Froggy Bottom Lounge
Good humor always on tap!
Be kind and buy your neighbor a drink!
Please be considerate and use the ashtrays provided.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Who’s buying?
a round of aqavit for everyone!
Let’s just put it on BooMan’s tab.
Where is everybody? I think they forgot to get on the bus for the next part of the pub crawl.
I’m here…just working on my set list.
Whew. I had to get out of the last lounge before Olivia put my head in the mud.
Not that I was scared or anything. Nope not scared, not at all.
If anybody needs me I’ll be hiding..uh working in the back.
Hockey season is over for Olivia. She’ll need to channel that aggression into other areas. You MAY be one of those areas.
The NHL is still rolling along, so FM is safe. 😉
Can I emerge from the kitchen now?
Only if you bring back beer.
Well in the case drink are on me.
What’s your favorite hard liquor, beer or wine. I’ll get it.
Jello shooters, did someone say jello shooters.
Got anything in the whiskey family?
Whatever you want. Here at the cafe we have it all.
I’ll have a Jamieson’s straight up
I knew I liked you for a reason.
If there’s any of the Jameson 12-year hanging around, I’ll join you.
I wasn’t sure a dive like this would have the 12 year. But if FM can find it back there, I want that too.
I think George can handle carring two drinks.
Yes Mam Miss Mary.
Would you prefer to have George deliver that.
Only if he delivers it intact and doesn’t drink it.
I guess I’ll go ahead and deliver it.
deadheading plants ought to be a good replacement for high sticking.
… that the garden may induce aggression, at this point it seems overwhelming.
And speaking of mud fights, I had a couple of furry creatures trying to assert territorial dominance out there: a black squirrel and a bunny. The bunny chased the squirrel out of the yard!
GOOD for the bunny!
I took this pic of him through the kitchen window tonight. He kicked the squirrel’s ass. 🙂
Don’t mess with the bunny.
ACK don’t ever say that again!! About gave me a heart attack!! LOL ((((Mary)))))
her little hockey season — she came in and said it was over the other day.
Watching the Phallus Scars beating the shit out of my Sharks.
But, can you say that in french?
I can say it French and Español altogether
Los Tiburones Merde!
Sorry that I didn’t make it clearer before about the league.
I love hockey. And I go to all kinds of games, and play for fun myself. Here’s an explanation:
Ontario Hockey League — Playoffs have started — our team — the Ottawa 67s — lost Sunday, and are out in the first round. 🙁
National Hockey League — Now tonight, the Ottawa Senators are currently playing against the Atlanta Thrashers. (They’re up 4-2.) Playoffs have not started yet for the NHL.
Sorry about your local dudes.
But for a second there… I thought I must’ve been really sick this weekend to have missed something truly awful happening to the Seantors LOL
Anyone want to play quarters???

Been a really long day and still not caught up…and office politics are on a role (or is that a rampage!). Oh well…another 45 minutes or so of work…
Phones have been erratic today – a good thing – I don’t know if anyone called! Email worked…unfortunately…
Happy hour where art thou?
Where are they? Don’t think you can get out of this so easy!!!!
OMFG!!!! I am speechless.
If anyone wants to check out this page to see the goodie it contains . . . well, be my guest.
Leave me any feedback you have here. I’ll read it after I get home.
Click here to go to Omir’s Robo-Rater Page
Robo-Rater (I still like Fournicator best) seems to work in Firefox — will check Safari later on…
Well done, good and faithful servant… 🙂
Cannot get it to work on Safari — will not allow me to add the bookmark through right-clicking on the link.
It worked! YAY! For feedback purposes, I’m using Firefox on a WinXP machine. Thanks, Omir, that’s really cool.
Indy what am I missing? I click on it, but nothing.
I’m using the samething you are.
On the page where you bookmarked the link, Omir said there might be refresh issues, and I had them. Once I went to the front page and then back into the Cafe, I could see that the ratings had taken.
OK I’ll see what I can do. Thanks.
I ran it. Went to the main page and then came back and none of the ratings had changed. So it may not just be you. I’m going to give it another after I build up some more unrated messages.
It worked, IT WORKED.
Omir a temple is being built in your honor and incense burned.
It almost feels fourgasmic.
I remember that feeling…sigh.
I’m going to try it again and see if there is such a thing as multiple fourgasims.
I believe that’s reserved for the more fortunate females among us.
