Froggybottom Pancake
Morning Cafe
Morning Cafe

Newcomers and Lurkers
Come on in
and meet everyone.
Come on in
and meet everyone.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters
Goodies on the platters
George is you host.
Crรชpes, Pfannkuchen. blintz, or Okonomiyaki also available
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Good morning and welcome to Froggybottom Pancake café. Your maitre d’ is George.
Sit back and enjoy a leisurely breakfast!
I’ll have the crepes with baked apples and cinnamon, please. And some more coffee. And some of that Simply Orange juice we’ve become addicted to here at Chez Cabin.
Coming right up. Don’t mind if George sniffs at it while delivering. He’s very hygenic.
That’s our snobby preference in oj too. A close second is Tropicana Homestyle. Once you taste good oj it’s impossible to go back to the stuff that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
with George over their shared panache.
They could be brothers. Their sytle and tastes are alike.
George is looking fine this morning!
I have 2 meetings today, one at noon on the far far south side, and one at two on the far far east side. As luck would have it both of my cases are hopping right now after weeks of near inactivity on one of them. When it rains it pours.
So I won’t be around much until happy hour when I hope to see George again looking spiffy.
We’ll miss you today and be careful out there.
George will have a drink ready for you when you get home.
Family Man — what a great cafe! George is so dapper. And the pancakes look delicious. ๐
Thanks Olivia. Once you get George into a suit it’s hard to get him out of it. He’s so picky sometimes.
Breakfast??? Where….?
Morning all from rain soaked Northern CA…we broke a record yesterday for the most days of rain in March…23 days of rain!
Super cheery day…heading for San Diego tomorrow early and only partly cloudy and low-mid 60’s! I’m now half packed – and probably taking too much stuff. Just making sure I have room for the 4 bottles of wine!
Another busy day…so lurker mode will switch on shortly!
Great looking pup there SallyCat.
You just de-lurk anytime you want somemore pancakes.
I just got one of those 1 or 2 cup at time machines…really nice. Now when I want coffee I make one cup…fresh, really hot, and with my own French Roast blend.
Awww…almost done dripping!
When I used to drink coffe, and I do miss it, I guaged it by a pot at a time. French roast always was my favorite.
Now I do a blend of half decaf…and only make about 3 cups a day and that’s on a frantic day.
Before it was 4-6 cups of straight caffeine…really been good for my tension level / heart palpitations.
That’s the reason I quit drinking it. I never could bring myself to drink decaf. It seemed to defeat the purpose of me drinking it – caffeine.
Greetings From LA! I just completed three job interviews, all interesting positions and I think the interviews went well. I’m heading back to the Monterey Peninsula for 3 more weeks, and then back home again.
Greeting MM, I’m glad to hear about the job interviews.
You do take the most wonderful pictures.
Thanks, FM! It is daunting to think of facing the grotesque LA commuting scene again, but I guess life just can’t be perfect, can it?
I live in a town of about 5000 and I hate to go out and drive at quitting time. It would be a nightmare for me in LA.
Snort, snicker, tee hee hee hee…..
Sorry about that…I was at a national conference in SF this week. Because of the timing I drove in and it averaged 35-45 minutes to go 20 miles…and that was a good day. And then there was the 2+ hour traffic jam on Monday night due to an accident. People from other places (that I talked to) – Missouri, Minnesota, Alaska, etc. were appalled at the concept.
I’m now 4 miles from work in the Marin suburbs and have to briefly get on the freeway. Time to go 4 miles – 15 minutes average! I only dream about driving without a traffic jam.
I’m now going to have my coffee and snicker a little…!
Not laughing at you FM…just the concept! {{{Family Man}}}
Enjoy that coffee.
I’ve lived in cities before where it would take me 45 minutes to an hour to get to work, on a good day. I definitely don’t miss traffic jams.
Our only traffic jams here are when a farmer is driving a tractor on the road and you have to wait to get around them. ๐ {{{{MM}}}}
Maybe we can sneak in a brief meetup down that way before you move back to LA…
I love your pics…always spectacular!
Sounds like a plan. Email me if you are going to be in the neighborhood!
Good news MM, hope it works out to be a positive change.
Dropped a photo in the cafe last night to prime your LA Photo Muse
Venice Pier Sunset
Totally great photo! I’ve been trying to get sunsets, but I’m not sure I have the right camera for it.
Excellent news (and excellent photo).
Here’s hoping for good results from the interviews and that the three weeks pass quickly and as pleasantly as possible.
