Terrorism and the drug war

At my Left Independent blog

I like to think that the biggest untapped issue in drug policy reform is the moral high ground on terrorism and national security.

Congressional Research Service Report for Congress
Illicit Drugs and the Terrorist Threat:

“The international traffic in illicit drugs contributes to terrorist risk through at least five mechanisms: supplying cash, creating chaos and instability, supporting corruption, providing ?cover? and sustaining common infrastructures for illicit activity, and competing for law enforcement and intelligence attention. Of these, cash and chaos are likely to be the two most important.”

Conclusion: “American drug policy is not, and should not be, driven entirely, or even primarily, by the need to reduce the contribution of drug abuse to our vulnerability to terrorist action. There are too many other goals to be served by the drug abuse control effort.”

The United States considers stateless terrorist armies to be accepted collateral damage of the drug war.