Froggy Bottom Lounge v3.0

This is a self service Lounge until morning.
Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
Hey, someone left this public service reminder here:
don’t forget to change your clocks tonight. Spring forward one hour. Even Andi is going to do it
Mostly my computers (and the computer chips inside appliances like the VCR) do it for me, but I do have to set the alarm clock and the clock on the microwave ahead.
That means we lose an nour of sleep, right? Poo. I’m going to bed early. I don’t think I can wait until October to make it up.
Is it safe to come back? Is the flash mob over?
they’re coming, run!
Lost. rerun. katie’s going to try to grab a digital copy of the map.
is that exercise induced asthma or some kind of code?
Guilt for not finding it earlier and for it being a repost of sorts. I posted it at the end of the last cafe also.
I was about ready to go check the eegee board. 🙂
I don’t watch lost so I don’t know what the map is.
I thought you did watch it — never mind.
just what the doctor ordered
The picture’s smaller, but the women are getting larger all the time…. MaryB I’d like you to meet my friend Cyd Charisse…. Cyd, this is MaryB
Wait! I get it! We’re organizing a flash mob where everybody nominates suskind a dream date! Is that it?
I have seen the wreckage of many, but never been in the midst of one firsthand….
uh, hi cyd. Loved your films. Are you going to dance for us?
look up
self service.
wait staff is now off duty.
and now for the drinks….
you think I don’t get this un-hosted thing yet?? hah!!
Don’t think Cyd feels too much like performing right now MaryB…. I had to prise her away from that fop Gene Kelly who claimed he made her career… when in fact he sank it….. a lot of troubled waters under the bridge…..
but … but … her PUBLIC! She can’t let them down.
OK, MaryB,
but this is a rare one,
so consider it a private
performance because we
beleive you really ARE
one of Cyd’s genuine fans…
I AM. Silk Stockings is my favorite. Although I liked her in everything. (Except maybe Brigadoon, but you don’t have to tell her that.)
Phenomenal talents….. Astaire was the greatest… ever!
cyd & tony, most recently…. Cedars Sinai Benefit
Just for Andi:
at least not without a sex change.
But I appreciate the sentiment — I think.
ok, not quite. But I AM sentimental …
Uncle Fud, 82 years old, walks into the pharmacy and plops a prescription on the counter. The pharmacist picks it up and looks it over, looks at Fud, looks at the prescription, shrugs, and goes back to grab the bottle of Viagra on the back shelf.
As he’s counting out the pills Fud calls to the pharmacist. “Can you cut those pills into eights for me?”
The pharmacist looks up at Fud. “You know you won’t get an ererction unless you take a full dose.”
“Erection, shmerection,” says Fud. “I just want it to stick out enough so I don’t piddle on my shoes.”
speaking of viagra, how is the work on the fournicator coming (so to speak)
It works, I just need to write up the web page to get it from. I should be doing that now, but I’m in here yakking with you guys instead.
That, and recovering from dinner. My son wanted to go to the local all-you-can-eat buffet. Unfortunately I tend to take that as a challenge.
Who won? You or the house?
I had a couple plates of popcorn shrimp and some very nice bread pudding. I think they still made money, but it was a close thing.
My granddaughter got full early, though, and I told her she had to keep going, we expected her to eat $8 worth of food every time. Of course I was just kidding — we are very careful to tell her that she doesn’t have to clean up her plate just because we dish out a bunch of food for her. I don’t want her to grow up fat. A fat Irish stepdancer . . . ewwwwww.
Top 5 (Sorry geezers can’t concentrate long enough to get to 10) Geezer song lyrics.
Afternoon’s And Coffeespoons by Crash Test Dummies
Hello in There by John Prine
17 Again by The Eurythmics
The Last Time I Saw Richard by Joni Mitchell
Lovely Agnes by Sally Rogers
Last winter, when the Giants signed veteran shortstop Omar Vizquel, I had thought to write some parody doggerel (along the lines of Deivi to Durham to Snow) based on the Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam. On looking into the Fitzgerald translation of Khayyam, I found that selected (and at times rearranged) bits do far better intact than in parody. I offer, then
The Rubiyat of Omar Vizquel, or
Musings of an Aging Shortstop
(Plagiarized without apology to either Omar Khayyam or Edward Fitzgerald)
Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring
The Winter Garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To fly–and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing
For in and out, above, about, below,
‘Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show,
Play’d in a Box whose Candle is the Sun,
Round which we Phantom Figures come and go.
