The difference between Democrats and Republicans has never seemed so stark. Yesterday John Kerry called for the removal of US troops from Iraq. By May 15th this year if Iraq can’t form a unity government; by the end of the year if they can:
Half of the service members listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall died after America’s leaders knew our strategy would not work. It was immoral then and it would be immoral now to engage in the same delusion. We want democracy in Iraq, but Iraqis must want it as much as we do. Our valiant soldiers can’t bring democracy to Iraq if Iraq’s leaders are unwilling themselves to make the compromises that democracy requires.
As our generals have said, the war cannot be won militarily. It must be won politically. No American soldier should be sacrificed because Iraqi politicians refuse to resolve their ethnic and political differences.
This is what is called learning from ones mistakes, and Iraq (pardon the expression) has been the mother of all mistakes for the United States. Kerry, who was squishy on Iraq for far too long at least now has admitted that it’s time to end this travesty, and close the chapter on the American occupation of Iraq. We can do nothing more there that can be helpful, and our continued presence as an occupier will only cause additional harm to both the Iraqi people and our own troops.
The Republicans, under George Bush, however, are nothing if not consistent: consistently wrongheaded, that is. You see, Bush and Co. are dead set on attacking Iran. Take a look at this:
(Continued below the fold . . . )
‘Two B-2s could take out Iran’s nuclear assets’
By Khalid Hasan
WASHINGTON: Iran’s nuclear weapons ambitions will be history by the time US President George W Bush leaves office, said a report published here.
Veteran foreign correspondent Arnaud de Borchgrave, writing for the United Press International, quotes a “prominent neo-con” with good White House and Department of Defence contacts, as the source of the assertion. Asked what would the US do if sanctions did not make Iran turn away from its nuclear target, the source replied, “B-2s. Two of them could do the job in a single strike against multiple targets.” […]
According to de Borchgrave, “This is also the British assessment of Bush’s intentions against Iran, a power whose president has vowed to wipe Israel off the map. Today (April 3, 2006), senior British officials met with defence and intelligence chiefs to assess the consequences of air strikes against Iran – as well as European and global repercussions…”
[Link to Arnoud de Borchgrave’s original story quoted above]
Many of you know I’m not exactly thrilled with the quality of the leadership in the Democratic Party. But at least this much is certain: had Kerry been elected as President in 2004 we would at least had a grown up in the White House, one who understands the difference between determined and decisive leadership and the stubborn refusal to acknowledge reality when it bites you in the ass.
Bush is poised to make the single greatest error in US military and foreign policy history. That would be beating his own record after Iraq, true, but Iran would be far worse. More terrorism, a more violent and destabilized Middle East, oil prices through the upper stratosphere and the possible collapse of the global economy. And that’s the most promising scenario.
And the truly sad part is that Rove will have the Republicans campaigning on this foolishly dangerous war plan this Fall. It will be 2002 all over again, only the letter following I-R-A will be changed. Somehow we have to get a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives to either impeach these monsters, or forestall any authorization for the use of military force.
Even then, that may not be enough, if Bush decides to exercise his Commander-in-Chief powers unilaterally, as he has done with the illegal spying programs conducted by the NSA. But it’s the best chance we have to prevent a catastrophe of monumental proportions for America and the world.
And Hillary won’t make a clear statement on either one.
Gore became a real Democrat after losing the election and Kerry’s becoming one after losing his election. When will a Democrat be a Democrat before the fucking election takes place?
I strongly disagree with your assertion or term “real Democrat”.
Gore stopped being a politician and became a statesman.
Kerry might be on the way to becoming a statesman, but still has a long ways to go. IMHO, if Kerry, in 2004, was the same man that spoke before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in 1971, he would be President now.
Hillary reamins s a hopeless, pandering politician.
Remember “Swift boating”? It was the 1971 hearing video that made Kerry into a cowering centrist.
Now this is true: If the Gore of today had been running in 2000, he would have been elected.
Gore had to overcome:
Yet, Gore won the popular vote.
