Tom DeLay is not seeking reelection. There are discussing it on MSNBC right now.
Update [2006-4-3 22:43:46 by BooMan]: Washington Post has the skinny.
DeLay, who turns 60 this Saturday, did not say precisely when he would step down, but under Texas law, he must take himself out of reelection consideration by August if his name is to be removed from the November ballot.
Update [2006-4-3 23:1:11 by BooMan]: Dana Bash on CNN is reporting that DeLay will step down sometime in May.
Interview (says “Web Exclusive”) @ Time. Long, hard to read through the tears.
But why did he even bother to run to begin with is my question now…did something new just pop up? Was it for spite?
So many questions…
At last, something to celebrate. About time.
Obviously someone (Hastert? Mehlman? Rove?) got to him and told him he was screwed — the Republican Party would pull their support in light of his close aides getting nailed in the Abramoff Affair(s).
Can the Republicans put in a new candidate for November now? And will it be one of the folks who ran against DeLay in the primary, or a dark horse?
That was my first thought. He won the primary — what’s the process for replacing a R candidate in Texas?
Actually, it would have been funny if Hastert was involved, since I see DeLay as the de facto Speaker. Remember, it was DeLay that put his lieutenant in the position–and of course, you teach him everything he knows, not everything you know.
That said, I definitely think he was leaned on, but I don’t know by who. I doubt he’d listen to Rove–ironically, it seems the only person with the stones to tell him to go straight to hell is DeLay. Of course, maybe DeLay himself temporarily entered the reality-based world for a hot minute, looked at his legal situation and did the congressional math. We’ll see.
I think the heat int he kitchen is getting hotter for the hammer as I hear it discussed over on TPM. What with Rudy pleading guilty, and all the rest of the crew, his chances are not good of relection once he ends up in jail…..YEA!!!!!!!
and maybe he finally got that notification from the prosecutor that he’s now officially a target …
Rudy did him in . . . . can hardly wait to see the charges and see how the administration spins all this. Hopefully he is resigning from his seat tomorrow.
WaPo says Rudy told federal prosecutors of a “criminal enterprise being run out of DeLay’s leadership offices.” DeLay himself wasn’t implicated–but do we believe that one?
for DeLay to do this it has to be huge… this guy has a denial mechanism as large as Jupiter.
For him to see the writing on the wall is real news, the evidence someone just spilled on him for a plea bargain must be gigantic.
I wonder if any of this might have something to do with it?
I thought about that as well. Could be…could be. Or like Cali said above…someone sat down and a chat with him maybe? How ironic is that? 😉
Looks like it does. Damn. WOOHOO!!!
<happy dance>
1 down…how many more again to go? 😉
Too many to count, unfortunately.
But, this is a big one. Nothing spells corruption like D-e-L-a-y.
Exactly. Couldn’t ask for a more visible casualty.
And he has sooooo many attachments…why even MY rep has had some Delay dealings…a happy moment!
Of course he did — he was power-source.
So did mine!!!! Wondering who is next…<smiles dreamingly>
Yeah but change happens slowly…one at a time. Once they start to fall, there’s no stopping them.
I am so loving this…is this what it feels like? A tiny victory really in the scheme of things…but such a big player!
Yet another beautiful image, ej!
Is it sad that that image just jerked tears out of my eyes and made me esctatic at the same time?
Thanks for that.
It is all so very right 🙂
The last month or so now, I’ve kind of had that same feeling that I felt in The Lord of the Rings when Gandalf comes back and says:
Oh wow! That does say it all doesn’t it? I loved that series…got them for Christmas when I was 12.
But that’s the feeling alright. To a T!
Ahh… Reminds me of V for Vendetta.
Change is possible. We CAN save the country.
Yes sir, I always get my hottest news scoops from BMT! What were those Koufax voters thinking of!
Just exhibiting a little ‘lefty lockstep’, methinks.
I love this part:
but by placing the influence-buying efforts of disgraced Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff directly in DeLay’s operation…
I think they’re finally starting to get it!!!
Whoooo-hoooooo!!!! Happy Dance!!
“Time” mag has the exclusive interview and he says he’s leaving in a few months.
i have the link at
I’m still fuzzy on the details but Time has this detail about how he plans to withdraw from the race in a way that they can get a Repub replacement in. (I know nothing of election law, so this has to be doublechecked–but that’s how I understand it.)
Of course, that doesn’t offer him ineligibility from indictment…
meant to add– if this is what i think it is and he’s using this loophole in the law so the Rep Party can get a replacement in, then he’s about as slimy as they come.
I think it sounds fairly typical in any party politics. Republican or Democrat. The party wants to be sure they have someone on the ticket.
Excuse the language, but as my mother says…
That fucker squeaks when he walks.
