On October 15th, 2005, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement made the following announcement:
TAMPA- U .S. Attorney Paul I. Perez and Special Agent-in-Charge Frank Figueroa, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), announced today the arrests of seven individuals for conspiracy to transport individuals for sexual activity. An additional 43 individuals were administratively arrested for being illegal aliens. The arrests were made late Saturday afternoon. Search warrants were executed simultaneously in Orange, Polk and Hillsborough counties. More than $32,000 in cash was seized, as well as jewelry and two luxury vehicles, a 2000 Jaguar and a 2003 Mercedes Benz.
Tens days later, on October 25th, Special Agent-in-Charge Frank Figueroa was arrested in an Orlando shopping mall.
Back on Valentine’s Day the Tampa Tribune reported on the disturbing incident:
When an Orlando mall security officer responded to a complaint about a man exposing himself to a girl in the food court, the suspect hurried out of the mall and ran through the parking lot.
The suspect was Frank Figueroa, then one of Florida’s highest-ranking federal law enforcement officers and the former head of a national program formed to target child sex predators.
In her statement, the girl said Figueroa pulled up a leg of his shorts, exposed himself and masturbated for about 10 minutes. “I glanced once because he seemed very strange, and I caught a look of his penis,” she said. “I was shocked, so I sat and thought of what I should do.”
Oh, but it gets worse. Tampa Tribune:
Before coming to Tampa, Figueroa headed Operation Predator – created to find and deport non-citizens who committed sex crimes against children.
Back on January 9, 2003, the Department of Homeland Security made the following announcement about Operation Predator:
Operation Predator is a new initiative developed by the Department of Homeland Security’s Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to protect children world-wide. As the President has made clear anyone who harms a child will be a priority target of law enforcement in this Administration. This comprehensive DHS program will identify child predators and remove them from the United States (if subject to deportation). Operation Predator will also work to identify children depicted in child pornography to help rescue them, and to assist in prosecuting the people responsible for making and distributing the pornographic material.
So, the Bush administration had a public masturbator heading up the unit in charge of protecting children from sexual predators. But it gets worse:
Pamela J. Turner, assistant secretary for legislative affairs [for the Department of Homeland Security]…said Figueroa had been arrested “for similar behavior” in Amherst, N.Y., in 1977.
That’s right folks. Figueroa had a record. The DHS claims they didn’t know about it, but those facts are in dispute.
yesterday, reliable sources in the know told us that, in fact, ICE and then-Customs knew all along about Frank Figueroa’s prior sex crime arrest. They say that Figueroa declared the arrest on various federal forms and applications required from federal agents for background checks and security clearance renewal. They say ICE and then-Customs officials knew all along of Frank Figueroa’s record, but promoted him anyway, including to the national directorship of “Operation Predator” and Special Agent in Charge in Tampa.
I’m not all that confident in that source, but take it for what it is. There is something seriously wrong with this administration.
Another fox guards the hen house in bush-world…
There is something seriously wrong with this administration.
You, sir, have a remarkable gift for understatement.
At least there is a certain consistency to the incompetance and baseness of this administraton.
if DHS=Definitely Hiding Sicko’s?
It’s kinda nuts reading this and I keep seeing ‘but it gets worse…’ and it does. Again. And again. And again. Good god.
And if DHS didn’t know, what kind of a shit for brains vetting process do they have? If they did, where is the line actually drawn?
Pretty sure customs is now part of DHS…
Yeah, right!
This is the reaction of a gentleman whose Lipitor was confiscated
WTF is going on–use of taxpayer $’s to subsidize perverts and denying people medical treatment???
(Reprinted from a comment on the diary BREAKING: DHS Agent Arrested On Net/Sex/Porn Charges. Same system, different evidence. It is everywhere. These are the LITTLE demons. Bet on it.)
Please go to the blog Rigorous Intuition and spend an hour or so reading through various articles in the sections listed on the right side of the page named “Deep Politics” + “The Military-Occult Complex, ritual abuse/mind control, and High Weirdness”
You will never view this government the same way again, I promise you.
And the only “surprise” you will experience at these kinds of activities by government officials is that there are not MORE of them coming to light.
These people are rotten right down to their foundations.
We are now ruled by evil.
There is no other way to express this.
Remember Gannon/Guckert?
Tip of the iceberg.
BET on it.
Sex as magic.
Magic as power.
Even if it is not true…THESE people believe it.
You know that old saying about possession being 9/10ths of the law?
Well, belief is 9/10ths of power.
You can bet on THAT, too.
And belief is 9/10ths of possession as well.
Remember…the word “possession” has LOTS of meanings.
Maybe what we REALLY need is an Exorcist Party.
Imagine THAT convention!!!
