Froggy Bottom Lounge v2.0

Your host tonight is Maryb.
Newcomers and Lurkers are welcome!.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
Just jump right in and introduce yourself.
We like to both shake AND stir things up around here!
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Hey! That 4 looks good on you!
For latecomers (ej?) a public service reminder: don’t forget to change your clocks tonight. Spring forward one hour. Even Andi now right?

Repeated images and repeated posts — running out of steam?
But I did forget to say last — yes, even Andi now.
Quite a mob we have here.
I’m think I’m being held to a higher standard than other people.
Mary we expect only great things from you.
This whole flash mob thing isn’t happening in much of a flash. Did I do it wrong?
to text message everybody on their cell phones and blackberries.
well, I don’t know how to do text messaging on my cell phone so I guess I won’t be flash mobbing.
Neither do I but since I don’t plan on being in any flash mobs, I hadn’t felt too conflicted about it.
Mary I just came back and re-read this.
I thought all big city people knew how to text message and carried blueberries.
Not being sterotypical of course. π
they do ::sniff::
I’m on probation and if I don’t get my act together I’m going to get kicked out of the city and have go liiiiive iiiin theeee Cuuuuuuntry waaaaaah. ::sob::
I’m technologicaly challenged, what can I say?
I live in the big city and I don’t own a blackberry, nor can I send text messages with my cell phone and I am not moving to the country!
He was ribbing me because I was stereotyping southern weddings earlier today.
Oh man! I hate grading papers. I miss out on all the fun.
You have to unlock the doors first.
Damn. I always misplace the keys!
You can tell she’s a city girl from keeping all the doors locked.
Ready to mob. I find when a cafe gets to be a certain size, I just can’t keep up with dialup anymore — I’m usually still around, just trying to read all the comments, forget replying. π
Thanks for the time change reminder maryb — have to do that before bed.
I know it’s hard on dial up people once we get above 80 or so comments. I try not to let it go over 100. Sorry!
Don’t apologize maryb — I’m the internet-luddite. I don’t even have Andi’s excuse, since I live in the city. I just need to get switched over. π
That makes me weep.
me too. π
Me too. I’m trying to imagine how your site loads. I haven’t seen any of your photos since you added the borders. And I’ve got a cable modem!
You mean they won’t load at all? Do the photos that have no border still load?
I didn’t know it was that difficult.
When I host, after ever 5 comments, I’ll put up a new one just for you Olivia. π
You’re on dial-up? With your website? You must have the patience of a saint — or excellent catnapping skills.
I’ve really got to switch over.
Hello everyone. I’m back from Internet exile and in between grading papers. What’s new?
Toni! We’ve missed you. And Andrew (hint, hint)
I read you loud and clear. I will work on it in a few minutes! He’s doing so many new things everyday, it’s just been amazing. How is your niece?
Hi Toni.
Hey FM! How are you?
I’m fine Toni and glad to see you back.
I see everybody else has said it, so it won’t say – PICTURES. π
because we’ve really missed you. OTOH, please take Maryb’s hint.
Good to see you! I haven’t seen a photo of Andrew in so long, I bet he has changed so much. π
Has he ever! He can kind of feed himself and he’s crawling up the stairs!
I’d like to change the little flower icon down below since it is a new month (and Andi suggested a new one each month). I’ve got a few uploaded, which one would you say or should I keep the purple (oh, and trying to stay away from pink for Omir’s sake):
I like the red rose. I also like the yellow (whatever?) but it looks more summery.
I like the red rose for a new icon. Either that or the purple. The others need to be seen in a larger format, and unlike SN, I have my glasses on.
I like the white one with the middle that looks vaguely like a frog.
I like the gold one.
I do so admire your taste and good judgment.
maryb’s comment about summery made me think of this tulip photo I took last spring at the Tulip Festival.
oooooooh. That one! That one!
ICan I change my vote? I just love tulips!
Yes, this one!
(and I can’t see any with a border but can see the ones without a border.)
I’m going to take the borders off — and not add them then. I want you to be able to see them! I’m glad I found out! π
I should have told you, but the time since you added them has just flown by. I’ve been so busy.
It’ll be great to see your flowers again!
The yellow
flower has my vote.
Still like the yellow better?
Even though I can spell tulip without the help of my spell checker, I like the yellow better. The only one I didn’t like was the white flower. I think it was choice 2.
Chalk one up for the rose…
BTW…why the borders? I really like the pic on black…just to pick a nit.
I won’t stay away, in fact you’re now a highlight on my Safari tool bar…too hard going to bookmarks…Ha!
Hope you had a good day. Did you see the tulip? It’s more spring-like than the rose …?
I was playing w/ the borders. I got carried away and I’ll remove them post haste especially if katieb can’t see the photos.
