Hey, Hi There!
I just couldn’t wait any more…

So let’s get started!
Martinis are in the shaker, chilled and ready to pour.
Snacks are on the bar
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
I know it’s early, but it’s been a long day with snow, electricians, PE posters, light fixture issues, parent-teacher conferences…anyone else?
de-lurking to say hi — I’m not accomplishing much today anyway.
Is she still asleep?
Dunno. I was trying to decide if I should email her but it just seems, I don’t know, kind of rude.
No, it’s a show of concern. I figured she either:
a. is still sleeping
b. totally forgot
c. thinks she told us to cover for her today
d. walked off the job in a huff
e. has had something happen to her.
It would be good to eliminate d and e. π
or instructing?
I’ll e-mail her right now.
My complete lack of social skills means that I know whatever I say it will come across wrong. Whereas, I have seen your rhetorical skills in action and they are extremely impressive.
Yeah, my rhetorical skills are greatly needed to say: “Andi and I are worried about you because you haven’t shown up.”
But I’ve had a lot of practice today being warm and sympathetic. Might as well put it to some more use. Fair warning that later tonight I’m planning on being very un-nice.
I’m planning on being very un-nice.
My favorite state of being. In fact, I like it so much I don’t care if I’m giving or receiving.
the good news today is that if Diebold was paid to ruin our elections yesterday they must have been conspiring with the challengers, since the voters threw out the incumbents who were MUCH better financed. (On the other hand, I LIKED the incumbents, but that’s another story.)
I didn’t know you had an election… was it a special election or a really early primary?
This was just local stuff and primaries, right? So nobody to pay them off — they probably just screwed with it for fun.
Local general election for the city and all county municipalities (hundreds of them).
The new Diebold machines were only debuted in the city and it only had school board races. The other municipalities are waiting for August primaries to use their new machines, I guess.
Lots of incumbent mayors and city council people thrown out though. Lots of voter anger out there at incumbents. Hope it sticks around through November …
They are working on it now but she doesn’t know when she’ll be up and ready to go. So if we don’t mind covering for her … “Of Course we Don’t” I said, since I’m not going to be around after 6:30 π
I’ll take a drink π
Scotch or beer? π
I’ll have to pour and run to lax practice for a bit though…
You’ve had quite the day.
Why limit yourself? You work hard, you’ve earned it.
I’m baaackk….I was hijacked by two hungry CabinBoys who dragged me off to dinner…hmm, what kind of beer…How about one of these?

aaagh…that’s better.
I may even chase it with a shot of whiskey.
you’ll have to come over to the New Lounge for that one…this place is getting crowded.
Its after 5–grumble, grumble, grouch
Where’s the marmotini? (sulk, pout)
Oh, AndiF….where are you?
Just put your feet up and relax.
It’s finally sunny for an hour or so here in Northern CA. I didn’t want to come back to work after lunch.
Oh well…some work, some diary comments, some troll rating at the Orange place…
For Manee and MythMother:
Wanna go out and play??
Whadda ya want? Of course this is the potty box!
into interviews for new hires. Hiss!!!!
Hoooowwwwlll, not hiss.
fluster-ation has instigated a temporary identity crisis.
I’ve spent my afternoon convincing people not to quit.
I’ll take interviewing any day.
the bad news announcement didn’t wait till Friday.
this was totally out of the blue. So the bad news day is still around the corner. (sigh)
Crap. Want to do some ranting? You can come over here and do it — the dogs are really used it and stopped taking it personally years ago.
I want to think about going on vacation.
Plans for September are finally nailed down. Want to see where I’m staying in Italy Do the slideshow.
and I know I’d be spending most of my time in picture number 6.
How many days are you going for? And is this the only place you are going to stay or are you traveling around?
I leave on a Thursday night
spend Friday and part of Saturday in Rome
drive to Umbria on Saturday afternoon.
We stay put all week and do day trips in Umbria and Tuscany. No museums this time. Just hillsides, wineries, small towns and good food.
Fly out of Rome the following Saturday, get part of Saturday in London and fly home Sunday.
That looks wonderful…and I agree with Andi, 6 looks like a great place to hang out.
Sorry your work day (week) has been so harrowing.
Sounds like a wonderful trip. I don’t suppose we could convince you to get a digital camera before you go.
but would I USE it? Probably not.
But never fear, one of the other nine people is a “Jim” (actually, his name IS Jim) and I will have PLENTY of pictures available to me.
and post lots of pictures, I don’t care whose camera does the work.