Sure, Gore has became more passionate, but even the Gore of 2000 was a better and more qualified candidate than most in the field for 2008, if one thinks about it. Today’s Gore, if he runs, and the MSM biases were somehow mitigated, would win in nothing short of a landslide. Honestly.
Gore was getting things done
For starters,
These alone make him more Democratic and more progressive than most people out there.
And the worst part of this is that the neo-cons and Bush are going to be abslutely stunned when Iranian allies have the nerve to retaliate with terrorist attacks around the globe, which will lead to our attacking Iran again in response, which will lead to an ad nauseum loop of escalating destruction. God, these people are dumb.
Iranian allies have the nerve to retaliate with terrorist attacks
Will have the nerve…? WTF.
As far as I’m concerned Iran will be within it’s right attacking American targets if they get attacked first by the US.
I think shalimar was being snarky with her reference to Iranian nerve.
His reference, my first name is Steven, but yeah that’s what it was. I would fully expect the U.S. to respond to a similar attack, and I don’t believe in double standards. Iran would be well within their international rights as far as I’m concerned to retaliate in any way they choose for the bombing of their country.
Ooops. My bad.
But hey, cool first name. ;0)
No problem, I don’t think I have ever mentioned it before and it is probably natural to assume that someone in their mid-30s who helps care for a senior citizen is probably female. My 81-year old grandmother actually is doing great physically, it is her mind that is slipping enough that she requires aid with simple things. It’s sad when someone who was once a senior account executive with the government has trouble understanding things like phone plans and social security but she’s happy so things could be far worse.
And yes, Steven is a great name if I do say so myself.
Truly, we should all get out of debt, stack funds and food because we are facing not just another am-bush but Armageddon.
From American Progress Report Scroll down to Under the Radar
Imho, Iran won’t roll over and turn the other cheek. They’ve had over 25 years of hostilities toward the US and are not without retaliatory options – in Iraq and the straits of Hormuz. It’s left to the reader’s decision whether this be propanganda or not,
In the mid 90s the issue of Russian nuclear materials and warheads being readily available on the open market dominated news documentaries. One need not be an expert to ask a non-hypothetical: Where are these missing warheads, or have all Russian nuclear materials at unprotected sites been fully accounted?
Iran has the missiles but it is widely held they do not have warheads. What if…., the rian article is closer to the truth?
I remember those stories about Russian nukes too, and I just assume that Iran has a few of them even if they don’t have the ability to develop their own. Of course, I assumed that Iraq had bought several and was wrong about that, so who knows. Not that the administration probably cares either way, a nuked American city would spur unprecedented patriotism. I am so cynical sometimes that it makes me physically ill thinking about things that could happen.
Analysts and experts are in the same position –
but go read Steve Clemons’, The Washington Note following up on the American Jewish Committee full page ad in yesterday’s N.Y.Times-that the Iran nuclear program must be stopped at all cost, the must-read Nelson Report On Iran’s Flexing, the Plame Affair’s impact on our intelligence, CIA mistakes on Iran, Hans Blix, Ahmed Chalabi.
On Iran, Intelligence-Blind American War Planners Should Consult with the Better-Informed Israelis
By Arnaud de Borchgrave – Benador Associates
WASHINGTON D.C. March 15, 2006 — As President Bush’s closest advisers enter their fifth year of 16- to 20-hour days, physical and mental exhaustion appears to have produced a dearth of geopolitical thinking. Bush still sees translucent light at the end of the Iraqi tunnel he led the coalition into three years ago. Others are afraid this maybe the search party looking for survivors — or Iran’s Aladdin lamp showing Shiite Iraq how to rub it for a wish back to the dark ages of religious obscurantism.
To sort it all out, Congress has asked veteran bipartisan geopolitical thinkers James A. Baker III, the former Secretary of State, and Lee H. Hamilton, former chairman of the House International Relations Committee, and co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission, to lead an “Iraq Study Group” of 10 prominent Republicans and Democrats.
