The Friday Afternoon Slacker Cafe Is Open!

It’s a gorgeous day for outdoor blogging here…
what are you avoiding doing this afternoon?
Is it time for happy hour yet?
Got your random 10s ready?
Kindly recommend this cafe and
unrecommend the previous one.
:::crickets chirping:::
Hi there, CG. Didn’t want to leave you alone with the crickets.
Thanks. Where is everybody?
SN has got a headache.
FM has got guests.
WW has got chores.
AF has got tons of work (but wotthehell).
MB has got mergers to merge and acquisitons to acquiring.
NDD has got sleep to catch up on.
Hey, Friday is all about the slacking…didn’t you get the memo?
I discovered I can’t drink as much as an ex-sailor.
I think I’m still asleep. Not sure. GUH!
Do ex-sailors drink more than regular sailors?
I’m not sure, Booman. But I can tell you that my ex-sailor can handle is liquor, NOT LICKER, better than I can. LOL
But he was just SIPPING brandy. I was drinking my rum calypso drinks and I had three of em last night. I’m not hungover just… kinda hanging.
Hello, in about one hour we are leaving to go to train station and then on to Solano Beach to meet up with the others, just wanted to let you all know,,,,Shirl is babling in the background as I’m typing this so I hope it’s coherent….lol…Don’t know when I will get to talk to you all, and btw won’t be able to do cafe on Sunday, we are coming back Sunday afternoon…
Going to try for a podcast, we’ll see how it goes.
See ya all later alligator.
I’ll put up a morning cafe on Sunday and I’m sure other people will be around to help out.
Have a great time.
to the Coolpix manuals. No time to delve into it now, however, as I’m due to leave within minutes for state D convention. I’m a delegate from my district.
Last night olivia had some links that convinced me I had macro feature, and whooopee! I found it.
Now I have some evidence of the experiments, but she’s not around it seems, so I’ll wait till later on that.
Reminder to self; Google is my friend, repeat…
You’re welcome.
Have fun (?) at the convention.
Have even more fun with macros — Olivia is very good at convincing people to pay attention to the small stuff; and that is definitely fun.
Have a great time!
Oh like I will be able to keep her away from my computer!!
Hello all! I’m managing to avoid working by being here. Priorities.
I’m so glad we could help you with that…
You’ve thankfully anticipated my need to goof off. And my need is great.
Heh. I got up at 5 so I could be finished work before 8 AM today…does planned slacking still count as slacking?
I like those hours, especially since I’m usually up at that time. Unfortunately mine are not so flexible.
schmooze time, my very good man, schmooze time
Less schmooze, more booze.
I assume you’re not at work anymore.

That’s the spirit.
What I’m doing at the moment too. But it has to end, a bunch of e-mails to send. See you all later, I hope.
((((Ask))) tell me about emails… CP gets alot of em. Most are spam. Some are… not nice and the rest are ASAP.
Hey, just wanted to let you know something silly: This week.. I felt a bit closer to you because of our flowers to BostonJoe. This InternetS thang sure does make the world a bit more smaller – and in some ways it brings friends and family into your life and realize just how far away they really are.
I wish I could have all of you over when ever you felt like it.
Oh look… there’s Dada and Bu at the door… gotta go.. I wish 🙂
Hi DJ,
Agree. And the flowers were such a feel-good thing to do. I guess the flowers from Australia was from canberra boy.
This site is still of a size where those who are interested can still have a feeling of ‘intimacy’ – while others post without much interaction, which is also fine.
Good to see the various meet-up initiatives. Looking forward to a series of diaries from the SoCal crew this weekend.
Also it’s good to see so many here… tranform. Seeing MilitaryTracy and BostonJoe become some huge hurricanes for peace 🙂
There are so many here with a lot of talent and what looks like super-human energy , yourself included.
That’s why we keep coming back, pretty much every day.
Paint it green and it reminds me of Manchu Picchu:
It would have to be paint because there isn’t that much green in any one place in all of southern utah.
Just sneaking a quick break from work, since I’m the only one in the office whose computer is not down due to network problems… why MEEE???
