Kohl at Censure hearing: Need yr advice

Senator Herb Kohl, a member of the Judiciary Committee, showed up at the Censure Hearing today, stayed an hour, and left. Never, so far as I’ve heard, said anything.

Since I’m running against him, it seems I ought to put out some kind of press release.

If he’d been at all helpful to Russ, I was ready to be extra nice, and if he’d not showed, I’d have criticised him for it.

But since he showed and had nothing to say, what can I say?

Crossposted over here, over there

Neal Boortz: McKinney Looks Like Ghetto Slut

From Media Matters:

On the March 31 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, Neal Boortz said that Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) “looks like a ghetto slut.” Boortz was commenting on a March 29 incident in which McKinney allegedly struck a police officer at a Capitol Hill security checkpoint. Boortz said that McKinney’s “new hair-do” makes her look “like a ghetto slut,” like “an explosion at a Brillo pad factory,” like “Tina Turner peeing on an electric fence,” and like “a shih tzu.” McKinney is the first African-American woman elected to Congress from Georgia.

Boortz also posted the following on his website:

OK, Now I’ve seen Cynthia McKinney’s new hairstyle. There is just no other way to say this. It’s just hideous. She looks like ghetto trash. Get a braider over there … quick! Nobody with a modicum of self-respect would go around looking like that. And don’t give me any stuff for saying this. I’ve endured years of “bald” remarks. I’m entitled.

You can see a list of Boortzisms below the fold. But first, take a look at some of his more colorful comments. Here’s my favorite:

If we are faced with disaster in this country — let me ask you this, OK? You just be logical. Get all of the emotion out of this. Get all of the emotion out of this. But if we are faced with a disaster in this country, which group do we want to save? The rich or the poor? Now, if you have time, save as many people as you can. But if you have to set some priorities, where do you go? The rich or the poor? OK? Who is a drag on society? The rich or the poor? Who provide the jobs out there? The rich or the poor? Who fuels — you know, which group fuels our economy? Drives industry? The rich or the poor?

Given his opinion of the ghetto, I’m guessing he wants to save the rich people. And Hispanics? They should be stuffed in the Superdome before we send them back to Mexico. Who are this guy’s sponsors?

Alabamastan: Alabama

The Antichrist
: Michael Savage
The Baby Jesus:: Sean Hannity. Also known as Cutie Pie.

The Beast with Two Backs: two people having sex

Big Al and the Boys: a man’s sexual organs
Bravo Foxtrot Delta: Big F*cking Deal

The Breck Girl: Senator John Edwards
Bumsickle: frozen homeless person
Cruella de Ville: Dr. Laura

Discussing the Big Bang Theory: two people having sex

DRT: dead right there
Downloading a Tricycle Motor: giving birth
Dog Squeeze: a dog’s solid excrement

The Ex-Wife: WGST, the radio station Neal worked for immediately prior to his current place at WSB

Federal Censorship Commission: Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Flatbelly: young, thin, hot woman
Food For Worms: dead
FUBAR: f***ed up beyond all repair
Funbags: breasts

The Gargoyle: Kim Jong Il, ruler of North Korea
Gator: the boss at our home station
The Godfather: Rush Limbaugh

The Hildabeast: Hillary Clinton. Also known as Shrillary.

Hitting with a corked bat: Royal’s description of using Viagra
Making tricycle motors:
man and woman having sex
a faithful follower who carries out orders without question

the guy who deletes boring emails to get to yours, because you
always send the best ones
News Ferrets: reporters

NIMBY: Not In My Back Yard

Panama City License Plate
: tailbone tattoo
The Pig Farmer: Pete Spriggs, program director for Neal’s flag ship
station WSB

Pink Nosed Puppies: breasts

The Poodle:
John Kerry, referring to him as Teresa’s lap dog. Also sKerry or the Souffle.