Please nit pick all you want. I like everyone’s input (in case you haven’t noticed!). π
Woo hoo, I made the toolbar! π
I could see them with the borders but I like them better without borders.
Flowers without borders … something symbolic about it.
It’s good to know.
Flowers w/out borders — I think that was what Boston Joe was doing the other day w/ the protest. π
Still like the rose…Bu 2 kaus it smels perty
B/c Bu is beautiful!
Here is the only reason the cool kids let me hang out here in the Cafe.
We had a beautiful evening on Thursday, so we snapped this before we went on our walk.
<href=”” target=”_blank”>
He looks like he’s having a ball. Great picture Toni.
Do you live in BAMA?
Yes I do. I live on the otherside of the state from you.
North or South? Did we have this conversation before I forgot the answer to these questions? I just felt a Deja Vu draft between my ears.
Tracy, you are too late — Elvis has left the building.
Karl Rove is the Fighting Keyboardists. WOW!
Wonderful picture. Makes me feel happy just looking at it.
He’s da man!
What a sweetie-pie!!!
from the fighting keyboardists. He’s one of those dumb boys! So much rotten little brat in me and so little time.
Those dumb boys, god love ’em.
He must have looked me up……what a Stupid Boy! He has given me some military “credentials”…..they may be real but not the whole nine years of having his nose stuffed up some XO’s ass. I’ll start undermining there…….he left out bootcamp and scrubbing toilets, he was an instant boywonder! He makes it easy to not call George names in my freetime.
we want blow by blow descriptions.
After nine years he was only an E-3? I’m asking for details but slow in answering again. Nine years though and only an E-3 is pretty darn SAD.
uh, ok?
We don’t want to feel sorry for him — we want to hear that you beat the crap out of him.
I’m beginning to think that Karl Rove IS the fighting keyboardists……all of them. Ask a hard question and no answer. Then a different one shows up and tries to claim they have “beaten you” on some weird point that the guy who isn’t answering thought he made. No direct answer though to my direct questions. Fighting Keyboardist = Bood Abides!
Maybe a flanking attack …
sexual position they can manage with their unsuspecting stalked….um er….cherished ones!
Was there a flash mob and I wasn’t invited?
I have to study for a final in Geezerology, so I’m headed to bed.
Everyone have a good night.
So early EVEN for a geezer!
night FM
He’s not really going to bed. He’s going out partying. He’s just trying to juice his stats and I’m not buying it.
partying? clubs? or bars? <gasp> without us?
wait —
ya fell for that southern charm, didn’t ya?
who me? NO! I don’t fall… I mean, well …
There, there. Now that you’ve realized the truth, you’ll get over him in no time.
(heh, heh, no one’s replacing me as top geezer)
Yes! Without a doubt YOU are the all star, hall of famer geezer. They’re gonna build a wing just for you at that museum in cooperstown, er, wherever the geezer hall of fame is.
I feel very confident that the Geezer Hall of Fame is either in Sun City, AZ or somewhere in Florida and the cafe at the hall has early bird specials!
No effing way is it in effing ick Florida or awful Sun City because I am the star geezer and you won’t get me in either of those places.
But we can go easy on ya, since we know you’ve been busy w/ your company. π
Goodnight Family Man.
Latest innovation in energy efficient mass transit…rerun, hate to see a good idea go to waste…
And they can spit at you just like a train driver.
You’re quick…Press release HERE.
I was at the zoo the other day at lunch and one of the camels was standing right up at the front of his enclosure just staring balefully at everyone who walked by, chewing his cud (I guess) and looking like he was going to spit at someone at any moment.
Camels are nasty. But useful.
Cocktails for two, table for one please, MaryB
do you have a reservation sir?
reserved for subversives and those engaged in illicit relations….. over there by the kitchen door is fine, between the phone booth and the men’s room…. and if my girlfriend calls, don’t tell her I’m here with the wife, and visa versa….. blaahhhh…. who rented this tux before I did…. smells like cheap cologne and cheap cigars…… lint and unchewed gum circa 1968….. uhhhhh…..
Now, don’t get overheated, MaryB, she’s only 281 pixels wide, and worth every jot!!!
you know how I feel about you showing up with other women. Especially such LARGE women. Why can’t you be a normal guy and go for small women?
I am not a geezer, but I have been grading papers, almost non-stop since 7:30 this morning and I have yet another fun-filled day of the same tomorrow.
Good night everyone!
night toni!
I am not a geezer
It was much more convincing when Nixon said it.
It’s being rerun, I guess it’s been on a while, but we just found it.
We’re going to try to grab a digital copy of that map.
Looks like Froggybottom has opened a new lounge. I bet he sent a flash message to everybody but me. Well, I’m going anyway.