Here’s a quick random 10, since others haven’t posted any yet… or are we supposed to save those for happy hour? Well, anyway…
Random 10 Movies seen within the last couple of months:
Whew, that took me longer than I thought. How’s everyone doing? Big plans for the weekend? I’m going to channel FM and get some yard work done tomorrow before the next round of rain moves in. Then I’m going to get set up at Photobucket and send Andi, Dada and the gang flowers in a weekend cafe!
see you all later…
We love Miyazaki 🙂
Thanks for the write ups.
Have you ever seen “The Last Supper”? bunch of liberal grads offing radicals at dinner? Incredible dark comedy.
It was no Gigli but I laughed a lot.
What DTF said… yeah, saw that too, and love, love loved it… reminded me a bit of Shallow Grave which was also funny, but much darker.
(((Ductapefatwa)) when I saw it… I thought of YOU!!! How I wish I could have you on my couch, in my living room, with Kitty trying to get in your lap – while we watched that movie. I wanted to be able to squeeze out every bit of thought and ideas out of your “turban” 🙂
Plus I’d fill you up with lots of cheesecake and hot cocoa. 🙂
Of all those films, I think you, Damnit, would really get a kick out of The Aristocrats. That one will convince you that you are far from being a potty mouth, hehehe. Especially to hear Bob Saget doing one of the most vile and raunchy versions of the joke.
Not advised to imbibe too many beverage during key moments in the film, because they may exit the body violently at inopportune moments. I’m just sayin …
I’ll check it out for sure : )
Hey I still almost wet myself during the waxing scene in “$0 year old virgin”.. 🙂 We have to pause that and rewind because I start laughing so hard that nothing comes out.. no noise nothing and it almost hurts. Funny scene 🙂
I remember catching Saget doing standup in the middle of the night on cable some years back, and being shocked by how blue he works when he’s not standing next to an Olsen twin. Very funny guy, I thought.
My daughter now watches reruns of Full House. I try not to gag LOL
I think Saget is so funny – much more than FH or AMV ever let him be 🙂
How are you doing sexulisciousbeing!? 🙂
So tired. So so so tired. You know all about this pack-it-up-and-move drill.
(((Indy))) I know. Here’s to better days ahead without boxes 🙂
Save the bubblewrap though – that can be f.u.n. 🙂
Hello, my name is Janet and I’m a bubble wrap popping addict. 🙂
We’ve got miles of bubble wrap. And Roomie bought enough packing peanuts to fill both bathtubs. If we had toddlers, they’d be so stoked, pretty much the whole house is just packing material at this point.
This cafe was so quiet it drove right back to work.
Are you calling me boring and dull?
It was more of a sin of omission than commission.
And yes, I’ll put a froggybottom if this one gets too full.
You will never hear that from me, CG! I’m convinced you have plenty of edge to go around, so you’ll never be dull.
Whew! I was worried for a sconed there…
Andi, thanks for keeping an eye things!
Catch you all for a post-game beverage!
that was second, not sconed…
Whew, didn’t want to see you “sconed” which conjures up images of stoned people hurling scones at CG… why, I have no clue, but I often am beseiged by such juxtapositionally idiotic images. LOL. Guess I’m having one of those chance encounter of an umbrella and a sewing machine on a dissection table days… hehe.
maybe I will hand out a bag of scones to the crowd at Drinking Liberally for the next time CG shows up…
Only if they’re from that place by the Overbrook train station…any other scones would be lethal weapons…
I just got back from dinner and we’re still talking about pelting you with dry-ass scones 🙂
Congratulations on CBtY’s domination.
I’m going to have run out to a lacrosse tournament shortly…which means I’m not sure how quickly I’ll be back. It could be an hour and a half, could be 4.
Can somebody throw up a froggybottom if this gets too full, please?
Lacrosse is wicked cool!!! It’s right up there with hockey! 🙂
But it’s Friday so that means Dissenting Drums Rally in Portland. This is turning into a family night out gig. 😀 I didn’t even have to ask them.
And Monday I might be back on the radio waves. Different station though. Still waiting to hear back from the stateion about the deets.
Taken from last Friday. Kid’s first time. Diary on it in my ‘chives and dillweed.
The family that protests together stays the advance of the right together.
