No, Texas. It’s just that they both are usually up shortly after me and I knew that refinish was an hour earlier but I hadn’t realized that FM was too.
And a good morning to you (or just morning depending on how your day has started).
Morning!!!!! Andi I loved the comment about my yodeling. LOL I usually get up between 4 and 4:30 am every day. I have been up this morning and done a design for the person I am supporting for Texas Party Chairperson.
Good Morning. I’m just going to have to wait until I get somewhere where there is wifi to listen to your podcast. I want to get the full effect of your splendor.
Yup, I’m in the no-dsl, no-cable boonies. The phone company just keeps saying that they’re planning on bringing dsl here ‘soon’ but they have been saying that for two years.
We had wifi most of vacation and it was lovely. But as much as I want broadband, if that’s the cost for living out here in the woods, I’ll just keep paying it.
Morning everyone. I think a cable guy is coming out to the house today to fix our modem, so with a little luck, I should have Internet sometime tonight.
I will fill everyone’s Andrew fix soon. I’ve got report cards this weekend, so I’ll squeeze in a picture somewhere in between finishing grading papers.
Good Morning!!!! I hope everyone had a fabulous nights sleep and is ready for this wonderful day a head!!! I have changed my scheduale for work today. I am going in an hour later as I have to stay an hour later because of a training I have to attend. The fun part is this means I can leave my house 1/2 an hour later. LOL
Thanks but my time is now up as I need to get in the shower and get ready for the day. Will do a quick fly by once I am out of the shower. I hate morning traffic!!!!! 30 minutes later leaving can mean my usual 20 minute commute will take 45 minutes to an hour. LOL
Thanks Andi. I kept looking and looking and couldn’t figure it out. I got to remember not to preview it on the html editor and then wait until the last minute to look at it here.
Sometimes if you wish real hard it’ll vanish…especially if it’s blowing out the margins for people. Is it? (I have a really big screen, so I can’t tell.)
If you preview it in a new diary entry, all you have to do to abandon it is to leave the page with ‘pressing’ the submit button. That’s how I test mine. Just be sure to copy the text before you leave the page.
How is everybody today? I am happy not to have to straighten any teachers out this morning…and looking forward to a nice walk in the warm sunshine later. High near 70 today.
More with my little nephew. He loves his Uncle and George and between him and George trying to crawl onto my lap all the time, I can see some typing mistakes coming up today.
I’m really curious about how you do garden planning from season to season. If you have a chance and the subject interest you, I’d love to read a post at your site about that.
Oh yes — glorying each time they show the highlights on the sports packages (3 sports) and local news (2 programs) this morning!
Re: garden planning, that’s interesting — I was wondering the same thing myself lol! 😉 Seriously though, I do have to do some major planning for this season and I could definitely write a diary/post about it for the blog. (And since I’ve been playing with boxes, I can make a box w/ white background and black text so it is easier to read.)
Doing the last iPod update before the trip — lots of Air America to listen to on the flights (and when stuck in the airport), plus some back Daily Shows/Colbert Reports (I loooove my video iPod!) to keep me company. Think I picked up the spouse’s cold, but I’ll be okay — will stay well hydrated on the plane and all that. Also a tad short on sleep — got up to visit the bathroom at about 4am, was just about back to sleep when the damn phone rang…and it was an f-ing fax machine! Obviously someone misdialed, maybe transposed a couple of digits. So once I get settled, I’ll probably catch a nap before heading out to dinner.
Looking forward to having some time to myself to explore and relax before the maddening crowds descend tomorrow. Diane — if you read this, I got the phone numbers; will try to give you and Shirl a call this afternoon/evening. (Actually was able to put a lot of travel information in a text file and store it on the iPod for viewing…did I mention how much I love my iPod? 😉 )
Okay, got to run and get myself prettified for the trip…
FM, I hddn’t realized all this time that it was an hour earlier in Alabama. Both you and refinish are the early bird early birds.
No he lives in Texas. There are only a few of us lucky one here. 🙂
No, Texas. It’s just that they both are usually up shortly after me and I knew that refinish was an hour earlier but I hadn’t realized that FM was too.
And a good morning to you (or just morning depending on how your day has started).
Good morning, all.
The day is starting with some good news.
CNN reporting that Jill Caroll has been released.
Morning!!!!! Andi I loved the comment about my yodeling. LOL I usually get up between 4 and 4:30 am every day. I have been up this morning and done a design for the person I am supporting for Texas Party Chairperson.
Glen Maxey For Texas Democrat Fitted T-Shirt
Good Morning. I’m just going to have to wait until I get somewhere where there is wifi to listen to your podcast. I want to get the full effect of your splendor.
I don’t know that I would call it slendor. LOL I hate the sound of my own voice.
I see you use earthlink… do they have dsl in your area or are you too far out in the boonies?
Yup, I’m in the no-dsl, no-cable boonies. The phone company just keeps saying that they’re planning on bringing dsl here ‘soon’ but they have been saying that for two years.
Poor Andi. That must be difficult to go somewhere that has dsl and then come home and switch back to dial-up.
We had wifi most of vacation and it was lovely. But as much as I want broadband, if that’s the cost for living out here in the woods, I’ll just keep paying it.
I don’t blame you at all. I’m still amazed that you work from home and do all this stuff here with dial-up.
I just heard it on NPR. I’m very happy for her and her family.
That’s great news! Her mom taught at my high school and she was the adviser for Amnesty International, which we started my senior year.
Morning everyone. I think a cable guy is coming out to the house today to fix our modem, so with a little luck, I should have Internet sometime tonight.
YEAH!!!! I hope your interent gets fixed soon!!!!
Just in time — my Andrew jones is almost out of control.