Jaysus that was great.
I need a cig or to go to sleep. 😉
Another cig or two is all it’s gonna take to make you go to sleep for a loooooooooooooong time.
Sorry, end of anti-smoking PSA.
Yes Mam.
I knew that was coming.
I figured I’d take over for your ex-wife. Or your mother. Unless both of them smoke too and then I’m just doing it because I can’t stop myself. 🙂
Ex-yes, Mom-no.
You can nag me anytime SN.
Unlike the ex, all I’ve got to do with you is hit the off switch. 😛
That was meant in the most loving of ways.
Off switches come in very handy. It saves you from having to run out of the house, jump into the car and drive to the nearest tavern.
Sort of lost me on that one, but OK.
Well I hate to do it, but I’ve got to go to sleep.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I’ve got to drive 2 1/2 hours to get there. So I’ve got to get up early.
Good night!
(ps. I win!)
A likely excuse.
See you tomorrow.
That’s awesome Omir!
Like most everyone else here, I’m on Firefox on WinXP.
Also, in your notes it says that the page doesn’t update correctly…to be more specific, the page updates, but the controls don’t. So ratings will show up in the little (4.00 / 10) box, but in the combo box below the comment it will show as if you haven’t rated it (it will still say “None”).
Geeky progressives are hot.
No Firefox here, unfortunately. I’m running something called Gerbil-Wheel.
osx2.8 safari 1.0.3…error msg: won’t work unless you’re in BT diary…can move page to desktop with cursor, can’t get to bookmarks folder.
Definitely non-geek here…
Make sure that when you’re in the diary you want to give all 4’s to (like, this one for example) that you just came in (e.g. that you didn’t already hit the rec button, or any of the ratings buttons since you’ve been in).
It may just not work in Safari, but I saw the same thing that you did in Firefox if the whole URL of the diary isn’t up in the address bar (which happens in the abovementioned scenarios).
doesn’t work tho…when I try to move it in/access it it just opens OMIR’s page…perhaps another beer is in order.
That’s so awesome! It took 2 tries…but it works!!! And yes firefox winxp here as well.
thanks omir!
Do you know what you did different between when it didn’t work and when it did?
Andi, do you think it has to do w/ the way the threads show — the dynamic threaded vs nested settings?
me in the Dynamic Minimal setting.
OMIR, WOW! THANKS! [bowing to the master]
That’s good to know! You use Firefox too, right?
forgot to mention that: firefox/xp combo here.
I don’t switch to dynamic until 105 comments. So right now my threads are nested.
I suppose it could also be connected to the extensions I have loaded.
Did it work for you?
Did you try it in another diary? It works for me everywhere but here in the cafe. Don’t know why.
I tried it in DJ’s diary and it didn’t work there either.
It’s probably the Cosmic Muffin’s way of telling me I haven’t been a good girl.
I haven’t got it working yet.
I thought about that but Indy said it worked for her and I’m pretty sure she has dial-up.
Andi I just got it to work in Fairly Obvious’ new diary. I can’t get it to work here in the Cafe though.
same with me. (but I’m on DSL)
I was going to wait for the next cafe and try it.
Not in the cafe or in another diary. I’m running win2k so maybe that has something to do with it.
Guess I’ll just be stuck with hand-rating. Ah well, think of all the sympathy I can wring out of that and dial-up.
I did it and then hothing happened…I clicked on the froggie in the corner, came back to check and still nothing. So I did it again rinse and repeat and it worked…sorry not geeky enough to understand why though. 🙁
so I was helping a friend move some stuff from his outbuildings to higher ground this afternoon. Lots of fresh air, sunshine, and “exercise.”
Just to the right of the woodpile, he’s got a sandbag on the bench we usualy sit on next to the bonfire pit, which is under water.
sandbagging (sigh)
You’ve had a recent tetanus shot haven’t you?
no sandbagging at this location, no basement! So that’s good, but many others around town are sandbagging.
tetnas, hmm, I wonder!
recommended for all sandbaggers and those fighting rising waters.
Being a river city girl myself …
I usually only get one when I do something stupid, like stick a screwdriver in my in my head about an inch or so below my eye, whilst trying to break into a locked pickup via the little triagle window.
NOW, I have multiple sets of keys for all vehicles…
Yes, good point, I know tetanus shots are essential!!
It’s just the memory is missing of when the last one was.
