Froggy Bottom Lounge

Your host tonight is Maryb.
Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
First, a public service reminder – don’t forget to change your clocks tonight. Spring forward one hour. Even Andi now right?

Hey Mary! Nice lounge.
Katie! Nice to see you. Did’t you love the pictures of Manny and the girls? He’s gonna have some stories…
I sure do like them. I can’t wait to see all the photos that they’ll upload once everyone gets back to their own computers.
Oh sweet, I can enjoy one more weekend of not doing this, since Arizona is a rebel state against Time.
really? I didn’t know that. Wonder why.
I never even asked, I just ran with it.
My conspiracy theory gene was switched on by the fact the Pulliam family owned the biggest newspapers in both Indiana and Arizona and neither did daylight savings time. Only problem was I couldn’t come up with a conspiracy to go with my theory.
Heh, “I’m a theorist in search of a conspiracy” — that’d make a great t-shirt. (Funny thing is you’re probably right, and it’s probably some ultra weird skeleton in the family closet.)
Arizona, being the Sunshine State, doesn’t really need to compensate for extra hours of winter darkness that we in more sensible climes are blessed with.
I have no excuse for Indiana, though.
Personally I never liked daylight time, but a lot of that is because one of my favorite hobbies for most of my life has been shortwave and ham radio, which operate on GMT, and GMT doesn’t change twice a year. That means, though, that I would have to do mental gymnastics to remember that we are eight hours behind GMT in the winter, but seven in the summer.
There are other reasons, but none are even as sensible as that admittedly lame one.
Florida, actually, is the Sunshine State, Mr. Ham Radio Nerd. π But having been born and raised there and spent the last 11 years here in AZ, I’ll say AZ should be the Sunshine State.
No less an authority than the Arizona Tourism web site calls Arizona the “Sunshine State.” That’s my excuse and I’m stickin’ with it. They can duke it out with Florida for all I care. All I know is, wherever the Sunshine State is, it isn’t anywhere near Seattle (although it’s very nice out at the moment — I just got done walking a half mile to the dentist and back). (No, nothing interesting, just some X-rays so she could submit a pre-authorization.)
Would you have believed that Arizona is also called (by some) the Italy of America? This is no joke. I read it in a book of state nicknames many years ago. Apparently the dry climate and mountains reminded a few Italians of the old country.
Arizona is the Grand Canyon State, how does the tourism board not know that? Probably because they’re in Phoenix and no one in Phoenix thinks Arizona goes that far north. Feh.
I’d never heard the comparison to Italy. Weird, I thought it was greener there, and more of a water based climate.
And now to turn this post into an episode of VH-1’s Popup Video, I visited Seattle once and ate some of the best Italian food I’ve ever had there. π Loved the city, thought it was just gorgeous.
The Grand Canyon is in Arizona? I thought it was in Colorado? Of course, I used to work for the Arizona Tourism Board, so maybe that’s the problem.
Must be something in the northwest since one of my favorite Italian restaurants is in Portland.
Hey there. How did things go today?
I’m looking forward to having to do the spring forward bit for the first time since 1976. I’ll let you know if there are any kind of withdrawal symptoms so you’ll know what to expect next year.
My relationship to time is nearly as squishy as my relationship to gender. I ain’t worried. And you work from home, you ain’t worried neither. π
Turns out the Flagstaff Home Show isn’t very big, duh to everyone but me, so it was a much lighter day than I’d anticipated. Which, yay. So I drove up Mars Hill and out Lake Mary Road and took some pictures.
And put the time to good use — that’s a really nice picture you posted.
I am happy to come to the end of having explain what the hell time it is in Indiana.
We were at Glacier NP in Montana along the Canadian border in mid-July several years ago. (Aside: In our limited experience it may be the most dropdead gorgeous place on the planet.) and we were waiting for it to get dark enough to go to bed. About 10PM it got dark enough that we couldn’t read outside any more. By 11PM the glow was starting to fade. We never made it up late enough to see any stars come out at night. Remind me why folks in the north country need DST.
DST should be based on latitude not longitude.
BTW Hawaii doesn’t observe DST either. When the sun goes down there it gets dark fast. DST wouldn’t save any daylight.
When I was a kid I used to spend every summer up in central Alaska, the Tanana Valley/Chena Hot Springs area, about an hour outside of Fairbanks. (The most beautiful place I’ve ever been.)
They didn’t do the time change thing either, not that it would have had a point, considering the sun pretty much stops setting around the summer solstice and doesn’t bother to go down again until sometime in August. It was the coolest thing to go on midnight hikes through the woods and pick wild mushrooms and play with all the local kids.
Thanks for the reminder Mary! For some reason I thought it was tomorrow night … doh! How’s the weather down your way? More storms forecast here for late tonight and through tomorrow… some severe. Ah, Spring!
Weather today is good and I don’t think we expect storms. They were here the night before last.
Dang it! I forgot to by the Drambui! I did buy four new bras though.
