Clocks and Watches Moved Up One Hour?
(pls ignore if in HI and Non-Navajo Reservation AZ)

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Does anybody care what time it is?
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be in the same time zone as you
The rabbit is late for tea with the frog?
For the Frogs, it’s not tea time, it’s apéritif time!
But as usual the ENGLISH rabbit is trying to call the shots.
OK, FM here’s a map of Missouri wineries, for when you and Andi and Jim decide to bike the Katy Trail together (I’ll meet you in Hermann for wine tasting).
Missouri wine
You have to like German Reisling style wines because the Missouri valley was settled by Germans because it reminded them of the Rhine valley. They brought some of their grape vines with them. Later, when blight destroyed most of the German vines, the Missouri german-americans were able to send over new shoots and save that portion of the German wine making industry.
Thank you Mary. I love German Reisling wines. Used to go to wienfests in little town on the Rhine.
Well you’d love this. The season starts with Maifest (in May of course) and goes through the summer all the way to Oktoberfest with lots of wine and bratwursts.
Actually some of the wine isn’t too bad and has won some competition. Some of it is REALLY bad, but that’s the way it goes. It’s the experience of driving those hilly two lane Missouri river roads from winery to winery that counts, not how much you like the wine 🙂
When I used to travel the Napa wine road, it was how many free sample could you get.
By the end, who cared about scenery.
same here — except the wineries are much smaller and much less scenic!
Here’s the Brown County Winery whose wine-tasting room is located about five miles from our house.
They couldn’t even ship it in-state until this month?
It sounds like some of the same grapes they use here. The Missouri wineries used to have a lot of the sweet fruit wines about 20 years ago, but now generally have much drier varieties, and less of the sweeter. Guess they’ve developed our palats 🙂
We’ve tried a couple of their vintages. They weren’t too bad but when it comes to local alcohol, the microbrews are much better.
One of my favorite family stories goes back to German immigrant roots, probably in the 1840s. Basically, a large portion of the town in the Old Country (ethnic Germans living in East Prussia in what is now Poland) decided to relocate, en masse, to America. They sent an advance party to buy land in Missouri. Found a suitable site on the southern bank of the Missouri River, in Gasconade County between St. Louis and Columbia.
Here’s where imagination takes over. How did they end up on the southern bank of the river? I have to believe that the land agent took them on a tour of the beautiful and prosperous farms on adjacent land on the north side of the river. Turns out that matters, because the course of the Missouri River was determined by the southernmost extent of glaciation during the last Ice Age. So the land north of the river is much more fertile than the land just across the river to the south. Oh, well. They did ok anyway.
I love history like that. Especially family history type.
The southern side? Did they end up on top of the bluffs? The Chouteau family probably owned it and laughed all the way to the bank (in French).
Definitely the southern side (mention upthread of Herrmann, which is the principal town of Gasconade County, brought it to mind). Not sure of the exact location, but my brother has figured it out. I’m not sure why there’s such charm in these stories of how our unsuspecting ancestors were cheated, but somehow there is.
That’s the exact reason, becasue it is about you ancestors.
yeah. My dad has a good grasp on our history and we have Prussians who came directly to Missouri too. But they stayed in the city and didn’t move out along the Missouri.
My Missouri valley ancestors were all French fur traders. They built the original St. Louis but later moved to St. Charles and beyond. We couldn’t figure out why, until we realized they were distancing themselves from the Americans.
But eventually the American culture won and they moved back to the city. And married Irish and Germans!
If you have French fur traders, then you’ll appreciate the following trivia question:
Only one person ever depicted on US coin or currency graduated from St. Louis University. Who was it?
I came into this cafe feeling something. Guilt – Nah.
It passed so fast I didn’t even notice it. 😛
Getting the shot in fabulous Buckskin Gulch.
Hey! Isn’t that Little Orange? (I like that better than Orange dot — for when he starts his website …).
Junior Dkos for adolescents.
But that’s a great photograph — captures the immensity of the scene and Jim trying to get that little shot.
Fabulous picture Adni. The orange dot is getting closer.
I wonder if we’ll ever get to the point of an orange blur.
To post some doggie pics… 🙂
Napping George
Happy George
Those eyes, those eyes. 🙂
I should have photoshopped those red eyes… But he is at times possessed-looking, say when the UPS guy comes around… 😉
I have to do that all the time with my George. If I didn’t he would look like the dog from hell.