Wondering about something now…
Interesting time line HERE that appears to put Rudy as the trigger domino in the whole K street, Abramoff scam. Abramoff gets 6 months delay in starting his sentence in Florida, and Rudy flips ASAP.
This could be the start to the unravelling of this den of thieves, finally. You just know DeLay will sing to try and save his ass….paging Mr. Nye, Bob Nye, please come to a white courtesy phone…
Rove next? Hadley, Cheney and W as unindicted co’s?…come on Fitz, the stage is set.
Well, the name seems familiar, but no, I can’t say that I ever actually met the man. Oh, you have pictures of us, well, we take pictures all the time with all kinds of people we don’t know. Leader of the party in the House you say, well, I missed a lot of time during those years. My name on the checks, well, I’ve got a campaign guy that takes care of all of that, Nope I don’t think I know the guy. Texas, you say, well, yep that is where I’m from oficially, but really I’m a north-eastern guy, I just talk like this cause it amuses the crackers.
This has to be some of the best news I’ve heard in a while but I am highly skeptical of his motives. What is this moving to VA thing all about?
Anyone have any insight or theories on why he might be doing that or what he might have been promised?
I don’t have any facts to back this up, but I suspect it has something to do with him already having won the primary, but still wanting to allow for a Republican to replace him on the ballot in the general. That is : I suspect a loophole in Texas election law that will allow them to replace him on the ballot if he moves out of state.
There are all kinds of rules that make it difficult for candidates who have won primaries to withdraw, especially after a specific date, even if they need to withdraw for very valid reasons. If you don’t fit into one of the exceptions, the party cannot replace the candidate and would therefore not be able to field a candidate.
I lived through it in my state when Mel Carnahan was killed. Remember, we in Missouri elected a DEAD guy to the Senate — because it was past the date when the Democratic candidate could be removed from the ballot (even though he was DEAD) and replaced by another Democrat by the party. if we wanted the option to vote against John Ashcroft, we had to keep the dead guy on the ballot. Stupid rule; but it was there.
And if I recall, the dead guy won, right?
From Time, via dKos (sorry, too lazy to link…it’s on the front page):
Since neither of us has pulled out the Texas election statute (!) we are just speculating. But maybe there is something in it that says if the candidate voluntarily withdraws the slot remains empty on the ballot (or maybe the candidate CAN’T withdraw) but if he becomes ineligible the party can replace him.
There are two things in play: First, yes, if he becomes ineligible the party can nominate someone else, whereas if he “refuses to stand” they cannot, and second, by leaving now, there will be another “special election” to fill his unexpired term and then the full election in November. If he waits until later, or finishes out the term, that doesn’t happen.
The mayor of SugarLand says he’s running for the special seat, and it wouldn’t be bad for him to get it as he’s pretty much of a lightweight about 5 grams removed from a nonentity. but I’ve seen no word on anyone else as yet and I don’t know if it’s a party only election or if it’s an open one.
I’m sure the idea is to get someone else in before November so they can use the office to get a running start catching up to Nick Lampson, whose chances I think just got WAY better than even. The district’s not quite so rabidly Christofascist as it used to be (Bush has scared them badly) and they’ll be voting mostly for an established hand with a bit of “been there done that” experience… and Lampson, who’s a moderate to conservative D anyhow and a fairly long reach from a progressive, was Delaymandered out of his previous seat but knows the rules and the ropes. So the replacement’s a plus, and the absence of the incumbent is a HUGE plus, and on balance it’s not a bad day.
Oh, that’s pretty common. All these types like to run against “Warshington” (nothin’ shows the local rubes your disdain for DC quite like acting like you can’t even deign to pronounce the name of the city correctly), but when the retire or lose, they don’t go home–they stay put in DC.
Don’t know if you remember that tripe Bob Dole was spewing when he ran for president–something along the lines that he’d either win the White House or go back to Kansas.
Yeah…maybe go back to Kansas for a quick visit, but not to live (You can find him in the Watergate). My guess is that Delay will offer his services to a firm or a rich right-wing group. Maybe he’s trying to save face and have a say in who gets the nom…but it would seem to me that whoever came in 2nd place would win, but perhaps that’s not TX law. (I’m neither a Texan or lawyer).
Either way, the hammer drops–and Tom, don’t let the doorknob hit ya on the way out…
Rumorsay is he’s joining a couple of groups supposedly working to increase religious connections in government. Once a theocrat, always a theocrat. Supposedly he also wants to work with children and education, but I’ve gots me doots about what he’d be teaching.
… but I’ve gots me doots about what he’d be teaching.
Me too. I only know of two decent things he’s ever done: pledging that he’d take care of the family of the officer who was shot and killed outside of his office (in 1998, an unstable gunmen who thought he was at the White House when he stormed into the Capitol building, killing two officers) and children in foster care. Evidently, his wife, who is/was a teacher, volunteered as a court appointed special advocate (CASA) and was appalled at what she saw.
