Most are engaged in business the greater part of their lives, because the soul abhors a vacuum and they have not discovered any continuous employment for man’s nobler faculties.
47, an environmental scientist, Italian-American, married, 2 sons, originally a Catholic from Philly, now a Taoist ecophilosopher in the South due to job transfer. Enjoy jazz, hockey, good food and hikes in the woods.
I meant to post these Saturday, but I left the file at work. My bad. But I hope they start your Monday on a cheery note…
DATELINE WASHINGTON: In order to stem the tide of Bird Flu, U.S. President GW Bush has ordered the bombing of the Canary Islands.
Cow Abductions are Real – video evidence is available here (move cursor over cow to see for yourself).
Continuing in the same vein, “Have you ever noticed that no good-looking people believe in alien abductions?” This was the question asked in a recent University of Kalamazoo lecture by noted astronomer Dr. Laban Shrewsbury. Dr. Shewsbury is the head of the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) project at the Mount Kadath Observatory in Arkham, Mass. and has spent the last 35 years searching for proof of life elsewhere in the universe, and so presumably should know…
Ever wonder how aliens communicate in the winter, when they can’t leave crop circles? No? Well, what the hell is the matter with you? Anyway, as I was saying, the advanced technologists of the grey-skinned, almond-eyed ones have apparently hit upon the answer to this dilemma, namely snow circles. And unlike internet communications, they leave no footprints (Do aliens have feet? Of course they do – How else would they get here from Mexico? Hey, they loved that joke over at Instapundit, you know…)
Seriously, though, I know all of you who appreciate the kind of hard-hitting science news I bring you daily (except when work sends me out of town) will want to join me in political action on behalf of fighting the most egregious government cover-up, a national disgrace, a travesty of justice. I refer, of course, to the cover-up of the Kecksburg, PA UFO incident of December 9, 1965. You can learn more and sign the on-line petition here. Please help bring the truth to light after all this time.
From the Mrs. K. P. College of Veterinary Pathology
Residents of Tainan, Taiwan, learned a lesson in whale biology after the decomposing remains of a 60-ton sperm whale exploded on a busy street, showering nearby cars and shops with blood and organs and stopping traffic for hours. The 56-foot-long whale had been on a truck headed for a necropsy by researchers, when gases from internal decay caused its entrails to explode.
Of course, they have nothing on the good old USA, where we don’t wait around for whales to explode naturally,we help nature along (with video!).
Seriously, though, we should have realized this sooner: Of course the Bush administration knew 9-11 was coming, as there are numerous warnings in prophecy, and it has been widely reported that the administration even requires attendance at bible study sessions. Now we can understand – those sessions were not for religious purposes, they were sessions looking for warnings to protect America from the next attack. Who needs the CIA when we have God’s Holy Word to guide us? Biblical-based military intelligence: Someone should tell our Republican senators to have a hearing on this! While we’re frittering out time away worrying about evolution the true needs of the country go begging!
But while they are at it, the administration Brahmins might want to rethink their energy and environmental policies, because they’re confused as to what God has in mind in that regard, and they won’t want to be caught unprepared on that fateful hour when justice arrives like a government accountant at Enron, and they are weighed and found wanting…
From the Climatology Department at Emmanuel Velikovsky University:
A Russian scientist has suggested that global warming is not associated with fossil fuel use, but is rather a result of the disruption of ice in the upper atmosphere. Vladimir Shaidurov, of the Russian Academy of Sciences, suggests that the rise, which began between 1906 and 1909, could have had a very different cause, which he believes was the massive Tunguska Event, which rocked a remote part of Siberia, northwest of Lake Baikal on the 30th June 1908. The Tunguska Event, sometimes known as the Tunguska Meteorite is thought to have resulted from an asteroid or comet entering the earth’s atmosphere and exploding. The event released as much energy as fifteen one-megaton atomic bombs.
So …if no good looking people believe in alien abductions then all people who don’t believe in alien abductions are good looking? Works for me. Although I’m sure someone will come around spouting some babble about logic.
If religion can offer you the “cookie” of a happy afterlife for obeying their rules, then science should be allowed to offer you good looks for not believing in alien abductions, LOL!
There he was standing before some 200 dignitaries in Blackburn, the cameras were rolling and Condoleezza “Condi” Rice was listening attentively.
As he introduced his guest, the Foreign Secretary held up a copy of a local newspaper and read out the headline: “Condom….er, Condi Comes to the Centre of the World”.
