I think the blur in the lower right corner comes from the curve of the tree being farther from the lens than the focus of the subject. So what I’ve learned so far is the angle of the camera with respect to the surface is critical, should be as close to 90 degrees with respect to a sight line through the lens.
Also with both flash and sun it seems I get a shadow from either the camera body, or projected lens on some of the shots.
You’ve already thought about this process a lot more than I have — which is why I’m probably so bad at it. I can see that this is going to be a lot of fun for you and I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do.
Think of a macro shot like one of those glamor shots of the stars back in the 30s and 40s. The photographers were using cameras that could tilt the film to throw part of the picture out of focus as well as using large apertures. They wanted only the best feature of the star in sharp focus. Usually it was the eyes and the smile. Everything else was softened and sort of dreamy looking.
What I wish someone would come up with is a camera that has a CCD equivalent to a 4×5 piece of film and a bellows lens. Basically a medium-format digital camera. I was intrigued when I first found out how you can use the bellows-mounted lens to get a shot of a tall building that doesn’t look completely perspective-distorted, for instance.
Such a camera would probably cost a couple of kiloducats, though.
a branch that’s been pruned, about the width of a little finger. I’m guessing not long ago due to the freshness of the wound.
The tree is boxelder, the only one around here that I know of that gets burls. It’s in the maple family, so the native Americans used to tap the tree like a maple sugar tree. Not as high a sugar content as maple, 80/1 instead of 60/1 gallons per gallon of syrup.
I love your title — and congrats on your first. This is a tricky subject matter to tackle right off too, b/c with bark you’re getting more at textures and subtle colour changes. I’d say it’s a success!
And isn’t it neat how you’ve given us two wholly different perspectives on the tree: the one from this morning and now this. 🙂
to post this picture which shows the aftereffects of lichen on sandstone — the lichen eat the ‘glue’ that hold the rock together and so the rock actually peels.
Of course, now that I know that wasn’t a fungus in NDD’s picture, my comment which caused Jim to want to post this picture is all wrong. Fortunately the picture is still a nice one.
that’s what I find so weird about photos in that out of context it hard to figure out what the heck is going on. I never did yet my mind wrapped around your close up of the little waterfall, with the trees reflected off it, or whatever the heck it was…
well then that’s what was throwing me off, part of my mind was fighting with the flat surface reflection and another part was creating some effect at 90deg to the surface, how weird is that?
Just checking in. I have been home all evening but was too tired to mess with the computer. Took a 2 hour nap with the puppies and been working on some designs. Hope everyone had a great day!!!!
Yeah, that is neat, and what’s even neater is I’ve got some of those at the rural location, and have been trying to get a shot of them, but the location is bad for light, and they’re not as spread out as nicely as yours.
I can see it now, dada dozing, sees coors on screen, eyes buggin’ out, veins on forehead swelled up, frothing at the mouth…
Even the rednecks don’t drink it anymore since it arrived here. Coors was only popular here back in the late sixties when it was exotic, brought here by travellers returning to the state.
The popular beers here at the time were, Schiltz, Hamms, Schmidt, and Grain Belt. Grain Belt we quit on after we’d left it in a slough for a week or two and we all puked on the first half can. Guess two feet into the slough hadn’t kept it cool enough.
Anyway, relative to the above, Coors was quite exotic. And at the time we were not aware of the fascist ownership.
Now, however, we attack the off sale’s inventory with small axes, hatchets, as they did during prohibition, ha!
Live acting. The local repertory theater. The actual theater is on the campus of Webster University — where Katiebird’s daughter goes to school.
Probably was a movie. But I never saw that either. In fact, the lady behind me said something about seeing it with Marlene Dietrich? That was probably the movie.
Murder myster/big trial scenes. I’m usually bored by trial shows because they are so unreal, but this wasn’t bad.
I like live theater but I don’t go enough. I especially like the local repertory companies where you see the same actors over and over in different parts. Shows their versatility.
you grew up with some bad beer my friend…I dare not post what we used to call Schlitz, and no it doesn’t rhyme…Hamms rated just below Old Milwaukee, which was just below PBR and I never heard of Grain Belt.
Painful memories those…then I discovered the wonders of Mescale, Tequila, Rum and assorted other vices…led astray by women and the wicked ways of sin and forever grateful.
Thank you dada! Took me a while to work my way through the thread, but so much great talk about the beers of my childhood/youth. Not that I drank them in childhood, but I remember them well…
No one mentioned (that I saw) that when you used to buy a 12 pack of Grain Belt in bottles, you got a free fishing lure. I think that’s one of the reasons my dad bought it, LOL.
Cool beery memories flowing here tonnight, and great photography by NDD and the Fs!
Now, back to your regularly scheduled program… You guys still doing fine?
