Monday at the Froggy Bottom Cafe
Fully caffeinated host on duty today!
Newcomers welcome, please introduce yourselves.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
The thunder is getting closer and it’s getting pretty dark. Hopefully we’ll get some good rain but no damage here.
Glad everyone made it through the storms last night.
Hugs to {{{Brenda!}}}
Morning SN. Hope you get rain, but be careful.
We had some thunder and lightning overnight, but no rain or wind at all. Suddenly about 10 minutes ago it got very dark, so we’ll see what comes.
You stayed up awfully late for an old man!
Got to show the young whipper snappers what an old man can do every now and then.
Hopefully that doesn’t mean that you’re going to retire for the night about 7 PM tonight. I’m counting on you to keep happy hour going, since I’m a non-drinker.
I’ll try to get in enough naps today.
You never know, I still might have some steam.
But you stayed up later on the day you didn’t take any naps.
That’s true. I’ve noticed on those days I nap I continue to feel sluggish for the rest of the day. Energy begets energy and all that.
If you think about the thunder and lightning as the “Wrath of God” for bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq and for bush’s raping the earth for his oil and logging buddies it makes it all seem so much nicer as you watch and listen to it…
I enjoy it all the time but that would make it extra special.
And if you don’t believe in God than you can just hope that some of that lightning tags bush and cheney’s sorry asses! lol
First wave is up and I’ve got to start breakfast.
See ya.
Well – I finally came down from the energy high of the weekend and made it to work this morning. We’ll see how much I can get done while thinking about the great friends from the Trib.
My ceramic frog from Aloha is sitting on my desk…so everytime I see it I’ll think of the meet-up.
Well…meeting early…and I’m not ready!
More later.
It must be more than the usual Monday letdown for you today. It looks like you all had a great time!
Mostly going from sunshine to another week or two of rain….
I think my email and telephone are going to be busier than ever after this weekend. The feeling was indescribably…
As Cali said in comments (Kermit quote?) there isn’t yet a word for long time friends that have just met. There was no awkward getting to know each other…we just knew each other immediately!
Off to my meeting…
What a cutie! Great pic.
Too cute, damn it all! I warned you SallyCat. You better get out the puppy pictures!
I was wondering what time I was supposed to arrive for dinner at Leezy’s last night!! Sigh…..
Back at work here too though only a half day. I am picking Alex up from school at 1:00 and heading to Petco Park! We are so freaking excited! This is Christmas Day 2 at our house :-> Praying that the rain continues to stay AWAY dammit!
I forgot to bring my Froggy here!! Oh yeah, check it out – #138! – definately pre”influx”. Told ya I was a serial lurker.
to rip myself away from the ocean and return to the desert. Have fun at the game!
Puppy pic for you up in the new cafe….
Definitely making the trip to Tucson next year…totally there!
I’m just passing through. I’m at laura’s office playing on the internets and just got the tracking data for the new laptop. It should be here today, so I’ve got to go wait for it so I can get back to being writer. Hope all is well with everyone.
That sounds exciting — I hope it arrives today!
Are you like me and playing in the cafe while ignoring work or are you off today?
I ignore work and play in the cafe.
How are you feeling after your big night last night?
I was up and ready to go at 4:30 am. I’m hold up pretty good so far, and I haven’t even had a nap yet.
I saw you scurried off to bed shortly after men.
That should have been shortly after me.
Classic Freudian slip.
If so, I wonder what it means. š
I’m going to have to think on that for awhile, the meaning is so hidden.
I agree. Something that weighty and deep in thought should be considered on a…….. nap.
That’s not very nice FM! š
A mere slight of the finger M’lady.
But to give you joy is my only recourse.
An old rose which will always new.
You are turning on that charm now. You can be so nice when you want to be.
I’m nice all the time.
Yellow roses are always appreciated. The make up for a multitude of sins.
Funny, the only thing I think I’ve ever done wrong is a misplaced keystroke.
But I love to give yellow roses. So I’m going to have to start committing a lot of sins.
That is really, really lovely! Did you take this photo? Can we see it larger?!
Yes I took it last year. I don’t know how to link to a larger view. I put this in the cafe at 300 instead of 400.
Am I forgiven for the slip of the finger. š
…what the wink-y face at the end means?
