When I attended the Pennsylvania State Democratic Party Endorsement Convention last weekend (March 24-25, 2006) in Grantville, Pa. I was astonished to hear Bob Casey Jr. repeatedly referred to as a moderate Democrat. Casey supporter after Casey supporter I spoke with displayed an abysmal ignorance about how similar Bob Casey Jr. and Rick Santorum are on a host of critical social issues. Many reacted angrily when told about his stand on the Schiavo case, the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act, his ambiguous stand on civil unions, the role of religion in government, Roe v Wade, warrantless wiretaps, et al, often claiming that Casey’s positions on those and other issues are being grossly misrepresented.

And so, ladies and gentlemen, I bring you Bob Casey Jr. in his own words:

Bob Casey Jr. on Stem Cell research:

“I support the current federal policy on embryonic stem cell research and would oppose the Castle bill to expand federal support of embryonic stem cell research.”


Bob Casey Jr. on the influence of religion on his role as a public official:

“My Catholic faith and the values reflected in that faith have always had a profound impact on me as a person and as a public official. I try to live up to the teachings of my faith in my personal life and in my public life. “


Bob Casey Jr. on abortion rights:

“As a pro-life Democrat, I have a different position on abortion than many national elected officials and that’s why an organization like NARAL won’t support me in the campaign.”


“Most American people recognize [the right to privacy] to some degree or another, and I think that some privacy-related court decisions… are correct. But let me add that I do draw a line. The right to privacy does not trump the right of the unborn.”

“You can’t say you have a position I have and not believe that [Roe v Wade should be overturned].” “You can’t have it both ways and say, ‘I am pro-choice but,’ or ‘I am pro-life but.”


Lancaster County Action Questionnaire asked whether Casey supported a woman’s “right to abortion.” He responded: “Oppose.”


Bob Casey Jr. on Equal Rights for Homosexuals:

“I don’t support gay marriage, but I also don’t support a constitutional amendment banning it. That would be tremendously divisive. However, I do support same sex unions that would give gay couples all the rights, privileges and protections of marriage.”


But he responded differently to a Questionnaire that asked: What is your position on government requiring that benefits be provided to same sex partners?

Casey’s response: “Oppose”


Questionnaire: What is your position on legislation allowing homosexuals to adopt children?

Casey’s response: “Oppose”


Bob Casey Jr. on the Iraq War:

“I don’t think we were intentionally mislead [in the runup to the war in Iraq].”


“I don’t think you can, as a matter of policy, articulate a long-term strategy if you don’t have the facts to make that determination.”


“Once [Iraq] was underway, like a lot of Americans, I was supportive of what our troops were trying to do there, based on what we were told by our government. We found out later the intelligence was, at best, faulty and, at worst, misleading. We can learn a lot of lessons from that, but the key thing now is to finish the job.”


“Some people think that pulling out is a good idea and a timeline is a good idea — I don’t agree with that.”


Bob Casey Jr. on Congressional intervention in the Terry Schiavo Case:

“I think you should err on the side of life. I think some kind of congressional review was appropriate.”


Bob Casey Jr. on Display of The Ten Commandments in government buildings:

“I don’t oppose [such displays]. I do think politicians spend a lot more time talking about that question than trying to live the 10 Comandments. No matter what your religious beliefs, there are some universal truths in those commandments that we all ought to live by.”


Bob Casey Jr. on the Death Penalty:

Questionnaire: What is your position on repealing the death penalty in Pennsylvania?

Casey’s Answer: “Oppose”


“I believe that the death penalty is an appropriate punishment for those who have committed heinous crimes.”


Bob Casey Jr. on Gun Control:

“I’ve been a strong supporter of the second amendment, the right to bear arms. That’s evidenced not just by what I’ve said but the support I’ve gotten over the last decade from sportsmen’s groups, including the NRA.”


“I don’t think [the people of Pennsylvania] want battles to take place on a whole list of laws and regulations that impact gun owners and the right to bear arms.”


“Casey is not only not with us on this stuff, but he’s a little bit hostile,” said Peter Hamm of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.


Bob Casey Jr. on the Patriot Act:

“The agreement on the PATRIOT Act reauthorization is a victory in the war on terror and a triumph of bipartisanship. This agreement should clear the way for the renewal of this vital law and will continue to give law enforcement the tools that they need to target terrorists and prevent another terrorist attack. We cannot let the PATRIOT Act expire and we cannot give the terrorists an opening to plan another attack. I am pleased that the reauthorization addressed some of the issues regarding the protection of the rights of Americans.”


Bob Casey Jr. on the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court:

“the arguments against Judge Alito do not rise to the level that would require a vote denying him a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.”


Bob Casey Jr. on warrantless NSA Wiretaps:

“I think we should be making sure we give law enforcement and federal agents the tools they need to fight terrorism.”


And on their legality:

“Well, that is a judgment that lawyers are going to make,” said Casey, a lawyer


Bob Casey Jr. On universal health care:

Sorry! Bob Casey’s silence is deafening on this issue. The single page on his web site devoted to issues does not contain a single word about health care.

And now you know why I plan to vote for Chuck Pennacchio in the May 16th state primary (where the voters will pick the nominee, much to the chagrin of the DSCC), and why I will never vote for Bob Casey Jr.