Below the fold is an email I received from Jolie Justus, a good friend from college who is running for the 10th District of the Missouri State Senate. Since I know there are some Missourians and Kansans on Booman, I figured I’d pass along the info as she’d make a great addition to the state legislature and could help stem the tide of some of the wingnuts that are getting out of control back in my home state.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Cross-posted at Daily Kos and My Left Wing
The Justus for Senate Campaign Kickoff was a huge success. Nearly 200 people packed the Bulldog Bar & Grill on March 23 to support a new voice for Kansas City. I can win this race, but only with your help and financial support.
This Friday, March 31, I face my first campaign fundraising disclosure deadline. When I release my finance reports to the public and the media, I need to show a strong bank account. It is crucial that your contribution of $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can afford is received as soon as possible so it will be counted in that total.
Make a secure donation online at:
- Social Justice. Economic Justice. Jolie Justus. Reverse cruel healthcare cuts to Missouri’s working families. Keep abortion safe, accessible and legal.
- Support public schools and oppose schemes to channel public money to private schools.
- Promote life sciences and stem cell research. Encourage economic development and establish Kansas City as a bioscience hub.
- Fight to maintain an independent judiciary. Ensure access to the courts for all Missourians.
Kansas City needs strong leadership. To make this a reality, I need your help. Your generous contribution will help us meet our March fundraising goals and will show the 10th District that we mean business.
Please donate today & forward this message to everyone who wants a new voice for KC.
Make a secure donation online at:
Or if you prefer, mail donations to:
Justus for Senate
c/o Edwin Gladbach, Treasurer
3521 Kenwood Ave.
Kansas City, MO
Individuals and businesses may donate a maximum of $650 each per election cycle.
Good luck. As goes Missouri, so goes the rest of the country.