a lovely tray you’ve brought us SallyCat!
I’m so excited for you guys and your meet-up!
There was a young woman named Bright
Who traveled much faster than light
She set off one day
In her relative way
And came home the previous night.
Or, as they say, the hurrier I go the behinder I get.
Hi growthrate. How’re you doing today.
Can’t get it at the speed of light, but want a beer?
Sounds good to me, though it’s a little early still out here on the Left Coast. And I’d better take it slow, or I’ll tell the relativity limerick about the effect of the Lorenz Transformation on the anatomy of a fellow that was particularly speedy in bed.
Oh Ho, I’ll bring you two beers at a time. I love limericks.
Remember time is relative, so it is happy hour there.
but I’ve brought Spam haiku:
Wonderful SN. It makes me want to go out and buy some right now. π
With CG dragging out the Tang sandwiches I was afraid I’d missed redneck happy hour!
You have the Southern Sage of Slothful Slacking hosting the cafe.
It’s always redneck happy hour with me here. π
I thought that in the South™, redneck happy hour was when there was a bluelight special of two tins of Skoal for the price of one.
No, it’s just an excuse to wake up in the morning and start drinking beer. But, the Skoal does ring a bell.
Well here’s a nifty idea of what to do with the empties!
I think one of those would look good on my patio. I’ve got to get out of the habit of crushing them on my forehead and save some.
I think FM’s neighbors have one of those…

stolen from the Dood : clik to enlarge
Is she smuggling a beer ball?
I see no definition. She has a uniboob.
That’ll work.
For whom?
I’ll pass on that one.
That would be rude.
I’m paying more attention to you and Olivia down thread. π
Well everything except for the motorsickle and what’s on it. Otherwise, look familiar.
I really admire your life style.
Is it time to go home yet?
Of course it is Omir. Actually you’re already home. Einstien thing or something.
BTW, I love the Einstein happy hour clock. You are really growing into your hosting duties, FM. I might have to relinquish Monday to The King.
No I don’t think so. I’ll probably sleep all day tomorrow just from the my monumental hosting effort.
I’m not used to thinking this much. π
Not so fast, my pretty.
Depends — if we let you go home, will we get the fournicator?
Omir you sure you don’t have something going yet? Twice today I know I gave you 4’s and I come back later and they’re 3’s. Luckily I see them and change them, but I know I put 4’s.
isn’t he? π
I kind of liked WW’s name for it, the Four-gasmatron. Sounds much more fun and less biblical.
π I agree SN. Four-gasmatron is much better!
Whew, I need a cigarette. You just roll over and go to sleep.
I needed that. π
This is getting as good as you and Mary mud wrestling.
Remember I have a weak heart.
So are you saying you want the cigarette, or to roll over and go to sleep?
Could I do both?
If you’re very very good.
She’s good, eh Family Man?! π
As good as grits slathered in butter on a cold day.
That just came out, don’t know what the hell that means.
LOL…works for me!
That’s really funny!
I think I heard Uncle Jed Clampett say that.
Get thee to the new cafe.
Actually, I’m enjoying seeing all of you shiver with antici . . .
SAY IT!!!!
Here’s one of my favorites from the recent trip to Utah.
It’s a 500 foot tall section of the multicolored lithified mud of the Chinle formation.
View larger
That’s incredible.
The photo is only a shadow of the incredibleness of the Grand Staircase – Escalante National Monument.
I’ve only seen something like that on one of the cable channels showing the Southwest. I’ve never seen it with such detail. Wonderful.
My sunburned arm was telling me that the sun was very bright so I shot it at f8 for 1/250 sec., and the combination of the smallish aperture and fastish shutter speed meant that, unless I sneezed, I’d get a pretty sharp picture.
It makes me think of a Navajo blanket.
That’s just amazing, especially when viewed on the larger. I sometimes think a 2nd round of life I’d be a geologist. Have your hikes encourage you to delve much into that?
We take geology books with us on all our trips. We have the roadside geology series, we have hiking guides that are based around geology (e.g., Hiking the Southwest’s Geology), we have general geology guides and dictionaries, we have hand lenses.
So the answer would be ‘yes’.
at my rural location I’ve got a rock with crinoids in it, took it to the univ geo dept, the guy said, Devonian period, some 400m yrs ago, I think, don’t have my cheat sheet here with me.
No way for the human mind to comtemplate 400 m years ago. But rock is full of crinoid pieces, which makes for a great evening with a magnifying glass.
Now if’n I could get olivia to take a photo of it…
Down in southern Indiana along the Ohio River, there’s an area (now a state park called Falls of the Ohio) where the river channel was moved (for navigation purposes) which exposed a huge area of limestone crammed with Devonian fossils. If you ever get in these parts, visiting there is absolutely fascinating and great fun.
These pictures are the few that make me really homesick for the mountain states. I miss the area from Moab down through Durango….
Sigh…… Maybe in a couple of years – must do Tucson first!
Jim, what a wonderful photo — there’s so much detail w/ the colours and the textures (which you captured superbly!). Did you find it hard to frame the shot?
Hi Olivia,
It was actually a very easy shot to frame. I have a series of 4 or 5 shots with that rock exposure in the background and I finally realized that the photo I really wanted was the Chinle formation without any of its surroundings. I just kept walking toward it and zoomed my lens to 70mm. When I couldn’t see the parking lot of the trail head, the pit toilet, the sagebrush flats, or the movie set of the western town (You can see that same bluff in about a dozen westerns.), I took my shot.
Yes — I can see how you wouldn’t want that other stuff. π You said in a comment above that it reminds you of a Navajo blanket, and that is a perfect description.
I’m going to open a new cafe. This one is getting pretty full.
Give me a minute.
New Cafe Here