Post-vacation work week is almost over. Now I just have to get through the post-post vacation work week, and the post-post-post vacation work week and the ….
Hi everybody! I’m 3 paragraphs and an abstract away from finishing my diabetes paper this morning! And then, after I invoice my clients (insert obligatory comment about hating paperwork here), I am mostly free to goof off on a day that should be more than 70 degrees and sunny!
I love Fridays…
Oh, and CabinBoy-going-through-puberty (would that be abbreviated CBgtp?) apologized for “acting like a total jerk” (his words) last night at the grocery store.
Kids are like little cuddly animals. You can’t stay mad at them long, especially when they apologize. CBgtp sounds like he’ll grow up to be a very wise man, thanks to his mother.
When CBgtp was little, one of his favorite outings was going to the Fresh Fields (now known as Whole Foods) grocery store, where he had made friends with half the people who worked there…now he just wants to vegetate on the couch and listen to irish punk music…
Well, if he would just admit that I’m right, and the Pogues are way cooler than Flogging Molly or the Dropkick Murphys, we’d get along just fine. Hmpf.
since we decided Friday need to two coffee carts for all of us insomniacs, check out the other cart to see some new designs I did and some great joke lines. LOL
Woke up shortly before 6, turned over and shut off the alarm then went back to sleep for about an hour. Glad I did — feel much better.
About to finish dressing, then will head downstairs for a quick bite to eat (free continental breakfast here). Hoping to make it back to downtown San Diego to pick up some info for the spouse and to do some photography — things are pretty gray so not sure about the photography part; need to do a quick weather page check. Tonight get to see everyone! Will try to post report in evening cafe, but that depends on how late it ends (and how much I drink lol).
Hey, all – good morning! Lovely weather continues to grace us here in the northeast.
Are we here .. or there? (Too early in the day for me to deal properly with multiple coffee carts. I don’t drive ’til I’m fully awake for the same reason.)
And good to see you (though I’m still working on my mental image of you) and even better to know that your frozen plumbing woes are mostly likely over.
My response to you doubles as bait — I’m waiting to see if anyone shows up and goes “I love that movie”
Here’s an image for you — sent to a friend just a few short weeks ago.
Thankfully, yes, plumbing woes seem to be over for now; the lines have thawed & there’s water coming from the taps.
Unfortunately, due to little precipitation this year, the water table’s pretty low & the water’s just trickling through. Can’t imagine it’ll improve between now & summertime — but we do what we can with what w got.
Today should see temperatures near 70 — quite unreal. This weekend should see rain — no tourist influx yet.
Forgive my asking, but: what movie? Is it ‘Being There’? (I’ve become culturally illiterate since I’ve taken to the backwater.)
Well thank goodness you were heading back outside. I thought that’s how you had to dress from November through March inside your house and I was already trying to organize a ‘send all your woolies to Wilderness Wench’ drive for next fall.
No wonder you are so thrilled with the arrival of spring!
Thank you, Andi — quite a sweet thought! Unfortunately, under current conditions I know better than to invest in pricey garments — I generally trash my clothes (including the underwear).
Not too far off, really — though she was a better singer.
I have German/Italian parentage. Thankfully, Dad’s parents left der Vaterland in ’33 — they despised the new chancellor.
Can’t use this flick to prove your illiteracy. It’s a wonderfully bizarre movie that definitely doesn’t appeal to a lot of people. It’s no cultural icon and even as a cult movie it’s not in the realm of, say, the rocky horror show.
One of my favorite flicks for a while was ‘Brazil’ — so I might well find it appealing.
What the hey, at the end of a winter like this I’d be happy to watch a test-pattern.
I am now in approximately hour 22 of my massive, yet not a migraine, headache and am about to try the old hammer to the head approach. It feels so good when I stop.
If sympathy had any curative powers, it would be gone by now.
I will no confess my headache cure (mine were almost always sinus headaches) — a icecube on the bridge of my nose. Actually, it never cured them but it did seem to make them subside.
I hear you completely, dear. Glad to see you can still check in.
Part of the reason I didn’t appear much at the FBC during my recent illlness was a 4 day migraine — eventually cured with a little codeine. Migraines tend to link up with me hormonally — appearing with menses, generally. It’s tons of fun.
Here’s hoping your head-evils vanish without a trace — right now.
The last time I got a headache like that was over Christmas when I made the mistake of drinking 2 beers, and in exchange, got to experience a 3-day hangover. It really wasn’t worth it.
About as well as can be expected, thanks for asking.
Today I’m not doing much sorting or packing. I’m cooking and trying to rest a little. Then tomorrow it’s the Home Show so I can hopefully hire a general contractor to do some work around here, then it’s onto trying to sell my car and back to the boxes and the packing peanuts again.
Post-vacation work week is almost over. Now I just have to get through the post-post vacation work week, and the post-post-post vacation work week and the ….
Morning Andi.
Morning Miss Andi!!! I guess with it being friday we need to morning carts. LOL
Makes it more fun to try and keep up with three or four conservations. 😉
especially with no sleep LOL
I’m ready for the weekend. You’re such a bundle of energy and activity, you probably have every second of the weekend planned.
