Will Rove get indicted?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Will Rove get indicted?
The sooner the better.
Oh! To be a fly on the wall in Fitz’s office these days!
Let’s see, Reagan, and maybe Strom Thurmond, and now Helms all have/had dementia at the end of their lives. You have got to wonder how badly they had dementia while still in office.
Do conservative politicians get dementia at a higher rate than liberal older politicians? Can you think of any older liberal politicians with obvious dementia?
Medical science suggests that using your brain helps prevent dementia! Conservatives just cite the bible, worship the market, and generally stop thinking new thoughts by puberty, so what could be a better example of a poor use of ones brain? HMMMM.
Great Diary over at Kos Booman!! YES, Rove will be indicted and/or sing to get off.
Do you think Rove will be indicted before the 2006 elections or after? Just how much longer will we have to wait?
I want to see the whole Rethug noise machine grind to a halt without its operator. I want an end to those daily talking-point faxes and the arm-twisting phone calls. I am weary of waiting. How long, O Ye Lords of Kharma, how long must we wait for justice?!
I would hope before this November but hey, I am just a hip slick and coll Grandma in California. What do I know? LOL
Yes, sometime this Spring.. unless Rove’s lawyer, Luskin? has a few more bunnies to pull out of his 11th hour tricks.
wouldn’t a few indicts make lovely Easter gifts?
BooMan, your dKos pimpage worked on me.
Hola, everyone.
Howdy! Welcome to the pond!
Wow…we’re up to 3252 now? I’m starting to feel like an old man!
Hi E!
What’s up Methuse…I mean Manee? You appear to be keeping yourself pretty damn busy these days, but it was good to see pictures of you at the SoCal meetup!
avoiding work so hard, didn’t you get the memo? oOpz, I managed to back-burner that task too 🙂
The meetup pix were great, unfortunately the first night’s caught me after the long drive from Tucson. My eyes were carrying more baggage than me (at least I didn’t loose my pants, tho)!
I didn’t get that memo, it must not have had the proper TPS report cover on it.
Funny, I thought you were just high in those pics 🙂
but the munchies were definitely had in abundance!
(don’t tell katiebird)
Welcome Mehitabel9. Glad to see you here.
y Bienvenidos to all 🙂
yes here I am too. With a snarky diary, to boot.
and yes, the shoe Fitz Rove.
Rove tried his usual “Look over here” tricks, by trying to point Fitzy to Cheney’s office. I don’t think it worked. I think Fitzy went after i Libby for the express reason of having him turn on Rove, because Fitzy knew, from the first months, who the traitor was.
All of them are just trying to delay the whole thing past the elections, anyways…then the pardons.
I’d forgotten about pardons, put it right out of my frontal lobe like one would put trash on the back stoop. Once Bush feels he is safely past the elections, depending on their effect on the balance of power in Congress*, he may indeed grant pardons to all his cronies. With a wave of his magic pen, he can remove the threat of prison from Rove and Libby. That will not, however, protect them from a civil suit filed by the Wilsons. Afterall, innocent people don’t need pardons.
*If the Dems gain control, he may not risk throwing gasoline on the fire of smoldering impeachment urges. If, by the grace of Diebold, the Repubs keep power, then Bush will continue to do as he damn well pleases. And we can all be more worried about whether there will even be an election in ’08.
Good point about fueling the impeachment fires, but if that happens, Bush will preempt it all by pardoning everyone, including himself! The argument being National Security, and less witnesses at the hearings.
Anyone else having trouble w/gmail?