Sass Em Back 101 that would be Sally, Aloha, San Diego Dem, manee, Shirlstars, babaloo, cali and kamahya and meDiane101…Shirl wrote the first part following here and I will upload some picture shortly…

The night air comes briskly off the ocean, clouds gently covering the sunset that was promised.  The meld of minds and spirits has become so complete we have now taken our common name. . .Sass Em Back 101. . .it is made from the first letter of each name (except for the significant diane 101 numerater) we arrived with and it couldn’t be more perfect!

The political and the spiritual and the natural ease of family long separated but joyously now reunited has come together in a beautiful swirl of talk and laughter and a mixture of the personal lives, spouses or none, food, drink, activities we like. . .it is an amalgam of proportions beyond our ability to express.  WE ALL HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON IT IS FREAKY!!

It is the greatest talk fest and easy comfort of family who can’t wait to share the next insight, laugh and we know each other very well, but have no idea what our real names or screen names or nick names are any more. . .so we are now the conclomerate!

Shirl & Diane

Diane, Sally & Shirl

Diane, Sally, Aloha

Cali in front

San Diego Dem

More pictures later….

Hugs and love from the happy frogs!