Thanks, AndiF! Fingers and toes crossed! (Then try to walk…)
Morning all from DiShirl our new combo name…lol….
We are up at at them early today and Shirl is floating somewhere in the stars at the moment, at least I think that’s where she is….Just kidding, all is nice and normal here with the gloomy weather that is just sticking here and now is going to last all weekend it seems.
Tomorrow is the day we will board a train to take us to Solano Beach and meetup with the folks there…hope us two old ones can survive….
So how is your day and hi Family Man, how are you doing.
Nice to meet the combo…!
Is it gloomy and warmish or just gloomy? I have finalized my packing and can make some switches to warmer weather stuff.
I’m so excited…and can’t wait to just float in the stars with Shirl and experience your solid grounding!
Hugs and smoochies to the new duo….
It’s gloomy and warmish, with chance of rain showers, it did rain in the night also, but temps are low 50’s and hi 60 ish. Yesterday the sun was out and it got nice and warm. It’s considerably warmer than a few weeks ago and in some parts of the country this would be typical spring weather, here it is cold spring weather. If you bring clothes for San Fran you will be fine here, all the layers…
Hugs and smootchies to you and to all.
Too many clothes! LOL
Too many is my usual style…but oh well!
I just sent a logisitcs email to the new duo…Diane actually!
Hi DiShirl.
It’s going pretty good so far. I’m just so happy for you and Shirl and everyone else getting to meet up.
I’m jealous. ๐
I hope ya’ll get a little reprieve from the weather.
My older sister’s name is Diane and for many years I thought my name was Diiii-Andrea.
When you have such great people to spend time with, you’ll barely notice the weather.
Have a wonder trip and a wonderful time.
That’s funny because I have 5 siblings. My mother and father used to run through all the names until they hit on the right one.
I didn’t have any siblings, but my grandmother (who did much of the heavy lifting in raising me) used to run through the names of her dogs.
My mom still does it, but since she 80 years old now, we give her a little slack.
Day two with no laptop. My pulse rate is down, the hollows under my eyes deepen, the cats are starting to get nervous around me, I’ve been reduced to looking in the windows of house with computers. Soon, true desperation will set in.
Seriously though, today is a much better day than yesterday. The underlying life stressors are all still in place, but half a dozen small things have gone right and none of the major problems have gotten worse. So, yay! Sign me up for two eggs over easy, to slices of wheat toast lightly buttered, hashbrowns, bacon, and a big mug of Empire Kemun.
You got it Kelly. Glad to hear today is going better.
My problem is George is in continual yapper mode right now. With family here and my 2 1/2 year old nephew running after him all the time, he’s continually barking.
Hi and Morning everyone! Star-Di here! The pancakes look great, FM. I am loving the weather, it is perfect for me and 20 degrees warmer than I-DEE-Ho.
I’m giggling about Diane thinking I’m floating in the stars. . .she ain’t seen nothin yet. . .this is very grounded for me. . .LOL!!! Think I’ll give her a preview of star travel later, despite her determination to plant her feet firmly in mother earth. It should be fun.
Her dog, Lady and I are having a deeply meaningful relationship. What a beauty she is and we are pretty mushy over each other. A lot of deep gazing into each others eyes. Me and the doggie.
Tomorrow should be quite the amazing day, following these amazing days we’ve already experienced. This is a lot of excitement for the old gals that live a pretty quiet life tucked away in our respective little corners of the universe.
I’m sure we will have too many words to share with all of you tomorrow night!
Hugs and loves to all
Just as long as you take a lot of pictures and live blog and podcast and Oh I want to be there.
How deep is your lake, any fish, or alligators in it?
My lake has fish, turtles, snakes and two egretts. There are houses all around the pond. It’s not unusual to see people out back fishing.
This whole neighborhood is open so there no fences. People sort of know each other, so having people fishing in the back yard, or having kids and dogs running through the yard isn’t unusual.
BTW I have a bad enought time with snakes, if I saw an alligator I don’t think I’d ever set foot out of the house.
I’m thinking while you were on vacation you might have missed the final photos of the Painted Buffalo. So here it is from another FBC,
Painted Buffalo
Love it!!!!!
Thanks for the link. And the buffalo is very cool!
Yay, I’m up early and didn’t miss the pancakes! A short stack please, extra butter and syrup on the side.
Morning FM and everyone.
Morning Izzy. I was saving a special stack of pancakes just for you.
You are up early!
Aw, thanks FM! I am up early — I don’t know what happened. Although I was tired yesterday and got to sleep early… that might have had something to do with it.