It means I am sorry and please, please, please Olivia forgive me.
Said with pleading voice and chin quivering.
Awww Just look at that! You gotta forgive now…chin is quivering and everything!
Ya think she bought it?
I see I should have refreshed the comments before I gave my forgiveness. š
Can’t resist that. Plus the flower photo. Okay, you’re forgiven FM.
Gorgeous rose! Looks like a mandala.
Hi MM. I don’t know what kind it is.
My sister-in-law plants stuff around the house all the time and that’s one of many plants whose name I have no idea of.
The former… š
I’m working hard at doing very little, slowly.
Sorry to be so long in answering but I was doing some work at work. What a nuisance.
It seems like some days you get to visit in the cafe and other we don’t see you at all. Do you some work that let’s you stop by and visit and other kinds that don’t?
You’re sounding southern now, Andi. As in “now you get on and do you some work, you hear?”
She sounded normal to me.
Yup, hang around FM and you stop to develop regionally-based word-dropping.
my brain is definitely freaky this morning.
That’s “start to develop”
Andi’s way too brash to be a propah southern woman, bless her heart.
Give me time and she’ll be curtseying and wearing hoop dresses.
Ya sure. š
And how’s my favorite person with a highly evolved work ethic doing today? Working assiduously away through that checklist of things to get done?
highly evolved work ethic
::looks around behind me:: Oh you mean me.
I’m just waking up, trying not to think of my chore list yet. It’ll be time to hit the bricks soon enough.
How’d y’all fare through that weather last night? Roomie said it was pretty intense. She called me around 10 my time and I had to relay the plot of Gray’s Anatomy for her ’cause they lost TV where she was.
Some days I’m in meetings all day or dealing w/ writing deadlines or doing data analysis, things that don’t mix well with multi-tasking or diversions, and those days I can’t stop by. Other days are slower-paced, and I’m usually doing work online — like lit searching etc., and I can pop in and out, like today.
Mine visiting works best when I’m writing analysis or proposals because I find that breaks actually improve my thinking.
When I’m coding I mostly comment while running code.
Best thing of all are conference calls.
Or then there are momenets like right now when I’m in an avoidance mode but that has to be short-lived (or I think they won’t want to pay me).
I find that breaks improve my thinking, too! The more breaks I take, the better I think. When I stay home and don’t go to work at all, I become an absolute genius!
so I’m a genious all the time.
except when I don’t spellcheck.
How ironic. š
Creative spelling is a sure sign of geniousity, not to worry!
Not to nitpick, but I’m pretty sure it’s geniosityness.
Know it all!
It is exciting, but even more, it’s a huge relief. Ever since my old laptop went boat anchor on me last week, I’ve found just how little I can get done without a computer.
My laptop broke while I was writing my thesis. It was not a good time. So I can definitely empathize.
I had a laptop for about 3 weeks and then my kitten spilled a glass of water on it and it’s kaput.
Back to the desktop for me.
Good thing Smooch is so cute and loving.
Is that kind of thing covered by homeowners insurance?
What a sore subject that is.
When my husband still owned the house his ex-wife was living in she made 2 small claims on the HO insurance. One was when their daughter’s laptop “got stolen” from the apartment she was living in with her boyfriend. The other was when a branch ripped off part of the gutter. Both paid out less than $500.
When we bought our house we couldn’t get homeowner’s insurance because of those two claims. They call that excessive claims.
And we since found out (I suspected immediately) that lovely step-daughter sold the laptop for drug money.
Crap. Two claims and you can’t get any insurance — not even if you pay their robber baron rates?
Insurance companies are so damn whiny. You can pay ’em a fortune for 20 years, then file a single claim and watch them freak the hell out like it’s going to cause mass panic and bankruptcy for every employee they have. They’re like the “persecuted Christian” set of the corporate world, and have virtually no grip on reality.
It’s an absolute racket. There ought to be a law! I mean, seriously, what a bunch of criminals. Talk about organized crime. Our whole corporate economy has become organized crime. The mafia is benign in comparison since at least it doesn’t pretend to be legit.
An attorney I used to work for in Florida more or less shared your opinion of them, and he used to amuse me to no end by making a hobby out of figuring out how to “beat” the insurance companies.
