I’m feeling old today. Twenty-five years ago, on a rainy Monday afternoon, John Hinckley almost assassinated Ronald Reagan outside the Washington Hilton Hotel. I was in sixth grade.
It’s hard to believe that a quarter century has elapsed. For those of you that are conspiracy minded, here are a couple little known facts:
Neil Bush was scheduled to have dinner with Scott Hinckley (John’s older brother) the
day that Reagan was shot (the Hinckley Family and the Bush family were both involved in the energy industry). Additionally, the Bush family
and Hinckley family are related, both having descended from Thomas Hinckley (born 19 Mar 1619, Hawkhurst, Kent, England; died 25 Apr 1706,
Barnstable, MA) who was Governor of Plymouth Colony from 1658-1681.
You can read the original AP story (referencing an earlier Houston Post story) here. If even has a little reference to Dubya.
Despite the ominous implications of these coincidences, it really does appear that John Hinckley acted alone and was deeply deranged and obsessed with Jodie Foster. It even appears that he made efforts to kill President Carter before Reagan replaced him. So, it’s probably best to put the tin-foil back in the box. But if you can resist the urge to speculate, check this out.
It never pays to examine the Bush Family too closely, even when they’re innocent.
In any case, Ronald Reagan lived, went on to trade arms for hostages, make a memorable trip to Iceland, and have an airport named after him. George Herbert Walker Bush didn’t get to become President 25 years ago, but he and his son would go on to occupy the Oval Office for 12 of the next 28 years.
Makes me weary just to think about it.
You feel old?! I had just moved back to Cleveland from Evergreen, Colorado two days prior. I was 21 and pregnant with my first child. Watching TV the news came on and that Hinkley was from…Evergreen, CO.
Too weird. And I think the six degrees thing with Kevin Bacon ought to be changed to the Bushes.
Six Degrees to the Axis of Bush’s Evil!
And I was, let’s see… 1 year and 1 month old 25 years ago. I probably cried when Reagan got shot, but it was completely unrelated I’m sure. I most likely just needed some food. Or I banged my head on something.
you should go register that URL 🙂
the new social networking site!
I’d be frightened to discover how I’m linked to those bastards.
Heh , your about the same age as me then for I was maybe in the 5th grade or there abouts.
Okay – now I’m over the hill…I was in college…a returning student and age 25ish…briefly discussed on the news locally but not more.
Word went out that the president would be okay…it was only a few days later that it got hyped and here in CA brought up more gun control discussions.
I also remember the JFK, Malcoln X, Martin Luther King, and Bobby Kennedy assassinations….Where did you all put my walker?
Born in 59 and I remember JFK’s funeral from televison. I had just turned four.
Its my first memory of watching television.
Same age, same first memory (of any sort). When Reagan was shot I was a senior in college, and my first thought on hearing it was “Oh my god! There really is something to this cycle of presidents elected on the 20th year dying in office.” Not “Poor guy” or “I hope he’s OK.”
And as far as remembering where I was and what I was doing when I hear it? Well, as I indicated, I was a senior in college, already admitted to grad school, so I was taking oil painting as a “fun class.”
I was jaywalking in the middle of Olney Avenue west of 20th Street (You Philly folks will know where this is, in the middle of La Salle’s campus), carrying my ugly painting back to my apartment, when someone crossing from the other direction told me. I was so stunned by the news that the cycle had happened again that I just stood there in the middle of the street (with the really ugly painting) until I was almost run over after the traffic light down the block changed to green…
No offense to the respectable Booman but there should be a rule that states ‘one should never say one is feeling (or getting) old unless one knows there aren’t any people older out there *laughs*
I’m about as old but I swear my joints started creaking as I read this post ^_^
PS. I’m kidding. Far be it for me to ever censure anything, whatsoever !
I was a grad student locked out of a seminar because Foster’s residential college at Yale was defended by irascible bouncers in sunglasses and wires running from their ears.
It was too weird that Reagan was President. His survival seemed consistent with the irreality of his election. No truth, no consequences.
He lived to see U.S. Steel replaced by Disney on the Dow Jones industrials during his term. Texas savings and loans would borow money at any interest rate. If they won a long-shot bet with it, they got to keep the profits. If they lost, they got to stick the losses to the people. The Bush family was in on that one deep.
Nothing had consequences. Nothing mattered.
Hinckley mad? Yeah, and he had ten fingers, too.
This is one that hasn’t gotten any attention. While Bush was head of the CIA (1976), and after the Embassy row bombing, the CIA was diseminating false information through Newsweek
The National Security Archives recently released documents in which both Orlando Bosh and Posadas Carriles bragged about being involved in that same bombing. Bosh was pardoned by Daddy, while Posadas Carriles was pardoned his son. Both of these men were seen in Dallas the day of Kennedy’s murder, and were said to be carrying weapons.
Somehow we knew Hinky was nuts when he shot Reagan in the shoulderpad with a .22.
There must be an appropriate and patriotic way to celebrate the anniversary . . .
STOP with the “tinfoil hat” bullshit.
If it quacks like a duck…over and over and over and fucking OVER!!!…then it goddamned well IS a duck. It may not be a duck like the OTHER ducks you are used to shooting…YOU know, the sitting kind…BUT IT IS A FUCKING DUCK.
And you do not need a tinfoil hat to know which way the ducks are blowing.
