Sunflowers for Russ is LIVE! Order now!
by willers [Subscribe]
Wed Apr 05, 2006 at 07:25:10 AM PSTWe’re a GO people! Wooooo!
The Sunflowers for Russ Campaign is now LIVE and ready to take your orders, thanks to the hard work of Danielle and Art at Coast to Coast Flowers. They will take the orders, process them as a batch, and deliver a combination of sunflowers and small American flags on Monday, April 24 when Congress is back in session after the spring break.
Here are your super secret access codes (please tell everyone you know about them):
1-800-560-0501 is our own direct line for the Sunflowers for Russ Campaign!
Here is the custom online form if you would rather fill that out, but you can only order by phone so leave your phone number and they’ll call you back.
More below…
willers’s diary :: ::
You can write your own sentiment, or you can use this default one:
“Dear Senator Feingold, thank you so much for your bravery, patriotism and integrity. We support your efforts to restore honesty to our government. Let these sunflowers and flags represent the bright spirit of America and be a beacon of hope for a brighter tomorrow. Again, thank you.”
Again, the delivery date is Monday, April 24, so please get the word out as fast as possible. I’ll keep posting diaries here, and I’ll post it to the Feingold08 Yahoo Group and some other political Yahoo Groups I’m on. If someone from DemocraticUnderground could run with this, that would be awesome, and any other major sites or blogs. I need all the help I can get with this!
We need a huge showing, not only to get the best bulk price possible from the florist (more flowers per order!) but also to send a huge message. Not only will Russ understand the impact of having his office filled with sunflowers and flags, everyone else on the hill will also pay attention. And maybe some people, like Barbara Boxer, will feel just a teeny bit jealous.
If you would rather send a cash donation to the Progressive Patriots Fund, please do, but remember that money is more of an invisible message… thousands of sunflowers and American flags simply cannot be ignored. If you’re donating instead, I suggest either $17.76 or $20.08 to send a message to Russ, and if you could make it on April 24th that would be even more powerful.
Okay, I’m off for now… if I think of anything else I’ll post it below. I’m so excited about this — I can’t wait to see the photos on the 24th!
Please spread the word far & wide. Let’s show Russ some Luv!
I can’t hang around b/c I have to work tonite & I have to sleep. I’ll try to check in later, before work, or tomorrow morning.
If anyone here is known on DU or other blogs, & you like this idea, please feel free to spread it around. Just give willers the props.
Let’s make April 24, 2006 a very sunny day for Russ Feingold!
send a picture of a sunflower, and $10 to his PAC…but that’s just me…
I’m going to do both.
After seeing the pictures of Helen Thomas standing amidst all those bouquets of roses, I’m full on board for this effort.
Imagine Senators and staffers having to pick their way through a maze of flowers spilling out of Russ’s office. It would be a spectacle; that’s what I think we’re going for.
Imagine Senators and staffers having to pick their way through a maze of flowers spilling out of Russ’s office.
No need to imagine. Watch it in Barbara Boxer’s Kos-diary from Valentine’s Day last year. Scroll down for the pictures. Quite powerful.
But try to schedule it for 4/24/06. Then we’re all in on it. It would be way cool for Russ’s coffers to swell on the same day he gets the Suns! & even pics of Suns!
4/24/06. Sun Day!
“Sunshine is the best disinfectant”
Just sent this out to the SF Kossacks Yahoo list! Woo Hoo…
I’m in for at least $20 of flowers…as soon as I stop typing!
Let’s hawk it on C&J tomorrow too! LOL!
Think you can dig up some pootie pics w/Sunflowers?
and I went ahead and post this link on C&J Yahoo!
The more the merrier!
Totally awesome cool.
Can’t wait to see his face on 4/24/06.
(He’ll be the “Special Guest” at a fundraiser for our Mayor.)
If you email me a message for the Senator, I’ll print it out, and hand-deliver.
bmasel at tds dot net