Monday at the Froggy Bottom Cafe
Fully caffeinated host on duty today!
Free coffee and danish for newcomers!
Umbrellas are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
I need some lunch. I think I’ll head to Subway and have a veggie sub on Herb and Cheese bread. Mmmm.
Ooh! Clean tables…Maybe I’ll just bring my pulmonology notes in here and study for tonight’s exam…
Sounds riveting. 🙂
I keep almost nodding off while reading my notes…I had to move to the kitchen table to study!
Upright chairs and flourescent lighting help a lot. If I’m in a comfy chair I fall asleep or daydream.
I was in bed…guess that might have been part of the problem.
Hi everyone, trying to recover from the trip and wonderful weekend, neck is acting up, so I have to lay down a lot today and rest but as soon as I can I will post a diary and some more great pics.
Love you all.
and also unpacking — will have some pics eventually.
Cold I thought I was getting before the trip finally arrived — feeling miserable. At least unpacked the laptop and got the pics off of there — need to get out the camera and get those pics off, and develop the ones on the use-and-toss one I picked up at the zoo when my camera battery died (note to self — get backup battery before June!).
Have a great day…
Take care and rest well – sorry the cold caught up with you.
We’ll find a time and get started on the NorCal meetup later this week. It was so great meeting you! I can instantly see you and hear you when you post comments…brings back big smiles!
The dogs have no problem going for a walk in the woods when there are 30 mph winds with gusts to 50 mph. It’s the human who had the problem.
Did you take any pictures of blowing trees and brooding skies? Sounds very cool.
There are no leaves on the trees and the sky is a muddy gray. Not cool.
I keep forgetting that up north things aren’t blooming yet. The trees are almost all full already here. Spring really comes in unnoticed around here.
Okay – a puppy pic – for Manee and MythMother…
Okay…really busy but still kind of glowing here. Note to Aloha…I’ll definitely be back down for kayaking and talking and just hanging out!
The spouse may or not survive my non-stop chatter about the weekend! LOL
As host, I feel it is within my rights to insist that if you are going to make me jealous about the big weekend, you must include a new picture with each comment. 😉
While I was kayaking on Saturday I saw one of these harbor seals…about 25-30 feet away. I was paddling and the seal would dive, then pop his head out of the water, then dive again… I didn’t take the pic…just found a comparable image with google…
Waaaay Coool!
I regret not coming. My husband has so many frequent flyer miles I could have flown out for free, but I’m scared to death of flying. But that kayaking looks awesome. Can’t wait for the real pictures. 🙂
I kept my pants on for all picture-taking activities.
I have the hardest time curbing my natural tendency to be crude in response to you, Manny, because you’re my son’s age.
This is just sad. 🙁
I’ll just keep playing to my advantages in the meantime 🙂
Oh sure, you treat Manny with kid gloves.
Don’t take it Manny. Make her be her usual crude and lewd self.
I know you have a hard time being crude with me, since I’m your daughter’s age, right FM?
Actually you’re a little younger. You’re what now 20 or 21. 🙂
Age is such a relative thing, Family Man. Some days I am 19, other days I feel 60.
Your daughters are in their mid-twenties, right? Do they live around you?
No they’re early 20’s and live about 4 1/2 hours away.
If age is relative that must be the reason I act like a 15 year old when I’m in the cafe.
We seem to encourage that sort of thing…
You kept your pants on? How….disappointing. ;)I was hoping for another booty shot!
Just don’t tell Cthulu! 😉
That’s more like what I wanted to say. Thanks for saying it for me, and I won’t tell Cthulu!
PS…I’m glad none of my family members are bootribbers. {{{shudder}}}
Well, I figured that since Manny and I are close to the same age if I can recall, that I would take that particular cause up. 😉
And yeah…it is kinda weird knowing that he reads my comments. But I don’t say anything here that I wouldn’t say around him so it isn’t really that bad. God I just love me some liberal men!
He didn’t say anything about non picture-taking activities.
Inquiring minds…?
Aha! I knew that there had to a loop-hole somewhere!
Was just talking to Chtulu about maybe a liberal-men-with-boxer-buttshots calendar…I told him that BooMan can’t be only the one with a buttshot here. Haven’t gotten a committed answer yet though. 🙁
I like liberal men’s butts and I can’t lie….
he had an exorcism and turned his head 180 degrees, I’m pretty sure MTracy got the front side of BooMan in that shot.
Oh wow you are right! I think I just equate “boxers” with “booty”.