And wipe those ideas of checking in at the office from your brain — if they need you, they should call you and if they call, you should make sure you never answer the phone and never check for messages.
I prefer to control the process and NOT give them a phone number (although my assistant has ways if there is a true emergency, but she’s VERY reliable at keeping a secret).
I tell them I’ll check voice mail twice but I don’t know when. I then check voice mail at times when I KNOW that no one is available to speak in person. It usually works fine. Since they have no idea when I’ll be getting the message they usually don’t leave them unless it’s a true emergency.
True slackers always have a plan π
Best motto I’ve heard yet!
is to forget the existence of everything except one’s own pleasure. Your plan is the plan of a slacker wannabe but, of course, achieving perfection in an art form does take time.
Very few of us have achieved the apex of slackdom.
have their mortgages foreclosed on.
I do the best I can. π
I don’t think I’d ever get anywhere else once I got there, just hole up and veg out…comes with an Italian Cook too…what a treat.
uh huh!
I think that’s just the place you are entitled to stay after having to put up with the loonies at your work place.
That just looks like so much fun… wish you could blog directly from there… ah, nah, on second thought, take a vacation from <b<ALL</b> of it.
except for a one or two voice mail checks to my office (hopefully only one or two).
I got dragged in is because seven people have quit in the past two weeks (we have a staff of under 50). Chaos has officially ensued.
That sounds dreadful to me too… I echo that howwwwl that cute lil doggie is letting go.
that you folks sure know how to welcome a newbie. Still trying to get a lay of the land, um, pond though…..
Can we offer you a poolside cocktail instead?
Umbrellas are NOT optional…they keep our noses from getting sunburned while drinking!
I’ll take one of each, thank you π
Shishi frufru drinkiepoos sitting around for over 5 minutes… I knocked those suckers back already π
But you can help me stand up if you’d like π
Welcome abourd the Frog Train. Whooooooooooooooot
guess I’ll have to go for the double gin and tonic then.
….with an umbrella, so as to not incur SallyCat’s wrath.
or a burnt nose.
I still say those drinks look like Carmen Miranda should be wearing them on her hat.
But then you are typing to a woman who happens to own a coconut bra.
A female boss gave it to me from her trip to Kaui.
She went to New Orleans and brought me back coffee and a voodoo doll. She was nice but weird and known to go off and snap. Yet was cool. You had to be uber cautious around her and her mood cycles. Was like working for Sybil the Hippie Chick.
Welcome clammy,
Sorry we did not get to talk at the recent Kos NYC meet-up, it was quite a crowd. Of course, I did not even know who you were at that time, except your handle.
But when reading JaneKnowles’ diary, I was able to match the picture of you (appropriately captioned: Drinking Kossack) with your comment.
BTW, I am in the centre of the image just below yours.
I remember you from your booman sticker on the briefcase or bag you had. We only got to talk for a minute or so, and that was (I think) on your way out, as I liked the sticker.
I hear there are more coming over the next few months and hopefully we can talk more then….
The next one, I think, is for advisorjim’s book tour in late May.
Stickers and other stuff – support the site; there is a link to the store up top to the right.
You are referring to my subversive attache:

yup, that’s the one.
caught my eye from the other side of the room.
I get a lot of craning necks at the subway, looks like they are trying to make out what it means (and some have asked).
as long as the people looking aren’t wearing dark suits with sunglasses…..
I don’t feel bad for the person or persons who own a RED Tahoe (those big ones) with the G-d hates “slur” and “slur” and Fish symbol and their chicken yellow magnet and their Bush/Cheny sticker that was double parked at a really PROGRESSIVE store. Someone covered their vehicle with pink war slips… I have NO idea who.
Eman is back in Baghdad and I listened to Democracy NOw… and I’m just so worried. Heartsick.
I’m so pissed off about the DHS crap and sex perverts and child predators in this Regime… while decent folk are being beaten, arrested and terrorized for being Americans and dissenting.
The CodePink meeting was held in a bookstore so I’m sure Ill be hauled off as a terrorist one day…
and CP Portland is having a Mother’s Day Parade and EVENT here π They’re trying to get me an appt with the Senator. I’m going in, baby.
Also one of our Portland Pinks is in NOLA and needs supplies, donations soon for the surivors. We can make sure it gets to where it needs to go. I’ll diary that info probably tomorrow – we’re sending out a care package to the CPer and money and supplies for the relief effort she’s doing.
I’m pissed but… I feel SO FUCKING ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One case of Almond Roca…wrapped in pink ribbons…for the person or persons unknown stickering pink stuff on the SUV.
