I was engaged in a hilarious and riveting phone conversation with my daughter about how she and her roommate almost touched a cow in the middle of the night. But they were afraid he’d bite so they chickened out. All this for only 16K a year.
Things that could have been learned..how to trespass without getting caught. And, in your life time do you really want to touch a cow, because what if it was a bull?
God only knows. Luckily her anthropology degree will ensure that she’ll be able to pay off her loans quickly. Just look under ANTHROPOLOGY in the classified section.
I really miss my cat Shadow, who I left in LA with my son and husband. I made them swear they would give her the usual VIP treatment.
Why does a cat seems just like a person? Could they really have a sense of the life we experience when we go out and leave them to take lots of excellent naps in our absence?
At first it didn’t work, so then I went to try it in the Tom Delay story. It didn’t work. I tried again, it did. I came back here. It didn’t work. then it did.
I have no idea what was different except the second time I scrolled down to the end of the comments before I tried.
The man-cub is down for bed. I have a rum and coke that desperately needs to be refilled. (don’t worry i know where the stash is kept!) Daily show comes on in 10 minutes…
Main Entry: gross
Pronunciation: ‘grOs
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English grosse, from Anglo-French & Late Latin; Anglo-French gros large, thick, whole, from Late Latin grossus coarse
1 a archaic : immediately obvious b (1) : glaringly noticeable usually because of inexcusable badness or objectionableness (a gross error) (2) : OUT-AND-OUT, UTTER (a gross injustice) c : visible without the aid of a microscope
2 a : BIG, BULKY; especially : excessively fat b : growing or spreading with excessive luxuriance
3 a : of, relating to, or dealing with general aspects or broad distinctions b : consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions (gross income) — compare NET
4 : made up of material or perceptible elements
5 archaic : not fastidious in taste : UNDISCRIMINATING
6 a : coarse in nature or behavior : UNREFINED b : gravely deficient in civility or decency : crudely vulgar (merely gross, a scatological rather than a pornographic impropriety — Aldous Huxley> c : inspiring disgust or distaste (that sandwich looks gross)
7 : deficient in knowledge : IGNORANT, UNTUTORED
synonym see COARSE, FLAGRANT
shiny objects and beeping email notifications, in this case I just got one (an email, not a shiny object) from our pseudo-candidate to unseat Kyl. Sigh…
This was my absolute favorite (no booze pun intended) when last I drank.
I won’t mention my favorite chaser — though having confessed in prior cafes to my former incarnation as dangerous felon, I’m sure you can guess.
I saw that and I got so sick to my stomach. Although Colbert (stops to fan herself) was freaking awesome in that interview. It seemed to me that Brownie thought that he had garnered some sympathy with that released video. I guess he was wrong.
MLK weekend (aside from a taste of SallyCat’s awesome White Port on Saturday), my fitness/nutrition program ends on Sunday and I plan to recommit myself to my true religious tradition.
oh nice clover! And hell…i leave out verbs when I am sober! NO fair! I saw it and said to myself…aww fuck it. 😉 I have really bad habit of thinking faster than I can type and words get lost in the process. ah well…more booze!
I’ve just been playing w/ the robo-rater, and wanted to put this in words before I forget what I did. I found the following worked instead of refresing the page by going to home and then clicking on the diary…
Load the diary, click on the robo-rater, nothing will happen — ie no 4s will appear, scroll to bottom of comments and select miminal view which will push all the comments together, then selected nested or dynamic and the comments will be 4d.
Not sure if this is necessary, but I tried it in 4 diaries and it worked every time including the cafe.
So Omir — if you see this :* and {{{Omir}}}.
Now, I’m going to bed. See you guys tomorrow. 🙂
St Paul Chamber Orchestra (members of) at Hamline University last Sunday afternoon.
The following performance was my favorite of the three times I’ve been to hear them.
7 piece ensemble did;
Hommage a L’Histoire (1994) [David Baker (b. 1931)]
Trio in D Minor for Violin, Cello, and Piano Opus 32 (1894)
Anton Arensky (1861-1906)
Spring Quartet No 10 in A-flat, Opus 118 (1864)
Dimitri Shostakovich (1906-1975)
David Barltrop had the lead violin part in the above, and was absolutely fantastic. He was just wild, leaning over at a 45 degree angle and it didn’t appear that his butt ever touched his chair. And according to my guru who done dragged me there, it doesn’t get any better than this guy’s performance. He must have abs of steel.
