For those of you that even bother to tune in to the preznits stupid press conferences just to hear him repeat the same scripted responses to the questions nobody gives a damn about asking it is always refreshing when an “old school” reporter (The kind of reporter that actually asks the hard questions Americans want answers to!) like Helen Thomas push back even if bush completely ignores the actual questions.
After grilling Bush, Helen Thomas gets thousands of flowers
By Albert EiseleThe roses kept coming – and coming – and coming – to the Hearst Newspapers office in downtown Washington on Thursday, until they filled a large conference room to overflowing.
By the time the Federal Express delivery was complete, there were 108 dozen roses, nearly 1,300 in every color. They were the result of an e-mail campaign to show support for Hearst columnist Helen Thomas after she grilled President Bush about his Iraq policy at last week’s White House news conference.
Thomas, the 85-year-old veteran White House journalist whose outspoken criticism of the Bush administration has drawn much hate mail from Bush supporters in recent years, said Friday that she was overwhelmed by the
avalanche of roses.“It sure beats the brickbats,” she said, referring to hundreds of vitriolic e-mails she’s received since last week’s encounter with Bush. “Some of them attack you ad hominem and call you a traitor and ask if you’ve ever been to Iraq,” she said. “I think it’s the frustration of those who are angry with me and take it out in e-mail. I think there should be a logical debate, but maybe that’s not possible during an ongoing
Bouquets and brickbats below…
Dear Helen Thomas,
The only people that think a debate is not possible at this time are the very few bush supporters left that know they have already lost any and all debate on this subject.
You seem to be the only reporter that is willing to do what a reporter is supposed to do. Keep on asking the hard questions and pointing out the stupidity of this administration!
(AKA: Connecticutman1)
As for the rest of you so-called reporters, the clingons and turds, that love to carry water for the GOP:
My apologies if this has already been covered here at the pond… I am SOOOOOO out of the loop these days. lol
for you and Helen π
I should have thought about adding some flowers for the lady that speaks truth to power! Thank you for doing the thinking for me on that one! lol π
over at NBC seems to be developing a spine as well, at least the clips Keith shows on “Countdown”.
And Helen has a book coming out later this year about the spineless media corps — but she admitted that she has been seeing a sensing a change. Should be a good book…
Olberman has no reason to be hide amongst both the left AND the right, since he has a habit of mocking the stupidity that comes out of both sides of the debate from the White House, congress, the media, and the blogosphere. It is only natural that the right carries the brunt of his punishment given that they are the ones that create the dumbest of the dumb “spin” on a more regular basis. (Is there a special fiber you need to eat to keep stupidity so regular that the right eats?)
You have to respect that kind of integrity. And I know that there are a few others that deserve the same sort of support. They are just very few and very far between these days.
It’s also nice to know that Olberman seems to be steadily increasing his viewers and now beats his counterparts on CNN(Larry King) and the odious Nancy Grace(at Headline News)in the ratings…Go Keith!