……Judicial Admonishment:…..behave yourself and you won’t get sick from eating too much at one sitting!
Pink almond roca buckets!!! I’m addicted! I haven’t had those… since Bush was elected for some reason. DOn’t know why…
It was PINK WAR RECEIPT Slips π hehehehehe π Mr. Damnit was with me and was my look out.
I sure am glad I’m on your side DJ! But then you’d never see such ideological plasterage on our vehicle anyway, so guess I’d be safe. As usual, you brought a big smile to my face as I imagined you brazenly covering their SUV with pink slips… too funny!
Give yourself a chance to relax tonight so you can recharge your indignation batteries and face the world again tomorrow…
I’d recommend a good dose of Nighty night on the Oxygen network at 10:00 EDT tonight as a wicked antidote to idiots in parkng lots…. You might even get inspired! Take care, toots!
you keep posting you pictures last at night so I never get to comment on them? Was I bad? Did I forget to use my deodorant? Are the late night folks that much cuter? π
Nah… it’s just that late night is about the only time I can spend a while in the lounge after everything is wrapped up around the house… dinner, dishes, any cleaning, my date with Keith Olbermann, and tonight, another Nighty night. I do have my shows that I can’t miss… LOL.
I promise to post a couple earlier this evening, just for you Andi… I uploaded about another 20+ brand new flower pics last night, so I have plenty to pass around. Btw, our first daffodil opened up yesterday! The others are a bit behind and some aren’t even up yet, but with over 200 of them in the yard, we should have them around for a while… but wait until the tulips pop… you guys are gonna be treated but royally!
Can we get advance booking into Gitmo? I hear they have glazed chicken and ice cream there. I’ll be sure to let them know I would like a suite next door to Janet.
Reminds me of the movie The Road To Eldorado where the two main characters have been captured by Cortez (the conquistador dude). Cortez tells them “My crew was carefully chosen and I will not tolerate stowaways. You will be flogged and when we put into Cuba to resupply you will be flogged some more and then enslaved on the sugar plantations for the rest of your miserable lives. To the brig!”
To which Miguel replies, “All right . . . Cuba!“
That made me snort laugh!! π
I couldn’t think of anyone else to be holed up with that would make it as fun as you π
Round up the usual suspects!
out in the woods yet but I liked these shadows for no reason that I can explain.
cuz having the ability to catch them the right way is just tooooo cool! I always feel fortunate if I can catch a nifty shadow in a picture, and it correlates to what I found attractive about it in the first place. Doesn’t happen too often though… but then, I’m not an “F”!! They (and Olivia) stole all the photog talent…
I saw your comment from last night — no it is NOT uncool to recommend Froggybottom. You are the only one who follows directions. π
I love pictures with a play of light and dark in them but this one doesn’t really qualify as that — I just liked the extreme black and extension of the two dominant shadows.
and the photo. I love that we can all post photos of all the things that we enjoy, knowing that there will be other froggies here who do too.
I love seeing where you walk about w/ the three doggies too. π
pass out on the floor or you adopting WW’s dive-bomb visit technique?
So how’d it go with the carpet lady?
Hopefully she doesn’t read blogs — there was something I just didn’t like/trust about her. I think it started when she parked in someone else’s clearly marked carport and I suggested that she move her car and she responded, “Do you really think they’ll be back while I’m here?” Pfft. Are you kidding me? Move your effing car, that’s not a guest space. Other than that she was mostly nice, but.
So I decided to get another carpet guy to come out this eve and from our initial conversation, he sounded much more aligned with my ethical structure. Funny, when I asked him whether he did work for this one contractor I’m trying to avoid (the one I mentioned earlier who fought with Roomie) he goes, “No. But what is it about Flag that so many workers act like such assholes? It’s a small town, you’d think they’d be worried about word getting around but no one seems to care.” I laughed and agreed but didn’t tell him I’d just had that exact same conversation with you.
after the carpet guy?
You know, I was thinking about painting — I was thinking that I wouldn’t put a whole lot of money into that since people often want to re-paint anyway.
I’ve been at it all day and tomorrow it’s more of the same for most of the day. More movers, painters, gen’l contractors to do some finish work and a few minor repairs. I figure I’ll spend the weekend doing compare and contrast on all the estimates, and then hopefully hire & schedule on Monday.