That’s not regression it’s my usual mode of being, lol. I’m a night owl who pays for it at work some days. Hope I can rustle up a good pic to post in a bit, but NDD and the Fs have got me beat tonight, I fear… not to mention WW’s awesome one.
seeing everybody’s photos is really a nice part of the FBC. I really like the divergent approaches to subject and treatment and we all get to see some really cool stuff.
hey that was the high grade stuff, Red White and Blue, and Buckhorn were only $1.00 per six pack when the rest were 1.50. I forgot old mil, used to get a 24 of that for 3.80 at Chub’s Pub, warm of course, so you had to plan ahead.
Well, I’m headin’ down for the count, folks.Supposedly I’ve got a headcold to take care of.
I’ll see you soon – barring power disaster or beautiful weather. ‘Night!
Ayup. and they won 6-2 against the EvilHstedAthletics. (My three favorite teams are the Mariners, whoever’s playing the Yankees, and whoever’s playing Oakland.) Gil Meche did a fine job through six innings and change. He gave up a home run to Eric Chavez, but c’mon, who hasn’t?
The M’s are now 3-1 on the year. I don’t know how they’ll finish, but since 1991 when they have a winning April, they’ve had a winning season. Here’s hoping.
crested in Fargo that last night we talked about it, Wed night I think.6PM news said cities in northern ND, close to Canadian border are cresting tonight.
…The Red River at Fargo has dropped more than 6 inches since its peak early Wednesday, prompting area officials to begin talking about cleanup efforts.
The river, which leveled off late Tuesday and crested at 37.18 feet about 2 a.m. Wednesday, receded to 36.62 feet at 8 a.m. today…
No homes were lost during the flood fight in Fargo and only two homeowners in Cass County have reported losing their basements.
link here probably not worth wasting your time on.
just for NDD and his picture.
A shot from yesterday, on same tree posted here this morning.
And thanks to AndiF’s and olivia’s kind assistance
I have my first outdoor macro shot;
Jim approves heartily — he loves taking macro shots of fungus, lichen, and mosses.
And good start — I’d say my first 100 macros shots were pretty much blurry fuzz. Actually most of my macro shots of blurry fuzz.
I think the blur in the lower right corner comes from the curve of the tree being farther from the lens than the focus of the subject. So what I’ve learned so far is the angle of the camera with respect to the surface is critical, should be as close to 90 degrees with respect to a sight line through the lens.
Also with both flash and sun it seems I get a shadow from either the camera body, or projected lens on some of the shots.
You’ve already thought about this process a lot more than I have — which is why I’m probably so bad at it. I can see that this is going to be a lot of fun for you and I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do.
Depth of field on a macro shot is so shallow that even a difference of a few mm. from the lens can make part of the shot out of focus.
that’s even more critical than I would have expected it to be, but makes sense now that I think about it. Thanks for that tip.
I can see that going from one type of shot to another is going to be another complexity of a learning experience.
Think of a macro shot like one of those glamor shots of the stars back in the 30s and 40s. The photographers were using cameras that could tilt the film to throw part of the picture out of focus as well as using large apertures. They wanted only the best feature of the star in sharp focus. Usually it was the eyes and the smile. Everything else was softened and sort of dreamy looking.
Interesting! I knew they had tricks, but I didn’t realize exactly how they were doing it.
I had another one I was going to throw into the discussion, but it’s not in my photobucket, so it’ll have to wait for another night.
The things you learn at Booman Tribune.
What I wish someone would come up with is a camera that has a CCD equivalent to a 4×5 piece of film and a bellows lens. Basically a medium-format digital camera. I was intrigued when I first found out how you can use the bellows-mounted lens to get a shot of a tall building that doesn’t look completely perspective-distorted, for instance.
Such a camera would probably cost a couple of kiloducats, though.
Beautiful shot, NDD — great forms & shadows.
What are we seeing in the frame’s center? It reminds me of an aging Krispy Kreme.
I’m also curious about the species of tree. That’s pretty amazing bark!
a branch that’s been pruned, about the width of a little finger. I’m guessing not long ago due to the freshness of the wound.
The tree is boxelder, the only one around here that I know of that gets burls. It’s in the maple family, so the native Americans used to tap the tree like a maple sugar tree. Not as high a sugar content as maple, 80/1 instead of 60/1 gallons per gallon of syrup.
NDD — you’re a smart and talented cookie.
Thanks for info. Funny — I was seeing the center form as something entirely different. Now I see the photo entirely differently.
I’ve just read about native uses for boxelder recently, so it’s great to actually see one. Maples are far, far more common here.
I love your title — and congrats on your first. This is a tricky subject matter to tackle right off too, b/c with bark you’re getting more at textures and subtle colour changes. I’d say it’s a success!