That’s ok, we can work with that. We can have a liberal crotch shot calendar. Works for me!
Oh yeah hot men in their boxers! Either way I am so there!
Hey, I just noticed your new sig line. I saw that video and really liked the song and that they’re not apologetic about pissing off the country radio people.
I have liked them since thier first album. They started off that way, non-apologetic. If the fundies had actually listened to the lyrics of the songs they might have gotten that. Some people in my experience, tend to listen to the tune, not the words. My favorites of course being Sin Wagon and Earl. I have to admit that my country music consumption has dramatically decreased in the last few years. I didn’t like the way they were trying to make it sound like pop music. But I digress..
I’m not much for country music although I’ve always like Johnny Cash and a few of the Chicks songs. Wide Open Spaces for one and Without You.
Honestly I grew up with it, But I didn’t really get into it until highschool. A friend of mine introduced me to Merle Haggard and Conway Twitty and others like them then I got hooked. When most country music fans were drooling over Garth Brooks, I drooled over Conway. Weird I know. 😉
Hmm but we have to be inclusive here…not everyone likes to look at hot men in their boxers…any other suggestions?
I guess we could have liberal women in their boxers…
The Booman Tribune Women’s Mud Wrestling Team.
The Booman Tribune Women’s Oil and Lotion Team.
Am I getting close?
Seems like you put alot of thought into that. Do I sense a theme here?
No just of the top of my head.
I head last night the cafe does have a spa in back with a mud room though.
Just glad you didn’t put down PIE FIGHT 🙂
Funny that. 🙂
I like liberal men’s butts and I can’t lie….
You other sisters can’t deny
When a man votes blue
And don’t tell you what to do
You know you wanna jump on that fly…
You have missed your calling in life, Indy.
someone who shares my affinty for cryptography. heh
Accute Booty Deficiency Syndrome thanks to my dad’s genes (not jeans).
A common malady among males.
There is help Manny.
FM…I told you not to publish that picture of me!
Sorry SN, but I thought you would want everyone to see one of your better…..ahem…assets.
I love the look on that guy’s face.
Took me awhile to find him. I want to put one of GWB looking amazed. Couldn’t find one.
Bush was truly shocked during a PR trip to a grocery store. He was astounded at the technology of… the scanners and gawllly you can also buy bread pre-sliced. whoodathunkit.
Just showed how out of touch the war bastard was. And the American people still support him.
Really, if a neighbor didn’t know about scanners and sliced bread in 2000 would you think they were fit to sit in the WH?? ACK
My thoughts on this:
He’s gotta be a fucking muppet.
naw… Muppets are cool 🙂
Bush is just a piece of road turd on the end of a stick.
LOL! I agree Muppets are definitely very cool. I didn’t mean to malign all Muppets.
Bah! My hubby says that he scratched his off. 😉 He says that’s why they make belts…for the guys that have scratched so much that they lost the “booty” and need something else to hold their pants up.
IMO…if they have a liberal mind attached to the “Booty” or the “Booty Deficient” it’s all good. 😉
If you can’t be with the tush you love, love the tush you’re with.
(My husband has always had a mush tush of which I am quite fond.)
Distant relative perhaps?
Bud! How was it being the only stud in the stable over the weekend, Manny?
I’m told the menopausal-related conversations happened prior to my arrival. The joys of being the last to make the grand entrance 🙂
What was hilarious to me was that we didn’t really discuss politics too much until the very end, then we were pressed for time! Funny how that worked out, but I suspect we’ll have some great diaries in the future.
You mean you didn’t get to talk about hot flashes and vaginal dryness? Poor thing.
Yeah I’m being lazy…or is that out of time!
Bud is better than prozac 🙂
He’s the LOVE BUD!
he will love that, I’ll ask him when I get off work in 5 hours, 44 minutes (not that I’m counting).
DJ, I loved your Friday Rally diary, it’s good to keep a follow-up on these activities so they grow as time (and Bush-freedom) marches on.
I think Bud would fit in nicely with us in Portland 🙂
During the Glamarchy Now hour. Should be tons of fun. Will be me and hopfully two other CodePink ladies discussing … CodePink.
Yay, DJ! You are becoming a real voice for peace.
Thanks Second 🙂
I think this one will be more loose. They wanted us on to discuss our “energy” 🙂 We couldn’t last time they requested March 20th due to the rally and having Eman here.
Things are getting busy. That’s for sure.
I can’t wait to hear you talk about your “energy.” If you ever figure out a way to bottle it I’ll be first in line to buy a case.
