…Paul M. Weyrich, a leading conservative, calls Mr. Frist “the best majority leader in my lifetime.”
But, political analyst Charlie Cook has this to offer:
“The most classic case of the Peter Principle I’ve ever seen in American politics,” Mr. Cook said, in an uncharacteristically brutal assessment. “In a business where eloquence and rhetoric is important, he is a man of no talent whatsoever.”
Of course, Cook is restricting his analysis to Frist’s political talents. Frist is an accomplished surgeon and killer of felines. It’s just that, as a majority leader, he is a bum.
It isn’t just his diagnosis of Terry Schiavo or his being a “subject of a Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry into his sale of HCA stock.” Frist came to power when the administration orchestrated a coup against Trent Lott after Lott made his idiotic comments about Strom Thurmond. And Frist has never shed his image as a man totally beholden to the White House. He has been unable to accomplish anything as Senate leader, unless you’d like to run on this record:
Besides the two Supreme Court confirmations, he gave himself credit for the Medicare prescription drug bill, tort law changes including legal immunity for gun manufacturers and a class-action bill, and transportation and energy legislation.
Frist wants to win the Republican nomination for the Presidency in 2008. He is not running for reelection to the Senate and so he has only 280 days to do something that the electorate might admire. I think Republican strategist Bruce Reed put it best:
“I imagine he’ll take a good hard look at the reality of winning and find another mountain to climb,” he said.
I hope he climbs that mountain with his good buddies Tom DeLay and Rick Santorum. Good riddance.
I see the NYT left out one of my personal favorites of Frist’s pastimes, protecting thimerosal-containing vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits filed by the parents of injured children. LINK
I guess it wouldn’t do to put public health and safety before drug company profits, especially since the sales of such vaccines are mandated by school entry requirements, would it? But at least between this and the Medicare drug benefit scam he’ll have a promising career as a lobbyist for big pharma awaiting him after his failed presidential run.
there is not a hot enough place in hell for him.
In that my grandson was perfectly fine until a second round of vaccinations and subsequently diagnosed as autistic at age 2, Frist’s protection of the pharmaceutical companies and the mercury preservatives has had a huge impact on our family. Autistic rates are dropping, according to M’s case worker, now that many childhood vaccines are being made without the mercury, but it’s still difficult to convince some doctors that it’s really a problem.
as George Pataki. Both extraordinarily unimpressive.
Which means one will probably be the next President.
Speaking of the NYT, whaddya think of their new web design? I think it’s horrible. My first thought this morning was that the guy who thought up “New Coke” found a job on W. 43rd St.
Since he’s so bent on running, I’m hoping the shallowness among some in the voter electorate will save us–because he’s not just ugly, the sorry kitty killer looks like a damned serial killer. He’s just the creepiest-looking damned politician ever.
And that’s saying something.
…the cat, TOTALLY out of the bag…unless you’re Bill Frist, in which case, the cat is totally in the bag, because it’s dead.