(((((Andi))))) I had a mid-morning dream about you and Sally. You both were teaching me how to plant – tea cups! – of all things. Was one of those dreams where you realize that your body is waking up long before your brain wants to. You see the sunlight streaming in so you brain tries to concoct dreamstage to fall back to sleep on…
Nope… no sex dream. Just a nice, warm dream about friends digging in the dirt.
Hmmm, what were you smoking last night DJ? I want some!!
Now if you had said that Merritt Oppenheim was in that dream too (because of tea cups…) you’d have me really worried!
If you had said that SallyCat and I dragged you off to go hiking in the dirt, that would have been reasonable. But trust me, a dream that involves me gardening (even teacups) is really a dream.
Well it did involve dirt 🙂
I think some of it was spawened from soem real life with Sally and my needing guidance on bulbs she passed down to me – and my wanting to plant them instead of BURY them. 😀
part of what I played Wednesday night which is our Friday night here. I blew my husband’s brain by being dj for the night.
Hendrix – Voodoo chile
u2 Pride (IN the name of love)
Peter Himmelman (whom I love love love) Regular Daydreams
Guess Who – Share the land
James Taylor – Fire and Rain & Shower the People
Stevie Wonder – Higher Ground
Morphine – Yes
Nouveue vague – I’ll melt with you
Dada – Dizz Knee Land
Peter Tosh – Legalize it
I played more from Janis but that would be eleventeen 🙂
Great list, DJ… you provoke long dormant musical emanations from my musical mind with those.
Recommending Angelique Kidjo’s version of Voodoo chile … it’s awesome! Google her or search her on Amazon or some such place, if you’re not familiar. She is a helluva singer from Benin.
I played for about 3 hours Wed night. I was pulling out music my husband hadn’t thought of in a while.
My bent was on the political realm 🙂
Guess Who – when I was little I used to perform for ANYONE – avon lady, neighbors – anyone – to them and CCR. Imagine a 5 year old Damnit rocking out Playing in a Traveling Band 🙂
I’ll check out that singer… I think my hockey friend has mentioned it to me.
Awlright, who wants DC cherry blossom pictures?
Put’em up…quick…I gotta go soon.
Gimme a sec … I gotta find that handy-dandy comment code from last fall ‘s photo fair (God Bless K-bird).
(((BROTHER))) my son took some the other day.
These are Wesley’s. He took them by shooting straight up.
Bring em on!! 🙂
Thought of you yesterday during DEATH MARCH 2!
I’m in much better shape now Bro 🙂
Hi BF.
Nice to “see” you. Hope life has been treating you well.
Nice to be back. Did I miss anything? 😉
Cherry grove, northwest side of Tidal Basin
These trees are very “gnarly”!
Also, the full-size pics are pretty big, so dial-up folks be warned.
Standard Tourist Shot
Blossoms with Jefferson Memorial across the way.
Close-up, Looking Skyward
Another Tourist Shot
Memories…. I miss you.
One day we’ll return and celebrate the end of this regime.
You gave me something so special in DC. Your friendship and also a love for the city.
I thought I’d hate DC. I think I did.
Then you shared with me it’s real spirit. You made me fall in love with the town. It’s MY town. It’s our town.
I never in a million years would think I’d want to bring my family there. I do. Because of you.
I heard Jesse Jackson and then later Jim Hightower and my husband said – those are the guys you marched with.. I said NO – they marched with US. 🙂
Thank you for those sentiments, I’m getting all misty-eyed here.
One reason I’ve been less active here of late is that I’ve become more active locally, particularly with the good folks at DC I came to realize that all the emailing & fax-sending & letter-writing & office-calling in the world wouldn’t do me a damned bit of good if my elected representatives themselves don’t have a real say in government policy. So DC voting rights have become my top priority. But I am very gratified to know that someone picked something up from me, that for all the talk of “those clowns in DC” or “those a$$holes in Washington” that someone recognizes that indeed, this is a living, breathing city where people make their homes and their livings. And very, very few of us are K Street lobbyists.
Blossoms at Another Presidential Memorial
Recognize it, DJ?
Who Is This Man?
Hint: He’s in the Final Four, bay-bee!!!
Tidal Basin, northeast side
Yeah, there were a few people around.