That’s so cool!
I think Indy would like this show.
GlamArchy Now!
Queer Love, Queer Anarchy. The revolution will be fabulous and remember that everyone looks better in black.
Underground poetry, music, and F*R*E*E*S*T*Y*L*E
* NEW –
* Show from 03-27-2006 – Coolindependant Hawaiin based music, HIV, HEP, Transbashing, queer republicans, republicans democrats dipshit bullshit Tpohers out but Collin guest hosts.
* Show from 03-20-2006 – The French Show: Ooh Laa Laa, Pinky and Topher compare and contrast the riots in France with the “protests” here. We also have a call-in from the PLDN about a sit-in at Ron Wyden’s office. Also the anti-gay school opening in Portland as well as abortion rights.
* Show from 02-27-2006 -The Pissed Off Show-Heterosexism, homophobia and some fucking punk band that makes us furious. We also rage on the PPD and the destruction of gardens in our community. Lots of guests and fun (but pissed off) music!
* Show from 02-20-2006 – The Bullshitting Show. We talk about heterosexism and many other fine topics with awesome music
* Show from 02-06-2006 – The Virgin Show. GlamArchy’s debut! Porn, the internet and some good indy queer music!
As you know by now, Eman’s visit to Portland shifted my entire being. How could it not..
Anyways her story is finally out. Her photo is even up on the national CP site
Third photo down is Eman! The link then goes to her opposition of Bush and Operation Swarmer. Incredible read!
This link goes to me and Katies write up of meeting Eman – CP linked directly to my Kos diary
Oops this Eman’s words is the link to Eman’s writing.
Sadly there are pink haters writing to her now. Idiots.
Whoo hoo…don’t have to meet w/ acct. until tomorrow…more time to slack.
Playing with Photostitch
sunset from the other night
Got rid of the seams…now if I can just master the color blending…tips welcome
Beautiful and familiar looking. Are you on the Front Range?
Boulder…the tallest peak……is the Flatirons. Here’s a current view from CU WebCam
That’s a magnificent picture. I’ve never had luck with stitching programs. Wish I could help.
I love the colour of the clouds vs sky. You’d have to get Andi over here to discuss blending — she’s the panorama queen. 🙂
Seams are a bitch. My camera locks the exposure so I usually don’t have too many problems with this but I do sometimes when I take too long to line up my shots and the light changes. Anyway, the two tools (in a graphics editor, not photostitch) you can try to fix this is are clone and smudge but it’s a pain to do and you need to do at it pretty minute level. You could also try to adjust the exposure on the shut to make it match. Mostly, I just give up.
Getting your work done? I read you had a blustery walk.
I’m feeling moderately accomplished, especially since I got what the result I was hoping on an issue after four conference calls over two days and some code that was driving me crazy turned out not to be my problem at all but a bug in core product which got patched.
How was your day?
My day is still ongoing. ::sigh:: I’m very tired, must be the lost hour. 🙂
Think of your back yard full of flowers and you snapping beautiful pictures.
That’ll get you through the last hour.
I’ll also think of your yellow rose. 🙂
Wanted to be sure to get the subject line down. 🙂
I’m not sure I should have revealed that particular neuroses. 😉
it’s a great diversionary tactic. That way we all home in on it and ignore more interesting ones like the fact that you find haircuts distressing.
Family Man had a bad incident w/ his barber. 🙂
No I’ve just not found one I like.
I think yours was bordering on, lets say, terror.
and we’ll all the neuroses and typos in this one.
How perfect is it that I left out “leave”
Neuroses? I thought it was because of glasses.
What glasses?
Making a joke that didn’t work. 😛
Daylight Savings is a real nutbuster in this household.
My son totally rants against it. I’ll be dealing with DLS syndrome for at least a month…
he should get a job in Hawaii — no DST. 😉
But a burger costs 12 bucks.
They don’t subscribe either.
So is mine but I count my accomplishments as they occur. That way I get to enjoy them before some else comes along and screws up my day.
That’s a good way to approach the matter.
I was hoping for an easy solution…time to go back to the manual and see if it offers any help…
I like the…just give up…though, fits nicely into my increasingly slackeresque attitude…:{)
If it’s a nice enough image (like the one above) I find that I stop seeing the seam.
BTW, That was supposed to read “change the exposure of the shot”, not shut.
and a meeting, see yawl later.
Looks like margins are busted and I’m going to take a nap.
See ya.
so that must mean you only get a short nap.
Time for beer!