With the president’s “war on terror” ratings down to 36%, the Iraqi “rethink” group came not a moment too soon. Much bigger threats than civil war in Iraq already loom on horizon 2007. Israel is marking its new frontier with a 420-mile, $2.2 billion barrier that leaves Hamas free to cobble together a state from the patchwork of land left, sans East Jerusalem, which can be neither viable nor contiguous, as pledged by Bush. Intifada III is now only a matter of time — with rockets and missiles over the wall.
The New Israeli "Disengagement Plan" Map
● Middle East – Israel announces plans to annex more Palestinian land
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
As President Bush’s closest advisers enter their fifth year of 16- to 20-hour days
I think the author exagerrates a tad. Is it possible to go even a full month on only 4 hours sleep a night? At the least, we know from various stories over the years that Bush himself spends more time exercising than he does presidenting. I don’t doubt that his major advisors have no life whatsoever outside of their jobs, being in a position of extreme responsibility is like that, but this suggestion that they work superhuman hours is just silly.
Well, we know for certain Bush isn’t putting in those hours.
Definitely, I still remember a story from 2004 which stated that Bush couldn’t pay attention for more than half an hour at a time and they only had 2-3 hours of meetings a week because he wasn’t interested in more. If true, it is shocking how bad a president he is just based on his lack of interest in doing the job, before you start taking into account all of his administration’s failures.
The Dems “new” security plan is basically Kerry’s from the election. The phantom “timetable for withdrawal” was set by law in UNSCR 1546 as 31 Dec 2005, extended by 1637 to 31 December 2006, which both Kerry and Feingold use as a reference point. In essence they’re calling for upholding international agreements already in place.
The Iraqi government has the option of “terminating the mandate for the multinational force” at will, a provision in place since Feb 05 elections. Under the 1637 extension that mandate will be reviewed in June of this year. Yet another missing set of facts known by every member of the Executive branch and Congress.
Debating the issue without referencing existing law shows their disdain for, and arrogance towards the American public. Bah.
The push to bomb Iran is what scares me the most. Been warning of it for a while…posted “Danse Macabre — and the band played on” this morning, as yet another attempt to stir up action to put pressure on Congress to remove the AUMF. That’d eliminate the primary justification that Bush is using to abuse his Presidential authority.
We’ve got to do something, before the nuke genie is unleashed again.
there is no other possible reason, other than he wants to destroy the world.
I can’t wait till after the smoke rises after the last blast and the earth is quiet….then the first weed pops up through the rubble, indicating life will return – the peaceful life of plants.
Give me a BREAK!!!
You “Good Democrats” here should feel ashamed.
With good reason.
You know better or you wouldn’t be here.
you just lack the courage to jump off the cliff with the faith that you will indeed fall up…NOT down…if you do.
Time to take the risk.
Kerry Wants Out of Iraq; Bush Wants to Bomb Iran?
So the Dems are the good guys, the Ratpubs the bad guys?
This is utter bullshit.
If Small K kerry wanted out of Iraq:
A-Why didn’t he run on that platform?
B-Why did he support the invasion?
C-Why didn’t he run a better campaign?
D-Why did he run to Europe after the (stolen) election results were over and send little letters home about how it was time to move on
for “the good of the country” while John Conyers and others whaled fruitlessly away at the truth of the matter with no little or no support from the rest of the party?
E-Why did he not stand with Russ Feingold for censure?
And on and on and on and on…
Crooked and/or cowardly and/or stupid as the day is long.
FUCK these motherfuckers!!!
It’s too late for this halfway bullshit.
I suppose it’s OK when things are running on an even keel. Business as usual…the hustlers run the farm while real people have better things to do.
But no longer.
We are about to fall as a nation.
About to be cyber-fascized.
Fascism as enforced by media brainwashing and techno-spying.
And kerry is TOTALLY discredited.
I do not care WHAT he says.
He is just the kinder, gentler face of the same corporate system. ON THE EVIDENCE OF HIS REPEATED ACTIONS. He and the others like him need to be eliminated just as badly as do the Ratpublicans.
DemocRats and Ratpublicans.
The DemocRatpublican Party.
ANOTHER goddamned idea whose time has come.