I miss my George. He’s my ex- dog, even though I’m still his Mama. He was here for the past five days, and it’s kinda lonely for me and Jasper without him now… 🙁
I can understand that completely. From the picture of George and Jasper I can see how Jasper would miss him.
Yeah, and George was here without the puppy that he currently lives with, so he really seemed to enjoy his time with Jasper and me… it’s how he’s lived for the past eight plus years.
Yin and Yang Jasper and George
Dogs after my own heart.
yeah, real slacker dogs!
Well, they’re almost 12 and almost 14, so they’re allowed. 🙂
I LOVE slacker dogs — from me it’s a compliment. Ask Sniff.
Sweet puppies (and it doesn’t matter that they are in their teens, they’re always puppies to me). Glad you posted their pics.
Thanks sweetie!!
Do you hear that? It’s the sound of every single person in the house gone.
I finally get to take a peaceful shower and then a nap.
I’ll check back later.
Yum… Nap time for me too here in just a few minutes. Happy napping all. 🙂
but they will be back. LOL
The sun is peeking out and it looks like the next showers aren’t for an hour or so, so I’m heading out for a while. see ya.
Did I start something late last night (early this morning)? Hehe, I luvs me some puppy pics, especially those slacker dogs… we’ve got 2 of those ourselves. Going to resize and upload some more pics to PB today, so I’m well armed for photo postings! Though I’ll never rival SallyCat and CabinGirl for speed and variety (yet!).
Again, thanks so much Andi, Dada and all for the help getting me to this point! The only thing is, I fear I’ll never get around to posting my serious diary thoughts when this is so much fun! hehe
These are the crocus I’ve been promising… they’re up all over the place and blooming now, though some may have gotten battered by the storms last night, and the ones on their way through today. Anyway, these may be from last year, but they look the same, only have spread a bit more since then.
I think crocus is perhaps my favorite of the early spring bulbs… they practically shoot out of the ground blooming before the leaves even have a chance to poke through! This year we have even more from the ones I planted a while back… white, yellow, butter yellow and several shades of purple. And the Dutch (big ones) crocus have just begun to bloom in the past few days. With all this rain, bulbs of all sorts are just shooting out of the ground… though the really strange and exotic ones (Arums) have yet to show themselves, but when you’re a gardener, you know that patience is required, whether you like it or not!
Great pictures IVG. Pepa looks especially spry.
all showered and napped?
Showered but not napped. Just when I got all cleaned up and ready for a nap, another brother shows up.
This house is chaos central.
ROTFLMAO!!!! That is what you get for kidding me about having places to be.
I told you, being lazy is hard work.
I have the cure but you probably wouldn’t like it — just have a place in the middle of nowhere with only a futon for guests that has a thousand foot driveway with two decent climbs in it. I guarantee no visitors from November to March and very few any other time.
some of them would still show up most likely LOL
And to think I used to wish I was an only child. 🙂
Are you kidding. That’s been my dream.
I could change my name to Hermitman.
I was really sorry I wasn’t there to cheer on your debut last night but you did it way too late for me. But I enjoyed the pictures you posted last night and both of these (I’m a major puppy slut so I love seeing yours).
That’s why I like helping people post pictures — I get amply rewarded when they do.
You can’t know how gratified and excited I was the other day when you and Dada and FM gave me the wherewithal to get going on this! It drove home the feeling for me that BT is not just a blog, it’s a true, vibrant and growing community. And that gives me solace on the darkest of my depressed days watching our country get eviscerated by the Bu$cho thugs.
So, pleasant diversions like photo posting obviously do have their place in keeping our collective sanity intact until the rest of the country wakes up and comes around to seeing things as they are, and working towards effective change.
lol @”puppy slut” … I guess I must be worse than a slut, I’m a puppy HO!
BT is not just a blog, it’s a true, vibrant and growing community.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
A puppy HO? The corruption begins. 😛
But will she fall as far and as fast as you did? Can she match your awesome talent?
Andi with you guiding her, how could she not?
We can have a contest for who is ‘worse’ about dogs but since right now you have two dogs (and where’s a picture of the other dog?) and I have three, I think I’m ahead.
I feel you all have created a hostile environment for those of us who do not own dogs.
I’ve got one you can have.
so you can’t claim that.