Well, I do have two political events tomorrow and some things planned for Sunday unless a political event appears on the horizon. LOL
Morning FM. All rested up from your early-to-bed evening?
Doing anything special today with your houseguests?
send George in to wake them up!!!!
Early to bed? I read last nights cafe and you weren’t to far behind.
Nothing special, but I’m going to the city for grocery shopping. Does that count as special?
You can do it!
Hah! Brave words from someone who knows exactly when she’s done with her current job. 🙂
Hi everybody! I’m 3 paragraphs and an abstract away from finishing my diabetes paper this morning! And then, after I invoice my clients (insert obligatory comment about hating paperwork here), I am mostly free to goof off on a day that should be more than 70 degrees and sunny!
I love Fridays…
Oh, and CabinBoy-going-through-puberty (would that be abbreviated CBgtp?) apologized for “acting like a total jerk” (his words) last night at the grocery store.
LOL hope you have a good day and lots of paitence for teh teen angst that will reappear quite often for the next oh 15 or so years. LOL
Morning CG. Only 3 paragraphs. Happy Happy.
Kids are like little cuddly animals. You can’t stay mad at them long, especially when they apologize. CBgtp sounds like he’ll grow up to be a very wise man, thanks to his mother.
Don’t let the CB’s anywhere near the computer!
I give CBtY some slack because I hate going to the grocery and think it just naturally brings out the worst in some of us.
I love going to the grocery store and will walk every aisle in a new store just to see what they have. Drives my friends nuts!!!! LOL
Looks like all of us are going to the grocery store today.
Great minds think alike……
If I don’t go it means I have to keep eating out and I want to start cooking at home again.
I love going to the grocery store. Well except at check out time, and then geetting home and putting everything away.
I make the boys put it away…which of course leads to finding some things in interesting places sometimes, but it’s a price I’m willing to pay.
When CBgtp was little, one of his favorite outings was going to the Fresh Fields (now known as Whole Foods) grocery store, where he had made friends with half the people who worked there…now he just wants to vegetate on the couch and listen to irish punk music…
Gee Mom, don’t you know he’s on the couch pondering the complexities of life. Irish punk music only makes the pondeing easier.
Well, if he would just admit that I’m right, and the Pogues are way cooler than Flogging Molly or the Dropkick Murphys, we’d get along just fine. Hmpf.
Parents, they just don’t understand. 😛
Looks like it’ll be a bit of a rollercoaster for a while w/ CB!
Congrats and good luck for finishing your paper! Think of the reward — goofing off. You can do it!
Well actually I didn’t look.
Should I go ahead and delete this one?
LOL I don’t know. I guess I shouldn’t rip code and post one but I wanted to talk early.
What you did is fine. It’s my fault. Let’s delete this one so people won’t be confused.
I can post the designs here and delete mine I don’t care. I’m easy to get along with.
just direct people to your coffee cart instead?
since we decided Friday need to two coffee carts for all of us insomniacs, check out the other cart to see some new designs I did and some great joke lines. LOL
I did. That’s why I think we should close or delete this cart and not yours.
So I’m going to go close this one and direct people to your cart.
Everybody go over to refinish’s coffee cart instead.
Have we made up our minds yet?
As he taps his toe impatiently. 😛
I’m not as dumb as I look!
Unfortunately I am. 🙁
I don’t know – you obviously follow the whole early to bed early to rise philosophy, and that means you’re pretty wise.
Nah just means I’m a member in the Order of Geezerhood.
If you start eating dinner at 4:30 it’s official geezerdom for you.
I’m only an hour and a half away from there now, but with the time change it’ll be only thrity minutes.
I can feel a big postition on the Board of Geezerdom opening up.
(I loved mortimer snerd)
What dada said.
I’m stumped – what the heck did dada say?
That he wishes for peace today.
…and follow instructions.
Family Man — I’m going to respond to your last comment in that ‘other’ cafe, but I wanted Andi to know that I did read and understand her comment! 🙂
I’ve got to go and get ready to go into the city.
Me and the family will be thinking about ya’ll.
they’ve been so helpful in the morning cafes…now I know why I don’t get up early.
…and yes, dada wishes for Peace everyday.
Just trying to make sure you are alert and paying attention to the world around you.
Woke up shortly before 6, turned over and shut off the alarm then went back to sleep for about an hour. Glad I did — feel much better.
About to finish dressing, then will head downstairs for a quick bite to eat (free continental breakfast here). Hoping to make it back to downtown San Diego to pick up some info for the spouse and to do some photography — things are pretty gray so not sure about the photography part; need to do a quick weather page check. Tonight get to see everyone! Will try to post report in evening cafe, but that depends on how late it ends (and how much I drink lol).
Back in a while…
Hey, all – good morning! Lovely weather continues to grace us here in the northeast.
Are we here .. or there? (Too early in the day for me to deal properly with multiple coffee carts. I don’t drive ’til I’m fully awake for the same reason.)
Morning WW…looks like spring is going to show up, at least for a while.
Sunny and hi’s near 60° for the foothills…YEA!