Hope things are great with you.
I will fill everyone’s Andrew fix soon. I’ve got report cards this weekend, so I’ll squeeze in a picture somewhere in between finishing grading papers.
Good Morning!!!! I hope everyone had a fabulous nights sleep and is ready for this wonderful day a head!!! I have changed my scheduale for work today. I am going in an hour later as I have to stay an hour later because of a training I have to attend. The fun part is this means I can leave my house 1/2 an hour later. LOL
Good Morning All. Isn’t it great news about Jill Caroll.
Morning!!!! I am thrilled that Jill has been released!!!!
Morning Refinish. Yes it is good news.
So you’ll be with us a little longer this morning? That’s great.
Thanks but my time is now up as I need to get in the shower and get ready for the day. Will do a quick fly by once I am out of the shower. I hate morning traffic!!!!! 30 minutes later leaving can mean my usual 20 minute commute will take 45 minutes to an hour. LOL
Good Morning. Working on breakfast for your guests?
No they’re late sleepers. I won’t hear from them for about three hours. The adults at least. I’m not sure about my nephew.
How are you today?
I’m slowly getting out of my post-vacation mope mode and into my normal I-want-to-retire mope mode.
I’m assume you saw both my emails.
No I didn’t I’ll go look right now.
Andi I just sent you and email. I need help!!
I’m looking at right now.
Just emailed you the fixed code.
Thanks Andi. I kept looking and looking and couldn’t figure it out. I got to remember not to preview it on the html editor and then wait until the last minute to look at it here.
Sorry I hit post instead of preview. Can it be deleted?
Sometimes if you wish real hard it’ll vanish…especially if it’s blowing out the margins for people. Is it? (I have a really big screen, so I can’t tell.)
I can’t tell on mine. Wishing doesn’t seem to work.
Are you sure you’re wishing hard enough?
Geeze it worked. Now if I can just do the wish thing with the lottery.
Ah, I think we now know that CG has superpowers.
Yep. I can turn red traffic lights green by blowing on them…just ask my kids.
Reminds me of a wonderfully tacky line a friend of mine used to use on guys —
Friend: “Didja know I’m a magician?”
Guy: “No. You are?”
Friend” “Yup. I blow in your ear and you turn into a motel.”
only by the site administrators.
If you do your previewing in the ‘new diary entry’, you can delete an accidental submit.
And we’ll just consider it a sneak preview of upcoming cafes.
Thanks Andi. I should have been using the new diary entry anyway. So much to learn.
If you preview it in a new diary entry, all you have to do to abandon it is to leave the page with ‘pressing’ the submit button. That’s how I test mine. Just be sure to copy the text before you leave the page.
Do you mean without ‘pressing’ the submit button?
yes, I did mean that but my fingers are subversives.
My fingers have a mind of their own too.
SN must be rubbing off on me, because that sounds kind of suggestive. 🙂
I’m going to open up the new cafe in about an hour or if this one starts to get to full.
Mornin’ y’all.
How is everybody today? I am happy not to have to straighten any teachers out this morning…and looking forward to a nice walk in the warm sunshine later. High near 70 today.
Morning CG. I’m trying to figure out how to fix a screw-up. If I can’t I guess ya’ll know what the next cafe looks like.
Sounds like you’ll have a lovely day.
I read about the teacher yesterday. That was really inappropriate. 70! Sounds like a great day for a walk!
Morning Olivia.
Sounds like you’ll be busy today w/ your family. 🙂
More with my little nephew. He loves his Uncle and George and between him and George trying to crawl onto my lap all the time, I can see some typing mistakes coming up today.
Hi Olivia! I’m about to get the second cabinboy off to school, check my email and make a work call or 2, and then I’m out the door with the dog…
Nice day up your way?
Nice here too — 15C(59F). The warmest day yet. And sunny. 🙂
I’m already thinking about turning on the air conditioner sometimes today. It’s supposed to get up to 82F today with possible thunder storms.
Still glorying in last night’s win?
I’m really curious about how you do garden planning from season to season. If you have a chance and the subject interest you, I’d love to read a post at your site about that.
Oh yes — glorying each time they show the highlights on the sports packages (3 sports) and local news (2 programs) this morning!
Re: garden planning, that’s interesting — I was wondering the same thing myself lol! 😉 Seriously though, I do have to do some major planning for this season and I could definitely write a diary/post about it for the blog. (And since I’ve been playing with boxes, I can make a box w/ white background and black text so it is easier to read.)
I hope you do it — I think it would be very interesting and it would substantially improve my vicarious gardening.
Channeling Peter, Paul & Mary this morning:
“My bags are packed, I’m ready to go…”
Doing the last iPod update before the trip — lots of Air America to listen to on the flights (and when stuck in the airport), plus some back Daily Shows/Colbert Reports (I loooove my video iPod!) to keep me company. Think I picked up the spouse’s cold, but I’ll be okay — will stay well hydrated on the plane and all that. Also a tad short on sleep — got up to visit the bathroom at about 4am, was just about back to sleep when the damn phone rang…and it was an f-ing fax machine! Obviously someone misdialed, maybe transposed a couple of digits. So once I get settled, I’ll probably catch a nap before heading out to dinner.
Looking forward to having some time to myself to explore and relax before the maddening crowds descend tomorrow. Diane — if you read this, I got the phone numbers; will try to give you and Shirl a call this afternoon/evening. (Actually was able to put a lot of travel information in a text file and store it on the iPod for viewing…did I mention how much I love my iPod? 😉 )
Okay, got to run and get myself prettified for the trip…
Obviously I’m really jealous you’re getting to go, but I’m so happy for you, and everyone else.
New Café Opened.