Froggy Bottom Lounge – True Blue
(Painting by Yves Klein)
(Painting by Yves Klein)

(Just to remind us on which side we stand. )
This is a self-hosted lounge.
Everyone welcome. Come on in.
Newcomers and Lurkers please introduce yourself.
Newcomers and Lurkers please introduce yourself.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
4’s are recommended.
Take THAT fighting keyboarders!
Frankly I’m not much on this kind of art — but it seemed appropriate and supportive of your battle.
That boy better get home soon because I’m fading fast.
Thought we needed some color to offset the blue, and since Olivia has gone to bed it fell to me.
He has 12 minutes.
what are the little white specks? pollen?
Yeah, April is pine pollen season down here. I left the windows open today and there is yellow dust on everything. Sometimes my car is coated with like an eighth-inch of the stuff.
One of my friends got around the “stay up until they get home problem” by setting a loud alarm for the curfew time. The kid had to turn off the alarm as soon as he got home. If she slept through the night that meant he got home before curfew. If the alarm woke her, that meant he broke curfew.
(of course he was a good kid and not the kind to come home, turn off the alarm and sneak out again).
A few times I’ve fallen asleep before he got home and then I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic and had to check to see if his car was in the drive.
He’s 18 – geez!
“boy” and this ranting about cults and now negroes and wetbacks and blowjobs and f-U, and now Civil Wars. It’s starting to feel like ‘Deliverance’! No banjo pickin around here before one of them tells me to squeal like a hog.
Useful for the next time you charge.
You know how we debate things on here…..sometimes not as successfully as we would like, but we sort our way through issues? It’s very bizarre because I can’t see that they sort. If one doesn’t sort what does that leave one with? I don’t know, I have always tended to be a sorter. I suppose it would lead to being isolated……so are they all supporting each other in their isolation? They all seem to spew this their little “isolation cheer” and then they clap each other on the back for it.
I don’t know, some people on this site don’t know how to discuss either. Not many. But a few.
So let’s not totally throw stones π
that I have sworn to only use my banjo for the forces of Good.
Sooo, do you think Kandinsy got paid for that painting? Maybe I should be an artist…
there’s a sucker born every minute …
and i’m wrong the artist is Yves Klein … I’ll change it
Thank you, MaryB2004, for bringing attention to my work.
I hope you and your cause bring about the
renaissance in my work that was denied me
during my brief lifetime….
Thank you for mentioning me and my paintings, MaryB2004.
Unlike poor Yves, the interest in
and market for my paintings has
never gone out of vogue.
Best regards,
Vassily Kandinsky
any little thing I can do …
maybe we’ll do Vassily next week
The Girl Who Broke My Heart, 1999
As a proud member of the Paint Studies Set,
as opposed to that noxious
Reality Based Community,
I can only say
thank you and good night.
(Or, like George Clooney,
good night and good luck.)
How come you always have the best photos?
dada has the best pictures.
Well, I admit dada has great photos, but I’m partial to robots.
Yeah I think I’m in the wrong field. This housewife gig pays squat. But on the positive side the hours are horrible too.
You’re right. BTW, mine is 19. The worry doesn’t seem to stop.
He’s my third – got one more to worry about after him! You think I’d have relaxed by now.
lol! Does it get better in their 20’s?
Not much. Sorry. I’m just neurotic. I feel like the one time I forget to say ‘drive safely’ they’ll get into an accident. It’s kinda like OCD!
her girlfriend made it home safe too now that I know they were in this together. 6:00 am yard work……hate to break a long standing family tradition. At least she picked the right season of the year. I got to change my oil in a Wyoming winter and it was about 15 below! Night night tribbers.
‘Night, MT. Sweet dreams.
It’s not even a Rothko. Jeez… wish somebody would try a stunt like this on the site that shall not be mentioned…. this is worse than the Pie Wars….
It could be a painting by Yves Klein; French, 1928-1962
In 1960, Klein created and patented the ultramarine color known as International Klein Blue or IKB. He invented the paint with the help of chemists by suspending pure, dry pigment in crystal-clear synthetic resin and compatible solvents. Unlike traditional binders, the new colorless carrier did not dull the individual particles of pigment, but left them with their original brightness and intensity. The novel medium was versatile enough to be brushed, sprayed, rolled, or even thickened and built up on a surface. It quickly dried to a fragile-looking but durable matte finish that, like velvet, offered a plush, light-absorbent surface that seemed to dissolve into a dark, glowing liquid depth.
you’re right I already changed it. I had been considering putting up a real Kandinsky –then I changed my mind.
