[promoted by BooMan]
I spent my first nine years in southern Georgia. And if there’s any label that can universally be applied to the South of my youth, it’s “polite.”
Oh, I know, some of you think the South of the 1950s was the home of lynchings, chain gangs and forcing people of certain pigmentation, like my grandparents, to step off the sidewalk when a real human needed to pass. The home of old times being misremembered but not forgotten, of nigger this and nigger that, of fire-hoses and share-croppin’. True enough, but underneath it all was politeness. Practically the first words out of my mouth were “ma’am” and “suh.” I can still feel the sting from the backhand to the mouth I caught on the two occasions when I forgot to employ those honorifics. Today, half a century later, whether to clerks, cops, CEOS, neighbors, whoever, I call them what I was taught. Proving, I guess, that violent child abuse can modify behavior.
Today, too, I confess that I am disconcerted by the incivility of modern political discourse. The incendiary name-calling, the profanity, the obscenity, the hyperbole just makes that Southern piece of me scream: how very, very rude.
So tone it down, people.
Let me make another confession. I’ve been a bit of a name-caller myself. For example, two-and-a-half years ago, I started calling President Bush Dubyanocchio. The NeoCons’ wooden-headed puppet boy. And right up `til now I haven’t been able to quit. But in the name of respectful courtesy, it’s got to stop. After all, how would I like it if they called one of my favorite stand-up guys Wuss Whinegeld? Wouldn’t that piss me off? And wouldn’t I think they were being juvenile and petty and overly partisan? And wouldn’t I think they don’t want to have a give-and-take discussion else they wouldn’t throw insults around like that? Wouldn’t I think they were ill-bred?
Clearly, my discourtesy deserves a scolding. Dubyanocchio, indeed.
From now on, I am not going to call the President of the USA, the Commander-in-Chief, the Spy-in-Chief, the Torturer-in-Chief a liar and a puppet. How impolite. You’d think I was just itching for a smack in the mouth. Today onward, it’s gonna be Mister Bush for me.
I make this sacrifice on the altar of civil discourse.
This does not mean that I believe Mister Bush is truthful. Or that he is a decisive fellow who operates without any strings choreographing his every public move. He is not truthful. To use the passive-aggressive tense invented by Richard Nixon: Lies were told. By this President. To the American people. For the furtherance of a war. Mister Bush and his crew concocted, invented, fabricated, exaggerated, and then when caught out, they stifled the truth, the worst kind of lying. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians are dead because of their lies. Tens of thousands are maimed. Families wrecked. Careers destroyed. Women widowed. Children orphaned.
Sometimes, I believe, we have no choice. Sometimes, we must go to war because not to do so will mean enslavement and slaughter. It’s called self-defense. And it didn’t take September 11 to persuade me that self-defense is a good thing for anyone who isn’t willing to die at an enemy’s whim.
But it is in the nature of war to produce death and suffering. Despite the claims of the recruiting poster or the patriotic parade, war is not about heroism, although that is not absent. Good cause or bad, dictatorship or democracy, war is about killing and destroying. While much is made nowadays of the effort to keep “collateral damage” low, even the most careful war kills more civilians than soldiers. Whatever the goals, however just the motives, war is hell, war is horror. To undertake one for a lie is the deepest possible betrayal of those who are asked to fight it and of those who cheer those who fight it.
Not only have I come to understand that it’s impolite to call Mister Bush Dubyanocchio. I also realize how terribly outside the boundaries of respectful discussion it would be to ask the supporters of Mister Bush what they think it should be called when a President betrays the public trust by lying about the need for a war which he says he is doing everything possible to avoid, but, in fact, has already decided to start.
Some people, definitely not supporters of Mister Bush, have answered that question with the word “traitor.” For example, I’m one. Which is really impolite. Another smack in the mouth for me.
And not only impolite.
The lawyers say, no, no, no, what Mister Bush has done doesn’t fit the very specific meaning of treason in the Constitution. Or, at the very least, it would be stretching the meaning. The political strategists say, maybe it’s true that Mister Bush is a traitor, but for crying out loud, don’t say it or you’ll sour the voters who will punish the Democrats, reducing our chances to regain Congress in `06. Many people who want to see the Administration continue its encouraging downward swirl nevertheless truly believe in civil discourse and also that there are Republicans worth saving. They think “traitor” cheapens the discussion and makes those who utter it look like liberal Rush Limbaughs.
The lawyers are right. The political strategists may be right. As for being as bad as Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh, well, those two think dissent is treason, whereas I think dissent is healthy, while lying to goad people into backing a predetermined decision to go to war makes one a traitor, even if it only fits the common connotation of the word – a deceitful betrayer of the nation. I think there’s a pretty clear distinction there, but if you think this transforms me into a lefty Limbaugh, I stand chastised, repentant and convinced. I have been impolite far too long.
So I’ve surrendered Dubyanocchio. From now and forevermore, it’s Mister Bush. From this day forward, too, no more “traitor” from me. And should I somehow magically encounter the President at one of those public meetings whose rules are designed to keep people like me out, I’ll be sure to recall that deferential little kid I once was, and ask:
“Mister Bush, when are you going to stop being a goddamned lying warmonger … suh?”
Nice to know you are reverting to southern gentleman and will address Mister Bush appropriately. But what about when you are talking about him to friends (or enemies)? Saying something bad about someone behind their back is a social no-no — unless you include the phrase “god love him.”
George Bush? He’s a goddamed lying warmonger — god love him.
I’m not from the South, so I need to practice.