The Ball no Question makes of Ayes and Noes,
But Right or Left as strikes the Player goes;
And He that toss’d Thee down into the Field,
He knows about it all–HE knows–HE knows!
And when Thyself with shining Foot shall pass
Among the Guests Star-scatter’d on The Grass,
And in Thy joyous Errand reach the Spot
Where I made one–turn down an empty Glass!
“How sweet is mortal Sovranty!”–think some:
Others–“How blest the Paradise to come!”
Ah, take the Cash in hand and waive the Rest;
Oh, the brave Music of a distant Drum!
Indeed, the idols I have loved so long
Have done my Credit in Men’s Eye much Wrong:
Have drown’d my Honour in a shallow Cup,
And sold my Reputation for a Song.
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.
Ah! my Beloved, fill the Cup that clears
To-day of past Regrets and future Fears
To-morrow?–Why, To-morrow I may be
Myself with Yesterday’s Sev’n Thousand Years.
I kid you not. Every stanza is stolen intact from the Fitzgerald translation of Khayyam. The order has been changed to impugn the innocent.
Now, as it turns out, Vizquel’s season was one of the Giants’ few bright spots last year. Hope he does it again this year.
seems a little odd …
Hey, it’s cribbed straight from the Fitzgerald translation. I thought he was talking about baseball.
seems awfully apt .. are you SURE you didn’t play with it?
OK, now I have to provide a link. Scroll down, way down, to stanza LXX.
Believe me, I wish I had the ability to do that myself.
well, you’re right. strange (not that you’re right) but how apt it is …
Amazing, isn’t it? I had written a take-off on Tinker to Evers to Chance the previous summer, and thought I might do the same with the Rubaiyat. Much to my surprise, the Rubaiyat provided the material without alteration.
:::Sigh:::: Omar was my favorite Indian for many, many years. There was not a better double play combo in baseball than Vizquel and Robbie Alomar, it was pure ballet. And those back-to-home-plate infield fly catches. Not to mention the bare-handed fielding of a hot grounder and the flip to second in one poetic move.
Can you tell I miss him?
the cardinals and the indians are playing each other this year in inter-league play. we should have some kind of virtual bet. It’s not until the middle of summer so we can think of something fun.
Hmm, maybe we can wager a bra shopping trip with Family Man.
well, its a thought. Something will come to us. I know it 🙂
Welcome back. Escaping video game mayhem or kissing cats?
Nah, I was doing some yoga-like stretching and trying to find something not stupid on TV.
Surely there must be a re-run of Barney Miller on somewhere.
I can see why you miss him. He’s a pleasure to watch at shortstop. Now I get to miss J.T. Snow at first base. But I do hope that Red Sox fans embrace him — they should, and probably will.
I think that trades are part of the reason that baseball is popular — they are endlessly entertaining — you can argue, analyze, and mourn them forever. Personally, I have never recovered from the Cubs trading Ferguson Jenkins.
From this we know that you aren’t old enough to remember Brock for Broglio. Of course, maryb and I both remember that trade fondly.
VERY fondly
I should clarify, of course, that while I remember the trade firsthand, maryb would only remember it through the collective memory of Cardinal fans.
He, I was alive. Although I’m not sure I do remember it live from the age of four, in the same way that I’m not sure I remember JFK’s funeral. Both were replayed over and over so many times, that it’s hard to know which memory is original.
How about the Mariners trading for Red Sox pitcher Heathcliff Slocumb (who we call on our baseball board H*thcl*ff Sl*c*mb)? The Red Sox manager said they’d trade him for Jason Veritek or Derek Lowe. Apparently our GM thought he said Veritek AND Lowe, and traded them both away for a pitcher who . . . let’s see if I can put this charitably . . . nope. Sl*c*mb stunk on ice.
Maybe they were getting back at us for trading Darren Bragg for Jamie Moyer.
This is a real race to the bottom, isn’t it? How about the Giants’ trading Joe Nathan to the Twins (where he’s now rock-solid), mostly for A. J. Pierzynski (whom we called D. P. Pierzynski in San Francisco for his hitting), only to kick A.J. over to the White Sox after a year, where he was on a World Series championship team?
LOL . . . D P Pierzynski. I like that. I’d never heard it before.