Does this mean she promotes prophylactic policies? SNORT!!!
Despite talk of withdrawal ‘when the job is done’, there are signs that coalition troops will be there for the long term
The Pentagon has revealed that coalition forces are spending millions of dollars establishing at least six “enduring” bases in Iraq – raising the prospect that US and UK forces could be involved in a long-term deployment in the country. It said it assumed British troops would operate one of the bases.
Almost ever since President Bush claimed an end to “major combat operations” in Iraq on 1 May 2003, debate has focused on how quickly troops could be withdrawn. The US and British governments say troops will remain in Iraq “until the job is done”. Yet while the withdrawal of a substantial number of troops remains an aim, it has become increasingly clear that the Pentagon and the Ministry of Defence (MoD) are preparing to retain some forces in Iraq for the longer term. The US currently has around 130,000 troops in Iraq; Britain has 8,000.
Major Joseph Breasseale, a senior spokesman for the coalition forces’ headquarters in Iraq, told The Independent on Sunday: “The current plan is to reduce the coalition footprint into six consolidation bases – four of which are US. As we move in that direction, some other bases will have to grow to facilitate the closure [or] transfer of smaller bases.”
I saw a headline this morning to the effect that the administration is blowing a lot of smoke to hide the fact that there are no plans to leave Iraq. I don’t think they could ever turn their profiteering backs on all that oil.
You know, these huge permanent bases have been sporadically reported now for years. I wonder how far Bush has to fall before they start reporting the whole truth.
COLOMBO, Apr 3 (IPS) – The humbling of President Mahinda Rajapakse’s nationalist allies, in last week’s local body elections, has vastly improved chances for the Norway-mediated peace talks in Geneva between the government and Tamil Tiger rebels.
The electoral verdict was overwhelmingly in favour of Rajapakse’s United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA), which claimed 225 of the 266 local councils. Against that the hawkish Janata Vimukthi Peramuna or People’s Liberation Front (PLF) claimed one council seat while the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), a party of fundamentalist, Sinhala Buddhist monks, drew a blank.
”No doubt this augurs well for the future and the peace process,” the government-owned `Daily News’ said Saturday in an editorial that reflected the relief of the Rajapakse administration.
CURITIBA, Brazil, Mar 31 (IPS) – A two-week international conference on biodiversity here came to an end Friday on a mixed note of hope and despair, with some delegates describing the outcome as a moment to celebrate, but others expressing disappointment with the slow pace of progress in talks on how to implement decisions made some 14 years ago.
“The decisions we have made are relevant and significant,” Brazil’s Environment Minister Marina Silva told reporters, even as talks continued late into the day on certain issues. “We have made decisions in Curitiba which will contribute to the progress made on the implementation of this convention.”
The 1992 U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity calls for significant reductions in biodiversity loss within the next four years. But the 188 countries that have signed the agreement have been unable to resolve their differences on a variety of issues concerning its implementation.
During the past two weeks, one of the issues that proved most contentious was the demand from developing countries for the establishment of an international regime to regulate fair and equitable benefit-sharing of biological resources. Certain industrial nations remained reluctant to accept this proposal, but now they have partially agreed.
According to both administration and GOP insiders, we’re hearing here at CNN that Press Secretary Scott McClellan and Treasury Secretary John Snow could be the next ones to be shown to the door.
If this administration was so media savvy, they would make this into a game show. I’d just love to see close ups of the looks on those evil faces as they’re tossed out like yesterday’s diapers… one by one.
I don’t think that is sadistic, just a desire for better TV programming. 😉
I’ll believe it when I see it. Changing a few windows and the front door instead of a course correction won’t help. Rummy, Cheney?
From what I’ve read, GOPs, including O’lielly, have been whining that the BushCo gang have not been effective communicators. Snow, (the UAE deal aside), is weak at communicating how strong the economy really, reaaaly, IS.
Scottie, I thought his weakness was his greatest asset in this admin. Ya know lie, evade, bob and weave a tale or 2.
Among the ruins of a 3,200-year-old palace near Athens, researchers are piecing together the story of legendary Greek warrior-king Ajax, hero of the Trojan War. Archaeologist Yiannis Lolos found remains of the palace while hiking on the island of Salamis in 1999, and has led excavations there for the past six years. This was Ajax’ capital,” excavation leader Lolos, professor of archaeology at Ioannina University, told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “It was the seat of the maritime kingdom of Salamis–small compared to other Mycenaean kingdoms–that was involved in trade, warfare and piracy in the eastern Mediterranean.” Ajax was one of the top fighters in the legendary Greek army that besieged Troy to win back the abducted queen of Sparta, Helen. Described in Homer’s Iliad as a towering hero protected by a huge shield, Ajax killed himself after a quarrel with other Greek leaders.