We decided not to spend much on any of the work; it’s really just a face lift that the place pretty desperately needs. If we spent $8-10K in the kitchen we could probably get another $15-20K on the selling price, but those are the kind of thoughts we just don’t have time to have. Scheduling that work would be a bear unless I knew I had a really good contractor, and I don’t, plus we won’t be here while this work is being done so we don’t want to take the risk.
No fun. I know I don’t have to tell you this (but of course I do) — just make sure you take care of yourself while you’re trying to take of everything else.
It is so not fun. Plus I’m rather antisocial so all these people I don’t know traipsing through my house is driving me bats.
And it’s actually good that you remind me to look out for myself. From my childhood crap, I often need to be reminded of that. Thanks for looking out for me. π
How’s everyone else’s day going? I am pretty damn tired.
You are going to have to work hard to convince us that you are justifiably more tired than us since we know you are still young and in college.
What MaryB said… the way that woman can party would put a lot of today’s college kids to shame. Hehe. <waiting for slapdown from Mary>
all night partying or bs’ing with friends followed by a day of classes is very exhausting.
I know! I lived that life far longer than most humans should be allowed … and it was fun! I’m still a night owl, though a slightly more sober one than I used to be, hehe.
Iowa, gardening and a life of debauchery don’t seem to go together. Did you have a previous existence some place where there were more than 20 per square mile.
Uh huh. 20 per mile huh? I could only wish… there’s more than that on our short block! And no, it’s not debauchery anymore… I prefer my own invented term rebauchery, meaning it’s all worth doing again. But yeah, sneaky one, I’ve got a few dodgy previous existences I’m currently paying for. That’s why I’m so nice. SNORT
Ok, I’m outta here for now. Look for a bouquet later Andi, I will get something up in the lounge before 11:00 EDT.
Ciao for now, froggies.
Well, I fell asleep in two of my four classes today. I never fall asleep in class these days, especially since I got my glasses. Also, I think I’ve gone on 3-4 straight days of 6 hours of sleep or less, and being used to 8 hours, I’m pretty worn out. :/
clik image to enlarge
Afternoon folks…Beer:30’s early today after a verrrry early start. At least I discovered a rarity in the music library at the station this morning…2 cd set of Tim Hardin’s recoded work for Verve from 1964 – 66…very tasty!
Hump Day frogs anyone???
I made it through the day — I’m finally home! <falls flat on the floor all limp-like>
please get off the floor — you’ll get dog hairs all over yourself (it’s like that at everybody’s house, isn’t it).
Man, I sneaked into Olivia’s place while she was away at work and laid out on her floor a surprise gift made by my son.
A piece of 12 foot by 12 foot plywood with a collection of 6 year’s worth of various nails and tacks pounded into it.
I hope she likes it.
I’ve got 3 1/2 hours to go in the work day yet. Bleah.
On the other hand things seem to be going well at the office so that’s a Good Thing™. I might get out of here on time tonight.
Hang in there Omir! I’ve got another half hour before I can flee, then off to sign my tax return… arrgggh. And pay for having it done. Tonight may be a martini night around our house…
But we hit 73 today and everything’s greening up, the bulbs are flying forth and so far, no one has dropped a bag of dog poo on our step and lit it on fire, so I’d say it’s been a great day!
Yeah, I always like it when that happens (not being bliveted, that is). Our weather isn’t nearly as warm as yours but for Seattle, it’s about right.
I did my taxes in early March and my refund is long since spent. I don’t pay anyone to do my taxes unless you count buying a copy of TurboTax, but then again my tax requirements are pretty simple:
Line 1: How much money did you make last year? ___________
Line 2: Send it in ____________
73 degrees and you’re having martinis? I’ll be right over!
I have to put my tax junk together tonight/tomorrow morning…
Will probably tackle mine this weekend — the main thing is gathering all the assorted paperwork from the various financial institutions involved in the mess known as mom’s estate. Things got totally screwed up with the distribution of the IRAs, so we’re going to have to declare those as income it looks like. This should be the only year we’re screwed — following years will just be declaring all the interest on the assorted investments.
About to get the final distribution of the assets from the estate — my sister kept out about 55K to cover last minute bills, but turns out they only came out to about 1K. (Mom was very good about keeping up with bills.) Would like to stick that money directly in the credit union, but will probably have to keep hold of that to cover taxes. π
Did splurge on an external HD for the desktop — first backup will take about 3 hours so will do that when we go to bed tonight; regular backups will definitely make me feel better… π
I have a hockey pal’s rant that is deeeeelish. Got an open thread coming up?? It’s a keeeepah, I swear to Dawg!
A New Lounge is open.