I did just think of one more trade that went our way. In 1989 George Steinbrenner was really hot after a Mariner player named Ken Phelps. We eventually got a rookie player for him, a young guy by the name of Jay Buhner. Buhner went on to hit about 300 home runs as a Mariner. I don’t know how many of them were at Yankee Stadium, but he loved to hit there. He once dropped a ball onto an ambulance parked out beyong the short porch in right field.
And of course without that trade we wouldn’t have had that marvelous Seinfeld moment where, after Steinbrenner apologizes to George’s father for running George over (or whatever it was), the father, having listened to the apology silent with rage, finally roars out, “WHY THE HELL DID YOU TRADE JAY BUHNER???????”
Yeah, and he used to be a Mariner.
As did the next shortstop but one, a guy nobody ever heard of named Alex Rodriguez. And in between he two of them, of course, was future hall-of-famer Felix Fermin.
And following Alex was Carlos Guillen, who is one of the best guys I’ve ever seen at fouling off pitches until he gets the one he wants. And who is now a Tiger, if I remember right.
And that’s just at shortstop. It amazes me how the Mariners have so often gotten good talent, and so often let it slip away.
And of course I’m amazed even further when guys like Ichiro or Edgar Martinez stick with the team.
As long as you have young players on the upswing you’re ok and its ok to get rid of them before they hit their stride — the mariners have proved that. Too many aging stars are expensive and counter productive.
The problem is, they trade those young studs away before they even get a chance to do anything for the team, and don’t get anything worthwhile back.
Occasionally it works out, though. We let Raul Ibanez go to Kansas City in about 2000, where he really connected (so to speak) with the batting coach and started hitting ovcer .300. Then when his contract was up with the Royals he came back to Seattle, to the consternation of the Royals fans. But he’s very much the exception.
The Giants’ strategy for the past, oh, fifteen years. My theory is that the Giants’ General Manager, Brian Sabean, prefers dealing with players close to his own age. When he first started out, that wasn’t such a problem, but it becomes a bigger issue with each passing year.
I miss super. Wish he would stop in while he’s here …
Hey, maryb, I see you’ve had a busy day.
Hi Izzy. It wasn’t as busy as some Saturdays, but plenty to do. How was your day?
Pretty darn good. It was a veritable cornucopia of laziness. (I think there were extra hours today or something)
actually you are going to lose an hour tonight — so it’s good that you made the most of the time that you had!
I know. I think that’s what did it. All day I was thinking — oh, this time tomorrow will be 7 but now it’s only 6 — and I felt all lucky. Tomorrow’s gonna be a bitch.
I like having the exra light in the evening, but I hate losing the hour.
Me too. Especially the waking up part. I already sleep as late in the day as is even marginally socially acceptable. I’m going to have to get up and hour earlier. My clock’ll be all off.
That said, I’ll be very glad it’ll be light till around 7:30, I just have to remember to start dinner at a decent hour.
I just went and edited out all the boxes on the blog, so hope all can see. Oh, and I was checking the sitemeter and found that someone came to the site by way of black-babes-nude. Interesting in a eww-gross kind of way.
See you guys tomorrow — sleep well. 🙂
Damn, I’ve got to change my ways or my top geezer status could be in jeopardy.
Night, Olivia.
He told me that calling them the fighting keyboardists was very 2004. I guess they are running a cool fad/trendy Iraq War thing over there. Once again I just don’t fit in……sigh
you should be thankful you don’t fit into.
In fact I’m complimented that Jeff took the time to tell me to weave him awone and delete my last comment. Tomorrow they will probably all be gone though darn it! And only I will know in my heart the honor that was bestowed upon me.
is what you deserve.
In fact, here. Have a Presidential Medal
He just asked me if Atrios was going to give me extra credit points for getting banned from a right wing blog? I don’t know Atrios though Cabingirl does, maybe she is even partying with him as I type this and gaze out my window into the dark night completely alone. Then finally another keyboardist said something about my hysterical rant…..Mary, what has been hysterical about me tonight? I have been giggling endlessly, they are terrible mucho fun to mess with. I have been also called a “bandwidth eater”. I never knew I could do such a thing. You mean other people might not be able to read Jeff Goldstein’s bullshit trash if I stay on there and bother him all the time? THERE IS A GOD!
I’m sure that if Atrios had an attention span long enough to give you extra credit points, he would.