Have a good one
Sounds like we’ve got very similar weather, dada.
I’ll second that YEA!
Thanks for a lovely image & fine wishes for the day. I wish you the same!
Not to worry — wherever you go, there you are.
Yes indeed — even if briefly.
Good to see you, Andi.
And good to see you (though I’m still working on my mental image of you) and even better to know that your frozen plumbing woes are mostly likely over.
My response to you doubles as bait — I’m waiting to see if anyone shows up and goes “I love that movie”
Here’s an image for you — sent to a friend just a few short weeks ago.
Thankfully, yes, plumbing woes seem to be over for now; the lines have thawed & there’s water coming from the taps.
Unfortunately, due to little precipitation this year, the water table’s pretty low & the water’s just trickling through. Can’t imagine it’ll improve between now & summertime — but we do what we can with what w got.
Today should see temperatures near 70 — quite unreal. This weekend should see rain — no tourist influx yet.
Forgive my asking, but: what movie? Is it ‘Being There’? (I’ve become culturally illiterate since I’ve taken to the backwater.)
That’s you inside your house?!
Yes indeed — but not to worry, SN; I was just taking a ‘chores break’ & was headed outside momentarily.
(Attention NSA: no, that’s not marijuana, you creeps.)
Well thank goodness you were heading back outside. I thought that’s how you had to dress from November through March inside your house and I was already trying to organize a ‘send all your woolies to Wilderness Wench’ drive for next fall.
No wonder you are so thrilled with the arrival of spring!
WW is clearly a woman who deserves all the pleasures of silk longjohns.
Thank you, Andi — quite a sweet thought! Unfortunately, under current conditions I know better than to invest in pricey garments — I generally trash my clothes (including the underwear).
Well, yes but if SN was going to launch a clothing drive and you were going to get them for free …
(And besides if you going to your geodesic dome longjohns that highly compressible would be a decided advantage.)
I certainly won’t argue with donations!
Hmm — wood-sprites seem to be wreaking havoc with my computer. I guess that means I should go outside or somethin’.
Cheers! See you soon.
Thanks very much for your kind thoughts, o luscious being. Actually, from November to March I get to take off 3 layers inside — but I keep the hat.
Hopefully, I’ve just completed my last winter in this particular hovel.
As far as I can tell the image I was building wasn’t too far off — I was kind of thinking Lotte Lenya.
Not too far off, really — though she was a better singer.
I have German/Italian parentage. Thankfully, Dad’s parents left der Vaterland in ’33 — they despised the new chancellor.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. Dada has the poster from it downthread. It was made in ’84.
See? Total cultural illiteracy!
On what I consider excellent recommendation, I should check it out some day.
Can’t use this flick to prove your illiteracy. It’s a wonderfully bizarre movie that definitely doesn’t appeal to a lot of people. It’s no cultural icon and even as a cult movie it’s not in the realm of, say, the rocky horror show.
One of my favorite flicks for a while was ‘Brazil’ — so I might well find it appealing.
What the hey, at the end of a winter like this I’d be happy to watch a test-pattern.
It’s probably not as coherent as Brazil but liking that movie is probably a reasonable indicator that you’d like this one.
if you insist…it is a very funny film…

John Lithgow is hilarious…
“Lord John Whorfin. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s to be mistaken for somebody else.”
I can never decide if my loving it is a guilty pleasure or rare show of good taste.
The Woodland Queen relaxes in her element after 5 long months indoors ..
.. but can’t help feeling slightly overdressed.
I am now in approximately hour 22 of my massive, yet not a migraine, headache and am about to try the old hammer to the head approach. It feels so good when I stop.
If sympathy had any curative powers, it would be gone by now.
I will no confess my headache cure (mine were almost always sinus headaches) — a icecube on the bridge of my nose. Actually, it never cured them but it did seem to make them subside.
I hear you completely, dear. Glad to see you can still check in.
Part of the reason I didn’t appear much at the FBC during my recent illlness was a 4 day migraine — eventually cured with a little codeine. Migraines tend to link up with me hormonally — appearing with menses, generally. It’s tons of fun.
Here’s hoping your head-evils vanish without a trace — right now.
Yikes, hope you feel better soon SN.
The last time I got a headache like that was over Christmas when I made the mistake of drinking 2 beers, and in exchange, got to experience a 3-day hangover. It really wasn’t worth it.
Do you know what the cause is?
Hi there, Indy. How goes things?
About as well as can be expected, thanks for asking.
Today I’m not doing much sorting or packing. I’m cooking and trying to rest a little. Then tomorrow it’s the Home Show so I can hopefully hire a general contractor to do some work around here, then it’s onto trying to sell my car and back to the boxes and the packing peanuts again.
How’s life in the woods?
The woods are mostly brown and gray right now. It’ll be interesting to see if the buds start to open up after we’ve a couple more warm days.
Don’t work too hard.
You gonna be around for FRT today?
Yeah, I want to play a little today, I need it. 🙂 I’ll be in and out all day.
See you all on Monday! I’m off to the Left Coast Meetup.
but have a good time anyway.