At the NPS National Tulip LIbrary
Who knew we had a National Tulip Library?
I’m going to leave this cafe open for awhile in the hopes that more people will stop by and get to see them.
Thanks for posting them.
Is it safe to come into the cafe?
What are you worried about — all the flower pictures or the combined force of diane, shirl, sallycat, leezie, and cali all in one place?
Your right, I can feel the hugs all the way here.
What’s been gong on?
A lot of nothing, other than the huge emanations from california. Hardly anybody been’s around today.
Did you have a good time with your family?
Nope. They act like they’re on vacation and I’m Jeeves. I just got back from the city for groceries and now I’ve started dinner. George doesn’t like my brother, so he’s constantly yapping. I’m so worn out, I feel like I could melt out of my chair onto the floor.
But, other than that it’s been a wondeful day. 😉
Damn, that’s obnoxious. Maybe you could plant some of those southern giant cockroaches in their beds so they’d leave early.
Trust me, if I could I would.
Gotta go. I’ve been called again.
Hi BF!!! These are all beautiful! Thank you for sharing them with us!
And thank you for the tulips — I’ve got them as my desktop wallpaper right now! :*
Hi Olivia. I’m glad you came by — I’ve been leaving the cafe open so people could see BF’s pictures so I’m really glad you got to see the one especially for you.
Thanks for keeping it open — I had just come online when BroFel started posting his pix and was delighted to see the tulips! Maybe we could link to them in a comment in the next cafe (since this one is filling up.)
I’m so excited Andi — guess what I was just doing!!!???
Okay, I can’t wait:
I just took that! It was growing outside — in the garden!
Wow, you’ve got things already coming up — I’m amazed. I checked the buds on some of the trees when I went for a walk with the dogs today and none of them looked very close to opening.
And it’s a lovely picture.
P.S. I had an aunt (who lived) with us who could never wait till my birthday to tell me what she’d gotten me. She’d always go “Want to know what I got you” and then tell me before I could answer. And the best part was that then she’d get me something else so I would still have a surprise.
That’s funny — but wonderful. She obviously had fun with her present giving!
We’ve still got pockets of snow, but the last three days of 12-18C has the little buds popping out. I checked the trees and they have nothing here too.
The “tone” in you comment sounded just like her — it was uncanny.
I opened a new cafe and put a link in to the thread with BF’s pictures.
You’ll have to get closer for Olivia…:{)
(If you haven’t done so…check out her site Parvum Opus, beautiful stuff.)
Nice BroFel…very tasty.
Off to beg for $$$…it’s that time that all community radio folks dread…Spring Pledge Drive…believe me, it’s as hard on us as it is on you, maybe worse.
Close-up, Unknown Tulip Variety
I actually was thinking of Olivia’s work when I tried this one. Alas, it’s as close as I dared get without a macro lens. Plus there was a sprinkler going off next to me.
I love how you can see the shadow of the stamen! And the droplets of water!
We are here at Aloha’s place!!!!
It is so waaaay cool…we are laughing and talking and it feels like we’ve known each other forever!
Hanging out…enjoying the view…and just getting ready for a great weekend!
Could be dangerous, all of you in one place — you might decide to take over the world.
Have fun!
Let the Revolution Begin!!
How come we haven’t heard from Manny?? LOL
What have you all done to him 🙂
Have a fanastic time. We love you all!!!
He’s not here yet but boy is he gonna be in trouble with this gang…teehee!
Hi, this is Diane writing, Aloha has just a beautiful place, lovely with all terra cotta’s and golds with a lot of African Art and plants, basket, well it’s just beautiful and Sally and Aloha are beautiful as well.
Well off to the balcony for a smoke, more later.
to head over there — see you in about 10-15 minutes!
Don’t forget your hockey picks this weekend Cali 🙂
Give those ladies some loving for me. 🙂
Wine is open, Cali just arrived…laughing and hugging is amazing!
Later we’ll start a diary and post pictures and snark!
this is kinda funny.
In fact I’m so big a slacker I’m leaving work early to go out to dinner with my family and then we’re going to go see the musical, Wonderful Town.
So whatever they’re singing in that show, that’s my top 10 for tonight!
Lounge opened here.