The economic value of services performed by insects in the US was valued at $57 billion in a Cornell University study. The study found that native insects are food for wildlife that supports a $50 billion recreation industry, provide more than $4.5 billion in pest control, pollinate $3 billion in crops and clean up grazing lands, which saves ranchers some $380 million a year.
This story might be of special interest here at the pond: Ever wonder why frogs are green? Their color depends on the interaction of three different types of cells, which can also result in blue and brown colors. Speaking of brown, another story in the news looks at research explaining why soil is brown. And speaking of blue, in case you were wondering after this why the sky is blue, the answer is here.
U.S. researchers said on Saturday they had transformed immature cells from men’s testicles into powerful stem cells, which they then coaxed into becoming nerve, heart and bone cells.
Sudan has prevented the United Nations’ top humanitarian official from visiting the troubled Darfur region.
Jan Egeland told the BBC he thought the government did not want him to see the latest wave of “ethnic cleansing” against black Africans in South Darfur.
He said thousands of people had fled after 60 villages were attacked by pro-government Janjaweed militias.
More than two million people have sought refuge in huge camps following three years of such attacks.
The Sudanese government is trying to stop the UN from taking over the peacekeeping mission in Darfur from the under-funded African Union.
The BBC’s Jonah Fisher in Sudan says Mr Egeland is known for his willingness to speak his mind and has been a strong critic of the government’s role in Darfur’s violence.
Mr Egeland said the rebel Sudan Liberation Army also had some responsibility for provoking the latest attacks in the Janana area.
He said the Sudanese government, guerrilla forces and ethnic militia groups were all responsible for the current instability in Darfur, which had put tens of thousands of civilians at risk
“I’ve been barred from going to south Darfur, west Darfur and also I have been told that I am not welcome in Khartoum,” Egeland told Reuters during a visit to southern Sudan.
“I think it is because they (the Sudanese government) don’t want me to see how bad it is in Darfur,” he added.
“The U.N. Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) protests the decision by the government of Sudan not to welcome the visit,” the world body said in a statement.
“Mr. Egeland had planned to visit Sudan in order to assess the humanitarian relief operation in South Sudan as well as in Darfur, which amounts to approximately US$1.5 billion annually.”
Remember Jean Scmidt… The idiot that barely squeaked out a victory against Paul Hacket in one of the GOPeeon’s strongholds in Ohio. The LIAR that played “She said he said” about a marine supposedly taking Jack Murtha to task about his comments on the failing illegal invasion of Iraq (and was forced to retract the statements by her own party).
Well she is back in the doghouse (did she ever get out of there?) with new revelations about her “Edgymacation”:
A new elections complaints alleges(and pretty credibly) she said she had a degree she didn’t; earlier one tagged her for bogus ‘endorsement’ by Ohio Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH). Schmidt’s response: Okay, maybe she never got the degree. But she took enough classes to get it….read on“
If there is one thing the GOP is strong on it is lying…
A divided Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from Jose Padilla, held as an enemy combatant without traditional legal rights for more than three years, sidestepping a challenge to Bush administration wartime detention powers…
…Three justices said the court should have agreed to take up the case anyway: Justices David H. Souter,
Ruth Bader Ginsburg and
Stephen Breyer. And three other court members, including Chief Justice John Roberts, said that they would be watching to ensure Padilla receives the protections “guaranteed to all federal criminal defendants.”
An appeals court panel had all but called for the high court to deal with the case, saying it was troubled by the Bush administration’s change in legal strategy — it brought criminal charges only after it looked like the Supreme Court was going to step in.
BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 3, 2006 (ENS) – A government decision to cut food rations has hurt poor Iraqis who cannot afford high prices on the open market, say economists and Baghdad residents.
Despite rising poverty, the government has decided to cut the food ration budget from US$4 billion to US$3 billion dollars in 2006, as the country shifts from a socialist to a free market economy. …
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs reported in January that more than two million Iraqi families are living below the poverty line and that poverty had risen by 30 percent since the U.S. led invasion in April 2003.
Government figures show food prices jumped 26 percent from December 2005 to January 2006, due in part to a general rise in inflation and high demand for meat and vegetables because of the bird flu outbreak.