And isn’t it neat how you’ve given us two wholly different perspectives on the tree: the one from this morning and now this. 🙂
to post this picture which shows the aftereffects of lichen on sandstone — the lichen eat the ‘glue’ that hold the rock together and so the rock actually peels.
Wow — that’s quite amazing. Lovely forms!
Nature is very accommodating that way which is certainly lovely for us.
That is the coolest photo.
rocks rock. 😉
Of course, now that I know that wasn’t a fungus in NDD’s picture, my comment which caused Jim to want to post this picture is all wrong. Fortunately the picture is still a nice one.
that’s what I find so weird about photos in that out of context it hard to figure out what the heck is going on. I never did yet my mind wrapped around your close up of the little waterfall, with the trees reflected off it, or whatever the heck it was…
It wasn’t a waterfall. It was just a very close-in shot of the trees reflected in one of the creeks.
well then that’s what was throwing me off, part of my mind was fighting with the flat surface reflection and another part was creating some effect at 90deg to the surface, how weird is that?
Goal for this weekend: put up some shots from the Utah trip on a website & grade a ton of papers.
and be sure I get the heads-up post when the goal is completed.
Can’t wait. You can use the photos as a carrot for getting through the grading — although, you might enjoy grading… 🙂
Yeah, great shot! And what continually amazes me is these never ending oddities in nature, and most folks walk by them in oblivion.
That’s right — on their way home to seek out video stimulation!
We miss so very much that’s offered us gratis, commercial free.
about doing photography — it makes you look and teaches you to see.
Just checking in. I have been home all evening but was too tired to mess with the computer. Took a 2 hour nap with the puppies and been working on some designs. Hope everyone had a great day!!!!
More macro shots!
I’m glad I stayed way past my bedtime to enjoy the photos and the discussion. Too bad maryb wasn’t here to see the geezer be almost a night owl.
Olivia, I hope you feel better tomorrow.
Good night everybody.
sweet dreams andi!!!!
We may even invent a certificate for you!
Thanks for the comments, encouragement and info inputs on the photo project.
Have a good night, Andi. Sorry you’ve missed seeing my fungus!
and all other PDXers – kos and jerome will be at the lucky lab sunday (3:30 – 7:00) and a bunch of us plan to invade.
see you there?
Thought I’d share an image of a favorite, called ‘turkeytails’. I think they’re great!
Neat photo!
Lichens and fungus move at my kind of speed for photography.
BTW. Andi saw your picture. I got her out of bed before she fell asleep. Good night.
I’m honored, Jim. Gosh.
Good night to you! (Though I’m sure you’ve left).
Yeah, that is neat, and what’s even neater is I’ve got some of those at the rural location, and have been trying to get a shot of them, but the location is bad for light, and they’re not as spread out as nicely as yours.
Take a few shots anyway. See what happens!
This was one of my first macro shots of fungi; focusing was very trippy.
Turkeytails is a good descriptor!
it’s been a !@#$%& day.
and if you know what it is you get a double shot for the price of one.
Were you able to raise a grubstake for the necessities you mentioned earlier.
Coors was sold in ND. I never heard of Abstenancy, whatever it is, until the pie-, I mean, the discussion on the cleavage ad here at BT.
If you drink that you’re in need of some serious counseling…sheesh…who’d a thunk? Mercy.
I can see it now, dada dozing, sees coors on screen, eyes buggin’ out, veins on forehead swelled up, frothing at the mouth…
Even the rednecks don’t drink it anymore since it arrived here. Coors was only popular here back in the late sixties when it was exotic, brought here by travellers returning to the state.
The popular beers here at the time were, Schiltz, Hamms, Schmidt, and Grain Belt. Grain Belt we quit on after we’d left it in a slough for a week or two and we all puked on the first half can. Guess two feet into the slough hadn’t kept it cool enough.
Anyway, relative to the above, Coors was quite exotic. And at the time we were not aware of the fascist ownership.
Now, however, we attack the off sale’s inventory with small axes, hatchets, as they did during prohibition, ha!
I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I think its beer?
Adolf Coors family.
Did you see Andi made a record setting nightowl stretch tonight,
10:30PM can you believe it?
I CAN’T believe it. I’m sorry I missed it 🙁
I’ll tell her tomorrow.
And I missed all the fungus shots too. Gee, what a shame.
yeah, she seemed very disappointed that you weren’t here.
oh well.
I went to the theater. Witness for the Prosecution, and oldie but goodie (although I’d never seen it before).
sounds familiar, assuming theater means live acting, was there ever a movie?
Live acting. The local repertory theater. The actual theater is on the campus of Webster University — where Katiebird’s daughter goes to school.
Probably was a movie. But I never saw that either. In fact, the lady behind me said something about seeing it with Marlene Dietrich? That was probably the movie.
Murder myster/big trial scenes. I’m usually bored by trial shows because they are so unreal, but this wasn’t bad.
sounds like fun. I haven’t been to one in a very long time even though there are a number of venues for it in town.
