Great die-off of aquatic life in the gulf would be tragic, but in the long run the reigning in of Texas tea-producers might be beneficial to the planet as a whole. Or maybe I’m projecting.
I am not sure about the spatula? Might have to actually look for the original picture source for that, and that would mean completely disinfecting afterwards… But the fact that jeff/jim/johnny likes Lieberman says it all.
The General’s post links out to Americablog’s original diary on this story, but he (wisely IMHO) does not link to gannon’s original post.
a recommend for the link. Now I can join the glorious christian revolution and be done with this green and orange nonsense. Free at last
Free at last
Nothing like the freedom of living in the bondage of the patriot act… All of the GOP policies make me feel like a second class british citizen of old.
If it weren’t for the enviornmental disaster that would result, I would say it was time to dump a shitload of Texas tea in the ocean.
Great die-off of aquatic life in the gulf would be tragic, but in the long run the reigning in of Texas tea-producers might be beneficial to the planet as a whole. Or maybe I’m projecting.
what’s with the spatula?
I am not sure about the spatula? Might have to actually look for the original picture source for that, and that would mean completely disinfecting afterwards… But the fact that jeff/jim/johnny likes Lieberman says it all.
The General’s post links out to Americablog’s original diary on this story, but he (wisely IMHO) does not link to gannon’s original post.
It certainly is good for a laugh.