If you ever get to the MPLS area, check out the St Paul Chamber Orchestra.
Well, I liked it, as it was different, and new to me. And I could make some sense out of it, as opposed to some “modern” stuff which is just way to wacky, at least on the first listen.
SPCO has a repuation for doing a wide variety.
“Did it have any melody?”
Yeah, it did, but it seemed somewhat short and choppy, as the melody jumped from one to the other of; clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, percussion (even saw a vibra-slap for the first time), violin, and double bass [what the hell is a double bass, revealing ignorance
However, all that jumping around obviously required exquisite timing, at which they were adept.
This composer was probably my favorite of the evening.
subtitles to that one were;
Little Parade of Music, Waltz, Lindy Hop, Samba, Little Song, Grande March.
One of those big standup violin things that are as tall as a man?
I’d like to hear that. I like to hear 20th century music IF it has some melody. I know what you mean about choppy though. It’s like they just can’t go with a real melody. Not like the Russian composers of the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. Those are my favorites –Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninof …
Wow, the crowd has been busy tonight! Cool to see, and so many beautiful flowers and kitties on the previous thread, I had to weigh in with at least one more before I go to bed…
taken 4-03-06 at about 6:15 p.m., yet another of the many crocus popping up all over in the garden.
Now serving jello shots in honor of Tom DeLay’s demise.
I’ll pass on the jello shots, and just enjoy all the space. It was getting very crowded over there.
I was engaged in a hilarious and riveting phone conversation with my daughter about how she and her roommate almost touched a cow in the middle of the night. But they were afraid he’d bite so they chickened out. All this for only 16K a year.
Cheap thrills.
It wasn’t until I went to college that I learned about outhouse tipping and bierstubes — both very important additions to my education.
See, this is what I missed by not going to college. You can’t put a price on something like that.
Things that could have been learned..how to trespass without getting caught. And, in your life time do you really want to touch a cow, because what if it was a bull?
Did you bring the sack they go in?
You are so evil…
I come by it naturally. Haven’t seen you around these parts lately.
Ya, well, been a little busy…
So, 16 grand a year to ALMOST touch a cow at night? What a bargain!
Imagine the bill if she had really touched it!
That would be double, right? Like out-of-state tuition? 🙂
God only knows. Luckily her anthropology degree will ensure that she’ll be able to pay off her loans quickly. Just look under ANTHROPOLOGY in the classified section.
from their woody branch.
Ooooh, freshly fallen nuts.
I really miss my cat Shadow, who I left in LA with my son and husband. I made them swear they would give her the usual VIP treatment.
Why does a cat seems just like a person? Could they really have a sense of the life we experience when we go out and leave them to take lots of excellent naps in our absence?
She’s a beauty all right. Looks like she’s an old soul too.
What do cats get to be in their next lives?
The highest life form in existence.
She would love that! She absolutely loves water.
Once you’re a cat, nothing can be any better… 🙂
How do they pack so much wisdom into that tiny brain of theirs?
I think they get to be cats again. I can’t think of a better existence.
I’m sure Shadow would agree with you, except that she can’t open doors and windows. She might want opposable thumbs on the next go round.
Isabelle!!!! What a cutie!
That’s a lovely portrait, mythmother. Quite a beautiful & soulful animal, too! I can see why you miss her.
Hopefully you’ll soon be reunited.
Thanks, WW. And night night (I saw your comment down below.)
Party on.
night Andi!
in this smaller cafe?
At first it didn’t work, so then I went to try it in the Tom Delay story. It didn’t work. I tried again, it did. I came back here. It didn’t work. then it did.
I have no idea what was different except the second time I scrolled down to the end of the comments before I tried.
What worked?
the fournicator
I can’t get it to work, and I’m on firefox
So I got a taste of bliss and then it was gone. But it didn’t work in the cafe. (Also firefox/xp)
I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing different, but all the comments are 4ed.
I can’t figure out why it works sometimes and other times not. When I’m not doing anything different either time.
This time-change thing is a killer, especially when everyone else is doing the shifting around Arizona.
Good night!
Woohoo! Down with Delay!!
The man-cub is down for bed. I have a rum and coke that desperately needs to be refilled. (don’t worry i know where the stash is kept!) Daily show comes on in 10 minutes…
This could almost be heaven!
Is it a new Daily Show? Cause if it is I’m outta here.
I get the Daily Show that was shown last Thursday.
yes i do believe it is new. go forth and enjoy!
So…is everyone off celebrating the demise of Tom DeLay?