Musical events seem to win out in the time competition.
I like live theater but I don’t go enough. I especially like the local repertory companies where you see the same actors over and over in different parts. Shows their versatility.
How’s the Red River? Did it officially crest?
you grew up with some bad beer my friend…I dare not post what we used to call Schlitz, and no it doesn’t rhyme…Hamms rated just below Old Milwaukee, which was just below PBR and I never heard of Grain Belt.
Painful memories those…then I discovered the wonders of Mescale, Tequila, Rum and assorted other vices…led astray by women and the wicked ways of sin and forever grateful.
Hamms had a great song
From the land of sky blue water, (water)
that if you drank enough Hamms they’d give you a TV.
the Hamms Bear

Cool…Yogi, eat yer heart out.
The bear was great!
Thank you dada! Took me a while to work my way through the thread, but so much great talk about the beers of my childhood/youth. Not that I drank them in childhood, but I remember them well…
No one mentioned (that I saw) that when you used to buy a 12 pack of Grain Belt in bottles, you got a free fishing lure. I think that’s one of the reasons my dad bought it, LOL.
Cool beery memories flowing here tonnight, and great photography by NDD and the Fs!
Now, back to your regularly scheduled program… You guys still doing fine?
Doin’ fine…waitin’ for Friday.
That’s not regression it’s my usual mode of being, lol. I’m a night owl who pays for it at work some days. Hope I can rustle up a good pic to post in a bit, but NDD and the Fs have got me beat tonight, I fear… not to mention WW’s awesome one.
seeing everybody’s photos is really a nice part of the FBC. I really like the divergent approaches to subject and treatment and we all get to see some really cool stuff.
waters were pretty neat too.
Hey, you guys are supposed to ask how much beer did you have to drink to win the TV.
see reply to marb just below.
the answer posted right above “Leaker in Chief” in recent comments LMAO.
what are the odds?
oh that’s a classic! I’ll have to go look.
did you have to drink to win the TV?
Oh goodie I’ve got both of your attentions.
Well, ya didn’t get the TV till you’d drank enough Hamms to pee SKY BLUE WATERS
ha ha ha
thanks for playing along, haven’t been able to tell that for a couple of decades… at least.
I second what Mary says! But it was worth waiting for…
How’s things down your way Mary?
Rainy, but not stormy.
Don’t post your picture yet, I’m going to open up a replacement cafe.
Just let me know when, and yeah, it’s rainy here too, but nothing like the t-storms they were predicting…
hey that was the high grade stuff, Red White and Blue, and Buckhorn were only $1.00 per six pack when the rest were 1.50. I forgot old mil, used to get a 24 of that for 3.80 at Chub’s Pub, warm of course, so you had to plan ahead.
Boones Farm Apple Wine.
I did. That was highschool stuff.
problem was I wasn’t in high school at the time,ha!
sadly enough, i do. you ain’t messin’ around!
well, I ain’t never over done that like I’ve over done tequila, but I could about imagine… not a pretty sight.
Good night olivia, thanks for the photo pheedback!
Hope tomorrow finds you feeling better. Have a good night & a good rest!
Well, I’m headin’ down for the count, folks.Supposedly I’ve got a headcold to take care of.
I’ll see you soon – barring power disaster or beautiful weather. ‘Night!
we want you at 100% in two days time… if not sooner.
Try some hot lemonade, that what my aunt Mabel used to recommend.
How are we tonight?
Those are some cool pictures. Especially those turkey tails. Never seen them before, in a picture or otherwise.
Did the mariners play today?
Ayup. and they won 6-2 against the EvilHstedAthletics. (My three favorite teams are the Mariners, whoever’s playing the Yankees, and whoever’s playing Oakland.) Gil Meche did a fine job through six innings and change. He gave up a home run to Eric Chavez, but c’mon, who hasn’t?
The M’s are now 3-1 on the year. I don’t know how they’ll finish, but since 1991 when they have a winning April, they’ve had a winning season. Here’s hoping.
Once again you have come in right before the cleaning crew. Come on over to the new lounge.
I’m already there, although I have to take a few minutes to go take my medicine, brush my teeth and otherwise get ready for bed.
crested in Fargo that last night we talked about it, Wed night I think.6PM news said cities in northern ND, close to Canadian border are cresting tonight.
…The Red River at Fargo has dropped more than 6 inches since its peak early Wednesday, prompting area officials to begin talking about cleanup efforts.
The river, which leveled off late Tuesday and crested at 37.18 feet about 2 a.m. Wednesday, receded to 36.62 feet at 8 a.m. today…
No homes were lost during the flood fight in Fargo and only two homeowners in Cass County have reported losing their basements.
link here probably not worth wasting your time on.
Everybody hop on over to the new Lounge.