You dropped some bucks there. I know. I bought some last week.
yeh, but I also dropped about 10 inches, so it was about time.
whoa. That definitely calls for new bras. Did you buy at least one sexy black one?
No, with summer coming up I’m not planning on wearing really dark clothes. And I’m hoping to drop another 10 inches by next fall. That’s when I’ll really go all out on the underwear shopping.
Probably wise. I bought myself a really pretty sky blue bra last week and I wore it to work this week under a blue blouse — well, that’s what I intended to wear, but at the last minute I changed my outfit but not my bra. Blue under white is a little noticeable. So … I kept my jacket on most of the day.
That would be perfectly fine for me in the winter because I’m so pale my skin is almost blue.
So bras are a substitute for Drambui? I dunno, I’m thinking brandy might be a better choice.
Andi, if you saw me swimming around in my poor ancient bras you wouldn’t say that. I was like a girl in her grandma’s bra. And how pathetic, is that!
You know, they actually make them out of newfangled fabrics now, no more flour sacks!
I know — you should see this one I’m wearing now. It’s actually cool looking! (and I look really good in it too)
Pictures please. π
Sorry KB, I had to say that.
lol, great perverts harass alike I guess.
I’m sure when I’m totally done with this long running project, I’ll be posting pictures everywhere. For know you’ll have be content with your imagination. Right now, I just look good compared to how I looked this morning.
Post a picture! (Forgive me, someone had to say that.) Good to see you around again, kb, and glad to know that you’re well.
Now I’m going to have to confess that I hate buying underwear and that most of mine is in the kind of condition where I have to hope that I’ll never be in an accident where I’m taken to hospital and have to have my clothes cut off.
No no no. Bras are a substitute for Drambui boxes. In both instances it’s the container that’s of interest, not the container itself.
We’ve got a bottle we’ve been hoarding for a while, and you’re welcome to some! What did you have in mind? A rusty nail or something else? Does anyone drink that stuff by itself?
I drink it straight — about 1-1/2 oz a night (when I’ve got it)
I’m actually interested in finding another drink — I just don’t go to bars enough to sample options.
If you like liqueurs, have you ever tried Benedictine or Chartreuse? They’re “stiff” but good drinks if you’re into the sipping mode. No slamming that stuff unless you want to pay later π
One of my favorite variations of the martini (gin, of course!) is the “Alaska.” You make it exactly like a martini (w/out the vermouth), except you use a small amount of Chartreuse and garnish with a lemon twist. Comes out very light green, with a distinctive herbal bite to it. Not for the timid, but tasty!
Hi KB how are you doing other than Drambui amd bras?
Hi, FamilyMan — I’m doing great. Walked 4 miles today, got an afternoon post on vegetable servings up at Eat4Today and just now posted the E4T Exercise Blog.
How are you doing? I’ve really appreciated your early morning visits over there. It’s really nice to start the day with a visit.
Maybe they’ll decide to show all the way up tomorrow.
Breathe in that mountain air while you can, Indy.
No kidding. I’m gonna need one of those masks from the dystopia movies for Cincinnati.
Feeling better, I hope?
Inddddyyyyyy. How’re doing today? Wonderful picture.
Why thank you, Family Man. The Peaks do all the work, though, hard to take a bad picture of them. I’m well thanks for asking.
You sound in better spirits today, glad to hear that…hope there’s not a fresh mound of dirt that might or might not be a new gravesite out on the back 40 at your place. ;p
Glad to hear it.
No, no mound on the back 40 yet, maybe soon. π
Are we enjoying Saturday? I know I am. The rest of the family is off doing other stuff and I’m just waiting for them to get back so we can go out to dinner with my son and his wife and daughter tonight (which we haven’t done in a while).
Hi Omir. Unless you know bras and Drambui……
Sounds like you’re going to have a good night.
You’re kinda hooked (ha ha) on bras and Drambui tonight, FM.
I guess so. π
Maybe katiebird can send you the old ones she shrank out of.
Don’t need them yet. Although in the next twenty years maybe. How do old men cope with that?
The “Man-seire” of course. Didn’t you watch Seinfeld?
The day what’s inside a bra makes me reach for the Drambui is the day you can take me out and shoot me.
See, that’s what happens when a guy who doesn’t drink tries to make drinking jokes.
that’s ok dear, would you like a cool wet cloth for your head?
Here I am envying Manee at the SoCal meetup, reading about people with half a Rusty Nail (that’s the Drambuie) in their grandma’s bras. Another typically confusing Saturday lounge with maryb.
Well, this morning we had our own Little League version of a Red Sox-Yankees classic, with the Yankees, sadly, storming back in the top of the last inning to erase our lead. But at least we managed to play, in spite of pretty heavy rain yesterday.
Gotta say, though, you could do a whole lot worse than all baseball all day with the kids.
Hi growthrate it is confusing.