Inflation has skyrocketed since 2003, and according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is expected to rise 15 per cent this year. The economy is expected to grow by 10 percent. …
Science (and related) Headlines 1 April 2006
I meant to post these Saturday, but I left the file at work. My bad. But I hope they start your Monday on a cheery note…
DATELINE WASHINGTON: In order to stem the tide of Bird Flu, U.S. President GW Bush has ordered the bombing of the Canary Islands.
Cow Abductions are Real – video evidence is available here (move cursor over cow to see for yourself).
Continuing in the same vein, “Have you ever noticed that no good-looking people believe in alien abductions?” This was the question asked in a recent University of Kalamazoo lecture by noted astronomer Dr. Laban Shrewsbury. Dr. Shewsbury is the head of the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) project at the Mount Kadath Observatory in Arkham, Mass. and has spent the last 35 years searching for proof of life elsewhere in the universe, and so presumably should know…
Ever wonder how aliens communicate in the winter, when they can’t leave crop circles? No? Well, what the hell is the matter with you? Anyway, as I was saying, the advanced technologists of the grey-skinned, almond-eyed ones have apparently hit upon the answer to this dilemma, namely snow circles. And unlike internet communications, they leave no footprints (Do aliens have feet? Of course they do – How else would they get here from Mexico? Hey, they loved that joke over at Instapundit, you know…)
Seriously, though, I know all of you who appreciate the kind of hard-hitting science news I bring you daily (except when work sends me out of town) will want to join me in political action on behalf of fighting the most egregious government cover-up, a national disgrace, a travesty of justice. I refer, of course, to the cover-up of the Kecksburg, PA UFO incident of December 9, 1965. You can learn more and sign the on-line petition here. Please help bring the truth to light after all this time.
From the Mrs. K. P. College of Veterinary Pathology
Residents of Tainan, Taiwan, learned a lesson in whale biology after the decomposing remains of a 60-ton sperm whale exploded on a busy street, showering nearby cars and shops with blood and organs and stopping traffic for hours. The 56-foot-long whale had been on a truck headed for a necropsy by researchers, when gases from internal decay caused its entrails to explode.
Of course, they have nothing on the good old USA, where we don’t wait around for whales to explode naturally, we help nature along (with video!).
Seriously, though, we should have realized this sooner: Of course the Bush administration knew 9-11 was coming, as there are numerous warnings in prophecy, and it has been widely reported that the administration even requires attendance at bible study sessions. Now we can understand – those sessions were not for religious purposes, they were sessions looking for warnings to protect America from the next attack. Who needs the CIA when we have God’s Holy Word to guide us? Biblical-based military intelligence: Someone should tell our Republican senators to have a hearing on this! While we’re frittering out time away worrying about evolution the true needs of the country go begging!
But while they are at it, the administration Brahmins might want to rethink their energy and environmental policies, because they’re confused as to what God has in mind in that regard, and they won’t want to be caught unprepared on that fateful hour when justice arrives like a government accountant at Enron, and they are weighed and found wanting…
Here is a report on the latest scientific thought regarding the “Loch Ness Monster of North America,” believed to inhabit Lake Champlain in New York.
From the Climatology Department at Emmanuel Velikovsky University:
A Russian scientist has suggested that global warming is not associated with fossil fuel use, but is rather a result of the disruption of ice in the upper atmosphere. Vladimir Shaidurov, of the Russian Academy of Sciences, suggests that the rise, which began between 1906 and 1909, could have had a very different cause, which he believes was the massive Tunguska Event, which rocked a remote part of Siberia, northwest of Lake Baikal on the 30th June 1908. The Tunguska Event, sometimes known as the Tunguska Meteorite is thought to have resulted from an asteroid or comet entering the earth’s atmosphere and exploding. The event released as much energy as fifteen one-megaton atomic bombs.
Back in a bit with today’s Science Headlines!
So …if no good looking people believe in alien abductions then all people who don’t believe in alien abductions are good looking? Works for me. Although I’m sure someone will come around spouting some babble about logic.
If religion can offer you the “cookie” of a happy afterlife for obeying their rules, then science should be allowed to offer you good looks for not believing in alien abductions, LOL!
He said it. Jack Straw really did say it.
There he was standing before some 200 dignitaries in Blackburn, the cameras were rolling and Condoleezza “Condi” Rice was listening attentively.