I LOVE “Bandwidth eater” Are you feeling full? I mean, how much bandwidth did you eat? And why are they rationing their bandwidth? Are they on bandwith diets.
where I said that I hoped that The pussies did show up to yearly Kos! I couldn’t wait to see the photos! He said that he didn’t like the tone. My comments got messed with too as to what time I posted them…..they got severly fudged with. Jeff said that he didn’t do it and if I wanted to improve the software or something to hit the tip jar or shut the fuck up. How come he can use the “F” word but pussies is the wrong tone? I have so many questions for Karl these days.
When they say stuff like that you know you’re getting to them. Kind of like when the Republicans say the phrase “culture of corruption” is old and tired. In real world terms, that translates to “brutally effective.”
Good job!
They were talking total smack about the fighting Dems. I honestly had not seen all the “fighting Dems” lined up running in the next election cycle but they had them all up there with their Bios. So I read the damn Bios and whew…..damn…..Naval Academy Grads, Stacks of fighter fly boys from the the Air Force Academy who did Vietnam. Lots of candidates who gave 20 and 30 years service along with Whompin college degrees to top it off with and public service after military service. One vet who has a son with the 82nd Airborne in Iraq right now (in the middle of daily shittin hell!). I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what the heck they were talking about the “fighting Dems” being a bunch of desk jockies in supply that they were attempting to make them all out to be. I couldn’t find a single one even close to that…..a very very few who had done just four years – but that’s fucking miles better than AWOL Bush and deferment Cheney (and I did type that too).
Maybe they’re trying reverse reverse psychology some more. You know, kind of like the ad that says if you don’t vote for Republicans in November, Bush is going to get censured. Sounds to me like half of all Americans are going to say “Cool” to that and press the big D button.
but i’m glad you came back…. looked around and was appalled…. clicked some links and started to get educated…. then had enough
a small consolation prize
Our Commander In Chief
Not your usual dream date, suskind. What happened to Cyd?
The United States has just announced that they are trading George Bush and two utility outfielders for Michelle Bachelet.
night Andi
Does it mean I’m an Apostle or something? Darleen says that I apologize for Jihadists too. Depends on the Jihad…..if it is a Jihad on Ben and Jerrys Karmel Sutra I ain’t apologizin!
I had to look it up
Do they like share “fightin words” with each other? Those fighting keyboardists!
JAYsus on a Pony
Do the leftists EVER stray from the cultist script? What.the.fuck. is it with the empty “chickenhawk” meme and the Paragons of Tolerance and Choice attacking a parent for raising their child?
Oh. That would be raising a child outside of the Left Cult Faith.
That’s why they apologize for jihadist so often. Apostasy being the keyword and like recognizes like
Can anybody translate this for me? I feel like she is saying something NOT NICE about me. But I don’t know what it is……..I’m so confused.
“empty chickenhawk meme” means that you’ve hit them where it hurts.
I don’t know what they’re talking about with raising a child = must have something to do with a previous conversation.
Here’s a clue. Never, never respond to what they say. Just keep delivering your message. That’s what the best of them do.
I think they are saying that the jihadists are apostate because they have abandonded the true tenets of their religion as have the people on the left who preach tolerance and choice and then try to tell other people how to live their lives.
It’s a common complaint of the right — that the left tries to run people’s lives.
pot calling the kettle black if you ask me.
Send them THIS and see if it turns their crank…:{)…feel free to cut and paste, it’s Tinypic
is to shit on other’s gods, or to tear down the temples…. like iconoclast
The guy in Afghanistan that was going to be put to death for becoming a Christian, was really charged with apostacy – re: leaving Islam.
you’re right.
and you’re still awake?
My boy is still out at a cast party – curfew 1:00. I can’t sleep before he’s home.
with Jack Daniels and she is throwing up. Her dad just left to go get her. He took a large stainless steal pan with him, I wonder why? Guess I’m up for awhile too now so I will continue to play with the Goldsteins until it is time to run the rinse and vac. I hope her head hurts terribly tomorrow.
Darleen is so wild about.
They keep calling me “boy”….it’s hysterical.
I admire you for taking them on. I just don’t even engage people like that. I figure my life is easier without even trying to understand them. I’m arrogant – I just figure they don’t know any better.
New Overnight Lounge is open
Oh man, Tracy, I hope she grows out of it quick. I did all my drinking before I turned 18. Haven’t drunk since.
Last year she could a bit, but we have grown closer again and now she just can’t pull it off. When she called she was so out of it. I asked her what the heck she had taken or done so she gave a big sigh and said, “Jack Daniels”. That’ll do it!