This Washington Post story tells of the cost estimate increase for the levee reconstruction project in New Orleans. In order to meet federal standards, the new levees will cost triple the original estimate to $10B.
The news represents a shift for the administration; President Bush had pledged in the weeks after Hurricane Katrina to rebuild New Orleans “higher and better.” Now, some areas may lose out as they compete for levee protection. Powell’s announcement, in a conference call with reporters, prompted denunciations from state and local officials who said the federal government is reneging on promises to rebuild the entire region.
“This monumental miscalculation is an outrage,” said Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D). “This means that, just two months before hurricane season, the Corps of Engineers informs us they cannot ensure even the minimum safety of southeastern Louisiana. This is totally unacceptable.”
So, two months from the hurricane season, the residents of New Orleans — what’s left of them and those who have returned — will be left not high and dry, but low and most likely sopping wet and moldy.
Anyone want to do the math and see how many fortified levees we could build along the Gulf Coast with all that money being spent in Iraq?
All we have to do is find a way for NOLA to be more profitable for Halliburton than Iraq is.
Oh wait, that’s impossible, isn’t it?
Sorry . . .
I’m sure they’ve assigned several consultants to write up a report on just how they could milk the Gulf Coast region for as much as Iraq and that they’re plugging numbers away as I type.
Schwarzennegger recently brought Chertoff out to Sacramento, in an unsuccessful attempt to get Federal funds through an emergency decree to shore up the region’s weakened levee system. We are the second most at risk to flooding commmunity in the country after New Orleans.
Yeah, well he ought to see it when the channels are a foot or two below the levee tops, like they were in 1986 when we were driving home from a car-camping trip to Death Valley at the height of storms that caused several levee failures in the area. Both north-south freeways had flooded out, so all traffic, including the semi’s had been diverted to the delta’s narrow two-lane levee roads — there’s nothing like having a semi throw up a blinding sheet of water as you go into a turn, knowing there’s water waiting two feet to the right of your lane.
Further studies continue to show that the levees don’t provide as much protection as initially advertised and that the area “could be far more vulnerable to flooding than previously believed, according to engineers with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.”
So, we can spend billions on a pre-emptive war in Iraq (supposedly for security) but can’t find the dollars to fully repair New Orleans’ devasted levees, nor can we pre-emptively spend to protect the residents of Sacramento.
Not to worry though, they’ll do what they can now and Chertie & FEMA will take care of us if anything should happen.
I believe they’re building the levees with the wrong kind of clay also, a clay that disintegrates easily when exposed to moving water. (I saw a very informative technical report on this somewhere recently but I can’t remember where.)
a clay that disintegrates easily when exposed to moving water?!?!?!?!?!
This is not exactly the article I was looking for but it does nevertheless raise similar warnings to the story I referenced above.
In the story I saw on TV, a geologist (or something) held a handful of the type of clay being used to repair the levess under a running tap and the water pressure caused the lump he held to disintegrate. He then held a lump of another, suitable clay, under the tap and it held it’s form, didn’t absorb water, and didn’t crumble apart. The thrust of the story was that the Army corp of Engineers was working to spec with the first, (disintegratable), type of clay, not the other more water impervious one, and that they refuse to acknowledge the inappropriatness of the one they were using.
The Corps is going to get on that “geologist” to admit he’s a terrorist. Or at least helping the terrorists by showing how they can use WATER to take apart the levees. And when the Almighty uses Mother Nature to bring water to where the levees are, will W turn on Him and put him in the Axis of Evil?
At some point, New Orleans politicians, including Kathleen Babineaux, are going to have to face up to the fact that their city is located in a poorly selected area. For whatever reason–be it history, port development, changes in the river, you name it–the situation now is that it does not make sense to rebuild New Orleans, or at least not to resemble what it was before.
If the ports are going to be located there, the port employees and their families need homes. But the rest of the city should be moved away from the coast.
The best way to do this would be a cooperative undertaking starting from a reality-based view of the broad problem. More likely there will be more bickering, more floods, more money wasted, and more lives lost.