At least, if Homeland Security makes good on it’s request, they will:
Unmanned aerial vehicles [i.e., aerial drones] have soared the skies of Afghanistan and Iraq for years, spotting enemy encampments, protecting military bases, and even launching missile attacks against suspected terrorists.
Now UAVs may be landing in the United States.
A House of Representatives panel on Wednesday heard testimony from police agencies that envision using UAVs for everything from border security to domestic surveillance high above American cities. Private companies also hope to use UAVs for tasks such as aerial photography and pipeline monitoring.
Not that we should be surprised. In a country that regularly wiretaps its own citizens without warrants, that creates databases to monitor “terrorist activity” by peaceful antiwar groups , in which librarians and internet providers may be required to turn over records of the books you check out or the websites you frequent, why should we be surprised that the government intends to use spying devices previously limited to foreign battlefields here in the good old US of A?
There’s a reason why the metaphor “slippery slope” has so long been a useful one when describing governmental violations of the rights of its citizens. Unfortunately we are rapidly approaching that point where slippery turns into an avalanche. You’d think the “black helicopter crowd” that was so vociferous during the Clinton years would be a tad more concerned about governmental intrusions into our private lives under the Bush regime.
But, then I forget. 9/11 changed everything. It has turned even the toughest, roughest, most independent libertarians among us into mewling scared little children running to Daddy the first time someone yells “Boo!” in their face. For despite the reality of the “terrorist threat” it does not justify the levels of fear and hypocrisy that we have witnessed over the last few years. Fear of terrorism is all out of proportion to the actual physical danger posed by terrorists to most of us each day. Fear of our own government’s excesses in the name of security, however, is not nearly large enough.
For more on the general topic of trading freedom for security go read populist’s diary, which includes excerpts from an essay by Stephen M. Osborn, an Atomic Vet and activist.
I’m afraid I have a very active imagination.
all those sci-fi movies i’ve been watching all my life. when i hear of stories like this coming true, my memory, let alone my imagination, starts to kick in and i worry for our futures more and more.
We will never know who the UAV’s are watching because we will not have the guts to investigate it. Same as the NSA wiretaps. The congress is so corrupt they will never seek truth or justice only power and money.
I just finished reading the cover story from Time about global warming. I’ve fucking had it, this administration is so greedy and insane they are literally killing the planet with their intransigence over any meaningful plans to try and stop this nightmare. The next rally in DC needs to be over the climate and the crooked politicians that would trade money over protecting Mother Earth. The Republican congress stopped Kyoto during Clinton’s admin and this administration just does not give a flying fuck about anything, “Bullshit to Electricity” aside. Talking about Hydrogen cars and switch grass in place of mileage standards and smokestack scrubbers is just blowing smoke. These fuckers are lining their pockets while we fry.
Sorry Steve didn’t mean to go OT. But after you read the 100th warning and still they sit like pigs in shit it gets irritating.
That’s OK, global warming denialists are a favorite topic of mine as well. What we really have is a political system based upon bribery. As long as corporate money greases the wheels for political campaigns, that is how long uncomfortable truths the corporations don’t want addressed will be ignored by Congress.
They’ve had the capability of “seeing us” for a very long time. Look at the satellite imagery that is “accessible” to anybody with a laptop. I can Google a picture of my house and see the dog in the yard and tell you her breed for crissakes. You can bet the farm that the high-tech secret shit that’s already in orbit can do a hell of a lot more than that.
These more obvious methods are meant as deterrents to any kind of civil disobedience.
This just adds to the fear factor…nothing to worry about if you’re not doing anything wrong folks…move along.
Orwell was a piker compared to these guys.
If UAV salespeople are looking to law enforcement it wouldn’t be the first time that producers of military stuff discovered a market in civilians — Jeeps on the streets after WWII, etc. But the UAV’s, per se, aren’t threatening. For one thing, the cost would be prohibitive, so the purchase by a law enforcement agency on a tight budget is remote.
Moreover, we accept monitoring for public safety and fraud prevention — planes equipped with radar to catch speeders, gadgets videotaping bank users, parking lot users, hotel hallways, and casino games. We’d welcome the use of UAV’s for search and rescue efforts in remote areas hit by natural disasters. These uses don’t make even the bunny hill of a slippery slope.
What is threatening, I agree, is an invasion of privacy and a [law-enforcement] mindset which disregards boundaries and common sense. “9/11” has been diluted, becoming an excuse instead of inspiration.
is really becoming a frightening catchphrase. I’m starting to believe that Americans’ irrational fear of terrorism will make the Constitution irrelevant to them.
The childishness of my countrymen looking for “big daddy” to protect them is ridiculous and extremely dangerous.
So they’ll be able to all kinds of activities, but they can’t see that this country has become Fortress America. What’s next, a giant dome covering us all?
Only for the right people, if you get my drift.
Nothing new here.
The PermaGov has been spying on American citizens using whatever technology is at hand since WWII.
BET on it.
And it will NEVER come out.
Not fully.
Every once in a while you see the dorsal fin of this killer whale, the snorkel of this killer sub, and then…WHOOPS!!! It’s gone again.
The ONLY way that real evidence of this could EVER come out is if there were a coup absolutely took over the government in some sort of complete and sudden surprise move…and THAT ain’t gonna happen, because the people who are doing the spying are the only ones who could possibly pull off a stunt like that.
Again. (1963)
Whistle blower?
He’d be dead before the whistle came out of his mouth.
WAY too big.
WAY too many secrets.
New technologies?
All THESE people see is new and better ways to control the serfs.
Implanted chips?
National IDs w/chips?
Retinal scanning at your local skyscraper? ATM? Airport?
They’re coming…
One good thing. though…
No more TV cops asking suspects “Where were you on the night of February 28th?”
They’ll know already.
“Just the facts,. ma’am.”
“Just the facts.”