But you can’t even trust him to do that without being slimy:
That’s gunman–only one person. Didn’t mean to imply by my typo that there was more than one person who in 1998 shot and killed two Capitol police officers. My bad and my apologies.
I do not have any contacts with the DOJ; however, I think Tommy will be spending some of his retirement days behind bars. So he doesn’t have to worry where he lives. He will have a number with all the rest of the crew. I do think his will be #1 at Levenworth…;o)
Looks like there may be another angle to this too.
DeLay is entitled under federal election law to use his campaign funds for legal fees – more at Talk Left.
That combined with the fact that he is getting rid of a nice (and probably expensive) home in Texas in exchange for a smaller condo in VA probably indicates he thinks he’ll be in for an expensive legal fight.
Okay girls and guys…Now I Can Dance and some of you know exactly what I’m talking about! WhooHoo!
Swing State Project has an analysis of Texas law — but it’s almost impossible to follow. So I went and looked at the statute and didn’t do any better. Although (assuming that the definition of certain types of races includes federal house races) it appears that there might be a timing issue:
Anybody know how many days to the general election?
If this section is applicable that may be why he is going the “ineligible” route.
The general election is November 7, way more than 74 days, however, see my post below. Expect a Gore v Bush type of legal blowup if the republicans try something illegal?
What am I thinking? Of course they will try something illegal. I think someone must be ready to indict DeLay big time for him to do this.
Why would they have had a primary election so many months in advance of a november general election? Are you sure?
Yep, The filing deadline was January 2. I voted in the primary in March, the runoff is April 11 and early voting started today. However, neither Lampson nor Delay have a runoff opponent.
Imagine this guy, 51 years old, and short for his weight (he should be at least nine feet tall).
Now imagine him dancing like Snoopy down the streets of Seattle.
That’s what I’m doing in my mind.
We get to rejoice for a few minutes, but then it’s time to get back to work. This is a Wonderful Event and a Great Thing, but there’s still plenty to be done. After all, we can’t rest until they’re all frog-marched out.
The way I see it is that DeLay can withdraw, but he cannot be replaced. Lampson will still have to face Stockman who is running as an Independent. If DeLay resigns from Congress, then there will be an appointment or special election, but only to complete DeLay’s current term.
Unfortunately, if DeLay remained on the ballot, then he and Stockman would split the republican vote. Last poll I saw had Lampson 30%, Delay 22%, and Stockman 11%. Stockman is even further to the right than DeLay and was beaten by Lampson in the old TX-22. Only about 26% of the current 22 was in the old 22.
How does this affect the K-Street money machine DeLay put together for the Republicans?
Maybe that’s why he’s movng to Vrginia!
Well, he certainly will see who his real friends are. A good bit of this will dry up–for him. Hope he got as much as he could for his legal defense.
The rethugs are running scared right now, and if their numbers keep tanking, look for K Street to spread their money around.
That said, if DeLay goes to work for some wingnut group, then it’s possible for him to do some direct mail campaign (or some such) where he asks people send him (or whatever org. he ends up working for) to bail is sorry ass out.
I think he knew at a recent nutjob nonsense festival that he’d pull out. Thus, he can pontificate about his persecution much more effectively. And raise that cash.
I couldn’t resist!!!!
2002 Campaign Contributions from the Finance/Insur/RealEst sectors total $251,001, and the health sector totals $107,150. That was before Medicare D(isaster) was passed.
The 2004 cycle show Campaign Contribuntions of $531,310 from the Finance/Insur/RealEst sector and from the Health sector $318,297. This was after Medicare D(isaster) was passed.
The Finance/Insur/RealEst sectors show a total of $407,850 for ’05 and ’06, with the Health sector showing $181,350. Now, this amounts are after the implementation and no votes against any reform/changes to Medicare D(isaster).
I think we’ve all been doing the mental happy dance, and more power to us! Preferably a nice little progressive take over in DC come November… but I’ll be real… Dems may take the house again, and even perhaps the Senate, but we’ve got some weeding to do in our own garden. Anything vaguely resembling a Joe Liebermensch, Joe Bidet or a Shillary Clinton will be rapidly and duly plucked out and sent to the compost. And that’s just for starters.
Meanwhile, we all gotta keep our eyes on the proverbial prize and enjoy this moment while we can! Tomorrow is another day, primed for fumigating DC.
Great analysis by all up thread… thanks for filling me in on something that shocked me when I logged on a bit earlier.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer fella! Nuff said.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad this asshole is resigning. I guess he knows he is going to lose and will be brought up on new charges!!!! I hope he has a long and happy time in prison and meets Bubba!!!!
Republican Soap on a Rope
I just did a podcat on this.
Delay Resigns!!!!