For example, in Florida, like in most states, there’s a requirement to have auto insurance that winds up being tied to your license and you can have your license suspended for non-compliance, etc. But my boss read through the law and found a loophole where he could set aside a certain amount of cash in a dedicated account and thereby get out of the insurance requirement, so that’s what he did. Saved his family a ton of money, especially considering both he and his wife had a sportscar fetish.
I’ve always thought there should be a law that says if you pay into insurance and it’s cancelled, then they should have to pay you back a hefty percentage of what you paid in.
They can’t operate unless people pay in and don’t file claims. In the same respect, if a persons claims have been under 50% of what they have paid in, the insurance company should be required to pay back at least 50%.
That would stop a lot of the 1 or 2 claims cancellations.
Question — do you guys read the subject titles? I always write in them, and then they go on and on and on b/c no one else changes them. Maybe I shouldn’t do that — should we let the Re: stand?
Of the threads here — we got Re: I had that happen once…., Re: Good morning….., Re: Are you starting rumours about me….., Another Re: Good morning….., Re: Hello FM!……, Re: You’re Forgiven.., Re; That darn work!….. YIKES I’m getting a complex here!
Feel better now?
I’m not sure mm, but you’ve got me lol. So that’s positive! š
Laziness. The funniest was when we had a long thread all titled For you Family Man and it started out with a picture of keilbasa and sauerkraut and went on to talk about toilets and butt washers. All dedicated to FAmily Man.
I change the subject line all the time — especially to answer you and apparently you’ve never noticed. š
I do notice that you do and so does dada (but he leaves the Re:). Today, I just realized that almost everything I said was being repeated down the subject headings and I started to get a “complex” (thanks mm!) š
It’s basically laziness on my part. God knows I wouldn’t accuse anyone else here of that.
It’s postmodern.
I always scan them because sometimes people incorporate them into their posts, but I’m guilty of rarely changing them.
I used to be on a couple of lists that discussed Myers-Briggs personality typing (sorry I don’t have a good link handy but if anyone’s curious google will be easy), and fwiw, on any INFP list a subject line could go on for a month without being changed. No one cared. But on any list where there were XXXJs involved, that subject line got changed every time there was a new post, lol. I’d guess we have a lot of INFPs here.
Personally, I’d like to see the whole insurance industry go the way of the dinosaur and be replaced by a decent social safety net that everyone could be secured with just by being a citizen.
Morning, all! Here I am back at work, and farting around in the frog pond as usual. I better get busy and get some work done! Only 9 more days after today!
MM, you need to adjust your short timer attitude…ergo: never do today what you can put off ’till tomorrow.
I know. Think eternity.
And then we can have a big celebration at the end. š
Pizza and beer!
But with all the cool stuff going on in SoCal I know we’ll get together down there….
Be safe and be well with the move!
Back up and running at speed this AM.
Good to see everybody weathered the storms last night, brings back memories of growing up in Tornado Alley…got so jaded that we just ignored the warnings and slept thru the sirens.
Always lived between forks of a river tho…:{)
That’s good to hear/read.
Morning dada. Glad to hear you’re back to speed.
I didn’t catch any news this weekend since I didn’t go online.
Seeing the storm damage and did all the bootribbers and their loved ones do okay???
Crossing my fingers, eyes and knees.
Morning Janet. I think everone has gotten through it so far.
Thanks Family Man! Whew. I couldn’t get that damn photo of your goat out of my mind this weekend š
I know with a song it’s called earwig (sp). I wonder what it would be called for a goat. š
My flowers are overjoyed at the rain. I can hear their small cries of ecstasy from inside the kitchen.
Carolina Jasmine
That’s a really great picture SN.
Thanks. I have to figure out how to keep the flash from going off. Guess I have to read the manual š
Love the rain drops! Makes me thirsty!
And the colour!
I love how you furrin people spell colour. So much fancier!
I believe that’s “fauncier”, eh.
As in, I like how you’ve centred the subject in your picture.
second wave is awake, more breakfast.
See ya in the next cafe.
Between doing work and the number of comments and dial-up refresh rates, I’m doomed.
Great pics FM, SN, and MM.
Feh on the insurance industry.
I vote for forgiveness for FM.
Changing subject lines is a Good Thing.
I think I’ll go see how the dogs like taking a walk in 30 mph winds with gusts up 50 mph.
New Cafe open here.