I thought there must have been an earthquake or something to get you going this early. ๐
Well, the sun did come out. I woke up a bit startled — what the hell is going on? Took me a second to figure it out, it’s been so long.
I forgot where on the west coast you are. Diane wrote this morning it’s still gloomy where she is.
Sounds like you’ve got good weather.
I’m way north. It sounds like Diane and I have swapped our weather somehow.
Must had. I hope it turns nice for everybody out there. We’ve got nice weather so far. It’s supposed to turn hot this afternoon.
… see this cat in the cafe last night?
Sure sounds like one of the cats from last night.
In effect, Lewis is under house arrest, forbidden to leave his home.
lol! Where can I get one of those! My cat pees himself when people ring the doorbell. I think I’d prefer to have one w/ more vigour! ๐
Hi Izzy!!! Hope you’re having a fabulous day!
At least yours does something. Mine just sleeps.
Oh I see he takes after his owner! ๐
Yeah … you can say that when you’ve never been peed on by a cat — a cat! I’d rather have a sleeper. lol ๐
It’s more like I take after her with the sleeping. She sleeps day and night. OK, OK I know there’s a big parallel.
This sleeper woke up this week to pee on the bed. Luckily I wasn’t in it at the time.
Though she has done it to me before. ๐
So she peed the bed? Yikes! At least mine only pees when the doorbell rings or you try to take him outside.
Yes she did and I was mad. She’s only done it twice, but I’m trying to figure out why.
But I can’t stay mad at this.
She’s real purr-ty! ๐ I can see how you can’t stay mad for long.
This is Noods (click pic for larger):
You are so good with those marco shots.
I doubt if Cat would let me close enough with the camera. She only wants to be close, when she wants to.
Cat thing I guess.
I just lost it at work — you’ve got me guffawing out loud at the comment you posted in Boo’s open thread!
As soon as I posted it, I started reading the thread and I thought, something’s not right.
I reposted here right away and I thought they must think I’m crazy.
Happened to me too.
I guess I was up looking at the recent comments, posted a reply to someone who’s comment was very similar to what they might have said in an FBC, then when I realized where I was, I posted a “How did I get here?” and the next one says something about how I’d slipped into a parallel universe…
There are strange happenings going on today.
Hey, Olivia! I lol’d too about the cat. They actually had him on our news last night and showed his six-toed paws. A neighbor was interviewed, calling him a devil cat.
So far so good on the day — hope yours is wonderful!
Dada was definitely channeling Lewis last night!
Aw shucks…<blush>…I’m getting a lot of milage out of that pic. :{)
How are ya, O?
I’m doin’ good! How ’bout you?
Yikes! That is scary.
The other day I saw a video on the Animal Channel of a cop who was in the middle of singing the praises of a cat he was holding to get someone to adopt it, when the cat suddenly went hog wild. It was on a leash and the cop (foolishly) kept holding onto the leash until the cat was spinning around every which way in violent circles. Finally the cat wound the leash around the one of the man’s legs, up and up until he got pinned against the man’s leg and bit him in the groin. The man was in agony and it just wasn’t funny but it just goes to show you that you can’t change a cat’s mind once it gets going it will fight to the death.
That’s the reason I never say more than ‘Bad Kitty’ to my cat.
I must be get tired. I posted that in open thread.
Wise Family Man!
It only takes one time to learn how to address a cat correctly. ๐
For the smart people!
I’ll find the google video — just watched it the other day. BRB.
That was great Olivia. I feel sorry for the Pinky, but oh that poor guy.
Yeah — poor Pinky certainly wasn’t happy about that.
I don’t think the man was either. ๐
The funny part is when the man says, “Pinky is a very loving cat.” And then all hell breaks lose.
I wonder what kind hearted family has adopted Pinky, and did they see the video?
He’s famous! I hope they at least were warned not to leash him. ๐
I’ve got two cats and I wouldn’t even attempt to put a leash on them. After seeing the video, I would hope anyone adopting Pinky would do the same.
And you have to listen to it — the sound is as good as the image!
well, that’s the laugh of the day here so far.
I’d know better than to mess with one once they get excited. ‘Cause I was instructed to catch the one from out in the wilds who had been domesticated, Elsa went up the corner of the bathroom walls, then half way across the ceiling, (it seemed) before dropping to the floor and escaping out the door.
I don’t know that we ever did get that one to the vet for any shots.
Amazing! Didn’t even know this cat had become so famous!