Sounds like you had a great day too.
and you love it !
those damn yankees, why I’d sell my soul for …
oh wait, I don’t have a little league kid and my real team is in the national league. Nevermind.
Was it a good weather day today despite the mud?
It was a great day. The weather was ok (partly cloudy and 60, with just a sprinkle right at the end of our game), and most of the swampiness was behind the plate, in back of the backstop. Not a factor at all. The only problem with the day was that I had to miss the younger Kid GR’s T-ball game because it was at the same time as her big sister’s game, at which I coached. Ms GR says the T-ball game was great, too.
With so many kids and teams around, we stayed longer and played a few innings of pickup ball with a bunch of kids and coaches, too. If I can still walk on Monday, I’ll be proud of myself.
I recommend a long hot bath for those achy muscles.
Sounds like a great day. We were in the 60’s today too, but there’s no mud. It’s been really dry here.
Just stopped in to say hi, and now I need to go do some more cleaning. FWIW, for all you bra folks, I washed underwear today… does that count? Also hung sheets outside and smelling great from the slightly chilly but fresh air. Can’t wait to turn off the furnace and start leaving the windows open!
Will try to check back in later when I get a chance. I’ve got some web work to do also tonight… which means getting set up at Photobucket! Now I just need to resize a lot of photos before I upload them… urgh, that’s a tedious process.
Keep the bar open, I will be back at some point…
see you later IVG!
It looks like winter is breaking in the north country. Since we had flooding at the mouth of the Mississippi in late summer, it looks like we’ll balance things out with flooding at its source this spring.
Sandbagging. ugh. I’ve done enough of that.
The Missouri River is supposed to be lower than usual this year so by the time the water from the Red River gets downstream it shouldn’t have too much of a flood affect.
Got to go run another errand. For some reason I want to buy a bra, don’t know why though. π
See ya later.
Sniff went upstairs to bed and the activity in the cafe came to a halt.
Well, with George bound and gagged, Sniff WAS in charge of drinks.
That was kinda like a flash mob, wasn’t it? All of the sudden, everyone was talking all at once, and then just as suddenly, ::poof:: gone.
I’ve notice that happen before. I always figure everyone is catching up on their ratings (because that’s what I’m doing). OMIR! Where is the fournicatour?
I figured ya’ll loved me so much you couldn’t carry on a conservation without me here.
I didn’t want to swell your head too much by admitting that.
Yea sure. π
That’s true — before you showed up it was all gibberish and esperanto. ;p
No before I got back it was all bras. Not that I’m complaining. You learn something new all the time.
But since I’m so slow, I need pictures to help with the learning process.
Just look in your Victoria’s Secret catalogue. My bras look just like those. π
Show off. Just look in the Sears Catalog, circa 1959, mine look just like those.
Liar. I know you’ve updated to the latest JC Penney catalogue.
My head is swooning from all the thoughts of catalogue models.
As a certified old geezer, I have, of course, never been part of a flash mob, though I understand the concept. I doubt I get to ever do one since you could get most of Brown County in one place and no one would notice.
I’ve never been in a flash mob either but even as an Aspiring Geezer, I think I would like it.
Did I tell you that we almost moved to Brown County a couple of years ago? We’ve been trying to get out of Flag for a while, as you know, and we were looking for a place close to Ohio (because we suspected that the health problems with our family member were coming) but ultimately rejected Indiana because it was too wingnutty.
Go figure, now we’re going to wind up where wingnuts go to worship. We totally should’ve moved to Brown County.
Yep. Never try to avoid trouble because it will just follow you (at least that’s what my grandma always said). If you had moved to Brown County Ohio would be Democratic today.
Heh, Cincinnati is definitely a red area. But here’s what I don’t get about Ohio bashing. The election was close there; much closer than in other solidly red states. Ohio goes with the ultimate winner, just like it did with Clinton both times. Why is it suddenly wingnut central?
You still could; I’d find ya a place. π
But you’d like Monroe County where Bloomington is a whole lot better — Bloomington is a great college town.
I’m back Andi. So Sniff has called it a night?
Yup. There’s some magic moment when he determines that the bed needs him more than the couch.
I am looking forward to see if DST changes Sniff’s bed time. But I really want to know what he’ll do on this day.
Let’s all meet here so I can tell you.
Sounds like a plan to me.
I thought it was because I went to the video store.
What’s the feature presentation tonight?
a PS2 game version of “24” – I’m sure it’ll be a rousing good time filled with torture and mayhem.
But is Sheri the evil wife in it?
I’ll ask Little Dude if she makes an appearance – on behalf of her husband, of course.
Sorry to disappear suddenly y’all, but Roomie just called and needs to process some things, so I’m outta here. If this doesn’t get too intense, I’ll drop in later, if it does, see ya tomorrow. {{Cafe}}
she just did a group hug
i’m astounded
the closing scene in the last Mary Tyler Moore episode.
at the
new cafe
(I have no idea if that’s how you do it or not)