You mentioned up thread that you have 3 dogs? We’re considering a third, but I’m holding out for a Cardigan Corgi, and haven’t found one yet. There are a couple of corgi breeders in IA, but neither has any available at present time, but I’m keeping my eye out for one. They are my dream dog … well along with about umpteen other breeds and mixes, LOL!
All our dogs are mutts (as were the other three we’ve had). Of our six dogs, three were dumped on or near our place and we got adopted, one was dumped at someone else place and we took her, and two came from the Humane Society. They’ve all been wonderful.
and especially yours!
Anything exciting happen while I was gone?
FM showered but didn’t nap. That was probably the height of the excitement.
Thank the FSM she showered.
I think I got out during the only (partly) sunny part of the day; dark clouds are now threatening and its tornado watch time again.
I’d like a good afternoon thunderstorm. So much better than at night when you can’t really enjoy them.
I love thunderstorms just about any time, though I like them best when I can watch the clouds gathering. My problem with them is that living out in the country I lose my power a lot and it usually takes 6-8 hours to get it back. So that’s dampened (pun intended) my enthusiasm for them.
If me showering and not napping was the height of excitement, then just wait until I cook dinner. I don’t think ya’ll be able to take it.
And I thought I had a mundane life. 😛
Ah, FM, you’re not mundane. Look at at all the soap-level angst you’ve generated this weekend with your family troubles.
One FM to live.
As the FM turns.
General Hospital FM.
I think I’m ready for the big time and Hollywood.
As the FM Turns — that’s definitely it.
It appears everybody else is taking my naps, and I don’t like it.
You people wake up! I’m the one supposed to be sleeping.
Didn’t seem to work. I’ll go open the lounge and see if that doesn’t turn up some folks.
Here’s Rolly, making another appearance, and he’ll make many more over time, I assure you. I’ve only got about 20 pics up at PB so far, so need to get busy uploading others soon. I’m on dial up still, so it takes a wee bit of time … 🙂
Just heard a bark from outside, have to go let the pupsters back in before the rain starts!
What an expressive face. He’s clearly a major sweetheart.
Rolly may be slowing down a bit (he’s 14), but his heart will always be in the right place, even on the days when he’s obviously crotchety and achy, which could amply describe me as well at times! We’re really lucky to have these two, who are so well behaved and sweet that everyone falls in love with them… they are indeed what we refer to around here as love sponges.
Ok, NOW I gotta get cleaning! See y’all later!
It’s back to the grind.
Everybody is back at the house.
Good luck on clearing the house and restoring it to peaceful non-occupation! Who was it who once said that visitors are like fish? They’re great for about a day, then they start to stink…
I also need to get serious about getting some laundry and cleaning done around here … the skies are darkening now, so rain will be here (again) soon.
Here’s another Sphinx moth from last year, in case you didn’t see the one late last night. I hope this will be a banner year for them again, since some years they are very sparse or don’t appear at all. I think their life cycles might be cyclical, but I’m not an entomologist, so who knows.
See you all later, I hope… time to haul out the vacuum and try to conquer the ever persistent tumbleweeds of dog hair around here…
I’m going to take myself out to brunch….. and that hour that was lost or disappeared…. going to dedicate that lost hour to negativity and agrravation and bad bad stuff….. like the world took a dump into the black hole of war……
may we all live so long as to see all this shit turn to flowerbeds!!
Need me to break out the Absinthe stash for Sunday Happy Hour?
Yes, lovely idea…. will share a toot with you!!
Am going down to downtown where all the hippies and political fringe meet to flirt while pretending to be involved in deep subjects….. We’re all a bunch of posers pretending to be poseurs….
Told my sister the theory of the lost hour….. you just missed the worst hour of your life….. lovely….
STORMY WEATHER… But it makes these guys come to life and bloom! So it’s worth it … Mary is getting the rest of what blew through here in the wee hours today, and now we’re getting the 2nd or 3rd round. Lots of thunder, rain and tornado sirens going off.
Never fear, we know when to run for cover, and today is not the day. 🙂
Gotta go make dinner now… later, folks!
so sounds like a lot of people will be having interesting evenings.
I’m going to close this place up and open the lounge so you might want to report the pic in the lounge.
Andi I don’t know if I’m too late, but if you want me to open up one I will.
Already done.