P.S. The Islamic radicals who are causing the US so much grief?
They are not stupid people, you know.
And they refer to the US as “The Great Satan”.
while I also recommend reading Rigorous Intuition and have had it on the blogroll from Day One, I do not recommend mainlining it or consuming without a full shaker of salt.
Message to AG.
I too was once a salt addict.
But there are simply no other solutions that make any sense whatsoever.
One way or another…evil now lives at the very top of our political food chain.
Call it what you will.
Understand it however you must.
It is real.
And it is attempting to bring the world down. That’s its job.
For thousands of years the wisest among us have battled with this problem.
How to describe “evil”.
But upon ONE thing they are all in agreement.
It exists.
It has been said that Satan’s greatest achievement of all was to convince mankind that he did not exist.
Now I am all for metaphor when dealing with that which is too large to see. Call it Satan, call it the destructive force of the universe, call it Kali, call it whatever the hell you MUST.
Do not make little jokes when someone tries to confront its reality.
And when it rises to power…as it has done REGULARLY in the history of humankind…do not avert your eyes or make disingenuous references to grains of salt and tinfoil hats. That is the Chamberlain gambit.
“Peace in our time.”
With real evil?
Ain’t happeneing.
And REAL evil just grows and grows and grows.
We are still not to the Auschwitz/Blitzkrieg level yet. But the same kinds of people are amassing more and more power. And the fire THIS time is going to be nuclear.
Bet on it.
So we sit and make believe that by compromising with it…by electing “better” Dems who are not REALLY better, only more devious…we are solving things?
“Peace in our time” said Chamberlain.
“He’s not such a bad guy AFTER all.”
NewParty ’08!!!
Better to go down fighting.
Do not go gently into that good night.
And I do not care one WHIT upon which side of the political fence a good man stands.
“I like a man who fights with a grin on his face”. Winston Churchill
Now look at THIS motherfucker.
The very definition of the banality of evil.
And his results?
The evil that arises from the acceptance of banality.
Are the mainstream Dems any LESS banal?
Not on the evidence that I have seen they are not.
Not very damned many of them, anyway.
And not the ones who are really in charge.
Remember the ’04 DemRat Convention?
Those banal fools.
“Lieutenant Kerry reporting for duty.”
I nearly blew a GASKET at THAT one!!!
After his handlers “ARRRGGGH”ed a real candidate right out of contention.
And…again, on the evidence and according to the results…I was right.
NewParty ’08!!!
Too late to fuck around anymore.
Armageddon really IS upon us if we don’t take care of business.
No more gradualism.
It’s quantum leap or die time.
That’s all there really is to say about it..
that’s an awesome post AG.
Point taken. Nevertheless, R.I. should be read with the same jaundiced eye that the Washington Post is read with.
Real reporting of that type is difficult. One reason I live Real History Lisa’s stuff is that she is careful and measured and has an attention for detail and resists making logical leaps. Very few people that spend so much time looking at the underbelly of power are able to stay sane.
In the end, it becomes hard to dicern reality after finding out reality is not what it seemed.
Don’t overdose, AG, or you’ll be the guy by the subway muttering to himself, and it won’t matter what your pH levels are.
No. I will NOT be that guy.
Once again, BooMan…you diminish the import of what I am saying here by bringing up yet another classic negative vision.
Tinfoil hat, muttering subway fools, take it with a grain of salt…
I do not believe that you do this on purpose. But you are quite consistent.
You have been so thoroughly media-ized and brainwashed that you do not even remember when you were not. Nor do you consider the possibility that someone who lives somewhat outside of your habitual frame of reference could be anything BUT a nutter of some sort.
A potential nutter if he is not careful, at best. Believing all of those foolish stories without any appreciable ingestion of salt.
If you met me on the street or saw me on the subway you would not find me remarkable at all.
Just another working class white guy. Maybe an ex-cop or fireman. Construction guy, maybe. Plumber. And if I was not trying to make a number of points to a relatively small audience that shows at least the DESIRE to awaken a little, I would not be making ANY sounds about this.
How’s the weather, how about those Mets and Bob’s your uncle.
You do not have to be crazy to know which way the wind blows.
You simply have to step away from the programming devices with your brains in the air.
The amount of salt needed to actually take ANYTHING seriously that is written or broadcast in the mainstream media would be sufficient to thaw all of Siberia on the longest night of the year.
And the poor sheeple who sit on the subway muttering to themselves …internally, most of them because they were taught to read without moving their lips…while ingesting the poisonous lies of the NY Post, NY News and NY Times are the ones who need a warning.
Not me, ‘bro.
I’m just there.
Watching them sleep.
I’m just here, too.
Trying to be SOME sort of alarm clock.
