I’m posting this for David Brown, a Link TV producer who is making a documentary of YearlyKos. Here’s an opportunity for 15 minutes of blogosphere fame!

(Feel free to spread the word!)
Letter to YearlyKos attendees,

I am producing an hour-long documentary for Link TV on the historic YearlyKos 2006 Conference.  In addition to airing the show this fall on Link TV national satellite channel, we will stream many new clips at LinkTV/YearlyKos and distribute the program on DVD.

We are seeking additional footage of the YearlyKos conference – panels and parties that we missed or any memorable or illuminating moments.  We’re also interested in blog entries that are unique, funny or especially striking visually, including innovative video blogs. Please send links to any blogs that you would recommend.

If you have footage or resources, we would greatly appreciate receiving email links, DVDs or videos (mini-DV or VHS) by mid-July if possible. Label anything you send clearly, and DON’T SEND YOUR VIDEO MASTERS UNLESS WE ASK IN ADVANCE. All contributors will receive on-air credit and have their websites identified as cross promotion.

Please email comments, resources, ideas or links to Dbrown@linktv.org.  Check out the video coverage already posted at LinkTV/YearlyKos.  Thanks!

David L. Brown
Link Media
