Just want to say HI. I’ll be looking around here – the format is similar yet still different enough to cause tripidation…
so what about that president anyway? It will be a damn shame if he is allowed to finish his term – impeachment is our only justice.
And then what ~ Cheney? What a choice!
And welcome! Stop into the Froggy Bottom Lounge and have a drink on the house.
It suddenly occured to me that they plan to run Cheney (and his mechanical heart) in 2008.
Short of chowing down on white Christian babies on live TV, the only way Bush will be impeached will be if Dems control Congress. In that context, even if Cheney were to somehow escape being impeached himself, he would be so politically damaged as to be the lamest-duck President in the history of the US.
He’s as unpopular as hell now. In a post-Bush world, he’d be such an albatross for Repubs that if he didn’t resign, they’d be tempted to arrange a “hunting accident”.
(I can see it now, a bunch of high-level Repub donors surrounding him with shotguns, in an updated version of Casar’s death scene.)
Hey. I’m new too, also from Dkos. Booman’s little expedition was fruitful, it seems. So far I’ve heard that the Recent Comments and News Bucket are fantastic. The News Bucket does indeed look great. Recent Comments made me a little dizzy, but that might be because there was Beer on the House for Newbies at Happy Hour in the Froggy Bottom Lounge. -hic-
Well, you two are just lucky we didn’t force you to play the “tell us about you game.” It’s voluntary, of course.
Gee, you guys made me do the “tell us about yourself” game! And I loved it … hehehe. And still loving it.
oh dear, I’ll have to check out those places, I’m a little lost (looking at map) well I’ll just see where I end up.
yeah – I wonder how many newbies they get today from the Kos diary!
It’s ‘we’ now
Welcome to the pond!
Did somone tell “Fairly Obvious” that people come to the pond and sometimes they don’t leave..
We even provide Pootie Pics…usually in the cafe or lounge…
Welcome to the pond!
well, while we are at it, I just signed up “officially” even though I’ve been here many a time before.
although I gotta see what the flavor is like for posts before jumping in on the whole “cross posting” thing…..
lots of familiar names though.
Good to see you here! Saw your post over at dKos.
Are we allowed to say “slam bam thank you clam” over here?
of course – but only if I deserve the thank you….
Hope you like it here, too, and find some incredible people who will enhance your days and help you get through these tough times.
Welcome Fairly Obvious. No need for tripidation. Take your time and drop by the cafe for a beer.
Maybe it’s more like “Antici…SAY IT… pation”
Welcome to BT Fairly Obvious.
I like their name.
Kinda makes me wanna reinnicknate so I can be “Fairy Oblivious”
Pootie pic earlier for another newbie and you get the Puppy pic….
Welcome to the pond…find a pad and make yourself comfy!
Sly, SallyCat! Sly.
Welcome! Your BooMan fruit basket (BooFruits) is on its way to you. Enjoy.
Welcome from me too. HOpe goes well for you all here in the pond…sit a while and find a lilypad to sit on and enjoy. Would love to hear what you would ribbit on.
By the way, found this for the diary about Helen Thomas but was long gone..so here it is..enjoy
Helen and her flowers
Looks like we will be needing one of your Welcome Wagon Diaries. Welcome to the newbies. Sit awhile but don’t be shy. Cafe is open 24/7. The pace is calm and the writing is great. All issues and opinions are welcome. So glad you decided to stop in. Enjoy!
What? …..Hello?….is this on? can you…test, testing…
OMG! does it always smell like this?
Wheres the light switch ah oh OK ahemm
yeah, it always smells like pondwater.
hey buhdydharma, nice to see you here. I just signed up too.
Another new one here. Who can resist a pitch like that?
Hi buhdydharma. I just whacked you around a bit on the Mothership. No insult intended, though; you’ve always been good to read.
So we italicize our sigs manually here? Huh.
Hey, is Armando here? I want to yell at Armando.
We are oppressed not only by having to manually italicize sigs, but by a cruel and parsimonious 50 character headline limit.
Console yourself by petting the following cute tapir child.
Oh, now that’s good tapir.
that has to be the most excellent tapir yet. very nice.
Armando has an account, but he doesn’t post here anymore.
I did get a kick out of his bio though.
Lol! I had never seen that bio before. That’s really funny.
Great! Self awareness is a good thing.
dat wuzn’t wackin dat was talkin! Hey Major!
Yo buhdy. Y’all can call me Danby.
What are denizens here called, by the way? Boomers?
nah, that would make it all about me. I think Tribbers is more common. Or maybe, froggies.
Froggies? Is there a magic twanger to be plucked around here somewhere?
So I’ve always assumed that the graphic was derived from Joe Wilson’s statement. True, or is there more arcana I should know?
You’re right on!
From the FAQ:
It’s so much more peaceful here! Ahh, I can breathe again!!
Never liked the name Kossacks or Kossians over there, and don’t like orange much, either!
I was thinking — Boolanders? or Tribbles?
Hi, Fairly Obvious, James 438, Major Danby, buhdydharrma, and clammyc. Welcome to the Green Place. A little frog marching music to welcome them, please. . .
I registered yesterday as a result of the the BooMan’s pitch at DKos as well.
I think the 70% female claim is what won this father of two boys over.
Heh. There’s no shortage of interesting women around these parts…
It is surprising to me how much difference that makes. You can say stuff here and get laughs and pats on the back that would get you awkward silences elsewhere. Casual sexist comments don’t go over really well though!
I’ll see your Tapir and raise you an Emu!
If I don’t give rightwingers who get in my face the finger, I give em the old “Fuck You Emu” glazed over stare.
That is too cute!! Is it kissable?
But “it” is a she. Hard to tell since this morning she ate her pink hair ribbon…. but, yes, she’s kissable.
You might not be afterwards though
Well, she is a real doll! What eyes! She is going to have lots of boyfriends.
You all sure know how to make a newbie feel welcome – love the cute fuzzy animal pics – now I’m gonna go italicize my sig.
IF I could italicize, which I can’t.
oh well
Did you try < i>insert sig line here< /i> ?
Take out the space after each of the < brackets, and you get: insert sig line here
Even lazier; just put an / right before and right after the word/sentence you want in italics.
thank you
um, it didn’t work
I see a sig line in italics.
when I used the other method with the < > it made them all italics – even lines that previously were not – get it?
Woo-hoo, we have italics!
Instead of Italics can I have an Italian soda??
Welcome to the new frogs :o)
This is a big old pond with lots of room. Good to see you here.
I don’t think Bush will be impeached but I do think he’ll have a mental/emotional breakdown of sufficient magnitude to prevent him from finishing out his term.
And since Cheney is basically a creature of darkness who thrives only in shadow, if he were elevated (officially) to the top spot it would reduce his ability to do damage, not enhance it. Monsters like him never do well in the spotlight. IMHO
And welcome to BooTrib.
As opposed to BootRib, which would be a conservative site.