As he introduced his guest, the Foreign Secretary held up a copy of a local newspaper and read out the headline: “Condom….er, Condi Comes to the Centre of the World”.
Does this mean she promotes prophylactic policies? SNORT!!!
Must have been all that talk about “not withdrawing until the job is done” that got his mind roving…
US and UK forces establish ‘enduring bases’ in Iraq
As in Korea, since 1953… and $1 trillion later. Note “enduring” replaces permanent… If we change the language, it’s more palatable.
I saw a headline this morning to the effect that the administration is blowing a lot of smoke to hide the fact that there are no plans to leave Iraq. I don’t think they could ever turn their profiteering backs on all that oil.
You know, these huge permanent bases have been sporadically reported now for years. I wonder how far Bush has to fall before they start reporting the whole truth.
Nationalists’ Defeat Gives Geneva Talks a Chance
Billions Needed to Win Race Against Species Loss
Thinkprogress links to this Breaking News
CNN reporting
Scott McClellan and Snow Next on the Chopping Block
If this administration was so media savvy, they would make this into a game show. I’d just love to see close ups of the looks on those evil faces as they’re tossed out like yesterday’s diapers… one by one.
I don’t think that is sadistic, just a desire for better TV programming. 😉
I’ll believe it when I see it. Changing a few windows and the front door instead of a course correction won’t help. Rummy, Cheney?
From what I’ve read, GOPs, including O’lielly, have been whining that the BushCo gang have not been effective communicators. Snow, (the UAE deal aside), is weak at communicating how strong the economy really, reaaaly, IS.
Scottie, I thought his weakness was his greatest asset in this admin. Ya know lie, evade, bob and weave a tale or 2.
Among the ruins of a 3,200-year-old palace near Athens, researchers are piecing together the story of legendary Greek warrior-king Ajax, hero of the Trojan War. Archaeologist Yiannis Lolos found remains of the palace while hiking on the island of Salamis in 1999, and has led excavations there for the past six years. This was Ajax’ capital,” excavation leader Lolos, professor of archaeology at Ioannina University, told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “It was the seat of the maritime kingdom of Salamis–small compared to other Mycenaean kingdoms–that was involved in trade, warfare and piracy in the eastern Mediterranean.” Ajax was one of the top fighters in the legendary Greek army that besieged Troy to win back the abducted queen of Sparta, Helen. Described in Homer’s Iliad as a towering hero protected by a huge shield, Ajax killed himself after a quarrel with other Greek leaders.
More climate-change-related environmental effects: Testing by U.S. scientists finds that the Pacific Ocean is getting warmer and more acidic, while the amount of oxygen is decreasing.
The economic value of services performed by insects in the US was valued at $57 billion in a Cornell University study. The study found that native insects are food for wildlife that supports a $50 billion recreation industry, provide more than $4.5 billion in pest control, pollinate $3 billion in crops and clean up grazing lands, which saves ranchers some $380 million a year.
Most scientists believe it is now too late to prevent some climate change and associated environmental damage. The question now is “How big a disaster do we want to allow?”
Seven years after Massachusetts enacted the nation’s toughest mercury emission laws for incinerators, amounts of the toxic metal have declined by 32 percent in a signature freshwater fish caught near some of those facilities.
Some hopeful news: Prospects are fading for a rewrite of the nation’s endangered species protection law this year as key senators hesitate to move anything that would have to be meshed with legislation written last fall by Rep. Dick Pombo, R-CA.
This story might be of special interest here at the pond: Ever wonder why frogs are green? Their color depends on the interaction of three different types of cells, which can also result in blue and brown colors. Speaking of brown, another story in the news looks at research explaining why soil is brown. And speaking of blue, in case you were wondering after this why the sky is blue, the answer is here.
Maybe you’ve posted this before, but this is important for men everywhere:
He’s got the whole world, in his glands.
Sudan ‘blocks’ UN trip to Darfur
Same story by Reuters.
UN’s Egeland says Sudan stops him going to Darfur
Remember Jean Scmidt… The idiot that barely squeaked out a victory against Paul Hacket in one of the GOPeeon’s strongholds in Ohio. The LIAR that played “She said he said” about a marine supposedly taking Jack Murtha to task about his comments on the failing illegal invasion of Iraq (and was forced to retract the statements by her own party).
Well she is back in the doghouse (did she ever get out of there?) with new revelations about her “Edgymacation”:
If there is one thing the GOP is strong on it is lying…
I guess it’s a good day for King George today.
ENS Link