Want to join me in a celebratory Jameson & Coke?
do I have to have the coke?
Of course not. You know I am very accomodating (at least as far as drinks are concerned).
Incidentally, I don’t recommend (or maybe I do) doing a google images search on ‘Jameson’ with safe search turned off…
Encoutered a bit of Jenna did you? 😉
‘a bit’ is a gross understatement 🙂
were you using definition number 5 or 6 in this context?
You guys crack me up…
I was using the #1 definition (which has been deemed archaic, therefore making me feel old for the second time tonight) of ‘immediately obvious’.
1(a) is archaic, I think you fall under 1(b)(2) which is not archaic.
If it makes you feel less old to think so.
Or possibly definition 1(c). I mean, there’s really nothing in those pictures that you’d need a microscope for…
How can I argue with that? Of course, you are still in the cafe instead of searching for more Jameson pix to share (the drink, of course).
guess you got sidetracked in YOUR google search for pics?
shiny objects and beeping email notifications, in this case I just got one (an email, not a shiny object) from our pseudo-candidate to unseat Kyl. Sigh…
Looks perfect
and you KNOW I’m now going to google …
oh, Jenna
This was my absolute favorite (no booze pun intended) when last I drank.
I won’t mention my favorite chaser — though having confessed in prior cafes to my former incarnation as dangerous felon, I’m sure you can guess.
Already there…although it’s not jameson though…hope i am forgiven! Just Cruzan rum and coke here. 😉
Well, folks, it’s been a wonderful day — & y’all made it even better with your company.
Time for the wilderness hag to sag. Hopefully I’ll see you soon — barring power-outage with this thunderstorm.
May DeLay ‘step down’ into the toxic ooze from whence his butt-ugly mug came forth.
night WW, see you tomorrow
I’m going to bed too — night all!
night Olivia
I’m watching Brownie on the Colbert Report…blech, he’s smiling and joking way too much for all the blood that was spilled on his watch in NOLA, imo
I saw that and I got so sick to my stomach. Although Colbert (stops to fan herself) was freaking awesome in that interview. It seemed to me that Brownie thought that he had garnered some sympathy with that released video. I guess he was wrong.
Anyone else still up??? I ordered this round of drinks for everyone and I don’t know if I can drink it all myself.
pie delivery guy was a newbie and I got caught up explaining to him the different between gross and gross.
Dude that is one creepy-ass picture.
the subject is not a progressive, his intellect has remained the same for decades
aww man…you just made shoot rum and coke out of my nose! The pain!
God you guys crack me up. 😉
Shirley you jest. That’s just an apertif for you 🙂
No, I think that would actually kill me. Or at least make me sleep for at least 8 hours.
Good day today. Braves win, Cardinals win, even the freakin’ Tigers win, and DeLay is about to drop out of public service.
Did I mention beer? mmm…beer.
liquor beer never fear …
I learned it a little differently:
Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear.
but mine has less words — easier to remember, especially late into the night.
MLK weekend (aside from a taste of SallyCat’s awesome White Port on Saturday), my fitness/nutrition program ends on Sunday and I plan to recommit myself to my true religious tradition.
that’s funny — I think you should become a minister and you can sermonize to us here in the cafe while we all drink beer.
That is awesome, but I can’t believe you’re forsaking Him.
a Unitarian streak in me, so I’ll be most obliged if his noodly appendage is dipped in my beer prior to my first pint.
(did I really just type that?)
redemption has finally been achieved.
I will help ya. Pass a few of em over here. 😉
You got it! This should be a good start…oh wait, you’ve been drinking rum & coke. Well, this should be a good continuation!
Oh yeah! I may small…but I have a hell of tolerance. 😉
Keep em coming…feeling saucy tonight!
Hmmm…I think you left out a verb somewhere in there.
Maybe you should just start with one or two.
(notice the cloverleaf traced in the foam)
oh nice clover! And hell…i leave out verbs when I am sober! NO fair! I saw it and said to myself…aww fuck it. 😉 I have really bad habit of thinking faster than I can type and words get lost in the process. ah well…more booze!
ok. Here you go. Something a little lighter though (no offense):
Hee hee none taken 😉 cause I just added another rum and coke to all that beer!
Oh Cthulu? I think I need a piggy back ride up the stairs when I finally decide to go to bed. 😉
Hmmm…I hope that he doesn’t step on you on his way down the stairs tomorrow 😉
Your hubby has one of the coolest monikers in the blogosphere, btw.
want to start with two? Or are you in for more?