Wish I could help you help your neighbors my friend.
And… if you can’t remember the last tetnus shot…. then you need one 🙂 Most adults are in need of one actually.
I think I’ll have a shot of… oh wait – can’t do that till I get home from the radio. Blasted!
Do you have the Republican Congress near the “Red River” because they have been “sand baggin” America for the last 8 years.
Wow .. ..
In this case, I hope for a recession.
More of Fisherman’s Wharf. I’m on my second glass of Chardonnay. Bottoms up!
Drink the whole darn bottle. Then go squat over Mr. X’s coffee.
Good tip, thanks SN! I have my strategery now.
I’m dropping out for a bit. Need to shower and stuff. Get my pink on. Then make some dinner for the kidlings to eat when I leave. Personal Pizzas MamaStyle 🙂
Probably won’t eat tonight. So it’ll be biscotti and Americano… if lucky. LOL
OMIR, what you’re doing is extra extra special because I can’t seem to hear the live stream from the site. ACK!!! So I’m looking forward to a copy. Pretty in Pink, Please 🙂
Here goes nothing. Except the FBI could bust through the radio station doors and haul us out as combatants :O
Goodnight – Sharks are really sucking…
Godspeed, DJ. Have fun! Hope to hear you soon.
Thanks Luscious Protector and Provider of the Black Pooties 🙂
I’ll need it to get back home before the Max stops running.
They should keep that running for show goers and drunks. Damnit. … and protestors
Janet, in honor of you (and bood’s diary) I have put on my PINK Energizer Bunny slippers.
Ha!! Too bunny er… funny
I had some really cute orangutang slippers. They were horrible to wear because
yeah, i only wear these if I’m sitting down. But they make me laugh.
Ahhh footwear for Book-Readin’ 🙂
I finished Kansas’ book “bum steer” – WOW!! I really liked it. 🙂 I’m hooked now LOL
Tres chic, maryb.
Personally, I’d love something warm for my feet that doesn’t move on its own.
That’s what comes from having cats instead of dogs. Once Hopeful is asleep, a marine band marching across his head wouldn’t budge him. The perfect foot warmer.
Frankly, on a funky night like tonight that sounds absolutely luscious.
Our day will come, I think. I may like to have a pup when I’m living sans phone on a mountainside. The cats are fine watch-critters — they’ll let me know of the landlord’s approach at 50 yards — but hardly intimidating.
I have two 70-80 lb dogs (and one 30 lb) and they’re fine for intimidation from a distance — they’ll keep people from getting out of their cars but if someone gets close it takes them about 30 seconds to figure out that none of them are going to do anything. OTOH, no one has ever made a threatening move toward me when they are around.
Batteries included by any chance? LOL
No, that is a significant design defect. I must provide all the energy.
Batteries just wear out, anyway. Get the kind you can plug in.
oookaaaay, but wouldn’t I trip over the cord?
No you are supposed to unplug them before you walk around duh!
nevermind (she says softly)
hey easy mistake.
I like plug-in batteries, myself. I’ve been using the same set of 4 AAs in my digital camera for almost four years!
You are so organized! Awesome.
We have about 30 new members today.
Awesome…we’ll try not to drive them away.
I think all the ones that were visiting with us in here have already passed out. They’re going to have to work on that whole alcohol tolerance thing.
I’m around. Had to leave for a while, but I’m back for a nightcap. Or two.
ej it looks like you are going to have some competition …
Excellent! That’s the great thing about the cafe, there’s always a drink to be had.
Bottoms up!
Does that mean we get bonuses?
what’d you have in mind?
I’ll leave it up to you. We’ll see how creative you are.
Front paging this picture would be a start.
glad that I decided not to re-create that masterpiece, replicas are never received well anyways 😀
your picture would be entirely since you claim that you don’t wear underwear.
I meant to say — the thought must have overwhelmed me …
already been the topic of the cafe far too many times, MarmotDude is jealous since Andi forces him to wear the rubberpants on occasion.
Your nuts are hereby summoned to the all night lounge.
That’s great news, BooMan!
We’d best have extra extra coffee brewed at the cafe’ now.
Tom DeLay is NOT running for reelection! It’s on Scarborough
So then why in the hell did he run to begin with? Something new developing perhaps?
Just saw that Tom DeLay won’t seek reelection.
didn’t he win the primary? Who will replace him on the R ticket?
allnight lounge open.