“Coincidence” after “coincidence” after “coincidence” after “coincidence” after “coincidence”.
Isn’t “coincidence” anymore.
Aren’t you beginning to get tired of the “disturbed loner w/connections to all SORTS of strange coincidences” story yet?
Any potboiler author would have had to change his formula by now.
It’s not “coincidence”.
Not anymore.
Now…it’s what’s for dinner.
in this case the cover-up looks to be limited to quashing any mention of a connection between the Hinkley’s and the Bush’s. And that is a MASSIVE cover-up.
But there has never been any evidence for the idea that Hinkley was brainwashed or acted on his family’s behalf.
Sometimes a duck is just a duck.
“Sometimes a duck is just a duck?”
Never when it:
A-Has a gun.
B-Has extensive connections to the PermaGov. ESPECIALLY when those connections run through the CIA. And George Sr. IS “the CIA”.
BET on it.
I don’t buy it..
Spend some more time on the blog Rigorous Intuition. Tinfoil hats begin to look like this year’s fedora of choice once you start to see the connections.
There are SO many!!! It is impossible to tot them all up to “coincidence”.
Ludicrous on the face of it.
Maybe an experiment gone bad.
Maybe just the bad genes that MAKE these people what they are (if indeed they are even “people” as we commonly define the term) gone three or four degrees further off center than those of the experiment currently occupiying the White House.
Take your pick.
All of genetics is an experiment.
All FAMILIES are an experiment.
THIS one…this PermaGov family…is an experiment gone VERY bad.
A viral infection that runs along lines of money and privilege.
Trust NOTHING that is connected to them.
It is a BARREL full of bad apples.
If you show me that John Hinckley knew David Atlee Phillips then I’ll begin to agree with you. Until then? I’m not buying it.
Let me pose an insoluble proposition to you.
“Everything I say is a lie.”
Think about it, now…
It is a closed circle. No response is possible except maybe “Yeah. Right.” (A double positive. On another ORDER of response than a double negative.)
If you were to take someone like Hinckley…and I am NOT saying anything other than the fact of the matter is that he had EXTENSIVE familial contacts with one of the kingpins of the secret police of the American PermaGov, George Butch the First (ANY patsy will do in a pinch.)…and convince HIM through the use of drugs and other brainwashing techniques that everything he said to HIMSELF was a lie, then there would BE no “truth” left in that system.
It would disbelieve and therefore contradict ITSELF, and “Yeah. Right.” would be about all you could get from it.
There IS no “proof”.
Just a pack of lies.
However…the pack of lies IS proof as far as I am concerned.
Proof that there is something amazingly rotten going on.
And the more often (and more coincidentally) that pack of lies quacks “Nothing happened”…the more I disbelieve EVERYTHING that I am told on the subject, and the more I distrust the “coincidence” word.
Listen…the first time you bump into an acquaintance on an unexpected street corner is a “coincidence”. When the dude starts showing up “unexpectedly” every time you are involved in a certain pursuit…
THAT is not coincidence anymore.
Now maybe he is investigating or stalking you. SOMETHING is wrong, for sure.
And maybe…just MAYBE…out of 253 “unexpected” appearances one or two or even three might be purely coincidental. They may even be PLANNED to be somehow coincidental. (The Hinckley variable. They are capable of this sort of plotting, these creatures. Believe it. We are like rube marks playing poker with sharks, in THESE waters.)
Myself? I’ll lump them all in with all the other 250+ “coincidences”, and I will make a point of offing the motherfucker any which way I can. If I have to use the REAL “coincidences” as part of my proof.,..so be it. He shoulda stood out of my business in the first place.
In the case of the Bush Crime Family…at this point in time they AND ANYONE EVEN REMOTELY CONNECTED WITH THEM are ALL guilty. Not only until proven innocent, but with almost no chance of being proven even human, let alone “innocent”.
A born patsy.
Patsies got bad luck.
Time to trim this herd.
Too many wolves, not enough outlaws.
you can convince yourself of anything. But at least Oswald’s wife wasn’t dining with Lady Bird on November 22nd, 1963. You know what I’m saying?
Patsies don’t do dinner parties. And neither do their brothers.
I say it is a dead duck. Bird flu, perhaps.
I don’t say their not capable of it…far from it. I just don’t see the dots.
Besides, Bush is more creative than that. He would have had the patsy as a Sinatra fan inspired by You Do Something For Me, not a Taxi Driver fan obsessed with Jodie Foster.
You talkin’ to ME!!!???
I was a radio newscaster at the time. I was having lunch with several other local newsfolks at one of our favorite hangouts when someone at the table got a phone call (obviously pre-cell phone); he came back and told us that Reagan had been shot. All of us immediately sped back to our studios to jump on the air and read wire copy.
I was 16 and an exchange student in Sweden. It was really weird, as my host family woke me up, clapping and cheering. I wasn’t a fan of the guy even then, and I understand the fear he inspired in Europe re: the Cold War, but it was still a little over the top.
The assasination that same year of Lennon sent the whole country into mourning for days. Swedes just didn’t hold Reagan in the same regard.
The dead are rising to speak among us again.
Great post. I posted about this yesterday too. Other than that, I’ve seen very little mention of it. We won’t know how much fire there is in all this smoke, but: do a web search for “John Hinckley + George Bush.” You won’t believe all the links that come up.
Food for thought.