Thus far…I have been mightily unsuccessful.
So it goes.
But like any good alarm clock…I will keep on going off until you either awaken or throw me out the window.
So it goes.
Good night for now, and that’s the news.
Wake the fuck UP!!!
It’s later than you think.
i am serious too.
you spend too much time reading that shit and you’ll me just as whacked out as the people that take Entertainment Tonight seriously, or who are shocked when the NY Times makes a fake case for an imperial war on its front-page for months, while printing some of the worst disinfo ever in Safire’s op-eds.
But they are a liberal paper? Right?
It goes both ways Arthur. R.I. is a mixed bag of nutters, paranoids, and great depth reporting. You need to take your discerning eye wherever you go.
Discerning eye?
Oh yes
That I do.
Wherever I go.
Promise I’ll read it later Arthur, I just ate.
So this is OK, as long as you’re not a non-citizen?
This man has a record, no one bothers to check. This admin is corrupt, immoral AND consistently fails reading comprehension.
Lord Jesus…
I am reminded of Pier Passolini’s film, Salo, which is a pretty fucking disturbing look into the depravity of fascists.
I do not recommend watching this film, but it covers a lot of ground on the sickness that is the desire for absolute power.
Drown it in a bathtub indeed.
When I first heard the news about DHS Boyle I’ve been kind of numb. Punishment for staying home sick I guess is watching the news when I take a break from sleeping.
This guy on operation predator…no words. Speechless.
Aaaaaaccccckkkkk! runs screaming into the woods….
Now I feel the same way you do!
What the hell was this guy doing before, during and after Katrina hit?
Figueroa is probably a born-again christian, which means that everything pre-findingjesus can’t be held against him. Hell, they probably thought his prior experience in pedophelia was a positive for Operation Predator. This latest “experience” is going to give him enough qualifications to head the FBI by the time he gets out of prison, as long as a fundamentalist is president then. They’re such a forgiving lot as long as you continue to profess your faith while you’re picking their pockets.
ha..yet not really funny is it. I just mentioned something similar on Street Kids diary as to the fact that I’d be willing to bet that these guys(and gals)are the kind of vocal ‘look at me I’m a christian’ fundies who want to distract you with their supposed christian ideals. Forget that their idea of christian ideals is in no way really related to true christian ideals as Jesus preached but the sick fire and brimstone preaching that is truly sick and not at all christian. Actions always speak louder than words.
My basic rule of thumb is anyone who tells you over and over he’s a good christian means you should run like hell from that fucker cause he or she is probably one sick and perverted bastard. Real christians or persons of any faith who live up to their humane ideals don’t go around talking about how ‘christian’ they are.
I honestly think that bushco has made the number one criteria for any hiring in this administration to be first and foremost the fact that they belong to any one of the far out fundie groups and qualifications come second..or rather forget qualifications-being ‘christian’ is enough for them.
Not to sound bitter, but why is it that child predators can get a great government job at DHS and I (with a college degree and no criminal record) can’t even get an interview at Home Depot? Sheesh.
Pennacchio for Pennsylvania–A Real Democrat for Real Change
I feel your pain! I’m told I’m not qualified to do crap I’ve done for years. Then there are the gigs that want a masters and pay maybe $10.00 an hour. This whole system is a scam. Down with the oligarchy, Democracy begins in workplace.
Over at Americablog, John is linking to a third DHS employee caught going after a child.
Also, I think that Florida is key here.
I learned a few months ago, that a well documented pedophilia ring in Eastern Ontario [link], has connections to a motel in Florida which was apparently known as “pedophile strip” [link] and a well-travelled place for higher-ups in business and government.
Boo — I understand what you’ve said above to AG, but it gets to a point where all these things just cannot be coincidences. I don’t know. I think I don’t want to know. And that’s how they get away with it.
Oh, there are definitely pedophilia rings at high levels within the government. No question. There are also gay prostitute rings that service the Pentagon and Congress.
That’s not nuttery.
But, I don’t think that necessarily explains these strange cases at the DHS. It could. But it isn’t necessary to explain it. Guckert, however, did not get his job because he was a good writer.
Oh my God. I’m totally floored right now. At first I thought this was a “good going” article but after reading that second part I am completely shocked. The most shocking thing is I think I have actually talked to this person before. I’ve never met him but in my work I sometimes talk to ICE agents over the phone and his name seems very very familiar to me.
I am utterly gobsmacked. I don’t know if DHS knew about his record for sure but I am certain he had to go through DOJ or DOD security clearances to even get his job in the first place. I don’t see how they could have NOT known. But then again I don’t know what priorities these security checks have. I’ve known people to be turned down for security clearance for bad credit rating or a high debt load so…