Would this be acceptable:
“God love him, but that poor Mister Bush is just an idiot.”
Or, does “god love him” have to come at the end?
Oh you can put it anywhere.
“That poor Mr. Bush, god love him, is just an idiot.”
Good to know. Thanks!
He’s a lying sack of shit – bless his heart.
Well bless his heart, it’s almost like he can’t stop himself from lying.
It is also sometimes apropos to throw in the diminutive, as in:
Well, bless his little heart, Mister Bush is just too dumb to be a good liar.
Or, you can go completely overboard:
Well bless his sweet, little heart, he tries, but Mr. Bush is just too dumb to be a good liar.
omigod, I’ve been completely outdone in the realm of southernisms on BT by your comment above!!!!!!! I thought that was impossible. I’m shattered, completely shattered …
But I feel highly complimented. Bless your sweet little heart.
Now that’s how it’s done!!! You sound just like my mother!!
A high compliment trust me! 😀
I’m not certain how it works elsewhere, but in Philadelphia, calling somebody a “lying sack of shit” is, as often as not, a term of endearment. It’s all in the inflection.
so true.
There is a certain appeal to being so polite that you are rude. But, there are also times when you have to call them as you see them!!!
Not to mention taking a sip of your mint julep while fanning yourself afterwards. 😀
if dissent be treason, let’s have more of it – wall to wall.
Meteor Blades, in the south “impolite” is in a wild rage. Commondreams.org reprints a piece, link here that appeared in the Austin-American Statesman
[In] ‘West Texas, Bush Takes a Whuppin” by John Kelso.
so lets see- we take the high road. we even try and be more concerned with how we refer to the president of the US. Now, while we are trying to take the high road here is a sampleof what has benn happening-
the top .01% ofthe citizens have gotten fabulously richer because of the tax breaks!
the lowest incomes have been remorsely removed from food stamp accessibility, forced to pay more for health costs, eliminated from eligibility for such programs as heating assistance, watch helplessly as the prices of such needed items as fuel oil have inched ever closer to $3.00 a gallon. I could go on and on But ya know what- I hate to say it but– Fuck him and his whole god damned family! Fuck his whole administration- ya know who I am talking about.
everyone from condi slut- the house ni..ress to dick- shoot anyone that gets in my way-cheney.
Sorry but I just don’t feel like being respectful of a no good liar that has killed over 2000 of our troops and hasn’t seen fit to attend a single funeral! Nope- this bastard has earned only total and complete disrespect for what he has done to this once great country. Maybe- if there is a god, his family will feel some of the pain that so many of our fellow citizens have felt ever since these human pieces of trash have taken over our government.
NOPE- all I have for him is disgust and contempt and I ain’t alone. So, you try your hardest to show respect for him and his ilk and you keep doing your best to try, even when your kids have to breathe polutted air, drink contaminated water, eat uninspected food, attend decaying schools,and go into back alley abotion clinics!
Me- I say- Fuck You SIR!
And to any of you that are offended by my use of language- I guess all I can say is- Get over it.
I hope I don’t get bounced but if so- so be it. With only 7 months left- there is no longer time to be nice.
I’m sure as hell not offended! Today is a far cry from the south of the past.
Yankees! God love `em. Bless their dear sweet souls, they just can’t help bein’ vulgar. And they wonder, sweet little lambs, why they never carry the South. Good lord willin’ they’ll never figure it out.
Oh yes, Southern hypocrisy re: civil rights and their own definition of “moral” is just so superior to progressive values. Guess that is why southerners keep electing crooked congresscitters.
uh Kid?
So was mine!!! LOL
Oh god…your cracking me up! Thanks for the taste of home…being up here in the “Great White North”, you don’t here too much of that. 😉
when it came to mister Bush. I had a lot of anger in there. I find myself now losing the names because they serve no purpose for me now except a place to hide. That is the funny thing about name calling, it tends to become a shield for some…..like me. The truth is that I am so hurt. Soldier husband and now they are trying to kick off Iran, broken Army, soldiers with PTSD, disabled son who I spend days and days on the phone sometimes just attempting to get the “referrals” from Humana for his healthcare…..and we are talking a very challenging disability situation with my son for his parents. Lots of surgeries and the very good chance he won’t need us someday if we succeed keeping him alive and his body somewhat mobile. Now I face losing my right to choose whether or not to have another child just like him if my husband and I should be so unfortunate as to become pregnant with a child with the same genetic disorder. They couldn’t even diagnose it until 19 weeks……they can’t find it yet by looking at the chromosomes……so even if we didn’t want to risk it and just wanted to end the pregnancy people say that we shouldn’t be able to do that. I couldn’t survive another child with the same problems and I don’t care who would be appalled by me outright admitting such a thing. So calling mister Bush names doesn’t cut it for me now……it can only serve to mask my open bleeding wounds and those probably ought not to be masked any longer and fully exposed for the world to see. I’ll just keep my hands off my husband and give him a chaste kiss goodbye to go off and illegally occupy a third world country and spend my days in between crying and dialing the phone again trying to get my son the healthcare he needs. And the nation will have to keep turning it’s face away until it can’t take it anymore, and I don’t want the name calling getting in the way of that.
Well being from Nothern New England the title “Mister” is something you earn by your behavior and actions. If I try and use it – sounds like the Fonz from “Happy Days” TV Show – MIii MMMiii Mi – nope just can’t spit it out.
However, Love the way y’al southerner use so much sugar – while qietly slpping the knif in the back! Very subtle.