Rapidly Reaching Room Temperature:: dead
Sales Weasels: our esteemed account executives

She Who Must Be Obeyed: Neal’s wife, Donna

Smoker’s Aquarium: the glassed in smoking section at the airport

Squeaky: Veronica Waters, reporter at Neal’s flagship station WSB
SWAG: scientific wild assed guess

Tango Uniform: dead — “toes up”. You guys wouldn’t let us get away with that. Okay, it’s really “tits up”.
Taking the Eternal Celestial Dirt Nap: dead
Tax Payer Funded Child Abuse: government education

Thanks A Pantload: gratitude for unnecessary or unwanted favor
Tonsil Boxing: deep kiss

Tort King
: Senator John Edwards
Urban Outdoorsman: homeless person
Vagitarian: lesbian

WAG: wild-assed guess
Waldo the One-eyed Trouser Snake: penis

Study: Public Schools Outperform Private Schools, Conservative Christian Schools Lag

[ Action Item: email story to teachers you know – their jobs are at risk. ]

In “The Manufactured Crisis: “Myths, Fraud, and the Attack on America’s Public Schools” Dr. David Berliner and Bruce Biddle argued that ongoing criticism of America’s public schools is baseless and partisan.  [ read review of book in Christian Ethics Today ]. A new study released January 2006, funded by the US Department of Education, by researchers at the University of Illinois at Champagne Urbana rebuts  claims on the alleged low performance of public schools
 [ click here for PDF of full report ]:

[ NCSPE study summary ] Findings reveal that demographic differences between students in public and private schools account for the relatively high raw scores of private schools on the NAEP.  Indeed, after controlling for these differences, public school students generally score better than their private school peers…..Conservative Christian schools, the fastest growing private school sector, are the lowest performing private schools.[ emphasis mine ]

Meanwhile, the ongoing assault on America’s public schools comes from many quarters

See Talk To Action

Meanwhile : Spread the word ! If you value public education, this is powerful evidence.

Eliminate US Poverty

People have been offering programs to eliminate poverty for 2000 years, yet it persists in the richest country on earth. I claim the reason for poverty is that poor people don’t have enough money, it’s that simple. There are lots of ways to get more money to the poor and some, or all, have been tried at one time or another: tax breaks, reverse taxes (EITC), food stamps and other in-kind handouts, welfare payments and
better wages, among others.

Supposed we tried something that has never been done before,
guaranteeing a minimal standard of living to everyone.
A full proposal after the fold.

(crossposted at dKos)

country is certainly wealthy enough to afford this. The most
optimistic poverty programs don’t even approach the amount of
money being spent on Iraq, for example. Well there would be
objections about those people who don’t “deserve” it. There
would, supposedly, be a rise in free loaders. That’s OK too, we
can afford some free loaders as well. This can be kept under
control by social disapprobation. Just like Humvees are falling
out of favor with the rich, because of the visible sight of waste
it presents, those not doing their part could be made to feel

What would be the benefits? Higher incomes
would lower crime, improve health care, create a better educated
workforce and produce a reduction in class resentment.
Eliminating the expenses of crime control and remedial health
care could easily exceed the costs of the program.

What is preventing this? A distortion of the
Judeo-Christian precepts of charity. Rather than helping those
less fortunate, a mean-spirited brand of Puritanism underlies much
of political policy, and, implicitly or explicitly, seeks to punish
or blame the victims.

How could this be financed? There are any
number of ways, equalizing tax collections so that the wealthy
pay more, eliminating runaway militarism and using the money for
social programs, or taxing corporate earnings more effectively,
for example. Let’s assume that we provide, on average, $10,000 to
each of the approximately 40 million poor people in the US. This
comes to $400 billion per year. For reference this is slightly
less than the US military budget.

Crime: A recent study puts the direct costs
of crime at $105 billion and when pain and reduced quality of
life are added the number rises to $450 billion. (reference: Cost of Crime). These figures don’t include the savings from needing
a smaller police, judicial and prison system. With no economic
insecurity we can expect that what crime remains will be
motivated by greed. This type of crime is usually white collar or
involved with illicit substances and tends to result in less
violence and damage to property.

Health: For health care the figure for
economic losses due to under insurance (caused by poverty) ranges
from $65-130 billion. Reduced productivity due to health issues
is also estimated at an additional $87-126 billion. The economic
value of a diminished quality of life due to ill health is not
included. (reference:
UN Report

Conclusion: Just these two factors would almost pay for the
costs estimated above. When the better education and healthier
childhoods of the poor are added in it is easy to see that even
$400 billion is affordable. In addition, the existence of a
minimum standard of living for all would increase the overall
economic activity. The poor are currently under spending compared
to their needs. So the additional funds that they would receive
would be quickly recycled into the economy in terms of purchases
of goods and services.

I have written a short essay on the issues associated with
wealth (re)distribution here:
Wealth Distribution.

Friday Afternoon Slacking at the Froggy Bottom Again

The Friday Afternoon Slacker Cafe Is Open!
Image hosting by Photobucket

It’s a gorgeous day for outdoor blogging here…
what are you avoiding doing this afternoon?