Isn’t that crazy mythmother! Good to see you btw — ps — there’s a new cafe open!
Yes crazy and following you to the new cafe!
SJC being San Jose International Airport. ๐ Got a couple of hours to relax so splurged on a wireless daypass — can check in with the blogs while I wait.
Security went relatively hitchless — haven’t made the no-fly list yet but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. lol Was in line with a delightful woman from Sisters of Mercy who was a veteran flyer, so she talked me through the procedures. (Memo #1 for June — slip on shoes for Seattle flight!) Got one suitcase checked and one VERY HEAVY daypack. (Memo #2 — get spouse to carry daypack with laptop.) Think I did okay in the clothes department, but I probably brought too damn many books (typical).
Weather is grey and cloudy here — hoping it won’t be too turbulent…nervous enough as it is. Wish you all were going to be there, but we’d need a far bigger hotel (and one with good soundproofing lol). Sally, Di-Shirl…will see you fine ladies tomorrow! ๐
Glad to her it’s going so smooth.
Hello everyone. Don’t it just figure? I get here late and all the crepes are gone.
Wroooong Omir. We cook to order and have been waiting on you.
In that case, to coin a phrase . . . bring ’em on.
Cherry and apple please, with some blintzes on the side.
Sure thing Omir. How’re you doing today?
That’s the reason I never say more than bad kitty to my cat. Oops, wrong spot…sorry. ๐
What’s going on SN. Did you get all your errands done today?
I did indeed and got the scenic tour of Raleigh in the process. I had two meetings on separate sides of town and was lucky enough to only get lost once, get stuck going the wrong direction for at least 5 miles before I could turn around, and then had to follow a caravan of construction dump trucks spewing black smoke directly into my lungs. Fun fun day.
Looks like you’ve been busy. You even invaded the open thread.
Gosh I miss living in a large town. All the good pollution and smog.
Yes I did invade into Open Thread. Unintentionally though.
At least it gave Olivia a good laugh. ๐
Me too. Now I need some Excedrin and a nap. See you all for happy hour.
Enjoy your nap. I’ve been missing mine today.
Could be worse — I had a three hour conference call. Hell is two hours on the phone. Three hours is hell plus a lengthy visit from your mother where she criticizes everything about you and your house.
Andi you need a…..
You can’t serve those in a cafe with pictures of breakfast saying “breakfast is served”…is nothing sacred?
:::CG sobs:::
Nope, nothings sacred, not a thing.
Care for one?
Not until the lounge is open…I have standards, ya know.
Well this one has gotten crowded and there is syrup and jam everywhere, so I’ll go ahead and open up a new one.
But then again, time is relative and it has to be happy hour somewhere.
The ribald redactor of redneck recipes has standards. I have doubts.
Geez you always make me go to the dictionary, and I’ll take any compliment given. ๐
Hey, don’t be grabby — that was CG’s compliment(??).
You would be the southern sage of slothful slacking.
I can identify with that. ๐
Are you saying you want a tang sandwich?
Despite my rather frequent lapses in taste and discernment, I am fairly sure that I do not.
How bout a Mimosa instead?
Late brunch, don’t cha know…
It’s not the breakfast part that bothers me; it’s that the drink is pastel. Quelle horreur!
Hello to one & all from the sunny, beautiful Catskills. What a fantastic day — 60 degrees, a gentle breeze, no ice to speak of anywhere. Magnificent!
My young kitten’s just acquainted himself with ‘the world outside’ & he’s having an absolutely wonderful time.
Hope everyone’s doing well & enjoying similar pleasures.
May I say here, for the record, that the man to whom I’ve paid rent for over four years is a bloodsucking cretin?
Thank you.
I’m out for firewood now (as the nights are still chilly enough). Hope to see you all soon.
Your dive-bomb visits to FBC always make me feel breathless and like I should be running after you, waving my hands and yelling “wait, wait.”
you must be the black lab I saw once chasing barn swallow shadow on the ground while the barn swallow was entertaining him/herself.
Is this your unsubtle way of telling me that WW has the left the building.
Still here — as I haven’t yet installed Omir’s fourgasmatron (or whatever he ultimately calls it).
I promise I’ll be back. Sadly enough, neither The Woodland Queen nor her ultra-brainy progeny have figured out how to harvest kindling yet. They don’t seem as concerned as I am, either. Must be the fur.
Later, my dear ..
Wait, wait … this cafe is closed … come back … to the new one …
Breakfast is over and Happy Hour in new cafe.