I’ve just been playing w/ the robo-rater, and wanted to put this in words before I forget what I did. I found the following worked instead of refresing the page by going to home and then clicking on the diary…
Load the diary, click on the robo-rater, nothing will happen — ie no 4s will appear, scroll to bottom of comments and select miminal view which will push all the comments together, then selected nested or dynamic and the comments will be 4d.
Not sure if this is necessary, but I tried it in 4 diaries and it worked every time including the cafe.
So Omir — if you see this :* and {{{Omir}}}.
Now, I’m going to bed. See you guys tomorrow. 🙂
thanks, I’m going to try it.
That worked.
But its a pain in the ass.
I’d’ve had to read the directions again a second time, so I passed up a trial of that particular method.
But reading this is so much cleaner and safer than reading the boys’ conversation above 🙂
Wow. I feel like you worked really hard to get that shot in.
What? You boys were having so much fun that I just came down here to talk to NDD.
Are we having another fight?
Mary, we don’t fight. We spar.
If we fought, you’d kick my ass. I am, after all usually a few beers in by this point.
And maybe a couple of whiskeys too.
St Paul Chamber Orchestra (members of) at Hamline University last Sunday afternoon.
The following performance was my favorite of the three times I’ve been to hear them.
7 piece ensemble did;
Hommage a L’Histoire (1994) [David Baker (b. 1931)]
Trio in D Minor for Violin, Cello, and Piano Opus 32 (1894)
Anton Arensky (1861-1906)
Spring Quartet No 10 in A-flat, Opus 118 (1864)
Dimitri Shostakovich (1906-1975)
David Barltrop had the lead violin part in the above, and was absolutely fantastic. He was just wild, leaning over at a 45 degree angle and it didn’t appear that his butt ever touched his chair. And according to my guru who done dragged me there, it doesn’t get any better than this guy’s performance. He must have abs of steel.
If you ever get to the MPLS area, check out the St Paul Chamber Orchestra.
What was the Baker like? Did it have any melody?
Well, I liked it, as it was different, and new to me. And I could make some sense out of it, as opposed to some “modern” stuff which is just way to wacky, at least on the first listen.
SPCO has a repuation for doing a wide variety.
“Did it have any melody?”
Yeah, it did, but it seemed somewhat short and choppy, as the melody jumped from one to the other of; clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, percussion (even saw a vibra-slap for the first time), violin, and double bass [what the hell is a double bass, revealing ignorance
However, all that jumping around obviously required exquisite timing, at which they were adept.
This composer was probably my favorite of the evening.
subtitles to that one were;
Little Parade of Music, Waltz, Lindy Hop, Samba, Little Song, Grande March.
One of those big standup violin things that are as tall as a man?
I’d like to hear that. I like to hear 20th century music IF it has some melody. I know what you mean about choppy though. It’s like they just can’t go with a real melody. Not like the Russian composers of the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. Those are my favorites –Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninof …
What! And pass up instant redemption when all ya got to do is dip that little fellow in the first pint.
Did you guys know that the Late Show w/ Dave Letterman is shown in HD?
I didn’t.
It’s frightening.
He is however going to (apparently) have a mongoose and a cobra battle to the death on his show tonight. Sweet.
Letterman isn’t on for another 40 minutes.
Apparently it’s a repeat. I haven’t watched him in 8 years or so though, so I’m thinking it’ll be new to me.
I didn’t thik this fit into that small list of Television shows you admitted to watching.
No, I was watching the NCAA finals earlier and I just haven’t changed the channel off of CBS.
Wow, the crowd has been busy tonight! Cool to see, and so many beautiful flowers and kitties on the previous thread, I had to weigh in with at least one more before I go to bed…
taken 4-03-06 at about 6:15 p.m., yet another of the many crocus popping up all over in the garden.
Am I the only froggy with a bottom? And does that mean I have to get up off my bottom and do a new cafe? Or is there anybody else ……
I’ve got all the info (though I’ve never posted an actual cafe). I can do it if you want.
That would be SO nice that I might be nice to you for the rest of the night.
But if you don’t feel comfortable, I’ll do it.
I can do it. It will be worth it to see if you can actually be nice to me 🙂
although I suspect that I’ll be like The Little Mermaid — voiceless 🙂
Can’t you at least just come on over and give me a beer or something?
I’m still here for at least 30 min or so… dang these things fill up fast lately!
yes, this one filled up pretty fast for a late night lounge.
Go here.