Is it time for happy hour yet?

Got your random 10s ready?

Kindly recommend this cafe and
unrecommend the previous one.

NOLA Levee Costs Triple

This Washington Post story tells of the cost estimate increase for the levee reconstruction project in New Orleans. In order to meet federal standards, the new levees will cost triple the original estimate to $10B.

The news represents a shift for the administration; President Bush had pledged in the weeks after Hurricane Katrina to rebuild New Orleans “higher and better.” Now, some areas may lose out as they compete for levee protection. Powell’s announcement, in a conference call with reporters, prompted denunciations from state and local officials who said the federal government is reneging on promises to rebuild the entire region.

“This monumental miscalculation is an outrage,” said Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D). “This means that, just two months before hurricane season, the Corps of Engineers informs us they cannot ensure even the minimum safety of southeastern Louisiana. This is totally unacceptable.”

So, two months from the hurricane season, the residents of New Orleans — what’s left of them and those who have returned — will be left not high and dry, but low and most likely sopping wet and moldy.

Anyone want to do the math and see how many fortified levees we could build along the Gulf Coast with all that money being spent in Iraq?

Justus for Missouri: MO-10 (State Senate)

Below the fold is an email I received from Jolie Justus, a good friend from college who is running for the 10th District of the Missouri State Senate. Since I know there are some Missourians and Kansans on Booman, I figured I’d pass along the info as she’d make a great addition to the state legislature and could help stem the tide of some of the wingnuts that are getting out of control back in my home state.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Cross-posted at Daily Kos and My Left Wing

The Justus for Senate Campaign Kickoff was a huge success. Nearly 200 people packed the Bulldog Bar & Grill on March 23 to support a new voice for Kansas City. I can win this race, but only with your help and financial support.
This Friday, March 31, I face my first campaign fundraising disclosure deadline. When I release my finance reports to the public and the media, I need to show a strong bank account. It is crucial that your contribution of $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can afford is received as soon as possible so it will be counted in that total.
Make a secure donation online at:

  • Social Justice. Economic Justice. Jolie Justus. Reverse cruel healthcare cuts to Missouri’s working families. Keep abortion safe, accessible and legal.
  • Support public schools and oppose schemes to channel public money to private schools.                                                    
  • Promote life sciences and stem cell research. Encourage economic development and establish Kansas City as a bioscience hub.
  • Fight to maintain an independent judiciary. Ensure access to the courts for all Missourians.                                                      

Kansas City needs strong leadership. To make this a reality, I need your help. Your generous contribution will help us meet our March fundraising goals and will show the 10th District that we mean business.

Please donate today & forward this message to everyone who wants a new voice for KC.
Make a secure donation online at:


Or if you prefer, mail donations to:
Justus for Senate
c/o Edwin Gladbach, Treasurer
3521 Kenwood Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64109


Individuals and businesses may donate a maximum of $650 each per election cycle.


Detroit, MI – The headlines from Detroit are grim today.  Delphi Corporation, the largest U.S. auto supplier, is going to bankruptcy court today in New York City with a reorganization plan that will include: the calculation of its union contracts and the elimination of retiree medical and life insurance benefits, according to today’s Detroit Free Press.


“A GM default would be absolutely huge,” said Jonathan Loredo, credit manager of Cairn Capital. “It would be the biggest thing to hit the market in terms of losses and operational stress.”

There is no understating the scale of GM’s problems. It is losing market share in the United States, has $300 billion of long-term debt, provides health benefits to 1.1 million people (at the rate of about $1,500 per car produced), is threatened with a strike by its largest supplier, which is bankrupt, and is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Nancy Skinner is running for U.S. Congress in suburban Detroit (the home district of most management, executives and a huge part of the workforce).  Skinner has been endorsed by the UAW and she has a plan that will inject new life into the auto industry.


Hybrid tax credits that will equalize the cost of a hybrid with a conventional engine.  $3000 for a conventional hybrid, $6,000 for a plug-in vehicle.

A government purchased fleet of 50,000 hybrid vehicles.

These greener, technologically superior vehicles will meet the world market’s demand in a global environment where oil supplies will continue to grow scarcer.

The warnings from energy analysts must be heeded.  This vision to meet the future head on will result in:

Reduced dependence on Mideast oil and rogue regimes like Iran who threaten to withhold oil with resulting economic shocks as a way to pursue their nuclear ambitions.  

An increase in jobs and economic prosperity for American workers and corporations.