I was confused.
“I was confused.”
A likely story.
Well, yeah. I was lazy. I had done the code for a late night using a real Kandinsky and then when I decided to go with the Blue painting at the last minute, I forgot to change the parenthetical. Then when you wondered who paid Mr. Kandinsky for it I looked at it and thought… that’s not right.
I’m a slacker, what can I say?
GAWD! I am so sick of the complaining by the Paint Studies Set.
Actually it was a test. Yeah, that’s it. A test …
Well thank goodness — your reputation is saved.
Actually, it’s a lovely blue. I enjoyed Suskind’s story.
Boy’s home safely – night everyone!
I’m calling it a night too. See you all tomorrow.
“Night, maryb. Sleep well.
Ok, here goes… I’m finally getting going at PhotoBucket, so I have to try this out and see what happens!
Thanks so much Andi, Dada, SallyCat, Olivia and Family Man for holding my hand on this particular (now I see it as a NON-) issue! This is sooo cool! You can be sure I’ll be working on getting more stuff uploaded so I can share more with you all… I couldn’t have done it without you! (Well, I could have, but I would have had to do more legwork, which you so graciously did for me.)
Oh, and before I forget… this is my little girl Pepa from a couple of summers ago. She’s 12 as of Feb 14, and still a little spitfire with a mind of her own, and she knows whatever she wants is always right! Lol, but I knew that going in, because she’s a terrier after all! But she’s a sweetie, as I think this picture really shows…
Hope you all see this, even though I’m posting at a super late hour! There will be more…
Now where are those thunderstorms so ominously poised on the radar just to the west of us???
The rain is pelting down now, and I’m going to fade off into the night with it rumbling and flashing … ahhh thunderstorm season, I love it … can’t wait to share some spring flowers with you folks on Sunday (eek, that’s NOW).
And as a parting shot… we watched a few episodes of a Japanese anime tonight (a colleague from work lent us the discs) called “Serial Experiments: Lain” (hope I got the title right!) … very eery and beautifully done stuff. Dada, I think you might like this stuff… I’m not big on anime, but this one has me intrigued. And we have 3 more discs to go…
This is one of the many Sphinx Moths who visit our garden in the early to late evening hours in mid-summer. They are drawn to flowers with a good nectar source (here it’s a 4 o’clock plant) such as Daturas, petunias and others… They’re very shy, and I always feel guilty scaring them with the flash, because it sometimes seems to stun them briefly. But they always fly off and return quickly, because they know we love to feed them well. π
They always remind me of Mothra, which was (and still is) one of my favorite movies of childhood …
I hope you check you comments so you know I saw it eventually. π
Amazing photo. Worth waiting for (and the sweet dog, too)
Very nice and obviously you got this picture posting stuff down cold. Mazel tov.
I’m with Andi — hope you do see this comment eventually! Way to go on the photo uploads! Cute doggie above, and this moth is beautiful! I can’t wait to see all your photos IVG!
Ok, promise this is my last one for the night … this is Rolly, our other dog (actually Chris’ long time buddy). He turned 14 last November and is getting a little creaky, gray and showing his age (like a lot of us, alas), but he’s still the main man of the doggie world in our house. My sister once said that she liked him so much because he had an ‘honest face,’ which he does… he can’t even conceive of the idea of guile, and is one of the nicest dogs you could ever hope to meet. He grumbles a bit more now, but don’t we all? Oh, and he loves to growl at Rethuglicans! (So does Pepa!)
Good night pals, and good lurk!
Geeze it’s almost 6:00 am, where is everybody?
Oh I get it, the new time thing threw you off. It’s still dark outside and you feel you should still be asleep.
Get up! If you didn’t last night, merrily go through the house and change all the clocks.
Look outside at the panorama of…. Well dark.
Good Morning.
I am glad you acknowledge that the true colors, like the Klein Blue, come from France…
After Klein and Kandinsky, what about starting the day with a nice painting from Pierre Alechinsky opportunely titled “The Troll”