It’s only because I need, by my doctor’s orders, to remind everybody that pandas and the Fourth Amendment mix, that I make you suffer through this madness.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Have a lovely Saturday evening, and don’t let the data miners at the NSA bite. Oh, and if you can track me down, drinks are on me.
So what polite, or impolite, things are on your mind tonight?
I doubt it was the work of the NSA, but I was on vacation last week, and when I got home, I found that Faux News is no longer available on my tv channels. The only other thing thats gone is the golf channel. I guess this should be good news – maybe there are cable gremlins out there at work.
Last week CSPAN 2 and CSPAN 3 magically appeared in my cable lineup. We had only CSPAN previously. It felt like a wonky Christmas.
so … what’s goin on with you and pandas? Inquiring minds want to know.
I`m have that kind of mind also, & I hope Chris is not trying to weasel out of your question.
<gasp> Tracy! That’s quite an accusation to level. Do you think the pandas are a front?
Or just another vicious rumor from the nefarious Koala Konspiracy.
think they are trojan horses.
It`s either that, or de udder vuns.
I wish I knew myself. It just seems to keep happening. No rhyme or reason to any of it. I’ve tried posting baby monkeys, kittens, puppies, koalas, rats, the whole works. But no matter what I do, whenever anybody mentions my peculiar habit of throwing back a few beers and posting pictures of adorable, baby animals on serious political blogs, they always bring up the pandas. So I’ve given in and pretty much rely on the pandas. Here’s a recent post featuring two adorable kittens, but will anybody ever think of me as the guy who posts adorable kitten pictures? Nope. Never. It’s all about the pandas. Chris the weird panda guy. Does that clear things up?
Does that clear things up?
Clear as mud 🙂
Good. Good. That’s what I was going for.
panda pics too once I get them off the camera.
Went to San Diego Zoo on Saturday. They’ve got a bunch of walk-through aviarys; I took a ton of bird shots (as opposed to Harry Whittington who took a ton of birdshot)… 😉
That’s great. Did you get to see little Su Lin? She’s almost too cute for words.
Not calling mister Bush names much lately. Bored and was reading Firedoglake and caught a link to the fighting keyboardists there making manly threats about showing up at Yearly Kos with axe handles. I couldn’t help it…..I had to get in there ya know. Nobody will respond to my comment though among the fighting keyboardists. It is so unfair. I have slams saved up…….miles of slams but * sniff, teary-eyed* they won’t take the bait. It’s just so bloody unfair!
What the heck? Do they email each other or something, “Ignore that Biotch, pretend that you’re dead, she’ll fry your nads man!”
Here’s a guaranteed way to make you feel better: give the asshole-in-chief the best/worst cussing out humanly possible!
Finally, an immigration solution that I can agree with. Brilliant and simple.
Please read the rest here, if you haven’t already.
You want rant? I’ll rant a little!
First, that horrid and embarrassing statue of Britney Spears, aka “Bratty Sneers” (with apologies to “Rebecca” of H.A.P. fame or notoriety, take your pick), is up at BagNewsNotes……either this shows how to use a newborn like a Chinese Communist 57mm recoilless rifle shell, do something more appropriate of a site like, or else its a public humiliation of Spears…she has to be dying over this rather ugly monument, and I think Jane also either said this or alluded to it.
Next Bravo to Ed Kinane of Syracuse, NY who was released after time served for apparently disrupting Congress by demanding an end to the Iraq fiasco. Tom has the story over at Information clearing House. Ed Kinane is a name well known here for his courage in the face of the powerful pubbie and con noise machine in these parts. Here is the story and it is a good read. The story
Next, Both Dahr Jamail’s journal and a Robert Fisk story showed up in the mail check, today. Robert’s article on the diary of Victor Klemperer is another great read. Dahr on the other hand reminds us of the ongoing disaster in Iraq. The madness has to stop….Fisk points to the index issue which causes much terrorism in the middle east with the Israeli/Palestinian mess….and Dahr shows how one action leads to a reaction that is not expected.
But for sheer bitterness, did anyone see Chris Floyd’s column for the Moscow times or go to and read “Feast of the Conquerors” or “Vision Quest” in the M.T.
So good night, and as E.G. Marshall used to say at the end of Radio Mystery Theater, “Pleasant Dreams.”
cute panda, thanks for sharing.
You’re a great front-pager and I’m glad you’re here but… When I saw the panda, my first thought was that SusanHu was back. I miss her. The Pond is not complete without raccoon stories.
Katherine Harris’ (R-2000) Senate run against Sen. Bill Nelson(D-Fl) is in dire need. She lost what was left of her core team and top advisers;- campaign manager, communications director – all resigned this weekend and here’s her response:
No Katherine, you go girl. Hang in there, give Bill and us a landslide.
The 4th Amendment is to read black & white no gray areas no warrant no spying..just like and gray areas.