A vast reduction in greenhouse gases that are already causing climate related disasters such as stronger hurricanes, increased flooding and prolonged droughts.  


Michigan’s 9th district is a 50/50 split. The DCCC and EMILY’S List have targeted this seat as a potential pick up. We will need their support to take out Joe Knollenberg. But to do this we have to meet our quarter one fundraising goal. The quarter ends FRIDAY MARCH 31. We need your immediate financial support to make this happen. To contribute go to www.skinnerforcongress.com .

Al Gore at 58, Inspiring More Than Ever

Former Vice President Al Gore, who is a hero to many among us, turns 58 today.

Like fine wine, he only seems to get better with years. His passion for good causes and his courage in standing up for Democratic ideals shine brigther and ring louder with each passing year.

In his recent speech on Martin Luther King’s birthday, he issued a powerful indictment of the administation, articulated a rigorous argument around it, and specified a comprehensive and arguably effective course of action for holding the administration accountable for violations of the rule of law:

Excerpted from: Restoring the Rule of Law, Remarks by Al Gore, As Prepared: January 16, 2006    
(Text transcript, Video and pdf transcript)

The indictment:

At present, we still have much to learn about the NSA’s domestic surveillance. What we do know about this pervasive wiretapping virtually compels the conclusion that the President of the United States has been breaking the law repeatedly and persistently.

The Prescription:

A special counsel should immediately be appointed by the Attorney General to remedy the obvious conflict of interest that prevents him from investigating what many believe are serious violations of law by the President. We have had a fresh demonstration of how an independent investigation by a special counsel with integrity can rebuild confidence in our system of justice.  Patrick Fitzgerald has, by all accounts, shown neither fear nor favor in pursuing allegations that the Executive Branch has violated other laws.

Republican as well as Democratic members of Congress should support the bipartisan call of the Liberty Coalition for the appointment of a special counsel to pursue the criminal issues raised by warrantless wiretapping of Americans by the President.

Second, new whistleblower protections should immediately be established for members of the Executive Branch who report evidence of wrongdoing, especially where it involves the abuse of Executive Branch authority in the sensitive areas of national security.

Third, both Houses of Congress should hold comprehensive, and not just superficial, hearings into these serious allegations of criminal behavior on the part of the President. And, they should follow the evidence wherever it leads.

Fourth, the extensive new powers requested by the Executive Branch in its proposal to extend and enlarge the Patriot Act should, under no circumstances be granted, unless and until there are adequate and enforceable safeguards to protect the Constitution and the rights of the American people against the kinds of abuses that have so recently been revealed.  

Fifth, any telecommunications company that has provided the government with access to private information concerning the communications of Americans without a proper warrant should immediately cease and desist their complicity in this apparently illegal invasion of the privacy of American citizens.

Freedom of communication is an essential prerequisite for the restoration of the health of our democracy.

It is particularly important that the freedom of the Internet be protected against either the encroachment of government or the efforts at control by large media conglomerates.  The future of our democracy depends on it.

The closing:

I mentioned that along with cause for concern, there is reason for hope.  As I stand here today, I am filled with optimism that America is on the eve of a golden age in which the vitality of our democracy will be re-established and will flourish more vibrantly than ever. Indeed I can feel it in this hall.

As Dr. King once said, “Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us.  If it is, let us trace its movements and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us.”

You can watch the speech again here.

I am not a poet, nor do I have the gift of prolific or profound prose, and so I’ll just make a simple birthday wish to one of my favorites heroes of all time.

Happy Birth Day, Al!

Hope you are celebrating it with your lovely family.

Here is quite an impressive list of notable people that were also born on March 31st (from this wiki page)

1596 – René Descartes, French mathematician (d. 1650)
1675 – Pope Benedict XIV (d. 1758)
1927 – César Chávez, American labor activist (d. 1993)

1929 – Liz Claiborne, Belgian fashion designer
1940 – Patrick Leahy, U.S. Senator from Vermont
1943 – Christopher Walken, American actor
1947 – Cesar Gaviria Trujillo, President of Colombia
1948 – Rhea Perlman, American actress

Happy birthday to all of them that are with us, and special wishes to Sen. Leahy and Rhea Perlman, the former for working relentlessly on our behalf, and the latter for so many laughs, jeers and cheers!

And, hey Karenna, you aren’t supposed to do this to your dad:

unless, of course, you are trying to get him to run for President again!

Crossposted at The Gore Portal: A 2008 Gore Draft Movement.